import cvxpy as cp import numpy as np import time def place_grid(robot_locations, cell_size, grid_size=5, subgoals=[], obstacles=[]): """ Place a grid to cover robot locations with alignment to centers. inputs: - robot_locations (list): locations of robots involved in conflict [[x,y], [x,y], ...] - cell_size (float): the width of each grid cell in continuous space - grid_size (tuple): width of the grid in cells - obstacles (list): locations of circular obstacles [[x,y,r], [x,y,r], ...] outputs: - origin (tuple): bottom-left corner of the grid in continuous space - cell_centers (list): centers of grid cells for each robot (same order as robot_locations) """ start_time = time.time() robot_locations = np.array(robot_locations) subgoals = np.array(subgoals) obstacles = np.array(obstacles) num_robots = len(robot_locations) num_obst = len(obstacles) M_ind = 10 * grid_size # Big M relative to grid indices M_cts = 10 * max(max(robot_locations[:,0]) - min(robot_locations[:,0]), max(robot_locations[:,1]) - min(robot_locations[:,1])) # Big M relative to robot locations # Decision variable: Bottom-left corner of the grid in continuous space bottom_left = cp.Variable(2, name='origin') # Defin top right for convenience top_right = bottom_left + grid_size * cell_size # Decision variable: Integer grid indices for each robot grid_indices = cp.Variable((num_robots, 2), integer=True, name='grid_indices') # Calculate cell centers for each robot based on grid indices # Reshape origin to (1, 2) for broadcasting cell_centers = cp.reshape(bottom_left, (1, 2), order='C') + grid_indices * cell_size + cell_size / 2 overlaps = cp.Variable((num_obst, num_robots), boolean=True) # Objective: Minimize the sum of squared distances and robot cell / obstacle overlaps alpha = 1 cost = cp.sum_squares(robot_locations - cell_centers) + alpha * cp.sum(overlaps) # Constraints constraints = [] # Grid indices must be non-negative constraints.append(grid_indices >= 0) # Grid indices must fit within grid bounds constraints.append(grid_indices <= grid_size - 1) # No two robots can share a cell # Use Big M method to ensure unique grid indices for i in range(num_robots): for j in range(i+1, num_robots): # At least one of the two constraints below must be true xsep = cp.Variable(boolean=True) ysep = cp.Variable(boolean=True) constraints.append(xsep + ysep >= 1) # Enforces separation by at least 1 in the x direction b0 = cp.Variable(boolean=True) # b0 = 0 if robot i's x >= robot j's x, 1 otherwise # b0 = 0 constraints.append(robot_locations[j, 0] - robot_locations[i, 0] <= M_cts * b0) constraints.append(grid_indices[i, 0] - grid_indices[j, 0] + M_ind * b0 + M_ind * (1 - xsep) >= 1) # b0 = 1 constraints.append(robot_locations[i, 0] - robot_locations[j, 0] <= M_cts * (1 - b0)) constraints.append(grid_indices[j, 0] - grid_indices[i, 0] + M_ind * (1 - b0) + M_ind * (1 - xsep) >= 1) # Enforces separation by at least 1 in the y direction b1 = cp.Variable(boolean=True) # b1 = 0 if robot i's y >= robot j's y, 1 otherwise # b1 = 0 constraints.append(robot_locations[j, 1] - robot_locations[i, 1] <= M_cts * b1) constraints.append(grid_indices[i, 1] - grid_indices[j, 1] + M_ind * b1 + M_ind * (1 - ysep) >= 1) # b1 = 1 constraints.append(robot_locations[i, 1] - robot_locations[j, 1] <= M_cts * (1 - b1)) constraints.append(grid_indices[j, 1] - grid_indices[i, 1] + M_ind * (1 - b1) + M_ind * (1 - ysep) >= 1) # All robots and subgoals must be within grid bounds for loc in robot_locations: constraints.append(bottom_left <= loc) constraints.append(loc <= top_right) for sg in subgoals: constraints.append(bottom_left <= sg) constraints.append(sg <= top_right) for obst_idx, (cx, cy, r) in enumerate(obstacles): for i in range(num_robots): # Define temp binary variables for each condition temp_x_min = cp.Variable(boolean=True) temp_x_max = cp.Variable(boolean=True) temp_y_min = cp.Variable(boolean=True) temp_y_max = cp.Variable(boolean=True) # Define the obstacle's bounds in grid coordinates x_min = (cx - r - bottom_left[0]) / cell_size x_max = (cx + r - bottom_left[0]) / cell_size y_min = (cy - r - bottom_left[1]) / cell_size y_max = (cy + r - bottom_left[1]) / cell_size # Enforce that robots cannot occupy cells overlapping with obstacles buffer = 0.05 constraints.append(grid_indices[i, 0] + 1 + buffer <= x_min + M_ind * (1 - temp_x_min)) constraints.append(grid_indices[i, 0] - buffer >= x_max - M_ind * (1 - temp_x_max)) constraints.append(grid_indices[i, 1] + 1 + buffer <= y_min + M_ind * (1 - temp_y_min)) constraints.append(grid_indices[i, 1] - buffer >= y_max - M_ind * (1 - temp_y_max)) temp_x_sep = cp.Variable(boolean=True) temp_y_sep = cp.Variable(boolean=True) constraints.append(temp_x_min + temp_x_max >= 1 - temp_x_sep) constraints.append(temp_y_min + temp_y_max >= 1 - temp_y_sep) constraints.append(overlaps[obst_idx, i] <= temp_x_sep) constraints.append(overlaps[obst_idx, i] <= temp_y_sep) constraints.append(overlaps[obst_idx, i] >= temp_x_sep + temp_y_sep - 1) # Solve the optimization problem prob_init_start_time = time.time() prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cost), constraints) solve_start_time = time.time() prob.solve(solver=cp.SCIP, verbose=True) solve_end_time = time.time() print("Time to add vars/constraints:", prob_init_start_time - start_time) print("Time to parse:", solve_start_time - prob_init_start_time) print("Time to solve:", solve_end_time - solve_start_time) if prob.status != "optimal": print("Problem could not be solved to optimality.") return None print(f"Number of obstacle/robot-cell overlaps: {int(np.sum(overlaps.value))}/{num_obst*num_robots}") print(f"Cost: {cost.value}") return bottom_left.value, cell_centers.value # Working on making this convex def two_corner_place_grid(robot_locations, grid_size=5, subgoals=[], obstacles=[]): """ Place a grid to cover robot locations with alignment to centers. inputs: - robot_locations (list): locations of robots involved in conflict [[x,y], [x,y], ...] - cell_size (float): the width of each grid cell in continuous space - grid_size (tuple): width of the grid in cells - obstacles (list): locations of circular obstacles [[x,y,r], [x,y,r], ...] outputs: - origin (tuple): bottom-left corner of the grid in continuous space - cell_centers (list): centers of grid cells for each robot (same order as robot_locations) """ start_time = time.time() robot_locations = np.array(robot_locations) subgoals = np.array(subgoals) obstacles = np.array(obstacles) N = len(robot_locations) # Decision variable: Bottom-left corner of the grid in continuous space bottom_left = cp.Variable(2, name='bottom_left') top_right = cp.Variable(2, name='top_right') # Bottom-right and top-left corners of the grid for convenience # bottom_right = 0.5 * cp.hstack([bottom_left[0] + top_right[0] - bottom_left[1] + top_right[1], # bottom_left[0] - top_right[0] + bottom_left[1] + top_right[1]]) # top_left = 0.5 * cp.hstack([bottom_left[0] + top_right[0] + bottom_left[1] - top_right[1], # -bottom_left[0] + top_right[0] + bottom_left[1] + top_right[1]]) bottom_right = cp.Variable(2, name='bottom_right') top_left = cp.Variable(2, name='top_left') grid_x_hat = cp.Variable(2, name='grid_x_hat') grid_y_hat = cp.Variable(2, name='grid_y_hat') # Decision variable: Integer grid indices for each robot grid_indices = cp.Variable((N, 2), integer=True, name='grid_indices') # Calculate cell centers for each robot based on grid indices # Reshape origin to (1, 2) for broadcasting grid_x_offsets = cp.Variable((N, 2), name='grid_x_offsets') grid_y_offsets = cp.Variable((N, 2), name='grid_y_offsets') cell_centers = cp.reshape(bottom_left, (1, 2), order='C') + grid_x_offsets + grid_y_offsets # Objective: Minimize the sum of squared distances cost = cp.sum_squares(robot_locations - cell_centers) # Constraints constraints = [] # Ensure top-right and bottom-left corners are in the right orientation constraints.append(top_right >= bottom_left) # Fixing bottom-right and top-left corners constraints.append(2 * bottom_right[0] == bottom_left[0] + top_right[0] - bottom_left[1] + top_right[1]) constraints.append(2 * bottom_right[1] == bottom_left[0] - top_right[0] + bottom_left[1] + top_right[1]) constraints.append(2 * top_left[0] == bottom_left[0] + top_right[0] + bottom_left[1] - top_right[1]) constraints.append(2 * top_left[1] == -bottom_left[0] + top_right[0] + bottom_left[1] + top_right[1]) # Defining grid_x_hat and grid_y_hat based on corners constraints.append(grid_x_hat == (bottom_right - bottom_left) * (1 / grid_size)) constraints.append(grid_y_hat == (top_left - bottom_left) * (1 / grid_size)) # Defining offsets in cell centers calculation constraints.append(grid_x_offsets == grid_x_hat * grid_indices) # Grid indices must be non-negative constraints.append(grid_indices >= 0) # Grid indices must fit within grid bounds constraints.append(grid_indices <= grid_size - 1) # No two robots can share a cell # Use Big M method to ensure unique grid indices M_ind = 10 * grid_size # Big M relative to grid indices M_cts = 10 * max(max(robot_locations[:,0]) - min(robot_locations[:,0]), max(robot_locations[:,1]) - min(robot_locations[:,1])) # Big M relative to robot locations for i in range(N): for j in range(i+1, N): # At least one of the two constraints below must be true xsep = cp.Variable(boolean=True) ysep = cp.Variable(boolean=True) constraints.append(xsep + ysep >= 1) # Enforces separation by at least 1 in the x direction b0 = cp.Variable(boolean=True) # b0 = 0 if robot i's x >= robot j's x, 1 otherwise # b0 = 0 constraints.append(robot_locations[j, 0] - robot_locations[i, 0] <= M_cts * b0) constraints.append(grid_indices[i, 0] - grid_indices[j, 0] + M_ind * b0 + M_ind * (1 - xsep) >= 1) # b0 = 1 constraints.append(robot_locations[i, 0] - robot_locations[j, 0] <= M_cts * (1 - b0)) constraints.append(grid_indices[j, 0] - grid_indices[i, 0] + M_ind * (1 - b0) + M_ind * (1 - xsep) >= 1) # Enforces separation by at least 1 in the y direction b1 = cp.Variable(boolean=True) # b1 = 0 if robot i's y >= robot j's y, 1 otherwise # b1 = 0 constraints.append(robot_locations[j, 1] - robot_locations[i, 1] <= M_cts * b1) constraints.append(grid_indices[i, 1] - grid_indices[j, 1] + M_ind * b1 + M_ind * (1 - ysep) >= 1) # b1 = 1 constraints.append(robot_locations[i, 1] - robot_locations[j, 1] <= M_cts * (1 - b1)) constraints.append(grid_indices[j, 1] - grid_indices[i, 1] + M_ind * (1 - b1) + M_ind * (1 - ysep) >= 1) # Solve the optimization problem prob_init_start_time = time.time() prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cost), constraints) solve_start_time = time.time() prob.solve(solver=cp.SCIP) solve_end_time = time.time() print("Time to add vars/constraints:", prob_init_start_time - start_time) print("Time to parse:", solve_start_time - prob_init_start_time) print("Time to solve:", solve_end_time - solve_start_time) if prob.status != "optimal": print("Problem could not be solved to optimality.") return None print("Grid Indices:", grid_indices.value) return bottom_left.value, cell_centers.value def mccormick_envelope(w, x, xl, xu, y, yl, yu): """ Generates McCormick envelope constraints """ mec = [] mec.append(w >= xl*y + x*yl - xl*yl) mec.append(w >= xu*y + x*yu - xu*yu) mec.append(w <= xu*y + x*yl - xu*yl) mec.append(w >= x*yu + xl*y - xl*yu) return mec def plot_grid(bottom_left, top_right, grid_size): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt bottom_left = np.array(bottom_left) top_right = np.array(top_right) bottom_right = np.array([bottom_left[0] + top_right[0] - bottom_left[1] + top_right[1], bottom_left[0] - top_right[0] + bottom_left[1] + top_right[1]]) / 2 top_left = np.array([bottom_left[0] + top_right[0] + bottom_left[1] - top_right[1], -bottom_left[0] + top_right[0] + bottom_left[1] + top_right[1]]) / 2 x_prime_hat = (bottom_right - bottom_left) / grid_size y_prime_hat = (top_left - bottom_left) / grid_size # Draw the grid for i in range(grid_size + 1): # Draw vertical lines plt.plot([(bottom_left + i * x_prime_hat)[0], (top_left + i * x_prime_hat)[0]], [(bottom_left + i * x_prime_hat)[1], (top_left + i * x_prime_hat)[1]], 'k-') # Draw horizontal lines plt.plot([(bottom_left + i * y_prime_hat)[0], (bottom_right + i * y_prime_hat)[0]], [(bottom_left + i * y_prime_hat)[1], (bottom_right + i * y_prime_hat)[1]], 'k-') def get_roomba_locs(low, high, num_robots, radius=0.5, obstacles=[]): """ Generates a list of roomba locations within the box bounded by points (low, low), (high, low), (high, high), (low, high). The roombas must be separated by at least 2 * radius """ locs = [] while len(locs) < num_robots: locs.append(np.random.uniform(low, high, 2)) invalid = False for (obst_x, obst_y, obst_r) in obstacles: if np.linalg.norm(np.array(locs[-1]) - np.array([obst_x, obst_y])) <= radius + obst_r: invalid = True break for other_loc in locs[:-1]: if np.linalg.norm(np.array(locs[-1]) - np.array(other_loc)) <= 2 * radius: invalid = True break if invalid: locs = locs[:-1] return np.array(locs) def main(seed, num_robots, plot, two_corner): np.random.seed(11235) if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) if not two_corner: roomba_radius = 0.5 cell_size = 2.5 * roomba_radius grid_size = 5 obstacles = np.array([[2, 2, 0.75], [4, 4, 0.5]]) # robot_locations = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=5, size=(num_robots, 2)) robot_locations = get_roomba_locs(low=0, high=6, num_robots=num_robots, radius=roomba_radius, obstacles=obstacles) # subgoals = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 6], [6, 6], [6, 0]]) subgoals = get_roomba_locs(low=0, high=6, num_robots=num_robots, radius=roomba_radius, obstacles=obstacles) # bottom_left, cell_centers = place_grid(robot_locations=robot_locations, # cell_size=cell_size, # grid_size=grid_size, # subgoals=subgoals) bottom_left, cell_centers = place_grid(robot_locations=robot_locations, cell_size=cell_size, grid_size=grid_size, subgoals=subgoals, obstacles=obstacles) print("Grid Origin (Bottom-Left Corner):", bottom_left) print("Cell Centers:", cell_centers) top_right = np.array(bottom_left) + grid_size * cell_size else: grid_size = 5 robot_locations = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=5, size=(num_robots, 2)) print("Robot Locations:", robot_locations) bottom_left, top_right, grid_indices = two_corner_place_grid(robot_locations, grid_size) print("Grid Bottom-Left Corner:", bottom_left) print("Grid Top-Right Corner:", top_right) print("Grid Indices:", grid_indices) if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches fig, ax = plt.subplots() plot_grid(bottom_left, top_right, grid_size=grid_size) # Plot cell centers cell_centers = np.array(cell_centers) plt.scatter(cell_centers[:, 0], cell_centers[:, 1], c='b', label='Cell Centers') for center in cell_centers: square = patches.Rectangle(center - cell_size/2, cell_size, cell_size, edgecolor='b', facecolor='b', alpha=0.2, linewidth=2) ax.add_patch(square) # Plot robot locations robot_locations = np.array(robot_locations) plt.scatter(robot_locations[:, 0], robot_locations[:, 1], c='r', label='Robot Locations') for (x, y) in robot_locations: circle = patches.Circle((x, y), radius=roomba_radius, edgecolor='r', fill=False, linewidth=2) ax.add_patch(circle) if not two_corner: subgoals = np.array(subgoals) plt.scatter(subgoals[:, 0], subgoals[:, 1], c='orange', marker='^', label='Subgoals') for (x, y) in subgoals: circle = patches.Circle((x, y), radius=roomba_radius, edgecolor='orange', fill=False, linewidth=2) ax.add_patch(circle) obstacles = np.array(obstacles) plt.scatter(obstacles[:, 0], obstacles[:, 1], c='black', marker='s', label='Obstacles') for (x, y, r) in obstacles: circle = patches.Circle((x, y), radius=r, edgecolor='black', fill=False, linewidth=2) ax.add_patch(circle) plt.legend(loc='upper left') ax.set_aspect('equal') if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--seed", type=int, default=None ) parser.add_argument( "--num_robots", type=int, default=3 ) parser.add_argument( "--plot", action='store_true' ) parser.add_argument( "--two_corner", action='store_true' ) args = parser.parse_args() main(args.seed, args.num_robots, args.plot, args.two_corner)