import numpy as np import casadi as ca from guided_mrmp.optimizer import Optimizer class MPC: def __init__(self, model, T, DT, state_cost, final_state_cost, input_cost, input_rate_cost, settings): """ Args: vehicle (): T (): DT (): state_cost (): final_state_cost (): input_cost (): input_rate_cost (): """ self.nx = model.state_dimension() # number of state vars = model.control_dimension() # number of input/control vars self.robot_model = model self.dt = DT # how far we can look into the future divided by our dt # is the number of control intervals self.control_horizon = int(T / DT) # Weight for the error in state self.Q = np.diag(state_cost) # Weight for the error in final state self.Qf = np.diag(final_state_cost) # weight for error in control self.R = np.diag(input_cost) self.P = np.diag(input_rate_cost) self.acceptable_tol = settings['acceptable_tol'] self.acceptable_iter = settings['acceptable_iter'] self.print_level = settings['print_level'] self.print_time = settings['print_time'] def setup_mpc_problem(self, initial_state, target, prev_cmd, A, B, C): opti = ca.Opti() # Decision variables X = opti.variable(self.nx, self.control_horizon + 1) U = opti.variable(, self.control_horizon) # Parameters initial_state = ca.DM(initial_state) target = ca.DM(target) prev_cmd = ca.DM(prev_cmd) A = ca.DM(A) B = ca.DM(B) C = ca.DM(C) # Cost function cost = 0 for k in range(self.control_horizon): # difference between the current state and the target state cost += ca.mtimes([(X[:, k+1] - target[:, k]).T, self.Q, X[:, k+1] - target[:, k]]) # control effort cost += ca.mtimes([U[:, k].T, self.R, U[:, k]]) if k > 0: # Penalize large changes in control cost += ca.mtimes([(U[:, k] - U[:, k-1]).T, self.P, U[:, k] - U[:, k-1]]) # Final state cost cost += ca.mtimes([(X[:, -1] - target[:, -1]).T, self.Qf, X[:, -1] - target[:, -1]]) opti.minimize(cost) # Constraints for k in range(self.control_horizon): opti.subject_to(X[:, k+1] == ca.mtimes(A, X[:, k]) + ca.mtimes(B, U[:, k]) + C) opti.subject_to(X[:, 0] == initial_state) opti.subject_to(opti.bounded(-self.robot_model.max_acc, U[0, :], self.robot_model.max_acc)) opti.subject_to(opti.bounded(-self.robot_model.max_steer, U[1, :], self.robot_model.max_steer)) opti.subject_to(ca.fabs(U[0, 0] - prev_cmd[0]) / self.dt <= self.robot_model.max_d_acc) opti.subject_to(ca.fabs(U[1, 0] - prev_cmd[1]) / self.dt <= self.robot_model.max_d_steer) for k in range(1, self.control_horizon): opti.subject_to(ca.fabs(U[0, k] - U[0, k-1]) / self.dt <= self.robot_model.max_d_acc) opti.subject_to(ca.fabs(U[1, k] - U[1, k-1]) / self.dt <= self.robot_model.max_d_steer) return { 'opti': opti, 'X': X, 'U': U, 'initial_state': initial_state, 'target': target, 'prev_cmd': prev_cmd } def solve_optimization_problem(self, problem, initial_guesses=None, solver_options=None): opt = Optimizer(problem) results = opt.solve_optimization_problem(initial_guesses, solver_options) return results def step(self, initial_state, target, prev_cmd, initial_guesses=None): """ Sets up and solves the optimization problem. Args: initial_state: Current estimate of [x, y, heading] target: State space reference, in the same frame as the provided current state prev_cmd: Previous [v, delta] A, B, C: Linearized state-space matrices initial_guess: Optional initial guess for the optimizer Returns: x_opt: Optimal state trajectory u_opt: Optimal control trajectory """ A, B, C = self.robot_model.linearize(initial_state, prev_cmd, self.dt) solver_options = {'ipopt.print_level': self.print_level, 'print_time': self.print_time, # 'ipopt.tol': 1e-3, 'ipopt.acceptable_tol': self.acceptable_tol, 'ipopt.acceptable_iter': self.acceptable_iter} problem = self.setup_mpc_problem(initial_state, target, prev_cmd, A, B, C) result = self.solve_optimization_problem(problem, initial_guesses, solver_options) if result['status'] == 'succeeded': x_opt = result['X'] u_opt = result['U'] else: print("Optimization failed") x_opt = None u_opt = None return x_opt, u_opt