From fcc1044434dec624e9f86a91866083a649000276 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rachelmoan <>
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2025 13:32:09 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] use klampt motion planner to get decoupled paths

 .../controllers/        |   3 +-
 .../controllers/     |  40 +--
 guided_mrmp/controllers/              |   3 +-
 guided_mrmp/                           |  22 +-
 guided_mrmp/planners/                   | 237 ------------------
 guided_mrmp/planners/               |  50 ----
 guided_mrmp/planners/              |   2 -
 guided_mrmp/utils/                  |  50 ++--
 guided_mrmp/utils/           | 210 ++++++++++++++++
 9 files changed, 270 insertions(+), 347 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 guided_mrmp/planners/
 delete mode 100644 guided_mrmp/planners/
 delete mode 100644 guided_mrmp/planners/
 create mode 100644 guided_mrmp/utils/

diff --git a/guided_mrmp/controllers/ b/guided_mrmp/controllers/
index cfadef7..5c36a06 100644
--- a/guided_mrmp/controllers/
+++ b/guided_mrmp/controllers/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from guided_mrmp.controllers.multi_mpc import MultiMPC
 from guided_mrmp.controllers.mpc import MPC
 class MultiPathTracker:
-    def __init__(self, env, initial_positions, dynamics, target_v, T, DT, waypoints, settings):
+    def __init__(self, env, initial_positions, dynamics, target_v, T, DT, waypoints, trees, settings):
         Initializes the PathTracker object.
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class MultiPathTracker:
         self.T = T
         self.DT = DT
         self.target_v = target_v
+        self.trees
         self.radius = dynamics.radius
diff --git a/guided_mrmp/controllers/ b/guided_mrmp/controllers/
index 1eef79d..957809b 100644
--- a/guided_mrmp/controllers/
+++ b/guided_mrmp/controllers/
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-from guided_mrmp.planners.RRTStar import RRTStar
 import numpy as np
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
@@ -456,25 +453,30 @@ class MultiPathTrackerDB(MultiPathTracker):
                         # plan an RRT path from the current state to the goal
                         start = (new_ref[:, -1][0], new_ref[:, -1][1])
                         goal = (old_paths[i][:, -1][0], old_paths[i][:, -1][1])
-                        rrtpath, tree = plan_decoupled_path(self.env, 
-                                            start, 
-                                            goal, 
-                                            solver=self.settings["sampling_based_planner"]["name"], 
-                                            step_length=self.settings["sampling_based_planner"]["step_length"], 
-                                            goal_sample_rate=self.settings["sampling_based_planner"]["goal_sample_rate"], 
-                                            num_samples=self.settings["sampling_based_planner"]["num_samples"], 
-                                            r=self.settings["sampling_based_planner"]["r"])
+                        print(f"planning from {start} to {goal}")
+                        print(f"new_ref = {new_ref}")
+                        print(f"other new ref = {continuous_soln[(robot_idx+1)*3:(robot_idx+1)*3+3, :]}")
+                        rrtpath, tree = plan_decoupled_path(self.settings["sampling_based_planner"]["name"], 
+                                                            start, 
+                                                            goal, 
+                                                            self.env, 
+                                                            self.radius, 
+                                                            self.env.circle_obs, 
+                                                            self.env.rect_obs, 
+                                                            vis=False, 
+                                                            iter=self.settings["sampling_based_planner"]["num_samples"])
-                        if rrtpath :
-                            xs = new_ref[0, :].tolist()
-                            ys = new_ref[1, :].tolist()
+                        xs = new_ref[0, :].tolist()
+                        ys = new_ref[1, :].tolist()
-                            for node in rrtpath:
-                                xs.append(node[0])
-                                ys.append(node[1])
+                        for node in rrtpath:
+                            xs.append(node[0])
+                            ys.append(node[1])
-                            wp = [xs,ys]
+                        wp = [xs,ys]
                         # Path from waypoint interpolation
                         path = compute_path_from_wp(wp[0], wp[1], 0.05)
diff --git a/guided_mrmp/controllers/ b/guided_mrmp/controllers/
index dfe4aad..ca75e31 100644
--- a/guided_mrmp/controllers/
+++ b/guided_mrmp/controllers/
@@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ def get_ref_trajectory(state, path, target_v, T, DT, path_visited_points=[]):
     last_visited_idx = 0 if path_visited_points == [] else path_visited_points[-1]
     # Find the spatially closest point after the last visited point
-    next_ind = last_visited_idx + 2
+    next_ind = last_visited_idx + 1
     ind = next_ind
     # ind = get_nn_idx(state, path, path_visited_points)
diff --git a/guided_mrmp/ b/guided_mrmp/
index 82f0a8f..a075077 100644
--- a/guided_mrmp/
+++ b/guided_mrmp/
@@ -35,14 +35,15 @@ def initialize_robots(starts, goals, dynamics_models, radii, target_v, env, sett
     colors = [list(np.random.choice(range(256), size=3)) for i in range(len(starts))]
     for i, (start, goal, dynamics_model, radius, color) in enumerate(zip(starts, goals, dynamics_models, radii, colors)):
-        rrtpath, tree = plan_decoupled_path(env, 
-                                            (start[0],start[1]), 
-                                            (goal[0],goal[1]), 
-                                            solver=settings["sampling_based_planner"]["name"], 
-                                            step_length=settings["sampling_based_planner"]["step_length"], 
-                                            goal_sample_rate=settings["sampling_based_planner"]["goal_sample_rate"], 
-                                            num_samples=settings["sampling_based_planner"]["num_samples"], 
-                                            r=settings["sampling_based_planner"]["r"])
+        rrtpath, tree = plan_decoupled_path(settings["sampling_based_planner"]["name"], 
+                                                  (start[0],start[1]), 
+                                                  (goal[0],goal[1]), 
+                                                  env, 
+                                                  radius, 
+                                                  env.circle_obs, 
+                                                  env.rect_obs, 
+                                                  vis=False, 
+                                                  iter=settings["sampling_based_planner"]["num_samples"])
         xs = []
         ys = []
@@ -122,6 +123,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     # Create the Guided MRMP policy
     T = settings['prediction_horizon']
     DT = settings['discretization_step']
+    rrt_trees = [robot.tree for robot in robots]
     policy = MultiPathTrackerDB(env=env,
                                  dynamics=dynamics_models[0], # NOTE: Using the same dynamics model for all robots for now
@@ -129,6 +132,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
                                  waypoints=[robot.waypoints for robot in robots], 
+                                 trees = rrt_trees,
@@ -138,7 +142,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     # Run the simulation
     start = time.time()
-, show_vis)
+    x_hist, y_hist, h_hist =, show_vis)
     end = time.time()
     print(f"Simulation took {end-start} seconds")
diff --git a/guided_mrmp/planners/ b/guided_mrmp/planners/
deleted file mode 100644
index b56d765..0000000
--- a/guided_mrmp/planners/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-RRT implementation
-import math
-import numpy as np
-from guided_mrmp.utils import Node, Env
-class RRT:
-    def __init__(self, env, s_start, s_goal, step_len, goal_sample_rate, iter_max, sampled_vertices=None):
-        self.s_start = Node(s_start,s_start,0,0)
-        self.s_goal = Node(s_goal,s_goal, 0,0)
-        self.step_len = step_len
-        self.goal_sample_rate = goal_sample_rate
-        self.iter_max = iter_max
-        if sampled_vertices is None:
-            self.sampled_vertices = [self.s_start]
-        else:
-            self.sampled_vertices = sampled_vertices
-        self.env = env
-        # self.plotting = Plotting(self.env)
-        # self.utils = utils.Utils()
-        self.x_range = self.env.boundary[0]
-        self.y_range = self.env.boundary[1]
-        self.obs_circle = self.env.circle_obs
-        self.obs_rectangle = self.env.rect_obs
-    def dist(self, node1, node2):
-        return math.hypot(node2.x - node1.x, node2.y - node1.y)
-    def angle(self, node1, node2):
-        return math.atan2(node2.y - node1.y, node2.x - node1.x)
-    def is_collision(self, start, end):
-        """
-        determine if the line from start to end is in collision with obstacles
-        """
-        if self.env.is_inside_obs(start) or self.env.is_inside_obs(end):
-            return True
-        o, d = self.env.get_ray(start, end)
-        # obs_vertex = self.env.get_obs_vertex()
-        # for (v1, v2, v3, v4) in obs_vertex:
-        #     if self.env.is_intersect_rec(start, end, o, d, v1, v2):
-        #         return True
-        #     if self.env.is_intersect_rec(start, end, o, d, v2, v3):
-        #         return True
-        #     if self.env.is_intersect_rec(start, end, o, d, v3, v4):
-        #         return True
-        #     if self.env.is_intersect_rec(start, end, o, d, v4, v1):
-        #         return True
-        for (x, y, r) in self.obs_circle:
-            if self.env.is_intersect_circle(o, d, [x, y], r):
-                return True
-        from shapely.geometry import LineString, Polygon
-        line = LineString([(start.x, start.y), (end.x, end.y)])
-        for (x, y, w, h) in self.obs_rectangle:
-            poly = Polygon([(x, y), (x+w, y), (x+w, y+h), (x, y+h)])
-            if line.intersects(poly):
-                return True
-        return False
-    def get_nearest_node(self, node_list, node):
-        # find nearest neighbor
-        dist = [self.dist(node, nd) for nd in node_list]
-        node_near = node_list[int(np.argmin(dist))]
-        # regular and generate new node
-        dist, theta = self.dist(node_near, node), self.angle(node_near, node)
-        dist = min(self.max_dist, dist)
-        node_new = Node((node_near.x + dist * math.cos(theta),
-                        (node_near.y + dist * math.sin(theta))),
-                         node_near.current, node_near.g + dist, 0)
-        # obstacle check
-        if not self.is_collision(node_new, node_near):
-            #  rewire optimization
-            for node_n in node_list:
-                #  check if the node is within optimization distance
-                dist_to_new_node = self.dist(node_n, node_new)
-                if dist_to_new_node < self.r:
-                    cost = node_n.g + dist_to_new_node
-                    #  update new sample node's cost and parent
-                    if node_new.g > cost and not self.is_collision(node_n, node_new):
-                        node_new.parent = node_n.current
-                        node_new.g = cost
-                    else:
-                        #  update node's cost inside the radius
-                        cost = node_new.g + dist_to_new_node
-                        if node_n.g > cost and not self.is_collision(node_n, node_new):
-                            node_n.parent = node_new.current
-                            node_n.g = cost
-                else:
-                    continue
-            return node_new
-    def generate_random_node(self, goal_sample_rate):
-        delta =
-        if np.random.random() > goal_sample_rate:
-            # return Node((np.random.uniform(self.x_range[0] + delta, self.x_range[1] - delta),
-            #              np.random.uniform(self.y_range[0] + delta, self.y_range[1] - delta)))
-            return Node((np.random.randint(self.x_range[0] + delta, self.x_range[1]),
-                         np.random.randint(self.y_range[0] + delta, self.y_range[1])))
-        return self.s_goal
-    def nearest_neighbor(self, node_list, node):
-        # find nearest neighbor
-        dist = [self.dist(node, nd) for nd in node_list]
-        node_near = node_list[int(np.argmin(dist))]
-        # regular and generate new node
-        dist, theta = self.dist(node_near, node), self.angle(node_near, node)
-        dist = min(self.step_len, dist)
-        node_new = Node((node_near.x + dist * math.cos(theta),
-                        (node_near.y + dist * math.sin(theta))),
-                         node_near.current, node_near.g + dist, 0)
-        # obstacle check
-        if self.is_collision(node_new, node_near):
-            return None
-        return node_new
-    def new_state(self, node_start, node_end):
-        dist, theta = self.get_distance_and_angle(node_start, node_end)
-        dist = min(self.step_len, dist)
-        node_new = Node((node_start.x + dist * math.cos(theta),
-                         node_start.y + dist * math.sin(theta)))
-        node_new.parent = node_start.current
-        return node_new
-    def extract_path(self, node_end):
-        path = [(self.s_goal.x, self.s_goal.y)]
-        node_now = node_end
-        while node_now.parent is not None:
-            node_now = node_now.parent
-            path.append((node_now.x, node_now.y))
-        return path
-    def get_distance_and_angle(self, node_start, node_end):
-        dx = node_end.x - node_start.x
-        dy = node_end.y - node_start.y
-        return math.hypot(dx, dy), math.atan2(dy, dx)
-    def extractPath(self, closed_set):
-        """
-        Extract the path based on the CLOSED set.
-        Parameters:
-            closed_set (list): CLOSED set
-        Returns
-            cost (float): the cost of planning path
-            path (list): the planning path
-        """
-        node = closed_set[closed_set.index(self.s_goal)]
-        path = [node.current]
-        cost = node.g
-        while node != self.s_start:
-            node_parent = closed_set[closed_set.index(Node(node.parent, None, None, None))]
-            node = node_parent
-            path.append(node.current)
-        # return the cost, path, and the tree of the sampled vertices
-        return cost, path, closed_set
-    def get_distance_and_angle(self, node_start, node_end):
-        dx = node_end.x - node_start.x
-        dy = node_end.y - node_start.y
-        return math.hypot(dx, dy), math.atan2(dy, dx)
-    def plan(self):
-        for _ in range(self.iter_max):
-            # generate a random node in the map
-            node_rand = self.generate_random_node(self.goal_sample_rate)
-            if node_rand in self.sampled_vertices:
-                continue
-            node_new = self.nearest_neighbor(self.sampled_vertices, node_rand)
-            # print(f"node new = {node_new}")
-            # node_new = self.new_state(node_near, node_rand)
-            if node_new:
-                self.sampled_vertices.append(node_new)
-                dist, __ = self.get_distance_and_angle(node_new, self.s_goal)
-                if dist <= self.step_len and not self.is_collision(node_new, self.s_goal):
-                    self.s_goal.parent = node_new.current
-                    self.s_goal.g = node_new.g + self.dist(self.s_goal, node_new)
-                    self.sampled_vertices.append(self.s_goal)
-                    return self.extractPath(self.sampled_vertices)
-        return 0, None, None
-    def run(self):
-        cost, path, tree = self.plan()
-        # self.plotting.animation([path], "RRT", cost, self.sampled_vertices)
-        # print(f"num of sampled vertices = {len(self.sampled_vertices)}")
-        # for node in self.sampled_vertices:
-        #     print(f"{node.current}")
-        return path, tree
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    x_start = (6.394267984578837, 0.25010755222666936)  # Starting node
-    x_goal = (2.7502931836911926, 2.2321073814882277)  # Goal node
-    rrt = RRT(x_start, x_goal, 0.5, 0.05, 50000)
-    path =
-    print(path)
diff --git a/guided_mrmp/planners/ b/guided_mrmp/planners/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2efdcfd..0000000
--- a/guided_mrmp/planners/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-from guided_mrmp.planners.RRT import RRT
-class RRTStar(RRT):
-    def __init__(self, env, s_start, s_goal, step_len, goal_sample_rate, iter_max, r, sampled_vertices=None):
-        super().__init__(env, s_start, s_goal, step_len, goal_sample_rate, iter_max, sampled_vertices=None)
-        self.r = r
-    def nearest_neighbor(self, node_list, node):
-        # print("using correct nn funct")
-        node_new = super().nearest_neighbor(node_list, node)
-        # node_new = self.new_state(node_nearest, node)
-        if node_new:
-            #  rewire optimization
-            for node_n in node_list:
-                #  inside the optimization circle
-                new_dist = self.dist(node_n, node_new)
-                if new_dist < self.r:
-                    cost = node_n.g + new_dist
-                    #  update new sample node's cost and parent
-                    if node_new.g > cost and not self.is_collision(node_n, node_new):
-                        node_new.parent = node_n.current
-                        node_new.g = cost
-                    else:
-                        #  update nodes' cost inside the radius
-                        cost = node_new.g + new_dist
-                        if node_n.g > cost and not self.is_collision(node_n, node_new):
-                            node_n.parent = node_new.current
-                            node_n.g = cost
-                else:
-                    continue
-            return node_new
-        else:
-            return None 
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    # x_start = (18, 8)  # Starting node
-    # x_goal = (37, 18)  # Goal node
-    x_start = (6.394267984578837, 0.25010755222666936)  # Starting node
-    x_goal = (2.7502931836911926, 2.2321073814882277)  # Goal node
-    # rrt = RRT(x_start, x_goal, 0.5, 0.05, 10000)
-    # path =
-    rrtstar = RRTStar(x_start, x_goal, 0.5, 0.05, 10000, r=10.0)
-    path =
-    print(path)
diff --git a/guided_mrmp/planners/ b/guided_mrmp/planners/
deleted file mode 100644
index d62e648..0000000
--- a/guided_mrmp/planners/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-from guided_mrmp.planners.RRT import RRT
-from guided_mrmp.planners.RRTStar import RRTStar
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/guided_mrmp/utils/ b/guided_mrmp/utils/
index 2af6476..64fd00f 100644
--- a/guided_mrmp/utils/
+++ b/guided_mrmp/utils/
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 import random
-from guided_mrmp.planners import RRT
-from guided_mrmp.planners import RRTStar
+from guided_mrmp.utils.klampt_planner import CircleRectangleObstacleCSpace, CSpaceObstacleProgram, Circle, Rectangle
 Helper Functions that are commonly used in the guided_mrmp package
@@ -58,34 +57,29 @@ def initialize_libraries(library_fnames=["guided_mrmp/database/2x3_library","gui
     return lib_2x3, lib_3x3, lib_2x5
-def plan_decoupled_path(env, start, goal, solver="RRT*", 
-                        step_length=.5, goal_sample_rate=.05, num_samples=10000, r=3):
-    """
-    Plan decoupled path from a given start to a given goal, using a single-agent solver.
-    inputs:
-        - start (tuple): (x,y) location of start 
-        - goal (tuple): (x,y) location of goal 
-        - solver (string): Name of single-agent solver to be used
-        - step_length (float): 
-        - goal_sample_rate (float):
-        - num_samples (int):
-        - r (float):
-    output:
-        - path (list): list of nodes in path 
-    """
-    if solver == "RRT":
-        rrt = RRT(env, start, goal, step_length, goal_sample_rate, num_samples)
-        path, tree =
-    elif solver == "RRT*":
-        rrtstar = RRTStar(env, start, goal, step_length, goal_sample_rate, num_samples,r)
-        path, tree =
-    else:
-        print(f"Solver {solver} is not yet implemented. Choose something else.")
-        return None
+def plan_decoupled_path(solver_name, start, goal, env, robot_radius,circle_obs, rectangle_obs,vis=False, iter=100):
+    x_bounds = env.boundary[0]
+    y_bounds = env.boundary[1]
+    space = CircleRectangleObstacleCSpace(x_bounds,y_bounds,robot_radius)
-    return list(reversed(path)), tree
+    for obs in circle_obs:
+        space.addObstacle(Circle(obs[0],obs[1],obs[2]))
+    for obs in rectangle_obs:
+        space.addObstacle(Rectangle(obs[0],obs[1],obs[2],obs[3]))
+    program = CSpaceObstacleProgram(space,start,goal,solver_name)
+    program.view.w = program.view.h = 640
+ = "Motion planning test"
+    if vis:
+        path = program.planner.getPath()
+    else:
+        program.planner.planMore(iter)
+        path = program.planner.getPath()
+        tree = program.planner.getRoadmap()
+    return path, tree
 def read_agents_from_file(fname):
diff --git a/guided_mrmp/utils/ b/guided_mrmp/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf6efdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guided_mrmp/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+Implements Klampt's various motion planners
+from OpenGL.GL import *
+from OpenGL.GLU import *
+from OpenGL.GLUT import *
+import math
+from klampt.plan.cspace import CSpace,MotionPlan
+from klampt.vis.glprogram import GLProgram
+from klampt.math import vectorops
+class Circle:
+    def __init__(self,x=0,y=0,radius=1):
+ = (x,y)
+        self.radius = radius
+    def contains(self,point):
+        return (vectorops.distance(point, <= self.radius)
+    def drawGL(self,res=0.01):
+        numdivs = int(math.ceil(self.radius*math.pi*2/res))
+        glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN)
+        glVertex2f(*
+        for i in range(numdivs+1):
+            u = float(i)/float(numdivs)*math.pi*2
+            glVertex2f([0]+self.radius*math.cos(u),[1]+self.radius*math.sin(u))
+        glEnd()
+class Rectangle:
+    def __init__(self,x=0,y=0,width=1,height=1):
+        self.bottom_left = (x,y)
+        self.width = width
+        self.height = height
+    def contains(self,point):
+        x,y = point
+        x0,y0 = self.bottom_left
+        return (x >= x0 and x <= x0+self.width and y >= y0 and y <= y0+self.height)
+    def drawGL(self):
+        x,y = self.bottom_left
+        w = self.width
+        h = self.height
+        glBegin(GL_QUADS)
+        glVertex2f(x,y)
+        glVertex2f(x+w,y)
+        glVertex2f(x+w,y+h)
+        glVertex2f(x,y+h)
+        glEnd()
+class CircleRectangleObstacleCSpace(CSpace):
+    def __init__(self, x_bounds=(0.0,1.0), y_bounds=(0.0,1.0),robot_radius=0.05):
+        CSpace.__init__(self)
+        #set bounds
+        # self.bound = [(0.0,1.0),(0.0,1.0)]
+        self.bound = [(x_bounds[0], x_bounds[1]), (y_bounds[0], y_bounds[1])]
+        #set collision checking resolution
+        self.eps = 1e-3
+        #setup a robot with radius 0.05
+        self.robot = Circle(0,0,robot_radius)
+        #set obstacles here
+        self.obstacles = []
+    def addObstacle(self,obs):
+        self.obstacles.append(obs)
+    def feasible(self,q):
+        #bounds test
+        if not CSpace.feasible(self,q): return False
+        #TODO: Problem 1: implement your feasibility tests here
+        #currently, only the center is checked, so the robot collides
+        #with boundary and obstacles
+        for o in self.obstacles:
+            if o.contains(q): return False
+        return True
+    def drawObstaclesGL(self):
+        glColor3f(0.2,0.2,0.2)
+        for o in self.obstacles:
+            o.drawGL()
+    def drawRobotGL(self,q):
+        glColor3f(0,0,1)
+        newc = vectorops.add(,q)
+        c = Circle(newc[0],newc[1],self.robot.radius)
+        c.drawGL()
+class CSpaceObstacleProgram(GLProgram):
+    def __init__(self,space,start=(0.1,0.5),goal=(0.9,0.5), planner_name="rrt*"):
+        GLProgram.__init__(self)
+ = space
+        #PRM planner
+        # MotionPlan.setOptions(type="prm",knn=10,connectionThreshold=0.1)
+        self.optimizingPlanner = False
+        #FMM* planner
+        #MotionPlan.setOptions(type="fmm*")
+        #self.optimizingPlanner = True
+        #RRT planner
+        MotionPlan.setOptions(type=planner_name,perturbationRadius=0.25,bidirectional=True)
+        self.optimizingPlanner = False
+        #RRT* planner
+        #MotionPlan.setOptions(type="rrt*")
+        #self.optimizingPlanner = True
+        #random-restart RRT planner
+        #MotionPlan.setOptions(type="rrt",perturbationRadius=0.25,bidirectional=True,shortcut=True,restart=True,restartTermCond="{foundSolution:1,maxIters:1000}")
+        #self.optimizingPlanner = True
+        #OMPL planners:
+        #Tested to work fine with OMPL's prm, lazyprm, prm*, lazyprm*, rrt, rrt*, rrtconnect, lazyrrt, lbtrrt, sbl, bitstar.
+        #Note that lbtrrt doesn't seem to continue after first iteration.
+        #Note that stride, pdst, and fmt do not work properly...
+        #MotionPlan.setOptions(type="ompl:rrt",suboptimalityFactor=0.1,knn=10,connectionThreshold=0.1)
+        #self.optimizingPlanner = True
+        self.planner = MotionPlan(space)
+        self.start=start
+        self.goal=goal
+        self.planner.setEndpoints(start,goal)
+        self.path = []
+        self.G = None
+    def keyboardfunc(self,key,x,y):
+        if key==' ':
+            if self.optimizingPlanner or not self.path:
+                print("Planning 1...")
+                self.planner.planMore(1)
+                self.path = self.planner.getPath()
+                self.G = self.planner.getRoadmap()
+                self.refresh()
+        elif key=='p':
+            if self.optimizingPlanner or not self.path:
+                print("Planning 100...")
+                self.planner.planMore(100)
+                self.path = self.planner.getPath()
+                self.G = self.planner.getRoadmap()
+                self.refresh()
+    def display(self):
+        glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION)
+        glLoadIdentity()
+        glOrtho(0,1,1,0,-1,1);
+        glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW)
+        glLoadIdentity()
+        glDisable(GL_LIGHTING)
+        if self.path:
+            #draw path
+            glColor3f(0,1,0)
+            glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP)
+            for q in self.path:
+                glVertex2f(q[0],q[1])
+            glEnd()
+            for q in self.path:
+        else:
+        if self.G:
+            #draw graph
+            V,E = self.G
+            glEnable(GL_BLEND)
+            glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
+            glColor4f(0,0,0,0.5)
+            glPointSize(3.0)
+            glBegin(GL_POINTS)
+            for v in V:
+                glVertex2f(v[0],v[1])
+            glEnd()
+            glColor4f(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5)
+            glBegin(GL_LINES)
+            for (i,j) in E:
+                glVertex2f(V[i][0],V[i][1])
+                glVertex2f(V[j][0],V[j][1])
+            glEnd()
+            glDisable(GL_BLEND)
+if __name__=='__main__':
+    space = None
+    start = None
+    goal = None
+    vis = True
+    iter = 100
+    space = CircleRectangleObstacleCSpace()
+    space.addObstacle(Circle(0.5,0.5,0.1))
+    space.addObstacle(Rectangle(0.2,0.2,0.1,0.1))
+    start=(0.06,0.5)
+    goal=(0.94,0.5)
+    program = CSpaceObstacleProgram(space,start,goal)
+    program.view.w = program.view.h = 640
+ = "Motion planning test"
+    if vis:
+        path = program.planner.getPath()
+    else:
+        program.planner.planMore(iter)
+        path = program.planner.getPath()
+    # print("Path:",path)
\ No newline at end of file