diff --git a/guided_mrmp/controllers/mpc.py b/guided_mrmp/controllers/mpc.py
index ba3f77b6685bd4f13ebfbfdb0a44c6f6790968ca..f4c9c729ebd7c5a054f4e153a556d7c9091b6c3f 100644
--- a/guided_mrmp/controllers/mpc.py
+++ b/guided_mrmp/controllers/mpc.py
@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
 import numpy as np
-# from guided_mrmp.utils import Roomba
-from guided_mrmp.optimizers.optimizer import Optimizer, iLQR
+import casadi as ca
 np.seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore")
-import cvxpy as opt
 class MPC:
-    def __init__(self, model, T, DT, state_cost, final_state_cost, input_cost, input_rate_cost):
+    def __init__(self, model, T, DT, state_cost, final_state_cost, input_cost, input_rate_cost, settings):
@@ -40,65 +36,99 @@ class MPC:
         self.R = np.diag(input_cost)
         self.P = np.diag(input_rate_cost)
-        # Instantiate the optimizer
-        self.optimizer = iLQR(self.nx, self.nu, self.control_horizon)
+        self.acceptable_tol = settings['acceptable_tol']
+        self.acceptable_iter = settings['acceptable_iter']
+        self.print_level = settings['print_level']
+        self.print_time = settings['print_time']
-    def cost_function(self, x, u, target):
-        """
-        Calculate the cost function for the optimizer.
-        Parameters:
-            - target: (numpy.ndarray) The target values for tracking.
-            - u: (numpy.ndarray) The control inputs.
-            - x: (numpy.ndarray) The state variables.
-        Returns:
-            - cost: (float) The calculated cost.
-        """
-        cost = 0
+    def setup_mpc_problem(self, initial_state, target, prev_cmd, A, B, C):
+        opti = ca.Opti()
-        # Tracking error cost
-        for k in range(self.control_horizon):
-            cost += opt.quad_form(x[:, k + 1] - target[:, k], self.Q)
+        # Decision variables
+        X = opti.variable(self.nx, self.control_horizon + 1)
+        U = opti.variable(self.nu, self.control_horizon)
-        # Final point tracking cost
-        cost += opt.quad_form(x[:, -1] - target[:, -1], self.Qf)
+        # Parameters
+        initial_state = ca.DM(initial_state)
+        target = ca.DM(target)
+        prev_cmd = ca.DM(prev_cmd)
+        A = ca.DM(A)
+        B = ca.DM(B)
+        C = ca.DM(C)
-        # Actuation magnitude cost
+        # Cost function
+        cost = 0
         for k in range(self.control_horizon):
-            cost += opt.quad_form(u[:, k], self.R)
-        # Actuation rate of change cost
-        for k in range(1, self.control_horizon):
-            cost += opt.quad_form(u[:, k] - u[:, k - 1], self.P)
+            cost += ca.mtimes([(X[:, k+1] - target[:, k]).T, self.Q, X[:, k+1] - target[:, k]])
+            cost += ca.mtimes([U[:, k].T, self.R, U[:, k]])
+            if k > 0:
+                cost += ca.mtimes([(U[:, k] - U[:, k-1]).T, self.P, U[:, k] - U[:, k-1]])
-        return cost
+        cost += ca.mtimes([(X[:, -1] - target[:, -1]).T, self.Qf, X[:, -1] - target[:, -1]])
-    def constraints(self, initial_state, A, B,C, x, u, robot_model, dt, prev_cmd):
+        opti.minimize(cost)
-        constr = []
-        # Kinematics Constraints
+        # Constraints
         for k in range(self.control_horizon):
-            constr += [x[:, k + 1] == A @ x[:, k] + B @ u[:, k] + C]
-        # initial state
-        constr += [x[:, 0] == initial_state]
+            opti.subject_to(X[:, k+1] == ca.mtimes(A, X[:, k]) + ca.mtimes(B, U[:, k]) + C)
-        # actuation bounds
-        constr += [opt.abs(u[:, 0]) <= robot_model.max_acc]
-        constr += [opt.abs(u[:, 1]) <= robot_model.max_steer]
+        opti.subject_to(X[:, 0] == initial_state)
-        # Actuation rate of change bounds
-        constr += [opt.abs(u[0, 0] - prev_cmd[0]) / dt <= robot_model.max_d_acc]
-        constr += [opt.abs(u[1, 0] - prev_cmd[1]) / dt <= robot_model.max_d_steer]
-        for k in range(1, self.control_horizon):
-            constr += [opt.abs(u[0, k] - u[0, k - 1]) / dt <= robot_model.max_d_acc]
-            constr += [opt.abs(u[1, k] - u[1, k - 1]) / dt <= robot_model.max_d_steer]
+        opti.subject_to(opti.bounded(-self.robot_model.max_acc, U[0, :], self.robot_model.max_acc))
+        opti.subject_to(opti.bounded(-self.robot_model.max_steer, U[1, :], self.robot_model.max_steer))
-        return constr
+        opti.subject_to(ca.fabs(U[0, 0] - prev_cmd[0]) / self.dt <= self.robot_model.max_d_acc)
+        opti.subject_to(ca.fabs(U[1, 0] - prev_cmd[1]) / self.dt <= self.robot_model.max_d_steer)
-    def step(self, initial_state, target, prev_cmd, initial_guess=None):
+        for k in range(1, self.control_horizon):
+            opti.subject_to(ca.fabs(U[0, k] - U[0, k-1]) / self.dt <= self.robot_model.max_d_acc)
+            opti.subject_to(ca.fabs(U[1, k] - U[1, k-1]) / self.dt <= self.robot_model.max_d_steer)
+        return {
+            'opti': opti,
+            'X': X,
+            'U': U,
+            'initial_state': initial_state,
+            'target': target,
+            'prev_cmd': prev_cmd
+        }
+    def solve_optimization_problem(self, problem, initial_guesses=None, solver_options=None):
+        opti = problem['opti']
+        if initial_guesses:
+            for param, value in initial_guesses.items():
+                # print(f"param = {param}")
+                # print(f"value = {value}")
+                opti.set_initial(problem[param], value)
+        # Set numerical backend, with options if provided
+        if solver_options:
+            opti.solver('ipopt', solver_options)
+        else:
+            opti.solver('ipopt')
+        try:
+            sol = opti.solve()   # actual solve
+            status = 'succeeded'
+        except:
+            sol = None
+            status = 'failed'
+        results = {
+            'status' : status,
+            'solution' : sol,
+        }
+        if sol:
+            for var_name, var in problem.items():
+                if var_name != 'opti':
+                    results[var_name] = sol.value(var)
+        return results
+    def step(self, initial_state, target, prev_cmd, initial_guesses=None):
         Sets up and solves the optimization problem.
@@ -113,21 +143,23 @@ class MPC:
             x_opt: Optimal state trajectory
             u_opt: Optimal control trajectory
-        A,B,C = self.robot_model.linearize(initial_state, prev_cmd, self.dt)
-        # set up variables for the optimization problem
-        x = opt.Variable((self.nx, self.control_horizon + 1))
-        u = opt.Variable((self.nu, self.control_horizon))
-        # Define the cost function
-        cost = self.cost_function(x, u, target)
-        # Define the constraints
-        constraints = self.constraints(initial_state, A, B, C, x, u, self.robot_model, self.dt, prev_cmd)
+        A, B, C = self.robot_model.linearize(initial_state, prev_cmd, self.dt)
+        solver_options = {'ipopt.print_level': self.print_level, 
+                          'print_time': self.print_time, 
+                          'ipopt.acceptable_tol': self.acceptable_tol, 
+                          'ipopt.acceptable_iter': self.acceptable_iter}
+        problem = self.setup_mpc_problem(initial_state, target, prev_cmd, A, B, C)
-        # Use the Optimizer class to solve the optimization problem
-        x_opt, u_opt = self.optimizer.solve(x,u,cost, constraints, initial_guess)
+        result = self.solve_optimization_problem(problem, initial_guesses, solver_options)
-        return x_opt, u_opt
+        if result['status'] == 'succeeded':
+            x_opt = result['X']
+            u_opt = result['U']
+        else:
+            print("Optimization failed")
+            x_opt = None
+            u_opt = None
+        return x_opt, u_opt
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/settings.yaml b/settings.yaml
index 42242de9d23314d2e62b6611bb1f2fb6169c42c8..92bf090675924a74a75af5629ff8b467c1926a36 100644
--- a/settings.yaml
+++ b/settings.yaml
@@ -1,47 +1,59 @@
 single_agent_planner: "RRTStar"
-prediction_horizon: 8   # seconds
+prediction_horizon: 10 # seconds
 discretization_step: 1 # seconds 
-  Q: [20, 20, 20]         # state error cost for a differntial drive robot
-  Qf: [30, 30, 30]        # state final error cost for a differntial drive robot
-  R: [10, 10]             # input cost for a differntial drive robot
+  Q: [20, 20, 0]         # state error cost for a differential drive robot
+  Qf: [30, 30, 0]        # state final error cost for a differential drive robot
+  R: [10, 10]             # input cost for a differential drive robot
   P: [10, 10]             # input rate of change cost for a differential drive robot
+  print_level: 0
+  print_time: 0
+  acceptable_tol: .1
+  acceptable_iter: 1000
-  rob_dist_weight: 10
+  rob_dist_weight: 20
   obs_dist_weight: 10
   time_weight: 5
-  dt: 0.6
+  dt: .3
+  scaling_factor: 6.0
   circle_obstacles: []
   rectangle_obstacles: []
-  x_range: [0, 640]
-  y_range: [0, 480]
+  x_range: [0, 100]
+  y_range: [0, 100]
-  - [10, 10, 0]
-  - [600, 300, 0]
+robot_starts: []
+  # - [80, 80, 0]
+  # - [20, 20, 0]
-  - [600, 300, 0]
-  - [10, 10, 0]
+robot_goals: []
+  # - [20, 20, 0]
+  # - [80, 80, 0]
-  - 10
-  - 10
-  - 10
-  - 10
-  - 10
-  - 10
-  - 10
-  - 10
-  - 10
-  - 10
+  - 1
+  - 1
+  - 1
+  - 1
+  - 1
+  - 1
+  - 1
+  - 1
+  - 1
+  - 1
+  - 1
+  - 1
+  - 1
+  - 1
+  - 1
 target_v: 3.0
@@ -56,5 +68,10 @@ dynamics_models:
   - Roomba
   - Roomba
   - Roomba
+  - Roomba
+  - Roomba
+  - Roomba
+  - Roomba
+  - Roomba