diff --git a/guided_mrmp/optimizer.py b/guided_mrmp/optimizer.py
index e82cc8a715e7716df240a709bd492bef00f2e5e6..b71baf8ed33a5838a1009108f04960e4f321a77a 100644
--- a/guided_mrmp/optimizer.py
+++ b/guided_mrmp/optimizer.py
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+import casadi as ca
 class Optimizer:
     def __init__(self, problem):
         self.problem = problem
@@ -7,7 +9,6 @@ class Optimizer:
         X = self.problem['X']
         U = self.problem['U']
         if initial_guesses:
             for param, value in initial_guesses.items():
@@ -23,44 +24,59 @@ class Optimizer:
         def print_intermediates_callback(i):
+            # print the current value of the objective function
+            print("Iteration:", i, "Current cost cost:", opti.debug.value(self.problem['cost']))
+            print("Iteration:", i, "Current robot cost:", opti.debug.value(self.problem['dist_to_other_robots']))
+            # print("Iteration:", i, "Current obstacle cost:", opti.debug.value(self.problem['obs_cost']))
+            # print("Iteration:", i, "Current control cost:", opti.debug.value(self.problem['control_cost']))
+            # print("Iteration:", i, "Current time cost:", opti.debug.value(self.problem['time_cost']))
+            # print("Iteration:", i, "Current goal cost:", opti.debug.value(self.problem['goal_cost']))
             # print("Iteration:", i, "Current solution:", opti.debug.value(X), opti.debug.value(U))
-            X_debug = opti.debug.value(X)
-            U_debug = opti.debug.value(U)
+            # X_debug = opti.debug.value(X)
+            # U_debug = opti.debug.value(U)
             # plot the state and the control 
             # split a figure in half. The left side will show the positions, the right side will plot the controls
             # X[i*3, :] is the ith robot's x position, X[i*3+1, :] is the y position, X[i*3+2, :] is the heading
             # U[i*2, :] is the ith robot's linear velocity, U[i*2+1, :] is the ith robot's angular velocity
-            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-            fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))
-            for j in range(X_debug.shape[0]//3):
-                axs[0].plot(X_debug[j*3, :], X_debug[j*3+1, :], label=f"Robot {j}")
-                axs[0].scatter(X_debug[j*3, 0], X_debug[j*3+1, 0], color='green')
-                axs[0].scatter(X_debug[j*3, -1], X_debug[j*3+1, -1], color='red')
-                axs[0].set_title("Robot Positions")
-                axs[0].set_xlabel("X")
-                axs[0].set_ylabel("Y")
-                axs[0].legend()
-                axs[1].plot(U_debug[j*2, :], label=f"Robot {j}")
-                axs[1].plot(U_debug[j*2+1, :], label=f"Robot {j}")
-                axs[1].set_title("Robot Controls")
-                axs[1].set_xlabel("Time")
-                axs[1].set_ylabel("Control")
-                axs[1].legend()
-            plt.show()
+            # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+            # fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))
+            # for j in range(X_debug.shape[0]//3):
+            #     axs[0].plot(X_debug[j*3, :], X_debug[j*3+1, :], label=f"Robot {j}")
+            #     axs[0].scatter(X_debug[j*3, 0], X_debug[j*3+1, 0], color='green')
+            #     axs[0].scatter(X_debug[j*3, -1], X_debug[j*3+1, -1], color='red')
+            #     axs[0].set_title("Robot Positions")
+            #     axs[0].set_xlabel("X")
+            #     axs[0].set_ylabel("Y")
+            #     axs[0].legend()
+            #     axs[1].plot(U_debug[j*2, :], label=f"Robot {j} velocity")
+            #     axs[1].plot(U_debug[j*2+1, :], label=f"Robot {j} omega")
+            #     axs[1].set_title("Robot Controls")
+            #     axs[1].set_xlabel("Time")
+            #     axs[1].set_ylabel("Control")
+            #     axs[1].legend()
+            # plt.show()
         # opti.callback(print_intermediates_callback)
+        # sol = opti.solve()
+        # print("/solving optimization problem")
+        # import time
+        # start = time.time()
             sol = opti.solve()   # actual solve
             status = 'succeeded'
             sol = None
             status = 'failed'
+        # end = time.time()
+        # print(f"Time taken to solve optimization problem = {end - start}")
         results = {
             'status' : status,
@@ -78,10 +94,13 @@ class Optimizer:
         if sol:
             for var_name, var in self.problem.items():
                 if var_name != 'opti':
-                    results[var_name] = sol.value(var)
+                    try: 
+                        results[var_name] = sol.value(var)
+                    except:
+                        results[var_name] = var
         opti = self.problem['opti']
         lam_g = sol.value(opti.lam_g)
         results['lam_g'] = lam_g
-        return results,sol
+        return results