#!/usr/bin/env python3 from pathlib import Path from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace from subprocess import CalledProcessError, check_call from os import makedirs, chdir, environ VERSION = "9.0.0" URL = "http://releases.llvm.org" WGET = "wget" CLANG_DIR = f"cfe-{VERSION}.src" CLANG_TARBALL = f"{CLANG_DIR}.tar.xz" LLVM_DIR = f"llvm-{VERSION}.src" LLVM_TARBALL = f"{LLVM_DIR}.tar.xz" ROOT_DIR = (Path(__file__).parent / "..").absolute() BUILD_DIR = ROOT_DIR / "build" TEST_DIR = ROOT_DIR / "test" LLVM_LIT = BUILD_DIR / "bin/llvm-lit" MODEL_PARAMS_DIR = TEST_DIR / "dnn_benchmarks/model_params" MODEL_PARAMS_TAR = ROOT_DIR / "model_params.tar.gz" MODEL_PARAMS_LINK = "https://databank.illinois.edu/datafiles/o3izd/download" LINKS = [ "CMakeLists.txt", "cmake", "include", "lib", "projects", "test", "tools", ] MAKE_TARGETS = ["approxhpvm.py"] MAKE_TEST_TARGETS = ["hpvm-check"] def parse_args(): parser = ArgumentParser( "hpvm_installer", description="Script for automatic HPVM installation." ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--no-build", action="store_true", help="Configure but don't build HPVM. " "This will require you to install HPVM manually using cmake and make. " "For more details, refer to README.md. Default: False.", ) parser.add_argument( "-j", "--parallel", type=int, default=2, help="How many threads to build with. This argument is relayed on to 'make'. Default: 2", ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--targets", type=str, default="all", help="Build target(s) for LLVM such as X86, ARM. " 'Use semicolon to separate multiple targets such as "X86;ARM". ' 'Defaults to "all" which is to build all supported targets. ' "Supported targets: AArch64, AMDGPU, ARM, BPF, Hexagon, Mips, MSP430, NVPTX, PowerPC, " "Sparc, SystemZ, X86, XCore.", ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--run-tests", action="store_true", help="Build and run test cases" ) parser.add_argument( "--no-params", action="store_true", help="Don't download DNN model parameters" ) return parser.parse_args() def prompt_args(): def parse_yn(s: str): table = {"y": True, "n": False} return table.get(s) def parse_int(s: str): try: v = int(s) except ValueError: return None if v <= 0: return None return v def parse_targets(s: str): if " " in s: return None return s print("No Flags found. Using command line prompts.") print("Alternatively, please call this script with -h for all available options.") auto_build = input_with_check( "Build and install HPVM automatically? [y/n]: ", parse_yn, "Please enter y or n" ) if not auto_build: # Just stuff something in the other fields. We won't need them. return Namespace(no_build=True, parallel="", targets="", run_tests=False) threads = input_with_check( "Number of threads: ", parse_int, "Please enter a positive integer" ) print( "These build targets are supported: AArch64, AMDGPU, ARM, BPF, Hexagon, " "Mips, MSP430, NVPTX, PowerPC, Sparc, SystemZ, X86, XCore.\n" "If building for multiple targets, seperate options with semicolon:\n" "e.g. X86;ARM" ) targets = input_with_check( "Build target: ", parse_targets, "Input shouldn't contain space" ) run_tests = input_with_check( "Build and run tests? [y/n]: ", parse_yn, "Please enter y or n" ) return Namespace( no_build=not auto_build, parallel=threads, targets=targets, run_tests=run_tests ) def print_args(args): print("Running with the following options:") print(f" Automated: {not args.no_build}") print(f" Threads: {args.parallel}") print(f" Targets: {args.targets}") print(f" Run tests: {args.run_tests}") def check_download_llvm_clang(): if Path("llvm/").is_dir(): print("Found LLVM directory, not extracting it again.") else: if Path(LLVM_TARBALL).is_file(): print(f"Found {LLVM_TARBALL}, not downloading it again.") else: print(f"Downloading {LLVM_TARBALL}...") print(f"=============================") check_call([WGET, f"{URL}/{VERSION}/{LLVM_TARBALL}"]) check_call(["tar", "xf", LLVM_TARBALL]) check_call(["mv", LLVM_DIR, "llvm"]) tools = Path("llvm/tools") assert tools.is_dir(), "Problem with LLVM download. Exiting!" if Path(LLVM_TARBALL).is_file(): Path(LLVM_TARBALL).unlink() # Remove tarball environ["LLVM_SRC_ROOT"] = str(ROOT_DIR / "llvm") if (tools / "clang/").is_dir(): print("Found clang directory, not extracting it again.") return chdir(tools) print(f"Downloading {CLANG_TARBALL}...") print(f"=============================") check_call([WGET, f"{URL}/{VERSION}/{CLANG_TARBALL}"]) check_call(["tar", "xf", CLANG_TARBALL]) check_call(["mv", CLANG_DIR, "clang"]) assert Path("clang/").is_dir(), "Problem with clang download. Exiting!" if Path(CLANG_TARBALL).is_file(): Path(CLANG_TARBALL).unlink() chdir(ROOT_DIR) def check_download_model_params(): if MODEL_PARAMS_DIR.is_dir(): print("Found model parameters, not extracting it again.") return if MODEL_PARAMS_TAR.is_file(): print(f"Found {MODEL_PARAMS_TAR}, not downloading it again.") else: print(f"Downloading DNN model parameters: {MODEL_PARAMS_TAR}...") print(f"=============================") check_call([WGET, MODEL_PARAMS_LINK, "-O", MODEL_PARAMS_TAR]) print(f"Extracting DNN model parameters {MODEL_PARAMS_TAR} => {MODEL_PARAMS_DIR}...") # Decompression is pretty time-consuming so we try to show a progress bar: try: check_call(f"pv {MODEL_PARAMS_TAR} | tar xz", shell=True) except CalledProcessError: # Maybe `pv` is not installed. Fine, we'll run without progress bar. print(">> 'pv' is not installed, no progress bar will be shown during decompression.") print(">> Decompression ongoing...") check_call(["tar", "xzf", MODEL_PARAMS_TAR]) check_call(["mv", "model_params", MODEL_PARAMS_DIR]) if MODEL_PARAMS_TAR.is_file(): MODEL_PARAMS_TAR.unlink() def link_and_patch(): from os import symlink hpvm = ROOT_DIR / "llvm/tools/hpvm" print("Adding HPVM sources to tree...") makedirs(hpvm, exist_ok=True) for link in LINKS: if not (hpvm / link).exists(): print(ROOT_DIR / link, hpvm / link) symlink(ROOT_DIR / link, hpvm / link) print("Applying HPVM patches...") chdir("llvm_patches") check_call(["bash", "./construct_patch.sh"]) check_call(["bash", "./apply_patch.sh"]) print("Patches applied.") chdir("..") def maybe_build(build: bool, nthreads: int, targets: str, build_test_targets: bool): if not build: print( """ HPVM not installed. To complete installation, follow these instructions: - Create and navigate to a folder "./build" - Run "cmake ../llvm [options]". Find potential options in README.md. - Run "make -j<number of threads> approxhpvm.py" and then "make install" For more details refer to README.md. """ ) return print("Now building...") print(f"Using {nthreads} threads to build HPVM.") makedirs(BUILD_DIR, exist_ok=True) chdir(BUILD_DIR) cmake_args = [ "cmake", "../llvm", "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc", "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++", f"-DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD={targets}", ] print(f"CMake: {' '.join(cmake_args)}") print(f"=============================") check_call(cmake_args) make_args = ["make", f"-j{nthreads}", *MAKE_TARGETS] if build_test_targets: make_args += MAKE_TEST_TARGETS print(f"Make: {' '.join(make_args)}") print(f"=============================") check_call(make_args) chdir(ROOT_DIR) def run_tests(): chdir(BUILD_DIR) # Run regression tests check_call([LLVM_LIT, "-v", TEST_DIR / "regressionTests"]) # Run unit tests check_call([LLVM_LIT, "-v", TEST_DIR / "unitTests"]) def input_with_check(prompt: str, parse, prompt_when_invalid: str): input_str = input(prompt) value = parse(input_str) while value is None: print(f"{prompt_when_invalid}; got {input_str}") input_str = input(prompt) value = parse(input_str) return value def main(): from sys import argv # Don't parse args if no args given -- use prompt mode args = prompt_args() if len(argv) == 1 else parse_args() print_args(args) check_download_llvm_clang() link_and_patch() if not args.no_params: check_download_model_params() maybe_build(not args.no_build, args.parallel, args.targets, args.run_tests) if args.run_tests: run_tests() else: print("Skipping tests.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()