diff --git a/hpvm/scripts/hpvm_installer.py b/hpvm/scripts/hpvm_installer.py
index c6e465438a84b8b33147dcbc616dcdcdafee6a9f..38d74f68fd43c64f4d71cc3a54a8b6be7ccc2a46 100755
--- a/hpvm/scripts/hpvm_installer.py
+++ b/hpvm/scripts/hpvm_installer.py
@@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ PROTOBUF_DIR = NVDLA_UMD_DIR / "external/protobuf-2.6"
 PROTOBUF_STATIC_LIB = PROTOBUF_DIR / "src/.libs/libprotobuf.a"
 COMPILER_APPS_DIR = NVDLA_UMD_DIR / "apps/compiler"
 COMPILER_CORE_DIR = NVDLA_UMD_DIR / "core/src/compiler"
+NVDLA_LIB = NVDLA_UMD_DIR / "out/core/src/compiler/libnvdla_compiler/libnvdla_compiler.so"
+PROTOBUF_LIB = PROTOBUF_DIR / "src/.libs/libprotobuf.so"
+PROTOBUF_LIB_V1 = "libprotobuf.so.9"   # Some versions of OS may need this
+PROTOBUF_LIB_V2 = "libprotobuf.so.9.0.1"  # Some versions of OS may need this
 LINKS = [
@@ -309,6 +314,14 @@ def build_nvdla_compiler():
     check_call(["make", "TOP="  + str(NVDLA_UMD_DIR)])
+    # Copy over the NVDLA and Protobuf libraries to 
+    # a single directory
+    check_call(["mkdir", NVDLA_LIB_DIR])
+    check_call(["cp", NVDLA_LIB, NVDLA_LIB_DIR])
+    check_call(["cp", PROTOBUF_LIB, NVDLA_LIB_DIR])
+    check_call(["cp", PROTOBUF_LIB, str(NVDLA_LIB_DIR) + "/" + PROTOBUF_LIB_V1])
+    check_call(["cp", PROTOBUF_LIB, str(NVDLA_LIB_DIR) + "/" + PROTOBUF_LIB_V2])
 def build(
     build_dir: Path,
     nthreads: int,