diff --git a/hpvm/docs/getting-started.rst b/hpvm/docs/getting-started.rst
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--- a/hpvm/docs/getting-started.rst
+++ b/hpvm/docs/getting-started.rst
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 Getting Started
-TODO: this is the system-wide tour Sasa was suggesting. Finish this.
+This tutorial covers the basic usage of all components in HPVM
+(components listed :doc:`here </components/index>`).
+We will generate a DNN model, AlexNet2 (for CIFAR10 dataset), into HPVM code, compile it with HPVM,
+perform autotuning on the compiled binary to find approximation choices (configurations),
+and profile the selected configurations to get real performance on device.
+The result will be a figure showing the accuracy-performance tradeoff of AlexNet2 over the
+(pre-defined) approximations and the configurations in a few formats.
+Please check ``test/dnn_benchmarks/model_params/`` exists and contains 
+``alexnet2_cifar10/`` and ``pytorch/alexnet2_cifar10.pth.tar``,
+which may not be the case if you opted out of model parameter download in the installer.
+In that case, you may run the installer again to download the parameter.
+It will not rebuild everything from scratch.
+Generating and Compiling a DNN Model
+Below we will use `torch2hpvm`, the PyTorch API as an example.
+This package lives at ``projects/torch2hpvm`` and should have been installed by the installer.
+The Keras frontend serves a similar purpose, and its usage can be found in the
+:doc:`documentation </components/keras-frontend>`.
+*Note* that below we'll be working under directory ``test/dnn_benchmarks``,
+for easier access to ``test/dnn_benchmarks/model_params/``.
+You can also symlink it to other locations -- don't move it: it's used in test cases --
+and adjust the paths below accordingly.
+First, prepare 2 datasets for autotuning and testing for AlexNet2.
+These datasets are provided as ``model_params/alexnet2_cifar10/{tune|test}_{input|labels}.bin``,
+where ``tune`` and ``test`` prefixes signify tuning and testing set.
+.. code-block:: python
+   from torch2hpvm import BinDataset
+   from pathlib import Path
+   data_dir = Path("model_params/alexnet2_cifar10")
+   dataset_shape = 5000, 3, 32, 32  # NCHW format.
+   tuneset = BinDataset(data_dir / "tune_input.bin", data_dir / "tune_labels.bin", dataset_shape)
+   testset = BinDataset(data_dir / "test_input.bin", data_dir / "test_labels.bin", dataset_shape)
+`BinDataset` is a utility `torch2hpvm` provides for creating dataset over binary files.
+Any instance `torch.utils.data.Dataset` can be used here.
+*Note* that each `module` is bound to 2 datasets: a "tune" and a "test" set.
+The generated binary accepts an argument to be either the string "tune" or "test",
+and performs inference over a dataset accordingly.
+Create a DNN `module` and load the checkpoint:
+.. code-block:: python
+   import torch
+   from torch.nn import Module
+   import dnn  # Defined at `hpvm/test/dnn_benchmarks/pytorch`
+   model: Module = dnn.AlexNet2()
+   checkpoint = "model_params/alexnet2_cifar10.pth.tar"
+   model.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoint))
+Any `torch.nn.Module` can be similarly used,
+as long as they only contain the tensor operators supported in HPVM.
+See "Supported Operators" in :doc:`PyTorch frontend <components/torch2hpvm>`
+and :doc:`Keras frontend <components/keras-frontend>`.
+Now we are ready to export the model. The main functioning class of `torch2hpvm` is `ModelExporter`:
+.. code-block:: python
+   from torch2hpvm import ModelExporter
+   output_dir = Path("./alexnet2_cifar10")
+   build_dir = output_dir / "build"
+   target_binary = build_dir / "alexnet2_cifar10"
+   batch_size = 500
+   conf_file = "hpvm-c/benchmarks/alexnet2_cifar10/data/tuner_confs.txt"
+   exporter = ModelExporter(model, tuneset, testset, output_dir, config_file=conf_file)
+   exporter.generate(batch_size=batch_size).compile(target_binary, build_dir)
+`output_dir`, `build_dir`, and `target_binary` define the folder for code generation, compilation,
+and path to the compiled binary respectively.
+`batch_size` is the batch size the binary uses during inference.
+  *Note* that `conf_file` is the path to an HPVM approximation configuration file.
+  This file decides what approximation the binary will use during inference.
+  This path is hardcoded into the binary and is only read when the binary starts,
+  so it's fine to have `conf_file` point to a non-existing path.
+  An example can be found at ``hpvm-c/benchmarks/alexnet2_cifar10/data/tuner_confs.txt``.
+* `exporter.generate` generates the HPVM-C code while `exporter.compile` is
+  a helper that invokes the HPVM compiler for you.
+Now there should be a binary at ``./alexnet2_cifar10/build/alexnet2_cifar10``.
+Try running ``./alexnet2_cifar10/build/alexnet2_cifar10 test`` for inference over the test set.
+Compiling a Tuner Binary
+The previous binary is used for inference purpose.
+To use the autotuner, we need a slightly different binary that can talk with the tuner.
+The following code is almost identical to the last code block, 
+but it adds `target="hpvm_tensor_inspect"` to `ModelExporter`,
+to require an autotuner binary.
+It also doesn't define a `conf_file`.
+.. code-block:: python
+   from torch2hpvm import ModelExporter
+   tuner_output_dir = Path("./alexnet2_cifar10_tuner")
+   tuner_build_dir = tuner_output_dir / "build"
+   tuner_binary = tuner_build_dir / "alexnet2_cifar10"
+   exporter = ModelExporter(model, tuneset, testset, tuner_output_dir, target="hpvm_tensor_inspect")
+   exporter.generate(batch_size=500).compile(tuner_binary, tuner_build_dir)
+This binary is generated at ``alexnet2_cifar10_tuner/build/alexnet2_cifar10``.
+It waits for autotuner signal and doesn't run on its own, so don't run it by yourself.
+Instead, import and use the tuner `predtuner`:
+.. code-block:: python
+   from predtuner import PipedBinaryApp, config_pylogger
+   # Set up logger to put log file in /tmp
+   msg_logger = config_pylogger(output_dir="/tmp", verbose=True)
+   metadata_file = output_dir / exporter.metadata_file_name
+   # Create a `PipedBinaryApp` that communicates with HPVM bin.
+   # "TestHPVMApp" is an identifier of this app (used in logging, etc.) and can be anything.
+   # Other arguments: 
+   #   base_dir: which directory to run binary in (default: the dir the binary is in)
+   #   qos_relpath: the name of accuracy file generated by the binary.
+   #     Defaults to "final_accuracy". For HPVM apps this shouldn't change.
+   #   model_storage_folder: where to put saved P1/P2 models.
+   app = PipedBinaryApp(
+      "TestHPVMApp",
+      tuner_binary,
+      metadata_file,
+      # Where to serialize prediction models if they are used
+      # For example, if you use p1 (see below), this will leave you a
+      # tuner_results/vgg16_cifar10/p1.pkl
+      # which can be quickly reloaded the next time you do tuning with
+      model_storage_folder="tuner_results/vgg16_cifar10",
+   )
+   tuner = app.get_tuner()
+   tuner.tune(
+      max_iter=1000,  # Number of iterations in tuning. In practice, use at least 5000, or 10000.
+      qos_tuner_threshold=3.0,  # QoS threshold to guide tuner into
+      qos_keep_threshold=3.0,  # QoS threshold for which we actually keep the configurations
+      is_threshold_relative=True,  # Thresholds are relative to baseline -- baseline_acc - 3.0
+      take_best_n=50,  # Take the best 50 configurations,
+      cost_model="cost_linear",  # Use linear performance predictor
+      qos_model="qos_p1",  # Use P1 QoS predictor
+   )
+   fig = tuner.plot_configs(show_qos_loss=True)
+   fig.savefig("configs.png", dpi=300)
+   app.dump_hpvm_configs(tuner.best_configs, "hpvm_confs.txt")
+  *Note* that the performance shown here is estimated.
+  The next section talks about profiling (on a different machine),
+  which shows the real performance.
+* Arguments `cost_model` and `qos_model` controls the models used in tuning.
+  No models are used when the argument is omitted.
+  For example, you can do an empirical tuning run by removing `qos_model="qos_p1"`.
+* `cost_model="cost_linear"` estimates the performance of a configuration
+  using the FLOPs of each operator and the FLOPs reduction of each approximation.
+  If you are tuning on the end device that you wish to run the inference on, (which is a rare case),
+  then removing this argument will make the tuner use real performance instead.
+  In that case, you may skip the profiling step.
+This tuning process should take a few minutes to half an hour,
+depending on your GPU performance.
+After the tuning finishes, the tuner will
+* generate a figure showing the performance-accuracy tradeoff, at ``./configs.png``, and
+* save the HPVM config format (write-only) at ``./hpvm_confs.txt``.
+It is also possible to save the configuration in other formats
+(see the :doc:`predtuner documentation <components/predtuner>`).
+Profiling the Configurations
+We will use `hpvm_profiler`, another Python package for profiling the ``./hpvm_confs.txt``
+we obtained in the tuning step.
+* The profiler uses the *plain* binary generated in the beginning (its path is `target_binary`)
+  instead of the tuner binary.
+  *Note* that you may want to run this profiling step on the edge device
+  where the performance gain is desired.
+  As the compiled binary is usually not compatible across architectures,
+  you need to install HPVM on the edge device and recompile the model.
+  *Also note* that currently,
+  the approximation implementations in the tensor runtime are tuned for Jetson TX2,
+  and speedup may be less for other architectures.
+.. code-block:: python
+   from hpvm_profiler import profile_configs, plot_hpvm_configs
+   # Set `target_binary` to the path of the plain binary.
+   target_binary = "./alexnet2_cifar10/build/alexnet2_cifar10"
+   # Set `config_file` to the config file produced in tuning, such as "hpvm_confs.txt".
+   config_file = "hpvm_confs.txt"
+   out_config_file = "hpvm_confs_profiled.txt"
+   profile_configs(target_binary, config_file, out_config_file)
+   plot_hpvm_configs(out_config_file, "configs_profiled.png")
+``hpvm_confs_profiled.txt`` contains the profiled configurations in HPVM format,
+while ``configs_profiled.png`` shows the final performance-accuracy tradeoff curve.
+An example of ``configs_profiled.png`` looks like this (proportion of your image may be different):
+.. image:: tradeoff-curves/alexnet2_cifar10.png
+This concludes the whole workflow of HPVM.
+For more detailed usages, check out the documentation of each component listed
+:doc:`here <components/index>`.
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