diff --git a/hpvm/test/README.rst b/hpvm/test/README.rst
index a2f94baaac8881606e9a4252b35a562912f0e1dc..e770b05cb39796aab6deb480012470a553923323 100644
--- a/hpvm/test/README.rst
+++ b/hpvm/test/README.rst
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ Directory Organization
 The `hpvm/test` directory holds all tests and benchmarks in HPVM and is organized as follows:
-  ``unitTests/`` and ``regressionTests/``: unit and regression tests for HPVM.
-  These are LLVM-bitcode test cases for HPVM passes.
+  ``hpvm_pass/``: unit and regression tests for HPVM Passes, written in LLVM-bitcode.
   ``benchmarks/``: includes a few applications written in HPVM-C, a template, and directions for compiling and running these benchmarks.