diff --git a/hpvm/projects/hpvm-profiler/hpvm_profiler/__init__.py b/hpvm/projects/hpvm-profiler/hpvm_profiler/__init__.py
index e007ca9277f9e584708488ee57fd08c693a00279..123a35a781f515a089598a10e1334fd7d6067cd3 100644
--- a/hpvm/projects/hpvm-profiler/hpvm_profiler/__init__.py
+++ b/hpvm/projects/hpvm-profiler/hpvm_profiler/__init__.py
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 from pathlib import Path
+from subprocess import CalledProcessError, PIPE
 from typing import Iterable, List, Tuple, Union
 from dataclasses import dataclass
+from tqdm import trange
 PathLike = Union[Path, str]
+conf_opening, conf_closing = "+++++", "-----"
 def profile_configs(
@@ -43,12 +46,18 @@ def profile_configs(
         raise ValueError("Config file with no configs is unsupported.")
     temp_file = NamedTemporaryFile("w")
     baseline_time, baseline_acc = None, None
-    for idx, config in enumerate(configs):
+    for idx in trange(len(configs), desc="Configs profiled"):
+        config = configs[idx]
         # Write config to temp config file
         write_hpvm_config(header, [config], Path(temp_file.name))
         # Run binary_path binary,
         # which generates `profile_filename` and `qos_filename` file in cwd.
-        check_call(str(binary_path))
+        try:
+            check_call([str(binary_path), "-c", str(temp_file.name)], stdout=PIPE)
+        except CalledProcessError as e:
+            print("Output from the program:")
+            print(e.output)
+            raise e
         # Read these two files for time and QoS info.
         time = _read_profile_file(Path(profile_filename))
         acc = _read_qos_file(Path(qos_filename))
@@ -129,7 +138,8 @@ class Config:
         header = " ".join(str(field) for field in header_fields)
-        return f"{header}\n{self.config_body}"
+        lines = [conf_opening, header, *self.config_body, conf_closing]
+        return "\n".join(lines)
     __str__ = __repr__
@@ -139,13 +149,12 @@ def read_hpvm_configs(config_file: PathLike) -> Tuple[str, List[Config]]:
     ret_configs = []
     with open(config_file) as f:
         text = f.read()
-    opening, closing = "+++++", "-----"
     # There's 1 float sitting on the first line of config file.
     # We don't use it, but want to keep that intact.
-    header, *configs = text.split(opening)
+    header, *configs = text.split(conf_opening)
     header = header.strip()
     for config_text in configs:
-        config_text = config_text.replace(closing, "").strip()
+        config_text = config_text.replace(conf_closing, "").strip()
         config_header, *config_body = config_text.splitlines()
         conf_name, *number_fields = config_header.split(" ")
         speedup, energy, qos, qos_drop = [float(s) for s in number_fields]