use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet}; use std::fmt::{Error, Write}; use std::iter::zip; use hercules_ir::*; use crate::*; /* * Entry Hercules functions are lowered to async Rust code to achieve easy task * level parallelism. This Rust is generated textually, and is included via a * procedural macro in the user's Rust code. * * Generating Rust that properly handles memory across devices is tricky. In * particular, the following elements are challenges: * * 1. RT functions may return objects that were not first passed in as * parameters, via object constants. * 2. We want to allocate as much memory upfront as possible. Our goal is for * each call to a RT function from host Rust code, there is at most one * memory allocation per device. * 3. We want to statically determine when cross-device communication is * necessary - this should be a separate concern from allocation. * 4. At the boundary between host Rust / RT functions, we want to encode * lifetime rules so that the Hercules API is memory safe. * 5. We want to support efficient composition of Hercules RT functions in both * synchronous and asynchronous contexts. * * Challenges #1 and #2 require that RT functions themselves do not allocate * memory. Instead, for every entry point function, a "runner" type will be * generated. The host Rust code must instantiate a runner object to invoke an * entry point function. This runner object contains a "backing" memory that is * the single allocation of memories for this function. The runner object can be * used to call the same entry point multiple times, and to the extent possible * the backing memory will be re-used. The size of the backing memory depends on * the dynamic constants passed in to the entry point, so it's lazily allocated * on calls to the entry point to the needed size. To address challenge #4, any * returned objects will be lifetime-bound to the runner object instance, * ensuring that the reference cannot be used after the runner object has de- * allocated the backing memory. This also ensures that the runner can't be run * again while a returned object from a previous iteration is still live, since * the entry point method requires an exclusive reference to the runner. * * Addressing challenge #3 requires we determine what objects are live on what * devices at what times. This can be done fairly easily by coloring nodes by * what device they produce their result on and inserting inter-device transfers * along edges connecting nodes of different colors. Nodes can only have a * single color - this is enforced by the GCM pass. * * Addressing challenge #5 requires runner objects for entry points accept and * return objects that are not in their own backing memory and potentially on * any device. For this reason, parameter and return nodes are not necessarily * CPU colored. Instead, runners take and return Hercules reference objects that * refer to memory on some device which have unknown origin. Hercules reference * objects have a lifetime parameter, and when a runner may return a Hercules * reference that refers to its backing memory, the lifetime of the Hercules * reference is the same as the lifetime of the mutable reference of the runner * used in the entry point signature. In other words, the RT backend infers the * proper lifetime bounds on parameter and returned Hercules reference objects * in relation to the runner's self reference using the collection objects * analysis. There are the following kinds of Hercules reference objects: * * - HerculesCPURef * - HerculesCPURefMut * - HerculesCUDARef * - HerculesCUDARefMut * * Essentially, there are types for each device, one for immutable references * and one for exclusive references. Mutable references can decay into immutable * references, and immutable references can be cloned. The CPU reference types * can be created from normal Rust references. The CUDA reference types can't be * created from normal Rust references - for that purpose, an additional type is * given, CUDABox, which essentially allows the user to manually allocate and * set some CUDA memory - the user can then take a CUDA reference to that box. */ pub fn rt_codegen<W: Write>( module_name: &str, func_id: FunctionID, module: &Module, def_use: &ImmutableDefUseMap, typing: &Vec<TypeID>, control_subgraph: &Subgraph, fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>, fork_join_nest: &HashMap<NodeID, Vec<NodeID>>, fork_tree: &HashMap<NodeID, HashSet<NodeID>>, nodes_in_fork_joins: &HashMap<NodeID, HashSet<NodeID>>, collection_objects: &CollectionObjects, callgraph: &CallGraph, devices: &Vec<Device>, bbs: &BasicBlocks, node_colors: &FunctionNodeColors, backing_allocations: &BackingAllocations, w: &mut W, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let join_fork_map: HashMap<NodeID, NodeID> = fork_join_map .into_iter() .map(|(fork, join)| (*join, *fork)) .collect(); let ctx = RTContext { module_name, func_id, module, def_use, typing, control_subgraph, fork_join_map, join_fork_map: &join_fork_map, fork_join_nest, fork_tree, nodes_in_fork_joins, collection_objects, callgraph, devices, bbs, node_colors, backing_allocations, }; ctx.codegen_function(w) } struct RTContext<'a> { module_name: &'a str, func_id: FunctionID, module: &'a Module, def_use: &'a ImmutableDefUseMap, typing: &'a Vec<TypeID>, control_subgraph: &'a Subgraph, fork_join_map: &'a HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>, join_fork_map: &'a HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>, fork_join_nest: &'a HashMap<NodeID, Vec<NodeID>>, fork_tree: &'a HashMap<NodeID, HashSet<NodeID>>, nodes_in_fork_joins: &'a HashMap<NodeID, HashSet<NodeID>>, collection_objects: &'a CollectionObjects, callgraph: &'a CallGraph, devices: &'a Vec<Device>, bbs: &'a BasicBlocks, node_colors: &'a FunctionNodeColors, backing_allocations: &'a BackingAllocations, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] struct RustBlock { prologue: String, data: String, phi_tmp_assignments: String, phi_assignments: String, epilogue: String, join_epilogue: String, } impl<'a> RTContext<'a> { fn codegen_function<W: Write>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> { // If this is an entry function, generate a corresponding runner object // type definition. let func = &self.get_func(); if func.entry { self.codegen_runner_object(w)?; } // Dump the function signature. write!( w, "#[allow(unused_assignments,unused_variables,unused_mut,unused_parens,unused_unsafe,non_snake_case)]async unsafe fn {}_{}(", self.module_name, )?; let mut first_param = true; // The first set of parameters are pointers to backing memories. for (device, _) in self.backing_allocations[&self.func_id].iter() { if first_param { first_param = false; } else { write!(w, ", ")?; } write!( w, "backing_{}: ::hercules_rt::__RawPtrSendSync", )?; } // The second set of parameters are dynamic constants. for idx in 0..func.num_dynamic_constants { if first_param { first_param = false; } else { write!(w, ", ")?; } write!(w, "dc_p{}: u64", idx)?; } // The third set of parameters are normal parameters. for idx in 0..func.param_types.len() { if first_param { first_param = false; } else { write!(w, ", ")?; } write!(w, "p{}: {}", idx, self.get_type(func.param_types[idx]))?; } write!(w, ") -> ")?; self.write_rust_return_type(w, &func.return_types)?; write!(w, " {{")?; // Dump signatures for called device functions. // For single-return functions we directly expose the device function // while for multi-return functions we generate a wrapper which handles // allocation of the return struct and extracting values from it. This // ensures that device function signatures match what they would be in // AsyncRust for callee_id in self.callgraph.get_callees(self.func_id) { if self.devices[callee_id.idx()] == Device::AsyncRust { continue; } let callee = &self.module.functions[callee_id.idx()]; let is_single_return = callee.return_types.len() == 1; if is_single_return { write!(w, "extern \"C\" {{")?; } self.write_device_signature_async(w, *callee_id, !is_single_return)?; if is_single_return { write!(w, ";}}")?; } else { // Generate the wrapper function for multi-return device functions write!(w, " {{ ")?; // Define the return struct write!( w, "#[repr(C)] struct ReturnStruct {{ {} }} ", callee .return_types .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(idx, t)| format!("f{}: {}", idx, self.get_type(*t))) .collect::<Vec<_>>() .join(", "), )?; // Declare the extern function's signature write!(w, "extern \"C\" {{ ")?; self.write_device_signature(w, *callee_id)?; write!(w, "; }}")?; // Create the return struct write!(w, "let mut ret_struct: ::std::mem::MaybeUninit<ReturnStruct> = ::std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();")?; // Call the device function write!(w, "{}_{}(", self.module_name,; if self.backing_allocations[&callee_id].contains_key(&self.devices[callee_id.idx()]) { write!(w, "backing, ")?; } for idx in 0..callee.num_dynamic_constants { write!(w, "dc{}, ", idx)?; } for idx in 0..callee.param_types.len() { write!(w, "p{}, ", idx)?; } write!(w, "ret_struct.as_mut_ptr());")?; // Extract the result into a Rust product write!(w, "let ret_struct = ret_struct.assume_init();")?; write!( w, "({})", (0..callee.return_types.len()) .map(|idx| format!("ret_struct.f{}", idx)) .collect::<Vec<_>>() .join(", "), )?; write!(w, "}}")?; } } // Set up the root environment for the function. An environment is set // up for every created task in async closures, and there needs to be a // root environment corresponding to the root control node (start node). self.codegen_open_environment(NodeID::new(0), w)?; let mut blocks: BTreeMap<_, _> = (0..func.nodes.len()) .filter(|idx| func.nodes[*idx].is_control()) .map(|idx| (NodeID::new(idx), RustBlock::default())) .collect(); // Emit data flow into basic blocks. for block in self.bbs.1.iter() { for id in block { self.codegen_data_node(*id, &mut blocks)?; } } // Emit control flow into basic blocks. let rev_po = self.control_subgraph.rev_po(NodeID::new(0)); for id in rev_po.iter() { self.codegen_control_node(*id, &mut blocks)?; } // Dump the emitted basic blocks. Do this in reverse postorder since // fork and join nodes open and close environments, respectively. for id in rev_po.iter() { let block = &blocks[id]; if func.nodes[id.idx()].is_join() { write!( w, "{}{}{}{}{}{}", block.prologue,, block.epilogue, block.phi_tmp_assignments, block.phi_assignments, block.join_epilogue )?; } else { write!( w, "{}{}{}{}{}", block.prologue,, block.phi_tmp_assignments, block.phi_assignments, block.epilogue )?; } } // Close the root environment. self.codegen_close_environment(w)?; write!(w, "}}")?; Ok(()) } /* * While control nodes in Hercules IR are predecessor-centric (each take a * control input that defines the predecessor relationship), the Rust loop * we generate is successor centric. This difference requires explicit * translation. */ fn codegen_control_node( &self, id: NodeID, blocks: &mut BTreeMap<NodeID, RustBlock>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let func = &self.get_func(); match func.nodes[id.idx()] { // Start, region, and projection control nodes all have exactly one // successor and are otherwise simple. Node::Start | Node::Region { preds: _ } | Node::ControlProjection { control: _, selection: _, } => { let prologue = &mut blocks.get_mut(&id).unwrap().prologue; write!(prologue, "{} => {{", id.idx())?; let epilogue = &mut blocks.get_mut(&id).unwrap().epilogue; let succ = self.control_subgraph.succs(id).next().unwrap(); write!(epilogue, "control_token = {};}}", succ.idx())?; } // If nodes have two successors - examine the projections to // determine which branch is which, and branch between them. Node::If { control: _, cond } => { let prologue = &mut blocks.get_mut(&id).unwrap().prologue; write!(prologue, "{} => {{", id.idx())?; let epilogue = &mut blocks.get_mut(&id).unwrap().epilogue; let mut succs = self.control_subgraph.succs(id); let succ1 =; let succ2 =; let succ1_is_true = func.nodes[succ1.idx()].try_control_projection(1).is_some(); write!( epilogue, "control_token = if {} {{{}}} else {{{}}};}}", self.get_value(cond, id, false), if succ1_is_true { succ1 } else { succ2 }.idx(), if succ1_is_true { succ2 } else { succ1 }.idx(), )?; } Node::Return { control: _, ref data, } => { let prologue = &mut blocks.get_mut(&id).unwrap().prologue; write!(prologue, "{} => {{", id.idx())?; let epilogue = &mut blocks.get_mut(&id).unwrap().epilogue; if data.len() == 1 { write!(epilogue, "return {};}}", self.get_value(data[0], id, false))?; } else { write!( epilogue, "return ({});}}", data.iter() .map(|v| self.get_value(*v, id, false)) .collect::<Vec<_>>() .join(", "), )?; } } // Fork nodes open a new environment for defining an async closure. Node::Fork { control: _, ref factors, } => { assert!(func.schedules[id.idx()].contains(&Schedule::ParallelFork)); // Set the outer environment control token to the join. let prologue = &mut blocks.get_mut(&id).unwrap().prologue; let join = self.fork_join_map[&id]; write!( prologue, "{} => {{control_token = {};", id.idx(), join.idx() )?; // Emit loops for the thread IDs. for (idx, factor) in factors.into_iter().enumerate() { write!(prologue, "for tid_{}_{} in 0..", id.idx(), idx)?; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*factor, prologue)?; write!(prologue, " {{")?; } // Emit clones of arcs used inside the fork-join. for other_id in (0..func.nodes.len()).map(NodeID::new) { if self.def_use.get_users(other_id).into_iter().any(|user_id| { self.nodes_in_fork_joins[&id].contains(&self.bbs.0[user_id.idx()]) }) && let Some(arc) = self.clone_arc(other_id) { write!(prologue, "{}", arc)?; } } // Spawn an async closure and push its future to a Vec. write!( prologue, "fork_{}.push(::async_std::task::spawn(async move {{", id.idx() )?; // Open a new environment. self.codegen_open_environment(id, prologue)?; // Open the branch inside the async closure for the fork. let succ = self.control_subgraph.succs(id).next().unwrap(); write!( prologue, "{} => {{control_token = {};", id.idx(), succ.idx() )?; // Close the branch for the fork inside the async closure. let epilogue = &mut blocks.get_mut(&id).unwrap().epilogue; write!(epilogue, "}}")?; } // Join nodes close the environment opened by its corresponding // fork. Node::Join { control: _ } => { // Emit the branch for the join inside the async closure. let prologue = &mut blocks.get_mut(&id).unwrap().prologue; write!(prologue, "{} => {{", id.idx())?; // Close the branch inside the async closure. let epilogue = &mut blocks.get_mut(&id).unwrap().epilogue; write!( epilogue, "::std::sync::atomic::fence(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Release);return;}}" )?; // Close the fork's environment. self.codegen_close_environment(epilogue)?; // Close the async closure and push statement from the // fork. write!(epilogue, "}}));")?; // Close the loops emitted by the fork node. let fork = self.join_fork_map[&id]; for _ in 0..func.nodes[fork.idx()].try_fork().unwrap().1.len() { write!(epilogue, "}}")?; } // Close the branch for the fork outside the async closure. write!(epilogue, "}}")?; // Open the branch in the surrounding context for the join. let succ = self.control_subgraph.succs(id).next().unwrap(); write!(epilogue, "{} => {{", id.idx())?; // Await the empty futures for the fork-joins, waiting for them // to complete. write!( epilogue, "for fut in fork_{}.drain(..) {{ fut.await; }}; ::std::sync::atomic::fence(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Acquire);", fork.idx(), )?; // Emit the assignments to the reduce variables in the // surrounding context. It's very unfortunate that we have to do // it while lowering the join node (rather than the reduce nodes // themselves), but this is the only place we can put these // assignments in the correct control location. for user in self.def_use.get_users(id) { if let Some((_, init, _)) = func.nodes[user.idx()].try_reduce() { write!( epilogue, "{} = {};", self.get_value(*user, id, true), self.get_value(init, id, false) )?; } } let join_epilogue = &mut blocks.get_mut(&id).unwrap().join_epilogue; // Branch to the successor control node in the surrounding // context, and close the branch for the join. write!(join_epilogue, "control_token = {};}}", succ.idx())?; } _ => panic!("PANIC: Can't lower {:?}.", func.nodes[id.idx()]), } Ok(()) } /* * Lower data nodes in Hercules IR into Rust statements. */ fn codegen_data_node( &self, id: NodeID, blocks: &mut BTreeMap<NodeID, RustBlock>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let func = &self.get_func(); let bb = self.bbs.0[id.idx()]; match func.nodes[id.idx()] { Node::Parameter { index } => { let block = &mut blocks.get_mut(&bb).unwrap().data; write!(block, "{} = p{};", self.get_value(id, bb, true), index)? } Node::Constant { id: cons_id } => { let block = &mut blocks.get_mut(&bb).unwrap().data; write!(block, "{} = ", self.get_value(id, bb, true))?; let mut size_and_device = None; match self.module.constants[cons_id.idx()] { Constant::Boolean(val) => write!(block, "{}", val)?, Constant::Integer8(val) => write!(block, "{}i8", val)?, Constant::Integer16(val) => write!(block, "{}i16", val)?, Constant::Integer32(val) => write!(block, "{}i32", val)?, Constant::Integer64(val) => write!(block, "{}i64", val)?, Constant::UnsignedInteger8(val) => write!(block, "{}u8", val)?, Constant::UnsignedInteger16(val) => write!(block, "{}u16", val)?, Constant::UnsignedInteger32(val) => write!(block, "{}u32", val)?, Constant::UnsignedInteger64(val) => write!(block, "{}u64", val)?, Constant::Float32(val) => { if val == f32::INFINITY { write!(block, "f32::INFINITY")? } else if val == f32::NEG_INFINITY { write!(block, "f32::NEG_INFINITY")? } else { write!(block, "{}f32", val)? } } Constant::Float64(val) => { if val == f64::INFINITY { write!(block, "f64::INFINITY")? } else if val == f64::NEG_INFINITY { write!(block, "f64::NEG_INFINITY")? } else { write!(block, "{}f64", val)? } } Constant::Product(ty, _) | Constant::Summation(ty, _, _) | Constant::Array(ty) => { let (device, (offset, _)) = self.backing_allocations[&self.func_id] .iter() .filter_map(|(device, (_, offsets))| { offsets.get(&id).map(|id| (*device, *id)) }) .next() .unwrap(); write!(block, "backing_{}.byte_add(",; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(offset, block)?; write!(block, " as usize)")?; size_and_device = Some((self.codegen_type_size(ty), device)); } } write!(block, ";")?; if !func.schedules[id.idx()].contains(&Schedule::NoResetConstant) { if let Some((size, device)) = size_and_device { write!( block, "::hercules_rt::__{}_zero_mem({}.0, {} as usize);",, self.get_value(id, bb, false), size )?; } } } Node::DynamicConstant { id: dc_id } => { let block = &mut blocks.get_mut(&bb).unwrap().data; write!(block, "{} = ", self.get_value(id, bb, true))?; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(dc_id, block)?; write!(block, ";")?; } Node::ThreadID { control, dimension } => { assert_eq!(control, bb); let block = &mut blocks.get_mut(&bb).unwrap().data; write!( block, "{} = tid_{}_{};", self.get_value(id, bb, true), bb.idx(), dimension )?; } Node::Phi { control, ref data } => { assert_eq!(control, bb); // Phis aren't executable in their own basic block - predecessor // blocks assign the to-be phi values themselves. Assign // temporary values first before assigning the phi itself, since // there may be simultaneous inter-dependent phis. for (data, pred) in zip(data.into_iter(), self.control_subgraph.preds(bb)) { let block = &mut blocks.get_mut(&pred).unwrap().phi_tmp_assignments; write!( block, "let {}_tmp = {};", self.get_value(id, pred, true), self.get_value(*data, pred, false), )?; let block = &mut blocks.get_mut(&pred).unwrap().phi_assignments; write!( block, "{} = {}_tmp;", self.get_value(id, pred, true), self.get_value(id, pred, false), )?; } } Node::Reduce { control: _, init: _, reduct: _, } => { assert!(func.schedules[id.idx()].contains(&Schedule::ParallelReduce)); } Node::Call { control, function: callee_id, ref dynamic_constants, ref args, } => { assert_eq!(control, bb); // The device backends and the wrappers we generated earlier ensure that device // functions have the same interface as AsyncRust functions. let block = &mut blocks.get_mut(&bb).unwrap(); let block = &mut; let is_async = func.schedules[id.idx()].contains(&Schedule::AsyncCall); if is_async { for arg in args { if let Some(arc) = self.clone_arc(*arg) { write!(block, "{}", arc)?; } } } let device = self.devices[callee_id.idx()]; let prefix = match (device, is_async) { (Device::AsyncRust, false) | (_, false) => { format!("{} = ", self.get_value(id, bb, true)) } (_, true) => { write!(block, "{}", self.clone_arc(id).unwrap())?; format!( "*async_call_{}.lock().await = ::hercules_rt::__FutureSlotWrapper::new(::async_std::task::spawn(async move {{ ", id.idx(), ) } }; let postfix = match (device, is_async) { (Device::AsyncRust, false) => ".await", (_, false) => "", (Device::AsyncRust, true) => ".await}))", (_, true) => "}))", }; write!( block, "{}{}_{}(", prefix, self.module_name, self.module.functions[callee_id.idx()].name )?; for (device, (offset, size)) in self.backing_allocations[&self.func_id] .iter() .filter_map(|(device, (_, offsets))| offsets.get(&id).map(|id| (*device, *id))) { write!(block, "backing_{}.byte_add(((",; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(offset, block)?; let forks = &self.fork_join_nest[&bb]; if !forks.is_empty() { write!(block, ") + ")?; let mut linear_thread = "0".to_string(); for fork in forks { let factors = func.nodes[fork.idx()].try_fork().unwrap().1; for (factor_idx, factor) in factors.into_iter().enumerate() { linear_thread = format!("({} *", linear_thread); self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*factor, &mut linear_thread)?; write!(linear_thread, " + tid_{}_{})", fork.idx(), factor_idx)?; } } write!(block, "{} * (", linear_thread)?; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(size, block)?; } write!(block, ")) as usize), ")? } for dc in dynamic_constants { self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*dc, block)?; write!(block, ", ")?; } for arg in args { write!(block, "{}, ", self.get_value(*arg, bb, false))?; } write!(block, "){};", postfix)?; } Node::DataProjection { data, selection } => { let block = &mut blocks.get_mut(&bb).unwrap().data; let Node::Call { function: callee_id, .. } = func.nodes[data.idx()] else { panic!() }; if self.module.functions[callee_id.idx()].return_types.len() == 1 { assert!(selection == 0); write!( block, "{} = {};", self.get_value(id, bb, true), self.get_value(data, bb, false), )?; } else { write!( block, "{} = {}.{};", self.get_value(id, bb, true), self.get_value(data, bb, false), selection, )?; } } Node::IntrinsicCall { intrinsic, ref args, } => { let block = &mut blocks.get_mut(&bb).unwrap().data; write!( block, "{} = {}::{}(", self.get_value(id, bb, true), self.get_type(self.typing[id.idx()]), intrinsic.lower_case_name(), )?; for arg in args { write!(block, "{}, ", self.get_value(*arg, bb, false))?; } write!(block, ");")?; } Node::LibraryCall { library_function, ref args, ty, device, } => match library_function { LibraryFunction::GEMM => { assert_eq!(args.len(), 3); assert_eq!(self.typing[args[0].idx()], ty); let c_ty = &self.module.types[self.typing[args[0].idx()].idx()]; let a_ty = &self.module.types[self.typing[args[1].idx()].idx()]; let b_ty = &self.module.types[self.typing[args[2].idx()].idx()]; let ( Type::Array(c_elem, c_dims), Type::Array(a_elem, a_dims), Type::Array(b_elem, b_dims), ) = (c_ty, a_ty, b_ty) else { panic!(); }; assert_eq!(a_elem, b_elem); assert_eq!(a_elem, c_elem); assert_eq!(c_dims.len(), 2); assert_eq!(a_dims.len(), 2); assert_eq!(b_dims.len(), 2); assert_eq!(a_dims[1], b_dims[0]); assert_eq!(a_dims[0], c_dims[0]); assert_eq!(b_dims[1], c_dims[1]); let block = &mut blocks.get_mut(&bb).unwrap().data; let prim_ty = self.library_prim_ty(*a_elem); write!(block, "::hercules_rt::__library_{}_gemm(",; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(a_dims[0], block)?; write!(block, ", ")?; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(a_dims[1], block)?; write!(block, ", ")?; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(b_dims[1], block)?; write!( block, ", {}.0, {}.0, {}.0, {});", self.get_value(args[0], bb, false), self.get_value(args[1], bb, false), self.get_value(args[2], bb, false), prim_ty )?; write!( block, "{} = {};", self.get_value(id, bb, true), self.get_value(args[0], bb, false) )?; } }, Node::Unary { op, input } => { let block = &mut blocks.get_mut(&bb).unwrap().data; match op { UnaryOperator::Not => write!( block, "{} = !{};", self.get_value(id, bb, true), self.get_value(input, bb, false) )?, UnaryOperator::Neg => write!( block, "{} = -{};", self.get_value(id, bb, true), self.get_value(input, bb, false) )?, UnaryOperator::Cast(ty) => write!( block, "{} = {} as {};", self.get_value(id, bb, true), self.get_value(input, bb, false), self.get_type(ty) )?, }; } Node::Binary { op, left, right } => { let block = &mut blocks.get_mut(&bb).unwrap().data; let op = match op { BinaryOperator::Add => "+", BinaryOperator::Sub => "-", BinaryOperator::Mul => "*", BinaryOperator::Div => "/", BinaryOperator::Rem => "%", BinaryOperator::LT => "<", BinaryOperator::LTE => "<=", BinaryOperator::GT => ">", BinaryOperator::GTE => ">=", BinaryOperator::EQ => "==", BinaryOperator::NE => "!=", BinaryOperator::Or => "|", BinaryOperator::And => "&", BinaryOperator::Xor => "^", BinaryOperator::LSh => "<<", BinaryOperator::RSh => ">>", }; write!( block, "{} = {} {} {};", self.get_value(id, bb, true), self.get_value(left, bb, false), op, self.get_value(right, bb, false) )?; } Node::Ternary { op, first, second, third, } => { let block = &mut blocks.get_mut(&bb).unwrap().data; match op { TernaryOperator::Select => write!( block, "{} = if {} {{{}}} else {{{}}};", self.get_value(id, bb, true), self.get_value(first, bb, false), self.get_value(second, bb, false), self.get_value(third, bb, false), )?, }; } Node::Read { collect, ref indices, } => { let block = &mut blocks.get_mut(&bb).unwrap().data; let collect_ty = self.typing[collect.idx()]; let self_ty = self.typing[id.idx()]; let offset = self.codegen_index_math(collect_ty, indices, bb)?; if self.module.types[self_ty.idx()].is_primitive() { write!( block, "{} = ({}.byte_add({} as usize).0 as *mut {}).read();", self.get_value(id, bb, true), self.get_value(collect, bb, false), offset, self.get_type(self_ty) )?; } else { write!( block, "{} = {}.byte_add({} as usize);", self.get_value(id, bb, true), self.get_value(collect, bb, false), offset, )?; } } Node::Write { collect, data, ref indices, } => { let block = &mut blocks.get_mut(&bb).unwrap().data; let collect_ty = self.typing[collect.idx()]; let data_ty = self.typing[data.idx()]; let data_size = self.codegen_type_size(data_ty); let offset = self.codegen_index_math(collect_ty, indices, bb)?; if self.module.types[data_ty.idx()].is_primitive() { write!( block, "({}.byte_add({} as usize).0 as *mut {}).write({});", self.get_value(collect, bb, false), offset, self.get_type(data_ty), self.get_value(data, bb, false), )?; } else { // If the data item being written is not a primitive type, // then perform a memcpy from the data collection to the // destination collection. Look at the colors of the // `collect` and `data` inputs, since this may be an inter- // device copy. let src_device = self.node_colors.0[&data]; let dst_device = self.node_colors.0[&collect]; write!( block, "::hercules_rt::__copy_{}_to_{}({}.byte_add({} as usize).0, {}.0, {} as usize);",,, self.get_value(collect, bb, false), offset, self.get_value(data, bb, false), data_size, )?; } write!( block, "{} = {};", self.get_value(id, bb, true), self.get_value(collect, bb, false) )?; } _ => panic!( "PANIC: Can't lower {:?} in {}.", func.nodes[id.idx()], ), } Ok(()) } /* * Lower dynamic constant in Hercules IR into a Rust expression. */ fn codegen_dynamic_constant<W: Write>( &self, id: DynamicConstantID, w: &mut W, ) -> Result<(), Error> { match &self.module.dynamic_constants[id.idx()] { DynamicConstant::Constant(val) => write!(w, "{}", val)?, DynamicConstant::Parameter(idx) => write!(w, "dc_p{}", idx)?, DynamicConstant::Add(xs) => { write!(w, "(")?; let mut xs = xs.iter(); self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*, w)?; for x in xs { write!(w, "+")?; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*x, w)?; } write!(w, ")")?; } DynamicConstant::Sub(left, right) => { write!(w, "(")?; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*left, w)?; write!(w, "-")?; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*right, w)?; write!(w, ")")?; } DynamicConstant::Mul(xs) => { write!(w, "(")?; let mut xs = xs.iter(); self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*, w)?; for x in xs { write!(w, "*")?; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*x, w)?; } write!(w, ")")?; } DynamicConstant::Div(left, right) => { write!(w, "(")?; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*left, w)?; write!(w, "/")?; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*right, w)?; write!(w, ")")?; } DynamicConstant::Rem(left, right) => { write!(w, "(")?; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*left, w)?; write!(w, "%")?; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*right, w)?; write!(w, ")")?; } DynamicConstant::Min(xs) => { let mut xs = xs.iter().peekable(); // Track the number of parentheses we open that need to be closed later let mut opens = 0; while let Some(x) = { if xs.peek().is_none() { // For the last element, we just print it self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*x, w)?; } else { // Otherwise, we create a new call to min and print the element as the // first argument write!(w, "::core::cmp::min(")?; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*x, w)?; write!(w, ",")?; opens += 1; } } for _ in 0..opens { write!(w, ")")?; } } DynamicConstant::Max(xs) => { let mut xs = xs.iter().peekable(); let mut opens = 0; while let Some(x) = { if xs.peek().is_none() { self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*x, w)?; } else { write!(w, "::core::cmp::max(")?; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*x, w)?; write!(w, ",")?; opens += 1; } } for _ in 0..opens { write!(w, ")")?; } } } Ok(()) } /* * Emit logic to index into an collection. */ fn codegen_index_math( &self, mut collect_ty: TypeID, indices: &[Index], bb: NodeID, ) -> Result<String, Error> { let mut acc_offset = "0".to_string(); for index in indices { match index { Index::Field(idx) => { let Type::Product(ref fields) = self.module.types[collect_ty.idx()] else { panic!() }; // Get the offset of the field at index `idx` by calculating // the product's size up to field `idx`, then offseting the // base pointer by that amount. for field in &fields[..*idx] { let field_align = get_type_alignment(&self.module.types, *field); let field = self.codegen_type_size(*field); acc_offset = format!( "((({} + {}) & !{}) + {})", acc_offset, field_align - 1, field_align - 1, field ); } let last_align = get_type_alignment(&self.module.types, fields[*idx]); acc_offset = format!( "(({} + {}) & !{})", acc_offset, last_align - 1, last_align - 1 ); collect_ty = fields[*idx]; } Index::Variant(idx) => { // The tag of a summation is at the end of the summation, so // the variant pointer is just the base pointer. Do nothing. let Type::Summation(ref variants) = self.module.types[collect_ty.idx()] else { panic!() }; collect_ty = variants[*idx]; } Index::Position(ref pos) => { let Type::Array(elem, ref dims) = self.module.types[collect_ty.idx()] else { panic!() }; // The offset of the position into an array is: // // ((0 * s1 + p1) * s2 + p2) * s3 + p3 ... let elem_size = self.codegen_type_size(elem); let elem_align = get_type_alignment(&self.module.types, elem); let aligned_elem_size = format!( "(({} + {}) & !{})", elem_size, elem_align - 1, elem_align - 1 ); for (p, s) in zip(pos, dims) { let p = self.get_value(*p, bb, false); acc_offset = format!("{} * ", acc_offset); self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*s, &mut acc_offset)?; acc_offset = format!("({} + {})", acc_offset, p); } // Convert offset in # elements -> # bytes. acc_offset = format!("({} * {})", acc_offset, aligned_elem_size); collect_ty = elem; } } } Ok(acc_offset) } /* * Lower the size of a type into a Rust expression. */ fn codegen_type_size(&self, ty: TypeID) -> String { match self.module.types[ty.idx()] { Type::Control | Type::MultiReturn(_) => panic!(), Type::Boolean | Type::Integer8 | Type::UnsignedInteger8 | Type::Float8 => { "1".to_string() } Type::Integer16 | Type::UnsignedInteger16 | Type::BFloat16 => "2".to_string(), Type::Integer32 | Type::UnsignedInteger32 | Type::Float32 => "4".to_string(), Type::Integer64 | Type::UnsignedInteger64 | Type::Float64 => "8".to_string(), Type::Product(ref fields) => { let fields_align = fields .into_iter() .map(|id| get_type_alignment(&self.module.types, *id)); let fields: Vec<String> = fields .into_iter() .map(|id| self.codegen_type_size(*id)) .collect(); // Emit LLVM IR to round up to the alignment of the next field, // and then add the size of that field. At the end, round up to // the alignment of the whole struct. let mut acc_size = "0".to_string(); for (field_align, field) in zip(fields_align, fields) { acc_size = format!( "(({} + {}) & !{})", acc_size, field_align - 1, field_align - 1 ); acc_size = format!("({} + {})", acc_size, field); } let total_align = get_type_alignment(&self.module.types, ty); format!( "(({} + {}) & !{})", acc_size, total_align - 1, total_align - 1 ) } Type::Summation(ref variants) => { let variants = variants.into_iter().map(|id| self.codegen_type_size(*id)); // The size of a summation is the size of the largest field, // plus 1 byte and alignment for the discriminant. let mut acc_size = "0".to_string(); for variant in variants { acc_size = format!("::core::cmp::max({}, {})", acc_size, variant); } // No alignment is necessary before the 1 byte discriminant. let total_align = get_type_alignment(&self.module.types, ty); format!( "(({} + 1 + {}) & !{})", acc_size, total_align - 1, total_align - 1 ) } Type::Array(elem, ref bounds) => { // The size of an array is the size of the element multipled by // the dynamic constant bounds. let mut acc_size = self.codegen_type_size(elem); let elem_align = get_type_alignment(&self.module.types, elem); acc_size = format!( "(({} + {}) & !{})", acc_size, elem_align - 1, elem_align - 1 ); for dc in bounds { acc_size = format!("{} * ", acc_size); self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*dc, &mut acc_size).unwrap(); } format!("({})", acc_size) } } } fn codegen_open_environment<W: Write>(&self, root: NodeID, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> { let func = &self.get_func(); // Declare intermediary variables for every value in this fork-join (or // whole function for start) that isn't in any child fork-joins. for idx in 0..func.nodes.len() { let id = NodeID::new(idx); let control = func.nodes[idx].is_control(); let in_root = self.nodes_in_fork_joins[&root].contains(&id); let in_child = self.fork_tree[&root] .iter() .any(|child| self.nodes_in_fork_joins[&child].contains(&id)); let is_reduce_on_child = func.nodes[idx] .try_reduce() .map(|(control, _, _)| { self.fork_tree[&root].contains(&self.join_fork_map[&control]) }) .unwrap_or(false); if (control || !in_root || in_child) && !is_reduce_on_child { continue; } // If the node is a call with an AsyncCall schedule, it should be // lowered to a Arc<Mutex<>> over the future. let is_async_call = func.nodes[idx].is_call() && func.schedules[idx].contains(&Schedule::AsyncCall); if is_async_call { write!( w, "let mut async_call_{} = ::std::sync::Arc::new(::async_std::sync::Mutex::new(::hercules_rt::__FutureSlotWrapper::empty()));", idx, )?; } else { write!( w, "let mut {}_{}: {} = {};", if is_reduce_on_child { "reduce" } else { "node" }, idx, self.get_type(self.typing[idx]), self.get_default_value(self.typing[idx]), )?; } } // Declare Vecs for storing futures of fork-joins. for fork in self.fork_tree[&root].iter() { write!(w, "let mut fork_{} = vec![];", fork.idx())?; } // The core executor is a Rust loop. We literally run a "control token" // as described in the original sea of nodes paper through the basic // blocks to drive execution. write!( w, "let mut control_token: i8 = {};loop {{match control_token {{", root.idx(), )?; Ok(()) } fn codegen_close_environment<W: Write>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> { // Close the match and loop. write!(w, "_ => panic!()}}}}") } /* * Generate a runner object for this function. The runner object stores * backing memory for a Hercules function and wraps calls to the Hercules * function. */ fn codegen_runner_object<W: Write>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), Error> { // Figure out the devices for the parameters and the return value if // they are collections and whether they should be immutable or mutable // references. let func = self.get_func(); let param_devices = &self.node_colors.1; let return_devices = &self.node_colors.2; let mut param_muts = vec![false; func.param_types.len()]; let mut return_muts = vec![true; func.return_types.len()]; let objects = &self.collection_objects[&self.func_id]; for idx in 0..func.param_types.len() { if let Some(object) = objects.param_to_object(idx) && objects.is_mutated(object) { param_muts[idx] = true; } } let num_returns = func.return_types.len(); for idx in 0..num_returns { for object in objects.returned_objects(idx) { if let Some(param_idx) = objects.origin(*object).try_parameter() && !param_muts[param_idx] { return_muts[idx] = false; } } } // Emit the type definition. A runner object owns its backing memory. write!( w, "#[allow(non_camel_case_types)]struct HerculesRunner_{} {{", )?; for (device, _) in self.backing_allocations[&self.func_id].iter() { write!(w, "backing_ptr_{}: *mut u8,",,)?; write!(w, "backing_size_{}: usize,",,)?; } write!(w, "}}")?; write!( w, "impl HerculesRunner_{} {{fn new() -> Self {{Self {{", )?; for (device, _) in self.backing_allocations[&self.func_id].iter() { write!( w, "backing_ptr_{}: ::core::ptr::null_mut(),backing_size_{}: 0,",, )?; } write!(w, "}}}}")?; // Each returned reference, input reference, and the runner will have // its own lifetime. We use lifetime bounds to ensure that the runner // and parameters are borrowed for the lifetimes needed by the outputs let returned_origins: Vec<HashSet<_>> = (0..num_returns) .map(|idx| { objects .returned_objects(idx) .iter() .map(|obj| objects.origin(*obj)) .collect() }) .collect(); write!(w, "async fn run<'runner:")?; for (ret_idx, origins) in returned_origins.iter().enumerate() { if origins.iter().any(|origin| !origin.is_parameter()) { write!(w, " 'r{} +", ret_idx)?; } } for idx in 0..num_returns { write!(w, ", 'r{}", idx)?; } for idx in 0..func.param_types.len() { write!(w, ", 'p{}:", idx)?; for (ret_idx, origins) in returned_origins.iter().enumerate() { if origins.iter().any(|origin| { origin .try_parameter() .map(|oidx| idx == oidx) .unwrap_or(false) }) { write!(w, " 'r{} +", ret_idx)?; } } } write!(w, ">(&'runner mut self")?; for idx in 0..func.num_dynamic_constants { write!(w, ", dc_p{}: u64", idx)?; } for idx in 0..func.param_types.len() { if self.module.types[func.param_types[idx].idx()].is_primitive() { write!(w, ", p{}: {}", idx, self.get_type(func.param_types[idx]))?; } else { let device = match param_devices[idx] { Some(Device::LLVM) | None => "CPU", Some(Device::CUDA) => "CUDA", _ => panic!(), }; let mutability = if param_muts[idx] { "Mut" } else { "" }; write!( w, ", p{}: ::hercules_rt::Hercules{}Ref{}<'p{}>", idx, device, mutability, idx, )?; } } write!( w, ") -> {}{}{} {{", if num_returns != 1 { "(" } else { "" }, func.return_types .iter() .enumerate() .map( |(ret_idx, typ)| if self.module.types[typ.idx()].is_primitive() { self.get_type(*typ) } else { let device = match return_devices[ret_idx] { Some(Device::LLVM) | None => "CPU", Some(Device::CUDA) => "CUDA", _ => panic!(), }; let mutability = if return_muts[ret_idx] { "Mut" } else { "" }; format!( "::hercules_rt::Hercules{}Ref{}<'r{}>", device, mutability, ret_idx ) } ) .collect::<Vec<_>>() .join(", "), if num_returns != 1 { ")" } else { "" }, )?; // Start with possibly re-allocating the backing memory if it's not // large enough. write!(w, "unsafe {{")?; for (device, (total, _)) in self.backing_allocations[&self.func_id].iter() { write!(w, "let size = ")?; self.codegen_dynamic_constant(*total, w)?; write!( w, " as usize;if self.backing_size_{} < size {{", )?; write!( w, "::hercules_rt::__{}_dealloc(self.backing_ptr_{}, self.backing_size_{});",,, )?; write!(w, "self.backing_size_{} = size;",; write!( w, "self.backing_ptr_{} = ::hercules_rt::__{}_alloc(self.backing_size_{});",,, )?; write!(w, "}}")?; } for idx in 0..func.param_types.len() { if !self.module.types[func.param_types[idx].idx()].is_primitive() { write!( w, "let p{} = ::hercules_rt::__RawPtrSendSync(p{}.__ptr());", idx, idx )?; } } // Call the wrapped function. write!(w, "let ret = {}_{}(", self.module_name,; for (device, _) in self.backing_allocations[&self.func_id].iter() { write!( w, "::hercules_rt::__RawPtrSendSync(self.backing_ptr_{}), ", )?; } for idx in 0..func.num_dynamic_constants { write!(w, "dc_p{}, ", idx)?; } for idx in 0..func.param_types.len() { write!(w, "p{}, ", idx)?; } write!(w, ").await;")?; // Return the result, appropriately wrapping pointers if num_returns == 1 { if self.module.types[func.return_types[0].idx()].is_primitive() { write!(w, "ret")?; } else { let device = match return_devices[0] { Some(Device::LLVM) | None => "CPU", Some(Device::CUDA) => "CUDA", _ => panic!(), }; let mutability = if return_muts[0] { "Mut" } else { "" }; write!( w, "::hercules_rt::Hercules{}Ref{}::__from_parts(ret.0, {} as usize)", device, mutability, self.codegen_type_size(func.return_types[0]) )?; } } else { write!(w, "(")?; for (idx, typ) in func.return_types.iter().enumerate() { if self.module.types[typ.idx()].is_primitive() { write!(w, "ret.{},", idx)?; } else { let device = match return_devices[idx] { Some(Device::LLVM) | None => "CPU", Some(Device::CUDA) => "CUDA", _ => panic!(), }; let mutability = if return_muts[idx] { "Mut" } else { "" }; write!( w, "::hercules_rt::Hercules{}Ref{}::__from_parts(ret.{}.0, {} as usize),", device, mutability, idx, self.codegen_type_size(func.return_types[idx]), )?; } } write!(w, ")")?; } write!(w, "}}}}")?; // De-allocate the backing memory on drop. write!( w, "}}impl Drop for HerculesRunner_{} {{#[allow(unused_unsafe)]fn drop(&mut self) {{unsafe {{", )?; for (device, _) in self.backing_allocations[&self.func_id].iter() { write!( w, "::hercules_rt::__{}_dealloc(self.backing_ptr_{}, self.backing_size_{});",,, )?; } write!(w, "}}}}}}")?; Ok(()) } fn get_func(&self) -> &Function { &self.module.functions[self.func_id.idx()] } fn get_value(&self, id: NodeID, bb: NodeID, lhs: bool) -> String { let func = self.get_func(); if let Some((control, _, _)) = func.nodes[id.idx()].try_reduce() && (control == bb || !self.nodes_in_fork_joins[&self.join_fork_map[&control]].contains(&bb)) { format!("reduce_{}", id.idx()) } else if func.nodes[id.idx()].is_call() && func.schedules[id.idx()].contains(&Schedule::AsyncCall) { assert!(!lhs); format!("async_call_{}.lock().await.inspect().await", id.idx(),) } else { format!("node_{}", id.idx()) } } fn clone_arc(&self, id: NodeID) -> Option<String> { let func = self.get_func(); if func.nodes[id.idx()].is_call() && func.schedules[id.idx()].contains(&Schedule::AsyncCall) { Some(format!( "let async_call_{} = async_call_{}.clone();", id.idx(), id.idx() )) } else { None } } fn get_type(&self, id: TypeID) -> String { convert_type(&self.module.types[id.idx()], &self.module.types) } fn get_default_value(&self, idx: TypeID) -> String { let typ = &self.module.types[idx.idx()]; if typ.is_bool() { "false".to_string() } else if typ.is_integer() { "0".to_string() } else if typ.is_float() { "0.0".to_string() } else if let Some(ts) = typ.try_multi_return() { format!( "({})", ts.iter() .map(|t| self.get_default_value(*t)) .collect::<Vec<_>>() .join(", ") ) } else { "::hercules_rt::__RawPtrSendSync(::core::ptr::null_mut())".to_string() } } fn write_rust_return_type<W: Write>(&self, w: &mut W, tys: &[TypeID]) -> Result<(), Error> { if tys.len() == 1 { write!(w, "{}", self.get_type(tys[0])) } else { write!( w, "({})", tys.iter() .map(|t| self.get_type(*t)) .collect::<Vec<_>>() .join(", "), ) } } // Writes the signature of a device function as if it were an async function, in particular // this means that if the function is multi-return it will return a product in the produced // Rust code // Writes from the "fn" keyword up to the end of the return type fn write_device_signature_async<W: Write>( &self, w: &mut W, func_id: FunctionID, is_unsafe: bool, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let func = &self.module.functions[func_id.idx()]; write!( w, "{}fn {}_{}(", if is_unsafe { "unsafe " } else { "" }, self.module_name, )?; let mut first_param = true; if self.backing_allocations[&func_id].contains_key(&self.devices[func_id.idx()]) { first_param = false; write!(w, "backing: ::hercules_rt::__RawPtrSendSync")?; } for idx in 0..func.num_dynamic_constants { if first_param { first_param = false; } else { write!(w, ", ")?; } write!(w, "dc{}: u64", idx)?; } for (idx, ty) in func.param_types.iter().enumerate() { if first_param { first_param = false; } else { write!(w, ", ")?; } write!(w, "p{}: {}", idx, self.get_type(*ty))?; } write!(w, ") -> ")?; self.write_rust_return_type(w, &func.return_types) } // Writes the true signature of a device function // Compared to the _async version this converts multi-return into a return struct fn write_device_signature<W: Write>( &self, w: &mut W, func_id: FunctionID, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let func = &self.module.functions[func_id.idx()]; write!(w, "fn {}_{}(", self.module_name,; let mut first_param = true; if self.backing_allocations[&func_id].contains_key(&self.devices[func_id.idx()]) { first_param = false; write!(w, "backing: ::hercules_rt::__RawPtrSendSync")?; } for idx in 0..func.num_dynamic_constants { if first_param { first_param = false; } else { write!(w, ", ")?; } write!(w, "dc{}: u64", idx)?; } for (idx, ty) in func.param_types.iter().enumerate() { if first_param { first_param = false; } else { write!(w, ", ")?; } write!(w, "p{}: {}", idx, self.get_type(*ty))?; } if func.return_types.len() == 1 { write!(w, ") -> {}", self.get_type(func.return_types[0])) } else { write!(w, ", ret_ptr: *mut ReturnStruct)") } } fn library_prim_ty(&self, id: TypeID) -> &'static str { match self.module.types[id.idx()] { Type::Boolean => "::hercules_rt::PrimTy::Bool", Type::Integer8 => "::hercules_rt::PrimTy::I8", Type::Integer16 => "::hercules_rt::PrimTy::I16", Type::Integer32 => "::hercules_rt::PrimTy::I32", Type::Integer64 => "::hercules_rt::PrimTy::I64", Type::UnsignedInteger8 => "::hercules_rt::PrimTy::U8", Type::UnsignedInteger16 => "::hercules_rt::PrimTy::U16", Type::UnsignedInteger32 => "::hercules_rt::PrimTy::U32", Type::UnsignedInteger64 => "::hercules_rt::PrimTy::U64", Type::Float8 => "::hercules_rt::PrimTy::F8", Type::BFloat16 => "::hercules_rt::PrimTy::BF16", Type::Float32 => "::hercules_rt::PrimTy::F32", Type::Float64 => "::hercules_rt::PrimTy::F64", _ => panic!(), } } } fn convert_type(ty: &Type, types: &[Type]) -> String { match ty { Type::Boolean => "bool".to_string(), Type::Integer8 => "i8".to_string(), Type::Integer16 => "i16".to_string(), Type::Integer32 => "i32".to_string(), Type::Integer64 => "i64".to_string(), Type::UnsignedInteger8 => "u8".to_string(), Type::UnsignedInteger16 => "u16".to_string(), Type::UnsignedInteger32 => "u32".to_string(), Type::UnsignedInteger64 => "u64".to_string(), Type::Float32 => "f32".to_string(), Type::Float64 => "f64".to_string(), Type::Product(_) | Type::Summation(_) | Type::Array(_, _) => { "::hercules_rt::__RawPtrSendSync".to_string() } Type::MultiReturn(ts) => { format!( "({})", ts.iter() .map(|t| convert_type(&types[t.idx()], types)) .collect::<Vec<_>>() .join(", ") ) } _ => panic!(), } }