From db19181bc14821a05828a5e76a0eb68410c22457 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rarbore2 <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 23:28:22 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Re-write Predication to use FunctionEditor

 hercules_opt/src/              |  60 +++-
 hercules_opt/src/              | 492 ++++++++++++++------------
 juno_frontend/src/              |   9 +
 juno_samples/antideps/src/antideps.jn |   8 +-
 4 files changed, 323 insertions(+), 246 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/ b/hercules_opt/src/
index 12444b36..d24b6563 100644
--- a/hercules_opt/src/
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ pub enum Pass {
+    WritePredication,
@@ -469,27 +470,58 @@ impl PassManager {
+                Pass::WritePredication => {
+                    self.make_def_uses();
+                    let def_uses = self.def_uses.as_ref().unwrap();
+                    for idx in 0..self.module.functions.len() {
+                        let constants_ref =
+                            RefCell::new(std::mem::take(&mut self.module.constants));
+                        let dynamic_constants_ref =
+                            RefCell::new(std::mem::take(&mut self.module.dynamic_constants));
+                        let types_ref = RefCell::new(std::mem::take(&mut self.module.types));
+                        let mut editor = FunctionEditor::new(
+                            &mut self.module.functions[idx],
+                            FunctionID::new(idx),
+                            &constants_ref,
+                            &dynamic_constants_ref,
+                            &types_ref,
+                            &def_uses[idx],
+                        );
+                        write_predication(&mut editor);
+                        self.module.constants = constants_ref.take();
+                        self.module.dynamic_constants = dynamic_constants_ref.take();
+                        self.module.types = types_ref.take();
+                        self.module.functions[idx].delete_gravestones();
+                    }
+                    self.clear_analyses();
+                }
                 Pass::Predication => {
-                    self.make_reverse_postorders();
-                    self.make_doms();
-                    self.make_fork_join_maps();
+                    self.make_typing();
                     let def_uses = self.def_uses.as_ref().unwrap();
-                    let reverse_postorders = self.reverse_postorders.as_ref().unwrap();
-                    let doms = self.doms.as_ref().unwrap();
-                    let fork_join_maps = self.fork_join_maps.as_ref().unwrap();
+                    let typing = self.typing.as_ref().unwrap();
                     for idx in 0..self.module.functions.len() {
-                        predication(
+                        let constants_ref =
+                            RefCell::new(std::mem::take(&mut self.module.constants));
+                        let dynamic_constants_ref =
+                            RefCell::new(std::mem::take(&mut self.module.dynamic_constants));
+                        let types_ref = RefCell::new(std::mem::take(&mut self.module.types));
+                        let mut editor = FunctionEditor::new(
                             &mut self.module.functions[idx],
+                            FunctionID::new(idx),
+                            &constants_ref,
+                            &dynamic_constants_ref,
+                            &types_ref,
-                            &reverse_postorders[idx],
-                            &doms[idx],
-                            &fork_join_maps[idx],
-                        let num_nodes = self.module.functions[idx].nodes.len();
-                        self.module.functions[idx]
-                            .schedules
-                            .resize(num_nodes, vec![]);
+                        predication(&mut editor, &typing[idx]);
+                        self.module.constants = constants_ref.take();
+                        self.module.dynamic_constants = dynamic_constants_ref.take();
+                        self.module.types = types_ref.take();
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/ b/hercules_opt/src/
index be1b4a0b..cfad7d1c 100644
--- a/hercules_opt/src/
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/
@@ -1,257 +1,287 @@
-use std::collections::HashMap;
-use std::collections::HashSet;
-use std::collections::VecDeque;
+use std::cmp::{max, min};
+use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
+use std::iter::zip;
-use bitvec::prelude::*;
+use itertools::Itertools;
-use hercules_ir::def_use::*;
-use hercules_ir::dom::*;
-use hercules_ir::ir::*;
+use hercules_ir::*;
+use crate::*;
- * Top level function to convert acyclic control flow in vectorized fork-joins
- * into predicated data flow.
+ * Top level function to run predication on a function. Repeatedly looks for
+ * acyclic control flow that can be converted into dataflow.
-pub fn predication(
-    function: &mut Function,
-    def_use: &ImmutableDefUseMap,
-    reverse_postorder: &Vec<NodeID>,
-    dom: &DomTree,
-    fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>,
-) {
-    // Detect forks with vectorize schedules.
-    let vector_forks: Vec<_> = function
-        .nodes
-        .iter()
-        .enumerate()
-        //.filter(|(idx, n)| n.is_fork() && schedules[*idx].contains(&Schedule::Vectorize))
-        .filter(|(_, n)| n.is_fork())
-        .map(|(idx, _)| NodeID::new(idx))
-        .collect();
-    // Filter forks that can't actually be vectorized, and yell at the user if
-    // they're being silly.
-    let actual_vector_forks: Vec<_> = vector_forks
-        .into_iter()
-        .filter_map(|fork_id| {
-            // Detect cycles in control flow between fork and join. Start at the
-            // join, and work backwards.
-            let mut visited = bitvec![u8, Lsb0; 0; function.nodes.len()];
-            let join_id = fork_join_map[&fork_id];
-            let mut stack = vec![join_id];
-            while let Some(pop) = stack.pop() {
-                // Only detect cycles between fork and join, and don't revisit
-                // nodes.
-                if visited[pop.idx()] || function.nodes[pop.idx()].is_fork() {
-                    continue;
+pub fn predication(editor: &mut FunctionEditor, typing: &Vec<TypeID>) {
+    // Remove branches iteratively, since predicating an inside branch may cause
+    // an outside branch to be available for predication.
+    let mut bad_branches = BTreeSet::new();
+    loop {
+        // First, look for a branch whose projections all point to the same
+        // region. These are branches with no internal control flow.
+        let nodes = &editor.func().nodes;
+        let Some((region, branch, false_proj, true_proj)) = editor
+            .node_ids()
+            .filter_map(|id| {
+                if let Node::Region { ref preds } = nodes[id.idx()] {
+                    // Look for two projections with the same branch.
+                    let preds = preds.into_iter().filter_map(|id| {
+                        nodes[id.idx()]
+                            .try_proj()
+                            .map(|(branch, selection)| (*id, branch, selection))
+                    });
+                    // Index projections by if branch.
+                    let mut pred_map: BTreeMap<NodeID, Vec<(NodeID, usize)>> = BTreeMap::new();
+                    for (proj, branch, selection) in preds {
+                        if nodes[branch.idx()].is_if() && !bad_branches.contains(&branch) {
+                            pred_map.entry(branch).or_default().push((proj, selection));
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // Look for an if branch with two projections going into the
+                    // same region.
+                    for (branch, projs) in pred_map {
+                        if projs.len() == 2 {
+                            let way = projs[0].1;
+                            assert_ne!(way, projs[1].1);
+                            return Some((id, branch, projs[way].0, projs[1 - way].0));
+                        }
+                    }
+                None
+            })
+            .next()
+        else {
+            break;
+        };
+        let Node::Region { preds } = nodes[region.idx()].clone() else {
+            panic!()
+        };
+        let Node::If {
+            control: if_pred,
+            cond,
+        } = nodes[branch.idx()]
+        else {
+            panic!()
+        };
+        let phis: Vec<_> = editor
+            .get_users(region)
+            .filter(|id| nodes[id.idx()].is_phi())
+            .collect();
+        // Don't predicate branches where one of the phis is a collection.
+        // Predicating this branch would result in a clone and probably woudln't
+        // result in good vector code.
+        if phis
+            .iter()
+            .any(|id| !editor.get_type(typing[id.idx()]).is_primitive())
+        {
+            bad_branches.insert(branch);
+            continue;
+        }
+        let false_pos = preds.iter().position(|id| *id == false_proj).unwrap();
+        let true_pos = preds.iter().position(|id| *id == true_proj).unwrap();
-                // Filter if there is a cycle, or if there is a nested fork, or
-                // if there is a match node. We know there is a loop if a node
-                // dominates one of its predecessors.
-                let control_uses: Vec<_> = get_uses(&function.nodes[pop.idx()])
-                    .as_ref()
-                    .iter()
-                    .filter(|id| function.nodes[id.idx()].is_control())
-                    .map(|x| *x)
-                    .collect();
-                if control_uses
-                    .iter()
-                    .any(|pred_id| dom.does_dom(pop, *pred_id))
-                    || (function.nodes[pop.idx()].is_join() && pop != join_id)
-                    || function.nodes[pop.idx()].is_match()
-                {
-                    eprintln!(
-                        "WARNING: Vectorize schedule attached to fork that cannot be vectorized."
-                    );
-                    return None;
-                }
+        // Second, make all the modifications:
+        // - Add the select nodes.
+        // - Replace uses in phis with the select node.
+        // - Remove the branch from the control flow.
+        // This leaves the old region in place - if the region has one
+        // predecessor, it may be removed by CCP.
+        let success = editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+            // Replace the branch projection predecessors of the region with the
+            // predecessor of the branch.
+            let Node::Region { preds } = edit.get_node(region).clone() else {
+                panic!()
+            };
+            let mut preds = Vec::from(preds);
+            preds.remove(max(true_pos, false_pos));
+            preds.remove(min(true_pos, false_pos));
+            preds.push(if_pred);
+            let new_region = edit.add_node(Node::Region {
+                preds: preds.into_boxed_slice(),
+            });
+            edit = edit.replace_all_uses(region, new_region)?;
-                // Recurse up the control subgraph.
-                visited.set(pop.idx(), true);
-                stack.extend(control_uses);
+            // Replace the corresponding inputs in the phi nodes with select
+            // nodes selecting over the old inputs to the phis.
+            for phi in phis {
+                let Node::Phi { control: _, data } = edit.get_node(phi).clone() else {
+                    panic!()
+                };
+                let mut data = Vec::from(data);
+                let select = edit.add_node(Node::Ternary {
+                    op: TernaryOperator::Select,
+                    first: cond,
+                    second: data[true_pos],
+                    third: data[false_pos],
+                });
+                data.remove(max(true_pos, false_pos));
+                data.remove(min(true_pos, false_pos));
+                data.push(select);
+                let new_phi = edit.add_node(Node::Phi {
+                    control: new_region,
+                    data: data.into_boxed_slice(),
+                });
+                edit = edit.replace_all_uses(phi, new_phi)?;
+                edit = edit.delete_node(phi)?;
-            Some((fork_id, visited))
-        })
-        .collect();
-    // For each control node, collect which condition values must be true, and
-    // which condition values must be false to reach that node. Each phi's
-    // corresponding region will have at least one condition value that differs
-    // between the predecessors. These differing condition values anded together
-    // form the select condition.
-    let mut condition_valuations: HashMap<NodeID, (HashSet<NodeID>, HashSet<NodeID>)> =
-        HashMap::new();
-    for (fork_id, control_in_fork_join) in actual_vector_forks.iter() {
-        // Within a fork-join, there are no condition requirements on the fork.
-        condition_valuations.insert(*fork_id, (HashSet::new(), HashSet::new()));
-        // Iterate the nodes in the fork-join in reverse postorder, top-down.
-        let local_reverse_postorder = reverse_postorder
-            .iter()
-            .filter(|id| control_in_fork_join[id.idx()]);
-        for control_id in local_reverse_postorder {
-            match function.nodes[control_id.idx()] {
-                Node::If { control, cond: _ } | Node::Join { control } => {
-                    condition_valuations
-                        .insert(*control_id, condition_valuations[&control].clone());
-                }
-                // Introduce condition variables into sets, as this is where
-                // branching occurs.
-                Node::Projection {
-                    control,
-                    ref selection,
-                } => {
-                    assert!(*selection < 2);
-                    let mut sets = condition_valuations[&control].clone();
-                    let condition = function.nodes[control.idx()].try_if().unwrap().1;
-                    if *selection == 0 {
-                        sets.0.insert(condition);
-                    } else {
-                        sets.1.insert(condition);
-                    }
-                    condition_valuations.insert(*control_id, sets);
-                }
-                // The only required conditions for a region are those required
-                // for all predecessors. Thus, the condition sets for a region
-                // are the intersections of the predecessor condition sets.
-                Node::Region { ref preds } => {
-                    let (prev_true_set, prev_false_set) = condition_valuations[&preds[0]].clone();
-                    let int_true_set = preds[1..].iter().fold(prev_true_set, |a, b| {
-                        a.intersection(&condition_valuations[b].0)
-                            .map(|x| *x)
-                            .collect::<HashSet<NodeID>>()
-                    });
-                    let int_false_set = preds[1..].iter().fold(prev_false_set, |a, b| {
-                        a.intersection(&condition_valuations[b].0)
-                            .map(|x| *x)
-                            .collect::<HashSet<NodeID>>()
-                    });
+            // Delete the old control nodes.
+            edit = edit.delete_node(region)?;
+            edit = edit.delete_node(branch)?;
+            edit = edit.delete_node(false_proj)?;
+            edit = edit.delete_node(true_proj)?;
-                    condition_valuations.insert(*control_id, (int_true_set, int_false_set));
-                }
-                _ => {
-                    panic!()
-                }
-            }
+            Ok(edit)
+        });
+        if !success {
+            bad_branches.insert(branch);
-    // Convert control flow to predicated data flow.
-    for (fork_id, control_in_fork_join) in actual_vector_forks.into_iter() {
-        // Worklist of control nodes - traverse control backwards breadth-first.
-        let mut queue = VecDeque::new();
-        let mut visited = bitvec![u8, Lsb0; 0; function.nodes.len()];
-        let join_id = fork_join_map[&fork_id];
-        queue.push_back(join_id);
+ * Top level function to run write predication on a function. Repeatedly looks
+ * for phi nodes where every data input is a write node and each write node has
+ * matching types of indices. These writes are coalesced into a single write
+ * using the phi as the `collect` input, and the phi selects over the old
+ * `collect` inputs to the writes. New phis are added to select over the `data`
+ * inputs and indices.
+ */
+pub fn write_predication(editor: &mut FunctionEditor) {
+    let mut bad_phis = BTreeSet::new();
+    loop {
+        // First, look for phis where every input is a write with the same
+        // indexing structure.
+        let nodes = &editor.func().nodes;
+        let Some((phi, control, writes)) = editor
+            .node_ids()
+            .filter_map(|id| {
+                if let Node::Phi {
+                control,
+                ref data,
+            } = nodes[id.idx()]
+                && !bad_phis.contains(&id)
+                // Check that every input is a write - if this weren't true,
+                // we'd have to insert dummy writes that write something that
+                // was just read from the array. We could handle this case, but
+                // it's probably not needed for now. Also check that the phi is
+                // the only user of the write.
+                && data.into_iter().all(|id| nodes[id.idx()].is_write() && editor.get_users(*id).count() == 1)
+                // Check that every write input has equivalent indexing
+                // structure.
+                && data
+                    .into_iter()
+                    .filter_map(|id| nodes[id.idx()].try_write())
+                    .tuple_windows()
+                    .all(|(w1, w2)| indices_structurally_equivalent(w1.2, w2.2))
+                {
+                    Some((id, control, data.clone()))
+                } else {
+                    None
+                }
+            })
+            .next()
+        else {
+            break;
+        };
+        let (collects, datas, indices): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = writes
+            .iter()
+            .filter_map(|id| nodes[id.idx()].try_write())
+            .map(|(collect, data, indices)| (collect, data, indices.to_owned()))
+            .multiunzip();
-        while let Some(pop) = queue.pop_front() {
-            // Stop at forks, and don't revisit nodes.
-            if visited[pop.idx()] || function.nodes[pop.idx()].is_fork() {
-                continue;
+        // Second, make all the modifications:
+        // - Replace the old phi with a phi selecting over the `collect` inputs
+        //   of the old write inputs.
+        // - Add phis for the `data` and `indices` inputs to the old writes.
+        // - Add a write that uses the phi-ed data and indices.
+        // Be a little careful over how the old phi and writes get replaced,
+        // since the old phi itself may be used by the old writes.
+        let success = editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+            // Create all the phis.
+            let collect_phi = edit.add_node(Node::Phi {
+                control,
+                data: collects.into_boxed_slice(),
+            });
+            let data_phi = edit.add_node(Node::Phi {
+                control,
+                data: datas.into_boxed_slice(),
+            });
+            let mut phied_indices = vec![];
+            for index in 0..indices[0].len() {
+                match indices[0][index] {
+                    // For field and variant indices, the index is the same
+                    // across all writes, so just take the one from the first
+                    // set of indices.
+                    Index::Position(ref old_pos) => {
+                        let mut pos = vec![];
+                        for pos_idx in 0..old_pos.len() {
+                            // This code is kind of messy due to three layers of
+                            // arrays. Basically, we are collecting every
+                            // indexing node on indices across each write.
+                            pos.push(
+                                edit.add_node(Node::Phi {
+                                    control,
+                                    data: indices
+                                        .iter()
+                                        .map(|indices| {
+                                            indices[index].try_position().unwrap()[pos_idx]
+                                        })
+                                        .collect(),
+                                }),
+                            );
+                        }
+                        phied_indices.push(Index::Position(pos.into_boxed_slice()));
+                    }
+                    _ => {
+                        phied_indices.push(indices[0][index].clone());
+                    }
+                }
-            // The only type of node we need to handle at this point are region
-            // nodes. Region nodes are what have phi users, and those phis are
-            // what need to get converted to select nodes.
-            if let Node::Region { preds } = &function.nodes[pop.idx()] {
-                // Get the unique true and false conditions per predecessor.
-                // These are the conditions attached to the predecessor that
-                // aren't attached to this region.
-                assert_eq!(preds.len(), 2);
-                let (region_true_conds, region_false_conds) = &condition_valuations[&pop];
-                let unique_conditions = preds
-                    .iter()
-                    .map(|pred_id| {
-                        let (pred_true_conds, pred_false_conds) = &condition_valuations[pred_id];
-                        (
-                            pred_true_conds
-                                .iter()
-                                .filter(|cond_id| !region_true_conds.contains(cond_id))
-                                .map(|x| *x)
-                                .collect::<HashSet<NodeID>>(),
-                            pred_false_conds
-                                .iter()
-                                .filter(|cond_id| !region_false_conds.contains(cond_id))
-                                .map(|x| *x)
-                                .collect::<HashSet<NodeID>>(),
-                        )
-                    })
-                    .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+            // Create the write.
+            let new_write = edit.add_node(Node::Write {
+                collect: collect_phi,
+                data: data_phi,
+                indices: phied_indices.into_boxed_slice(),
+            });
-                // Currently, we only handle if branching. The unique conditions
-                // for a region's predecessors must be exact inverses of each
-                // other. Given this is true, we just use unique_conditions[0]
-                // to calculate the select condition.
-                assert_eq!(unique_conditions[0].0, unique_conditions[1].1);
-                assert_eq!(unique_conditions[0].1, unique_conditions[1].0);
-                let negated_conditions = unique_conditions[0]
-                    .1
-                    .iter()
-                    .map(|cond_id| {
-                        let id = NodeID::new(function.nodes.len());
-                        function.nodes.push(Node::Unary {
-                            input: *cond_id,
-                            op: UnaryOperator::Not,
-                        });
-                        id
-                    })
-                    .collect::<Vec<NodeID>>();
-                let mut all_conditions = unique_conditions[0]
-                    .0
-                    .iter()
-                    .map(|x| *x)
-                    .chain(negated_conditions.into_iter());
+            // Replace the old phi with the new write.
+            edit = edit.replace_all_uses(phi, new_write)?;
-                // And together the negated negative and position conditions.
-                let first_cond =;
-                let reduced_cond = all_conditions.into_iter().fold(first_cond, |a, b| {
-                    let id = NodeID::new(function.nodes.len());
-                    function.nodes.push(Node::Binary {
-                        left: a,
-                        right: b,
-                        op: BinaryOperator::And,
-                    });
-                    id
-                });
-                // Create the select nodes, corresponding to all phi users.
-                for phi in def_use.get_users(pop) {
-                    if let Node::Phi { control: _, data } = &function.nodes[phi.idx()] {
-                        let select_id = NodeID::new(function.nodes.len());
-                        function.nodes.push(Node::Ternary {
-                            first: reduced_cond,
-                            second: data[1],
-                            third: data[0],
-                            op: TernaryOperator::Select,
-                        });
-                        for user in def_use.get_users(*phi) {
-                            get_uses_mut(&mut function.nodes[user.idx()]).map(*phi, select_id);
-                        }
-                        function.nodes[phi.idx()] = Node::Start;
-                    }
-                }
+            // Delete the old phi and writes.
+            edit = edit.delete_node(phi)?;
+            for write in writes {
+                edit = edit.delete_node(write)?;
-            // Add users of this control node to queue.
-            visited.set(pop.idx(), true);
-            queue.extend(
-                get_uses(&function.nodes[pop.idx()])
-                    .as_ref()
-                    .iter()
-                    .filter(|id| function.nodes[id.idx()].is_control() && !visited[id.idx()]),
-            );
+            Ok(edit)
+        });
+        if !success {
+            bad_phis.insert(phi);
+    }
-        // Now that we've converted all the phis to selects, delete all the
-        // control nodes.
-        for control_idx in control_in_fork_join.iter_ones() {
-            if let Node::Join { control } = function.nodes[control_idx] {
-                get_uses_mut(&mut function.nodes[control_idx]).map(control, fork_id);
-            } else {
-                function.nodes[control_idx] = Node::Start;
-            }
+ * Helper function to tell if two lists of indices have the same structure.
+ */
+fn indices_structurally_equivalent(indices1: &[Index], indices2: &[Index]) -> bool {
+    if indices1.len() == indices2.len() {
+        let mut equiv = true;
+        for pair in zip(indices1, indices2) {
+            equiv = equiv
+                && match pair {
+                    (Index::Field(idx1), Index::Field(idx2)) => idx1 == idx2,
+                    (Index::Variant(idx1), Index::Variant(idx2)) => idx1 == idx2,
+                    (Index::Position(ref pos1), Index::Position(ref pos2)) => {
+                        pos1.len() == pos2.len()
+                    }
+                    _ => false,
+                };
+        equiv
+    } else {
+        false
diff --git a/juno_frontend/src/ b/juno_frontend/src/
index 906d7805..cfaf7a26 100644
--- a/juno_frontend/src/
+++ b/juno_frontend/src/
@@ -179,6 +179,15 @@ pub fn compile_ir(
     add_pass!(pm, verify, DCE);
     add_pass!(pm, verify, GVN);
     add_pass!(pm, verify, DCE);
+    add_pass!(pm, verify, WritePredication);
+    add_pass!(pm, verify, PhiElim);
+    add_pass!(pm, verify, DCE);
+    add_pass!(pm, verify, Predication);
+    add_pass!(pm, verify, DCE);
+    add_pass!(pm, verify, CCP);
+    add_pass!(pm, verify, DCE);
+    add_pass!(pm, verify, GVN);
+    add_pass!(pm, verify, DCE);
     if x_dot {
diff --git a/juno_samples/antideps/src/antideps.jn b/juno_samples/antideps/src/antideps.jn
index 9efe71f1..6886741b 100644
--- a/juno_samples/antideps/src/antideps.jn
+++ b/juno_samples/antideps/src/antideps.jn
@@ -2,7 +2,13 @@
 fn simple_antideps(a : usize, b : usize) -> i32 {
   let arr : i32[3];
   let r = arr[b];
-  arr[a] = 5;
+  let x : i32[1];
+  if a == b {
+    x[0] = 5;
+  } else {
+    x[0] = 7;
+  }
+  arr[a] = x[0];
   return r + arr[b];