diff --git a/hercules_cg/src/manifest.rs b/hercules_cg/src/manifest.rs
index ac54c4bc527a3946ca670ccf4a4697f5854aaa87..d9224c05b93435ec33c67ac261f70c47e9f3622b 100644
--- a/hercules_cg/src/manifest.rs
+++ b/hercules_cg/src/manifest.rs
@@ -84,6 +84,10 @@ pub enum DeviceManifest {
         parallel_launch: Box<[(usize, DynamicConstantID)]>,
+    Call {
+        // This is a Hercules function name, not a schedule IR function name.
+        callee: String,
+    },
 impl Manifest {
diff --git a/hercules_ir/src/gcm.rs b/hercules_ir/src/gcm.rs
index 394c596bee84e04c78e24d85b074cede58c0c757..3180a88b215dfcc36817abef816795561e03f4da 100644
--- a/hercules_ir/src/gcm.rs
+++ b/hercules_ir/src/gcm.rs
@@ -183,6 +183,8 @@ pub fn gcm(
+        // #[feature(iter_collect_into)]
         // Look between the LCA and the schedule early location to place the
         // node. If a data node can't be scheduled to any control nodes in its
         // partition (this may happen if all of the control nodes in a partition
diff --git a/hercules_ir/src/ir.rs b/hercules_ir/src/ir.rs
index 5cf549a808056d79fb8bf4713d5308fb772aa294..66cb896d793bc3eb2cb56153a98653cc826a831d 100644
--- a/hercules_ir/src/ir.rs
+++ b/hercules_ir/src/ir.rs
@@ -1086,6 +1086,27 @@ impl Node {
+    pub fn try_call(
+        &self,
+    ) -> Option<(
+        NodeID,
+        FunctionID,
+        &Box<[DynamicConstantID]>,
+        &Box<[NodeID]>,
+    )> {
+        if let Node::Call {
+            control,
+            function,
+            dynamic_constants,
+            args,
+        } = self
+        {
+            Some((*control, *function, dynamic_constants, args))
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
     pub fn try_dynamic_constant(&self) -> Option<DynamicConstantID> {
         if let Node::DynamicConstant { id } = self {
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/editor.rs b/hercules_opt/src/editor.rs
index 95fd1669a8d6760382063dc0e887a987a3e2198d..fb5b1c1887d37fc6e909994e12376185fb1468dd 100644
--- a/hercules_opt/src/editor.rs
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/editor.rs
@@ -303,6 +303,18 @@ impl<'a, 'b> FunctionEdit<'a, 'b> {
     pub fn replace_all_uses(mut self, old: NodeID, new: NodeID) -> Result<Self, Self> {
+        self.replace_all_uses_where(old, new, |_| true)
+    }
+    pub fn replace_all_uses_where<P>(
+        mut self,
+        old: NodeID,
+        new: NodeID,
+        pred: P,
+    ) -> Result<Self, Self>
+    where
+        P: Fn(&NodeID) -> bool,
+    {
         // We can only replace uses of mutable nodes. Return None if we try to
         // replace uses of an immutable node, as it means the whole edit should
         // be aborted.
@@ -310,25 +322,32 @@ impl<'a, 'b> FunctionEdit<'a, 'b> {
             // Update all of the users of the old node.
             for user_id in self.updated_def_use[&old].iter() {
-                // Replace uses of old with new.
-                let mut updated_user = self.get_node(*user_id).clone();
-                for u in get_uses_mut(&mut updated_user).as_mut() {
-                    if **u == old {
-                        **u = new;
+                if pred(user_id) {
+                    // Replace uses of old with new.
+                    let mut updated_user = self.get_node(*user_id).clone();
+                    for u in get_uses_mut(&mut updated_user).as_mut() {
+                        if **u == old {
+                            **u = new;
+                        }
+                    // Add the updated user to added_and_updated.
+                    self.added_and_updated_nodes.insert(*user_id, updated_user);
-                // Add the updated user to added_and_updated.
-                self.added_and_updated_nodes.insert(*user_id, updated_user);
             // All of the users of the old node become users of the new node, so
             // move all of the entries in the def-use from the old to the new.
             let old_entries = take(self.updated_def_use.get_mut(&old).unwrap());
+            let (new_users, old_users): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = old_entries.into_iter().partition(pred);
-                .extend(old_entries);
+                .extend(new_users);
+            self.updated_def_use
+                .get_mut(&old)
+                .unwrap()
+                .extend(old_users);
         } else {
@@ -376,7 +395,7 @@ impl<'a, 'b> FunctionEdit<'a, 'b> {
-    pub fn get_type(&self, id: TypeID) -> impl Deref + '_ {
+    pub fn get_type(&self, id: TypeID) -> impl Deref<Target = Type> + '_ {
         if id.idx() < self.editor.types.borrow().len() {
             Either::Left(Ref::map(self.editor.types.borrow(), |types| {
@@ -408,6 +427,32 @@ impl<'a, 'b> FunctionEdit<'a, 'b> {
+    pub fn add_zero_constant(&mut self, id: TypeID) -> ConstantID {
+        let ty = self.get_type(id).clone();
+        let constant_to_construct = match ty {
+            Type::Boolean => Constant::Boolean(false),
+            Type::Integer8 => Constant::Integer8(0),
+            Type::Integer16 => Constant::Integer16(0),
+            Type::Integer32 => Constant::Integer32(0),
+            Type::Integer64 => Constant::Integer64(0),
+            Type::UnsignedInteger8 => Constant::UnsignedInteger8(0),
+            Type::UnsignedInteger16 => Constant::UnsignedInteger16(0),
+            Type::UnsignedInteger32 => Constant::UnsignedInteger32(0),
+            Type::UnsignedInteger64 => Constant::UnsignedInteger64(0),
+            Type::Float32 => Constant::Float32(ordered_float::OrderedFloat(0.0)),
+            Type::Float64 => Constant::Float64(ordered_float::OrderedFloat(0.0)),
+            Type::Control => panic!("Tried to get zero control element"),
+            Type::Product(tys) => {
+                let dummy_elems: Vec<_> =
+                    tys.iter().map(|ty| self.add_zero_constant(*ty)).collect();
+                Constant::Product(id, dummy_elems.into_boxed_slice())
+            }
+            Type::Summation(tys) => Constant::Summation(id, 0, self.add_zero_constant(tys[0])),
+            Type::Array(tid, _) => Constant::Array(tid),
+        };
+        self.add_constant(constant_to_construct)
+    }
     pub fn get_constant(&self, id: ConstantID) -> impl Deref + '_ {
         if id.idx() < self.editor.constants.borrow().len() {
             Either::Left(Ref::map(self.editor.constants.borrow(), |constants| {
@@ -467,6 +512,8 @@ impl<'a, 'b> FunctionEdit<'a, 'b> {
 fn collapse_edits(edits: &[Edit]) -> Edit {
     let mut total_edit = Edit::default();
+    let mut all_additions: HashSet<NodeID> = HashSet::new();
     for edit in edits {
         assert!(edit.0.is_disjoint(&edit.1), "PANIC: Edit sequence is malformed - can't add and delete the same node ID in a single edit.");
@@ -479,13 +526,16 @@ fn collapse_edits(edits: &[Edit]) -> Edit {
         for delete in edit.0.iter() {
-            total_edit.0.insert(*delete);
+            if !all_additions.contains(delete) {
+                total_edit.0.insert(*delete);
+            }
         for addition in edit.1.iter() {
+            all_additions.insert(*addition);
@@ -543,10 +593,8 @@ pub fn repair_plan(plan: &mut Plan, new_function: &Function, edits: &[Edit]) {
     // While building, the new partitions map uses Option since we don't have
     // partitions for new nodes yet, and we need to record that specifically for
     // computing the partitions of region nodes.
-    let mut new_partitions: Vec<Option<PartitionID>> = take(&mut plan.partitions)
-        .into_iter()
-        .map(|part| Some(part))
-        .collect();
+    let mut new_partitions: Vec<Option<PartitionID>> =
+        take(&mut plan.partitions).into_iter().map(Some).collect();
     new_partitions.resize(new_function.nodes.len(), None);
     // Iterate the added control nodes using a worklist.
     let mut worklist = VecDeque::from(added_control_nodes);
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/interprocedural_sroa.rs b/hercules_opt/src/interprocedural_sroa.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7e097d51ac583dc3972e5aaa94a5dc225a21d36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/interprocedural_sroa.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+extern crate hercules_ir;
+use self::hercules_ir::ir::*;
+use crate::*;
+ * Given an editor for each function in a module, return V s.t.
+ * V[i] = true iff every call node to the function with index i
+ * is editable. If there are no calls to this function, V[i] = true.
+ */
+fn get_editable_callsites(editors: &mut Vec<FunctionEditor>) -> Vec<bool> {
+    let mut callsites_editable = vec![true; editors.len()];
+    for editor in editors {
+        for (idx, (_, function, _, _)) in editor
+            .func()
+            .nodes
+            .iter()
+            .enumerate()
+            .filter_map(|(idx, node)| node.try_call().map(|c| (idx, c)))
+        {
+            if !editor.is_mutable(NodeID::new(idx)) {
+                callsites_editable[function.idx()] = false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    callsites_editable
+ * Given a type tree, return a Vec containing all leaves which are not units.
+ */
+fn get_nonempty_leaves(edit: &FunctionEdit, type_id: &TypeID) -> Vec<TypeID> {
+    let ty = edit.get_type(*type_id).clone();
+    match ty {
+        Type::Product(type_ids) => {
+            let mut leaves = vec![];
+            for type_id in type_ids {
+                leaves.extend(get_nonempty_leaves(&edit, &type_id))
+            }
+            leaves
+        }
+        _ => vec![*type_id],
+    }
+ * Given a `source` NodeID which produces a product containing
+ * all nonempty leaves of the type tree for `type_id` in order, build
+ * a node producing the `type_id`.
+ *
+ * `offset` represents the index at which to begin reading
+ * elements of the `source` product.
+ *
+ * Returns a 3-tuple of
+ * 1. Node producing the `type`
+ * 2. "Next" offset, i.e. `offset` + number of reads performed to build (1)
+ * 3. List of node IDs which read `source` (tracked so that these will not
+ *    be replaced by replace_all_uses_where)
+ */
+fn build_uncompressed_product(
+    edit: &mut FunctionEdit,
+    source: &NodeID,
+    type_id: &TypeID,
+    offset: usize,
+) -> (NodeID, usize, Vec<NodeID>) {
+    let ty = edit.get_type(*type_id).clone();
+    match ty {
+        Type::Product(child_type_ids) => {
+            // Step 1. Create an empty constant for the type. We'll write
+            // child values into this constant.
+            let empty_constant_id = edit.add_zero_constant(*type_id);
+            let empty_constant_node = edit.add_node(Node::Constant {
+                id: empty_constant_id,
+            });
+            // Step 2. Build a node that generates each inner type.
+            // Since `source` contains nonempty leaves *in order*,
+            // we must process inner types in order; as part of this,
+            // inner type i+1 must read from where inner type i left off,
+            // hence we track the `current_offset` at which we are reading.
+            // Similarly, to combine results of all recursive calls,
+            // we keep the invariant that, at iteration i+1, currently_writing_to
+            // is an instance of `type_id` for which the first i elements
+            // have been populated based on inorder nonempty leaves
+            // (and, at iteration 0, it is empty).
+            let mut current_offset = offset;
+            let mut currently_writing_to = empty_constant_node;
+            let mut readers = vec![];
+            for (idx, child_type_id) in child_type_ids.iter().enumerate() {
+                let (child_data, next_offset, child_readers) =
+                    build_uncompressed_product(edit, source, child_type_id, current_offset);
+                current_offset = next_offset;
+                currently_writing_to = edit.add_node(Node::Write {
+                    collect: currently_writing_to,
+                    data: child_data,
+                    indices: Box::new([Index::Field(idx)]),
+                });
+                readers.extend(child_readers)
+            }
+            (currently_writing_to, current_offset, readers)
+        }
+        _ => {
+            // If the type is not a product, then we've reached a nonempty
+            // leaf, which we must read from source. Since this is a single
+            // read, the new offset increases by only 1.
+            let reader = edit.add_node(Node::Read {
+                collect: *source,
+                indices: Box::new([Index::Field(offset)]),
+            });
+            (reader, offset + 1, vec![reader])
+        }
+    }
+ * Given a node with a product value, read the product's values
+ * *in order* into the nonempty leaves of a product type represented
+ * by type_id. Returns the ID of the resulting node, as well as the IDs
+ * of all nodes which read from `node_id`.
+ */
+fn uncompress_product(
+    edit: &mut FunctionEdit,
+    node_id: &NodeID,
+    type_id: &TypeID,
+) -> (NodeID, Vec<NodeID>) {
+    let (uncompressed_value, _, readers) = build_uncompressed_product(edit, node_id, type_id, 0);
+    (uncompressed_value, readers)
+* Let `read_from` be a node with a value of type `type_id`.
+* Let `source` be a product value.
+* Returns a node representing the value obtained by writing
+* nonempty leaves of `read_from` *in order* into `source`,
+* starting at `offset`.
+* `source` should be a product type with at least enough indices
+* to support this operation. Typically, `build_compressed_product`
+* should be called initially with a `source` created by adding a
+* zero constant for the flattened `type_id`.
+* Returns:
+* 1. The ID of the node to which all nonempty leaves have been written
+* 2. The first offset after `offset` which was not written to.
+fn build_compressed_product(
+    mut edit: &mut FunctionEdit,
+    source: &NodeID,
+    type_id: &TypeID,
+    offset: usize,
+    read_from: &NodeID,
+) -> (NodeID, usize) {
+    let ty = edit.get_type(*type_id).clone();
+    match ty {
+        Type::Product(child_type_ids) => {
+            // Iterate through child types in order. For each type, construct
+            // a node that reads the corresponding value from `read_from`,
+            // and pass it as the node to read from in the recursive call.
+            let mut next_offset = offset;
+            let mut next_destination = *source;
+            for (idx, child_type_id) in child_type_ids.iter().enumerate() {
+                let child_value = edit.add_node(Node::Read {
+                    collect: *read_from,
+                    indices: Box::new([Index::Field(idx)]),
+                });
+                (next_destination, next_offset) = build_compressed_product(
+                    &mut edit,
+                    &next_destination,
+                    &child_type_id,
+                    next_offset,
+                    &child_value,
+                );
+            }
+            (next_destination, next_offset)
+        }
+        _ => {
+            let writer = edit.add_node(Node::Write {
+                collect: *source,
+                data: *read_from,
+                indices: Box::new([Index::Field(offset)]),
+            });
+            (writer, offset + 1)
+        }
+    }
+ * Given a node which has a value of the given type (which must be a product)
+ * generate a new product node created by inserting nonempty leaves of the
+ * source node *in order*. Returns the ID of this node, as well as the ID of
+ * its type.
+ */
+fn compress_product(
+    edit: &mut FunctionEdit,
+    node_id: &NodeID,
+    type_id: &TypeID,
+) -> (NodeID, TypeID) {
+    let nonempty_leaves = get_nonempty_leaves(&edit, &type_id);
+    let compressed_type = Type::Product(nonempty_leaves.into_boxed_slice());
+    let compressed_type_id = edit.add_type(compressed_type);
+    let empty_compressed_constant_id = edit.add_zero_constant(compressed_type_id);
+    let empty_compressed_node_id = edit.add_node(Node::Constant {
+        id: empty_compressed_constant_id,
+    });
+    let (compressed_value, _) =
+        build_compressed_product(edit, &empty_compressed_node_id, type_id, 0, node_id);
+    (compressed_value, compressed_type_id)
+fn compress_return_products(editors: &mut Vec<FunctionEditor>, all_callsites_editable: &Vec<bool>) {
+    // Track whether we successfully applied edits to return statements,
+    // so that callsites are only modified when returns were. This is
+    // initialized to false, so that `is_compressed` is false when
+    // the corresponding entry in `callsites_editable` is false.
+    let mut is_compressed = vec![false; editors.len()];
+    let old_return_type_ids: Vec<_> = editors
+        .iter()
+        .map(|editor| editor.func().return_type)
+        .collect();
+    // Step 1. Modify the return type of all editors corresponding to a function
+    // for which we can edit every callsite, and the return type is a product.
+    for (idx, editor) in editors.iter_mut().enumerate() {
+        if !all_callsites_editable[idx] {
+            continue;
+        }
+        let old_return_id = NodeID::new(
+            (0..editor.func().nodes.len())
+                .filter(|idx| editor.func().nodes[*idx].is_return())
+                .next()
+                .unwrap(),
+        );
+        let old_return_type_id = old_return_type_ids[idx];
+        is_compressed[idx] = editor.get_type(editor.func().return_type).is_product()
+            && editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+                let return_node = edit.get_node(old_return_id);
+                let (return_control, return_data) = return_node.try_return().unwrap();
+                let (compressed_data_id, compressed_type_id) =
+                    compress_product(&mut edit, &return_data, &old_return_type_id);
+                edit.set_return_type(compressed_type_id);
+                let new_return_id = edit.add_node(Node::Return {
+                    control: return_control,
+                    data: compressed_data_id,
+                });
+                let edit = edit.replace_all_uses(old_return_id, new_return_id)?;
+                edit.delete_node(old_return_id)
+            });
+    }
+    // Step 2: For every editor, update all mutable callsites corresponding to
+    // calls to functions which have been compressed. Since we only compress returns
+    // for functions for which every callsite is mutable, this should never fail,
+    // so we panic if it does.
+    for (_, editor) in editors.iter_mut().enumerate() {
+        let call_node_ids: Vec<_> = (0..editor.func().nodes.len())
+            .map(NodeID::new)
+            .filter(|id| editor.func().nodes[id.idx()].is_call())
+            .filter(|id| editor.is_mutable(*id))
+            .collect();
+        for call_node_id in call_node_ids {
+            let (_, function_id, _, _) =
+                editor.func().nodes[call_node_id.idx()].try_call().unwrap();
+            if !is_compressed[function_id.idx()] {
+                continue;
+            }
+            let edit_successful = editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+                let (expanded_product, readers) = uncompress_product(
+                    &mut edit,
+                    &call_node_id,
+                    &old_return_type_ids[function_id.idx()],
+                );
+                edit.replace_all_uses_where(call_node_id, expanded_product, |id| {
+                    !readers.contains(id)
+                })
+            });
+            if !edit_successful {
+                panic!("Tried and failed to edit mutable callsite!");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+fn remove_return_singletons(editors: &mut Vec<FunctionEditor>, all_callsites_editable: &Vec<bool>) {
+    // Track whether we removed a singleton product from the return of each
+    // editor's function. Defaults to false so that if the function was not
+    // edited (i.e. because not all callsites are editable), then no callsites
+    // will be edited.
+    let mut singleton_removed = vec![false; editors.len()];
+    let old_return_type_ids: Vec<_> = editors
+        .iter()
+        .map(|editor| editor.func().return_type)
+        .collect();
+    // Step 1. For all editors which correspond to a function for whic hall
+    // callsites are editable, modify their return type by extracting the
+    // value from the singleton and returning it directly.
+    for (idx, editor) in editors.iter_mut().enumerate() {
+        if !all_callsites_editable[idx] {
+            continue;
+        }
+        let return_type = editor.get_type(old_return_type_ids[idx]).clone();
+        singleton_removed[idx] = match return_type {
+            Type::Product(tys) if tys.len() == 1 && all_callsites_editable[idx] => {
+                let old_return_id = NodeID::new(
+                    (0..editor.func().nodes.len())
+                        .filter(|idx| editor.func().nodes[*idx].is_return())
+                        .next()
+                        .unwrap(),
+                );
+                editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+                    let (old_control, old_data) =
+                        edit.get_node(old_return_id).try_return().unwrap();
+                    let extracted_singleton_id = edit.add_node(Node::Read {
+                        collect: old_data,
+                        indices: Box::new([Index::Field(0)]),
+                    });
+                    edit.add_node(Node::Return {
+                        control: old_control,
+                        data: extracted_singleton_id,
+                    });
+                    edit.set_return_type(tys[0]);
+                    edit.delete_node(old_return_id)
+                })
+            }
+            _ => false,
+        }
+    }
+    // Step 2. For each editor, find all callsites and reconstruct
+    // the singleton product at each if the return of the corresponding
+    // function was modified. This should always succeed since we only
+    // edited functions for which all callsites were mutable, so panic
+    // if an edit does not succeed.
+    for editor in editors.iter_mut() {
+        let call_node_ids: Vec<_> = (0..editor.func().nodes.len())
+            .map(NodeID::new)
+            .filter(|id| editor.func().nodes[id.idx()].is_call())
+            .filter(|id| editor.is_mutable(*id))
+            .collect();
+        for call_node_id in call_node_ids {
+            let (_, function, _, _) = editor.func().nodes[call_node_id.idx()].try_call().unwrap();
+            if singleton_removed[function.idx()] {
+                let edit_successful = editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+                    let empty_constant_id =
+                        edit.add_zero_constant(old_return_type_ids[function.idx()]);
+                    let empty_node_id = edit.add_node(Node::Constant {
+                        id: empty_constant_id,
+                    });
+                    let restored_singleton_id = edit.add_node(Node::Write {
+                        collect: empty_node_id,
+                        data: call_node_id,
+                        indices: Box::new([Index::Field(0)]),
+                    });
+                    edit.replace_all_uses_where(call_node_id, restored_singleton_id, |id| {
+                        *id != restored_singleton_id
+                    })
+                });
+                if !edit_successful {
+                    panic!("Tried and failed to edit mutable callsite!");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+pub fn interprocedural_sroa(editors: &mut Vec<FunctionEditor>) {
+    // SROA is implemented in two phases. First, we flatten (or "compress")
+    // all product return types, so that they are only depth 1 products,
+    // and do not contain any empty products.
+    // Next, if any return type is now a singleton product, we
+    // remove the singleton and just retun the type directly.
+    // We only apply these changes to functions for which
+    // all their callsites are editable.
+    let all_callsites_editable = get_editable_callsites(editors);
+    compress_return_products(editors, &all_callsites_editable);
+    remove_return_singletons(editors, &all_callsites_editable);
+    // Run DCE to prevent issues with schedule repair.
+    for editor in editors.iter_mut() {
+        dce(editor);
+    }
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/lib.rs b/hercules_opt/src/lib.rs
index bc2e868784e56e6689bca008637f6f4781788cc1..dbd66012f6dfe418278e8918da78c8d068dae214 100644
--- a/hercules_opt/src/lib.rs
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/lib.rs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ pub mod editor;
 pub mod fork_guard_elim;
 pub mod forkify;
 pub mod gvn;
+pub mod interprocedural_sroa;
 pub mod inline;
 pub mod pass;
 pub mod phi_elim;
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ pub use crate::editor::*;
 pub use crate::fork_guard_elim::*;
 pub use crate::forkify::*;
 pub use crate::gvn::*;
+pub use crate::interprocedural_sroa::*;
 pub use crate::inline::*;
 pub use crate::pass::*;
 pub use crate::phi_elim::*;
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/pass.rs b/hercules_opt/src/pass.rs
index cb56f709dcc632159a6d4ce61d77f6055413918e..fc7d894c32dba5eb085d666600db875bbb718644 100644
--- a/hercules_opt/src/pass.rs
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/pass.rs
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ pub enum Pass {
     Codegen(String, String),
     // Parameterized over where to serialize module to.
+    InterproceduralSROA,
@@ -373,6 +374,54 @@ impl PassManager {
+                Pass::InterproceduralSROA => {
+                    self.make_def_uses();
+                    let mut plans = self.plans.as_mut();
+                    let constants_ref = RefCell::new(std::mem::take(&mut self.module.constants));
+                    let dynamic_constants_ref =
+                        RefCell::new(std::mem::take(&mut self.module.dynamic_constants));
+                    let types_ref = RefCell::new(std::mem::take(&mut self.module.types));
+                    let def_uses = self.def_uses.as_ref().unwrap();
+                    let mut editors: Vec<_> = self
+                        .module
+                        .functions
+                        .iter_mut()
+                        .enumerate()
+                        .map(|(i, f)| {
+                            FunctionEditor::new(
+                                f,
+                                &constants_ref,
+                                &dynamic_constants_ref,
+                                &types_ref,
+                                &def_uses[i],
+                            )
+                        })
+                        .collect();
+                    interprocedural_sroa(&mut editors);
+                    let function_edits: Vec<_> =
+                        editors.into_iter().map(|e| e.edits()).enumerate().collect();
+                    self.module.constants = constants_ref.take();
+                    self.module.dynamic_constants = dynamic_constants_ref.take();
+                    self.module.types = types_ref.take();
+                    for (idx, edits) in function_edits {
+                        if let Some(plans) = plans.as_mut() {
+                            repair_plan(&mut plans[idx], &self.module.functions[idx], &edits);
+                        }
+                        let grave_mapping = &self.module.functions[idx].delete_gravestones();
+                        if let Some(plans) = plans.as_mut() {
+                            plans[idx].fix_gravestones(&grave_mapping);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    self.clear_analyses();
+                }
                 Pass::CCP => {
diff --git a/juno_frontend/src/lib.rs b/juno_frontend/src/lib.rs
index cccadbdd5a768b7ac193e7117cbe888f2917d88f..de4c1aa612e7d7df9fa35ed719a4bfa60bcf1d09 100644
--- a/juno_frontend/src/lib.rs
+++ b/juno_frontend/src/lib.rs
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ pub fn compile_ir(
     add_pass!(pm, verify, DCE);
     add_pass!(pm, verify, GVN);
     add_pass!(pm, verify, DCE);
-    //add_pass!(pm, verify, SROA);
+    add_pass!(pm, verify, InterproceduralSROA);
     if x_dot {
diff --git a/juno_samples/simple1.jn b/juno_samples/simple1.jn
index 24088929cf24d0b304544ccc887aa27d155d0ec9..355e8b8aecdd8da745ecaa27e5cb16cf60a794d7 100644
--- a/juno_samples/simple1.jn
+++ b/juno_samples/simple1.jn
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
-fn simple1_inner(x : i32, y : i32) -> i32 {
+fn simple1(x : i32, y : i32) -> i32 {
   return x + y;
-fn simple(x : i32, y : i32) -> i32 {
-  return simple1_inner(x, y);
diff --git a/juno_samples/simple1_withcall.jn b/juno_samples/simple1_withcall.jn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4fbc54166c243e93e3a0470f34782dfbeae02c06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/juno_samples/simple1_withcall.jn
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+fn simple1(x : i32, y : i32) -> i32 {
+  return x + y;
+fn caller(x: i32) -> i32 {
+  return simple1(x, 3);
diff --git a/juno_samples/simple3/src/main.rs b/juno_samples/simple3/src/main.rs
index 1eb0173d57d404aa3ae25f72963f246f3cc8853c..71e2766701130fd66e3c09a34493adc11ddb842f 100644
--- a/juno_samples/simple3/src/main.rs
+++ b/juno_samples/simple3/src/main.rs
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ fn main() {
         let mut a = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
         let mut b = vec![8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1];
         let c = unsafe { simple3(a.as_mut_ptr(), b.as_mut_ptr(), 8).await };
-        println!("{:?}", c);
-        assert_eq!(c.0, 120);
+        println!("{}", c);
+        assert_eq!(c, 120);