From 1f1b4cf275e9b47a286b83c590f4fb0d96303267 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xavier Routh <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2025 15:20:13 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Forkify + Loop Canonicalization + Initial Fork Fission

 Cargo.lock                                    | 164 +++-
 Cargo.toml                                    |   8 +-
 hercules_cg/src/                        |   4 +-
 hercules_ir/src/                         |  30 +
 hercules_ir/src/                     |   9 +-
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 hercules_opt/src/                       |   4 +-
 hercules_opt/src/          |   3 -
 hercules_opt/src/                    |  18 +
 hercules_opt/src/         |   4 +-
 hercules_opt/src/           | 323 +++++---
 hercules_opt/src/           | 540 ++++++++++++++
 hercules_opt/src/                   | 704 +++++++++++++-----
 hercules_opt/src/                       |   4 +-
 hercules_opt/src/                      | 602 +++++++++++++++
 hercules_opt/src/                       |   6 +-
 hercules_opt/src/                   |   1 -
 hercules_opt/src/                  |  28 +-
 hercules_opt/src/                 | 208 +++++-
 hercules_opt/src/                     | 105 +++
 hercules_samples/matmul/              |   2 +-
 hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/Cargo.toml |   5 +-
 .../hercules_interpreter/src/   | 444 +++++++----
 hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/src/ |  69 +-
 .../hercules_interpreter/src/          |  28 -
 .../hercules_interpreter/src/         |  82 +-
 hercules_test/hercules_tests/Cargo.toml       |   1 +
 .../tests/             |  99 +++
 .../hercules_tests/tests/     | 294 ++++++++
 .../hercules_tests/tests/ |  63 ++
 .../hercules_tests/tests/        | 436 +++++++++++
 .../hercules_tests/tests/         | 397 +++++-----
 hercules_test/test_inputs/2d_fork.hir         |   8 +
 hercules_test/test_inputs/3d_fork.hir         |   8 +
 hercules_test/test_inputs/5d_fork.hir         |   8 +
 .../fork_fission/inner_control.hir            |  15 +
 .../fork_fission/inner_loop.hir               |  23 +
 .../intermediate_buffer_simple.hir            |  10 +
 .../fork_transforms/fork_fission/simple1.hir  |  13 +
 .../fork_transforms/fork_fission/simple2.hir  |  19 +
 .../fork_transforms/fork_fission/tricky.hir   |  13 +
 .../fork_transforms/fork_fusion.hir           |   0
 .../fork_transforms/fork_interchange.hir      |   0
 .../fork_transforms/matmul_int.hir            |  18 +
 .../fork_transforms/tiled_matmul_int.hir      |  18 +
 .../test_inputs/forkify/alternate_bounds.hir  |  16 +
 .../test_inputs/forkify/broken_sum.hir        |  16 +
 .../forkify/control_after_condition.hir       |  25 +
 .../forkify/control_before_condition.hir      |  25 +
 .../expected_fails.hir/bad_3nest_return.hir   |  35 +
 .../expected_fails.hir/bad_loop_tid_sum.hir   |  16 +
 .../test_inputs/forkify/inner_fork.hir        |  22 +
 .../forkify/inner_fork_complex.hir            |  32 +
 .../test_inputs/forkify/loop_array_sum.hir    |  16 +
 .../test_inputs/forkify/loop_simple_iv.hir    |  12 +
 .../test_inputs/forkify/loop_sum.hir          |  16 +
 .../test_inputs/forkify/loop_tid_sum.hir      |  16 +
 .../test_inputs/forkify/merged_phi_cycle.hir  |  18 +
 .../test_inputs/forkify/nested_loop2.hir      |  25 +
 .../test_inputs/forkify/nested_tid_sum.hir    |  25 +
 .../test_inputs/forkify/nested_tid_sum_2.hir  |  26 +
 .../test_inputs/forkify/phi_loop4.hir         |  16 +
 .../test_inputs/forkify/split_phi_cycle.hir   |  16 +
 .../test_inputs/forkify/super_nested_loop.hir |  35 +
 .../loop_analysis/alternate_bounds.hir        |  14 +
 .../alternate_bounds_internal_control.hir     |  23 +
 .../alternate_bounds_internal_control2.hir    |  21 +
 .../alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop.hir       |  28 +
 .../alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop2.hir      |  25 +
 .../alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop_array.hir |  28 +
 ...lternate_bounds_nested_do_loop_guarded.hir |  40 +
 .../alternate_bounds_use_after_loop.hir       |  21 +
 .../alternate_bounds_use_after_loop2.hir      |  21 +
 ...alternate_bounds_use_after_loop_no_tid.hir |  17 +
 ...lternate_bounds_use_after_loop_no_tid2.hir |  19 +
 .../test_inputs/loop_analysis/broken_sum.hir  |  16 +
 .../loop_analysis/do_loop_far_guard.hir       |  14 +
 .../loop_analysis/do_loop_immediate_guard.hir |  21 +
 .../loop_analysis/do_loop_no_guard.hir        |  15 +
 .../loop_analysis/do_while_separate_body.hir  |  16 +
 .../loop_analysis/do_while_separate_body2.hir |  18 +
 .../loop_analysis/loop_array_sum.hir          |  16 +
 .../loop_analysis/loop_body_count.hir         |  16 +
 .../test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_sum.hir    |  16 +
 .../loop_analysis/loop_trip_count.hir         |  19 +
 .../loop_analysis/loop_trip_count_tuple.hir   |  19 +
 hercules_test/test_inputs/matmul_int.hir      |  21 +-
 juno_samples/cava/                    |   1 -
 juno_samples/cava/src/                 |   5 +-
 juno_samples/matmul/                  |   2 +
 juno_samples/matmul/src/               |   9 +-
 juno_samples/matmul/src/sched.sch             |  76 ++
 juno_scheduler/Cargo.toml                     |   2 +
 juno_scheduler/src/                 |   6 +-
 juno_scheduler/src/                 |   7 +-
 juno_scheduler/src/                      |   6 +-
 juno_scheduler/src/                     |  43 +-
 juno_scheduler/src/                      | 153 +++-
 juno_utils/src/                   |   4 +-
 99 files changed, 5199 insertions(+), 828 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 hercules_opt/src/
 create mode 100644 hercules_opt/src/
 create mode 100644 hercules_opt/src/
 delete mode 100644 hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/src/
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/2d_fork.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/3d_fork.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/5d_fork.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/inner_control.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/inner_loop.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/intermediate_buffer_simple.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/simple1.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/simple2.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/tricky.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fusion.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_interchange.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/matmul_int.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/tiled_matmul_int.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/alternate_bounds.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/broken_sum.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/control_after_condition.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/control_before_condition.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/expected_fails.hir/bad_3nest_return.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/expected_fails.hir/bad_loop_tid_sum.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/inner_fork.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/inner_fork_complex.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/loop_array_sum.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/loop_simple_iv.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/loop_sum.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/loop_tid_sum.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/merged_phi_cycle.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/nested_loop2.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/nested_tid_sum.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/nested_tid_sum_2.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/phi_loop4.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/split_phi_cycle.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/super_nested_loop.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_internal_control.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_internal_control2.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop2.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop_array.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop_guarded.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop2.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop_no_tid.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop_no_tid2.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/broken_sum.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_loop_far_guard.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_loop_immediate_guard.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_loop_no_guard.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_while_separate_body.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_while_separate_body2.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_array_sum.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_body_count.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_sum.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_trip_count.hir
 create mode 100644 hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_trip_count_tuple.hir
 create mode 100644 juno_samples/matmul/src/sched.sch

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index 8bb64bd2..623fc35c 100644
--- a/Cargo.lock
+++ b/Cargo.lock
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diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index 6adefdba..d31c59f7 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ members = [
-	#"hercules_test/hercules_interpreter",
-	#"hercules_test/hercules_tests",
+	"hercules_test/hercules_interpreter",
+	"hercules_test/hercules_tests",
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ members = [
-  "juno_samples/cava",
+  	"juno_samples/cava",
-  "juno_samples/schedule_test",
+  	"juno_samples/schedule_test",
diff --git a/hercules_cg/src/ b/hercules_cg/src/
index 3750c4f6..53743852 100644
--- a/hercules_cg/src/
+++ b/hercules_cg/src/
@@ -615,14 +615,14 @@ impl<'a> CPUContext<'a> {
                 DynamicConstant::Min(left, right) => write!(
-                    "  %dc{} = call @llvm.umin.i64(i64%dc{},i64%dc{})\n",
+                    "  %dc{} = call i64 @llvm.umin.i64(i64%dc{},i64%dc{})\n",
                 DynamicConstant::Max(left, right) => write!(
-                    "  %dc{} = call @llvm.umax.i64(i64%dc{},i64%dc{})\n",
+                    "  %dc{} = call i64 @llvm.umax.i64(i64%dc{},i64%dc{})\n",
diff --git a/hercules_ir/src/ b/hercules_ir/src/
index 0b271e85..bf7806dc 100644
--- a/hercules_ir/src/
+++ b/hercules_ir/src/
@@ -1356,6 +1356,36 @@ impl Node {
+    pub fn is_zero_dc(&self, dynamic_constants: &Vec<DynamicConstant>) -> bool {
+        if let Node::DynamicConstant { id } = self
+            && dynamic_constants[id.idx()].try_constant() == Some(0)
+        {
+            true
+        } else {
+            false
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn is_one_dc(&self, dynamic_constants: &Vec<DynamicConstant>) -> bool {
+        if let Node::DynamicConstant { id } = self
+            && dynamic_constants[id.idx()].try_constant() == Some(1)
+        {
+            true
+        } else {
+            false
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn is_one_constant(&self, constants: &Vec<Constant>) -> bool {
+        if let Node::Constant { id } = self
+            && constants[id.idx()].is_one()
+        {
+            true
+        } else {
+            false
+        }
+    }
     pub fn try_projection(&self, branch: usize) -> Option<NodeID> {
         if let Node::Projection { control, selection } = self
             && branch == *selection
diff --git a/hercules_ir/src/ b/hercules_ir/src/
index 5ee5f1d2..f188932e 100644
--- a/hercules_ir/src/
+++ b/hercules_ir/src/
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ fn verify_structure(
                     match function.nodes[user.idx()] {
                         Node::Parameter { index: _ }
                         | Node::Constant { id: _ }
+                        | Node::Undef { ty: _ }
                         | Node::DynamicConstant { id: _ } => {}
                         _ => {
                             if function.nodes[user.idx()].is_control() {
@@ -300,7 +301,7 @@ fn verify_structure(
                     Err("Call node's control input must be a region node.")?;
-            // Collect nodes must depend on a join node.
+            // Reduce nodes must depend on a join node.
             Node::Reduce {
                 init: _,
@@ -308,7 +309,7 @@ fn verify_structure(
             } => {
                 if let Node::Join { control: _ } = function.nodes[control.idx()] {
                 } else {
-                    Err("Collect node's control input must be a join node.")?;
+                    Err("Reduce node's control input must be a join node.")?;
             // Return nodes must have no users.
@@ -498,8 +499,8 @@ fn verify_dominance_relationships(
                         // Every use of a thread ID must be postdominated by
                         // the thread ID's fork's corresponding join node. We
                         // don't need to check for the case where the thread ID
-                        // flows through the collect node out of the fork-join,
-                        // because after the collect, the thread ID is no longer
+                        // flows through the reduce node out of the fork-join,
+                        // because after the reduce, the thread ID is no longer
                         // considered an immediate control output use.
                         if postdom.contains(this_id)
                             && !postdom.does_dom(*fork_join_map.get(&control).unwrap(), this_id)
diff --git a/hercules_opt/Cargo.toml b/hercules_opt/Cargo.toml
index 9f22884d..1db5dc2f 100644
--- a/hercules_opt/Cargo.toml
+++ b/hercules_opt/Cargo.toml
@@ -11,8 +11,11 @@ tempfile = "*"
 either = "*"
 itertools = "*"
 take_mut = "*"
+slotmap = "*"
 union-find = "*"
 postcard = { version = "*", features = ["alloc"] }
 serde = { version = "*", features = ["derive"] }
 hercules_cg = { path = "../hercules_cg" }
 hercules_ir = { path = "../hercules_ir" }
+nestify = "*"
+bimap = "*"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/ b/hercules_opt/src/
index 68693e8b..92d52a71 100644
--- a/hercules_opt/src/
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/
@@ -677,7 +677,9 @@ fn ccp_flow_function(
                     (BinaryOperator::RSh, Constant::UnsignedInteger64(left_val), Constant::UnsignedInteger64(right_val)) => Some(Constant::UnsignedInteger64(left_val >> right_val)),
                     _ => panic!("Unsupported combination of binary operation and constant values. Did typechecking succeed?")
-      |c| ConstantLattice::Constant(c)).unwrap_or(ConstantLattice::bottom())
+                new_cons
+                    .map(|c| ConstantLattice::Constant(c))
+                    .unwrap_or(ConstantLattice::bottom())
             } else if (left_constant.is_top() && !right_constant.is_bottom())
                 || (!left_constant.is_bottom() && right_constant.is_top())
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/ b/hercules_opt/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2badd69d..00000000
--- a/hercules_opt/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-use hercules_ir::ir::*;
-use crate::*;
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/ b/hercules_opt/src/
index 8b90710e..39f1184c 100644
--- a/hercules_opt/src/
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+use std::borrow::Borrow;
 use std::cell::{Ref, RefCell};
 use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet};
 use std::mem::take;
@@ -335,6 +336,10 @@ impl<'a: 'b, 'b> FunctionEditor<'a> {
+    pub fn node(&self, node: impl Borrow<NodeID>) -> &Node {
+        &self.function.nodes[node.borrow().idx()]
+    }
     pub fn get_types(&self) -> Ref<'_, Vec<Type>> {
@@ -351,6 +356,15 @@ impl<'a: 'b, 'b> FunctionEditor<'a> {
         self.mut_def_use[id.idx()].iter().map(|x| *x)
+    pub fn get_uses(&self, id: NodeID) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = NodeID> + '_ {
+        get_uses(&self.function.nodes[id.idx()])
+            .as_ref()
+            .into_iter()
+            .map(|x| *x)
+            .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+            .into_iter()
+    }
     pub fn get_type(&self, id: TypeID) -> Ref<'_, Type> {
         Ref::map(self.types.borrow(), |types| &types[id.idx()])
@@ -405,6 +419,10 @@ impl<'a, 'b> FunctionEdit<'a, 'b> {
         self.editor.function.nodes.len() + self.added_nodeids.len()
+    pub fn copy_node(&mut self, node: NodeID) -> NodeID {
+        self.add_node(self.editor.func().nodes[node.idx()].clone())
+    }
     pub fn add_node(&mut self, node: Node) -> NodeID {
         let id = NodeID::new(self.num_node_ids());
         // Added nodes need to have an entry in the def-use map.
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/ b/hercules_opt/src/
index 186cd6a6..bb3a2cff 100644
--- a/hercules_opt/src/
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ use crate::*;
  * Split multi-dimensional fork-joins into separate one-dimensional fork-joins.
- * Useful for code generation.
+ * Useful for code generation. A single iteration of `fork_split` only splits
+ * at most one fork-join, it must be called repeatedly to split all fork-joins.
 pub fn fork_split(
     editor: &mut FunctionEditor,
@@ -135,5 +136,6 @@ pub fn fork_split(
+        break;
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/ b/hercules_opt/src/
index 842c8308..1abb8967 100644
--- a/hercules_opt/src/
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
-use hercules_ir::get_uses_mut;
-use hercules_ir::ir::*;
-use hercules_ir::ImmutableDefUseMap;
+use hercules_ir::*;
+use crate::*;
  * This is a Hercules IR transformation that:
@@ -17,6 +17,33 @@ use hercules_ir::ImmutableDefUseMap;
  * guard remains and in these cases the guard is no longer needed.
+// Simplify factors through max
+enum Factor {
+    Max(usize, DynamicConstantID),
+    Normal(DynamicConstantID),
+impl Factor {
+    fn get_id(&self) -> DynamicConstantID {
+        match self {
+            Factor::Max(_, dynamic_constant_id) => *dynamic_constant_id,
+            Factor::Normal(dynamic_constant_id) => *dynamic_constant_id,
+        }
+    }
+struct GuardedFork {
+    fork: NodeID,
+    join: NodeID,
+    guard_if: NodeID,
+    fork_taken_proj: NodeID,
+    fork_skipped_proj: NodeID,
+    guard_pred: NodeID,
+    guard_join_region: NodeID,
+    phi_reduce_map: HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>,
+    factor: Factor, // The factor that matches the guard
 /* Given a node index and the node itself, return None if the node is not
  * a guarded fork where we can eliminate the guard.
  * If the node is a fork with a guard we can eliminate returns a tuple of
@@ -28,27 +55,40 @@ use hercules_ir::ImmutableDefUseMap;
  * - A map of NodeIDs for the phi nodes to the reduce they should be replaced
  *   with, and also the region that joins the guard's branches mapping to the
  *   fork's join NodeID
+ * - If the replication factor is a max that can be eliminated.
 fn guarded_fork(
-    function: &Function,
-    constants: &Vec<Constant>,
+    editor: &mut FunctionEditor,
     fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>,
-    def_use: &ImmutableDefUseMap,
-    index: usize,
-    node: &Node,
-) -> Option<(
-    NodeID,
-    Box<[DynamicConstantID]>,
-    NodeID,
-    NodeID,
-    NodeID,
-    NodeID,
-    HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>,
-)> {
+    node: NodeID,
+) -> Option<GuardedFork> {
+    let function = editor.func();
     // Identify fork nodes
-    let Node::Fork { control, factors } = node else {
+    let Node::Fork { control, factors } = &function.nodes[node.idx()] else {
         return None;
+    let mut factors = factors.iter().enumerate().map(|(idx, dc)| {
+        let DynamicConstant::Max(l, r) = *editor.get_dynamic_constant(*dc) else {
+            return Factor::Normal(*dc);
+        };
+        // There really needs to be a better way to work w/ associativity.
+        let binding = [(l, r), (r, l)];
+        let id = binding.iter().find_map(|(a, b)| {
+            let DynamicConstant::Constant(1) = *editor.get_dynamic_constant(*a) else {
+                return None;
+            };
+            Some(b)
+        });
+        match id {
+            Some(v) => Factor::Max(idx, *v),
+            None => Factor::Normal(*dc),
+        }
+    });
     // Whose predecessor is a read from an if
     let Node::Projection {
         control: if_node,
@@ -70,47 +110,93 @@ fn guarded_fork(
         return None;
     let branch_idx = *selection;
-    // branchIdx == 1 means the true branch so we want the condition to be
-    // 0 < n or n > 0
-    if branch_idx == 1
-        && !((op == BinaryOperator::LT
-            && function.nodes[left.idx()].is_zero_constant(constants)
-            && factors
-                .iter()
-                .any(|factor| function.nodes[right.idx()].try_dynamic_constant() == Some(*factor)))
-            || (op == BinaryOperator::GT
-                && function.nodes[right.idx()].is_zero_constant(constants)
-                && factors.iter().any(|factor| {
-                    function.nodes[left.idx()].try_dynamic_constant() == Some(*factor)
-                })))
-    {
-        return None;
-    }
-    // branchIdx == 0 means the false branch so we want the condition to be
-    // n < 0 or 0 > n
-    if branch_idx == 0
-        && !((op == BinaryOperator::LT
-            && factors
-                .iter()
-                .any(|factor| function.nodes[left.idx()].try_dynamic_constant() == Some(*factor))
-            && function.nodes[right.idx()].is_zero_constant(constants))
-            || (op == BinaryOperator::GT
-                && factors.iter().any(|factor| {
-                    function.nodes[right.idx()].try_dynamic_constant() == Some(*factor)
-                })
-                && function.nodes[left.idx()].is_zero_constant(constants)))
-    {
-        return None;
-    }
+    let factor = {
+        // branchIdx == 1 means the true branch so we want the condition to be
+        // 0 < n or n > 0
+        if branch_idx == 1 {
+            [
+                (left, BinaryOperator::LT, right),
+                (right, BinaryOperator::GT, left),
+            ]
+            .iter()
+            .find_map(|(pattern_zero, pattern_op, pattern_factor)| {
+                // Match Op
+                if op != *pattern_op {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                // Match Zero
+                if !(function.nodes[pattern_zero.idx()].is_zero_constant(&editor.get_constants())
+                    || editor
+                        .node(pattern_zero)
+                        .is_zero_dc(&editor.get_dynamic_constants()))
+                {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                // Match Factor
+                let factor = factors.find(|factor| {
+                    match (
+                        &function.nodes[pattern_factor.idx()],
+                        &*editor.get_dynamic_constant(factor.get_id()),
+                    ) {
+                        (Node::Constant { id }, DynamicConstant::Constant(v)) => {
+                            let Constant::UnsignedInteger64(pattern_v) = *editor.get_constant(*id)
+                            else {
+                                return false;
+                            };
+                            pattern_v == (*v as u64)
+                        }
+                        (Node::DynamicConstant { id }, _) => *id == factor.get_id(),
+                        _ => false,
+                    }
+                });
+                factor
+            })
+        }
+        // branchIdx == 0 means the false branch so we want the condition to be
+        // n < 0 or 0 > n
+        else if branch_idx == 0 {
+            [
+                (right, BinaryOperator::LT, left),
+                (left, BinaryOperator::GT, right),
+            ]
+            .iter()
+            .find_map(|(pattern_zero, pattern_op, pattern_factor)| {
+                // Match Op
+                if op != *pattern_op {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                // Match Zero
+                if !(function.nodes[pattern_zero.idx()].is_zero_constant(&editor.get_constants())
+                    || editor
+                        .node(pattern_zero)
+                        .is_zero_dc(&editor.get_dynamic_constants()))
+                {
+                    return None;
+                }
+                // Match Factor
+                let factor = factors.find(|factor| {
+                    function.nodes[pattern_factor.idx()].try_dynamic_constant()
+                        == Some(factor.get_id())
+                });
+                factor
+            })
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    };
+    let Some(factor) = factor else { return None };
     // Identify the join node and its users
-    let join_id = fork_join_map.get(&NodeID::new(index))?;
-    let join_users = def_use.get_users(*join_id);
+    let join_id = fork_join_map.get(&node)?;
     // Find the unique control use of the join; if it's not a region we can't
     // eliminate this guard
-    let join_control = join_users
-        .iter()
+    let join_control = editor
+        .get_users(*join_id)
         .filter(|n| function.nodes[n.idx()].is_region())
     if join_control.len() != 1 {
@@ -134,7 +220,7 @@ fn guarded_fork(
     } else {
         return None;
-    // Other predecessor needs to be the other read from the guard's if
+    // Other predecessor needs to be the other projection from the guard's if
     let Node::Projection {
         control: if_node2,
         ref selection,
@@ -152,14 +238,13 @@ fn guarded_fork(
     // Finally, identify the phi nodes associated with the region and match
     // them with the reduce nodes of the fork-join
-    let reduce_nodes = join_users
-        .iter()
+    let reduce_nodes = editor
+        .get_users(*join_id)
         .filter(|n| function.nodes[n.idx()].is_reduce())
     // Construct a map from phi nodes indices to the reduce node index
-    let phi_nodes = def_use
-        .get_users(*join_control)
-        .iter()
+    let phi_nodes = editor
+        .get_users(join_control)
         .filter_map(|n| {
             let Node::Phi {
                 control: _,
@@ -169,25 +254,25 @@ fn guarded_fork(
                 return None;
             if data.len() != 2 {
-                return Some((*n, None));
+                return Some((n, None));
             let (init_idx, reduce_node) = if reduce_nodes.contains(&data[0]) {
                 (1, data[0])
             } else if reduce_nodes.contains(&data[1]) {
                 (0, data[1])
             } else {
-                return Some((*n, None));
+                return Some((n, None));
             let Node::Reduce {
                 control: _, init, ..
             } = function.nodes[reduce_node.idx()]
             else {
-                return Some((*n, None));
+                return Some((n, None));
             if data[init_idx] != init {
-                return Some((*n, None));
+                return Some((n, None));
-            Some((*n, Some(reduce_node)))
+            Some((n, Some(reduce_node)))
         .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
@@ -197,69 +282,91 @@ fn guarded_fork(
         return None;
-    let mut phi_nodes = phi_nodes
+    let phi_nodes = phi_nodes
         .map(|(phi, red)| (phi, red.unwrap()))
         .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
-    // We also add a map from the region to the join to this map so we only
-    // need one map to handle all node replacements in the elimination process
-    phi_nodes.insert(*join_control, *join_id);
     // Finally, we return this node's index along with
     // - The replication factor of the fork
     // - The if node
     // - The true and false reads of the if
     // - The guard's predecessor
     // - The map from phi nodes to reduce nodes and the region to the join
-    Some((
-        NodeID::new(index),
-        factors.clone(),
-        if_node,
-        *control,
-        other_pred,
-        if_pred,
-        phi_nodes,
-    ))
+    Some(GuardedFork {
+        fork: node,
+        join: *join_id,
+        guard_if: if_node,
+        fork_taken_proj: *control,
+        fork_skipped_proj: other_pred,
+        guard_pred: if_pred,
+        guard_join_region: join_control,
+        phi_reduce_map: phi_nodes,
+        factor,
+    })
  * Top level function to run fork guard elimination, as described above.
- * Deletes nodes by setting nodes to gravestones. Works with a function already
- * containing gravestones.
-pub fn fork_guard_elim(
-    function: &mut Function,
-    constants: &Vec<Constant>,
-    fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>,
-    def_use: &ImmutableDefUseMap,
-) {
-    let guard_info = function
-        .nodes
-        .iter()
-        .enumerate()
-        .filter_map(|(i, n)| guarded_fork(function, constants, fork_join_map, def_use, i, n))
+pub fn fork_guard_elim(editor: &mut FunctionEditor, fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>) {
+    let guard_info = editor
+        .node_ids()
+        .filter_map(|node| guarded_fork(editor, fork_join_map, node))
-    for (fork_node, factors, guard_node, guard_proj1, guard_proj2, guard_pred, map) in guard_info {
-        function.nodes[guard_node.idx()] = Node::Start;
-        function.nodes[guard_proj1.idx()] = Node::Start;
-        function.nodes[guard_proj2.idx()] = Node::Start;
-        function.nodes[fork_node.idx()] = Node::Fork {
-            control: guard_pred,
-            factors,
+    for GuardedFork {
+        fork,
+        join,
+        fork_taken_proj,
+        fork_skipped_proj,
+        guard_pred,
+        phi_reduce_map,
+        factor,
+        guard_if,
+        guard_join_region,
+    } in guard_info
+    {
+        let new_fork_info = if let Factor::Max(idx, dc) = factor {
+            let Node::Fork {
+                control: _,
+                mut factors,
+            } = editor.func().nodes[fork.idx()].clone()
+            else {
+                unreachable!()
+            };
+            factors[idx] = dc;
+            let new_fork = Node::Fork {
+                control: guard_pred,
+                factors,
+            };
+            Some(new_fork)
+        } else {
+            None
-        for (idx, node) in function.nodes.iter_mut().enumerate() {
-            let node_idx = NodeID::new(idx);
-            if map.contains_key(&node_idx) {
-                *node = Node::Start;
+        editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+            edit =
+                edit.replace_all_uses_where(fork_taken_proj, guard_pred, |usee| *usee == fork)?;
+            edit = edit.delete_node(guard_if)?;
+            edit = edit.delete_node(fork_taken_proj)?;
+            edit = edit.delete_node(fork_skipped_proj)?;
+            edit = edit.replace_all_uses(guard_join_region, join)?;
+            edit = edit.delete_node(guard_join_region)?;
+            // Delete region node
+            for (phi, reduce) in phi_reduce_map.iter() {
+                edit = edit.replace_all_uses(*phi, *reduce)?;
+                edit = edit.delete_node(*phi)?;
-            for u in get_uses_mut(node).as_mut() {
-                if let Some(replacement) = map.get(u) {
-                    **u = *replacement;
-                }
+            if let Some(new_fork_info) = new_fork_info {
+                let new_fork = edit.add_node(new_fork_info);
+                edit = edit.replace_all_uses(fork, new_fork)?;
+                edit = edit.delete_node(fork)?;
-        }
+            Ok(edit)
+        });
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/ b/hercules_opt/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4605bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
+use bimap::BiMap;
+use itertools::Itertools;
+use hercules_ir::*;
+use crate::*;
+type ForkID = usize;
+/** Places each reduce node into its own fork */
+pub fn default_reduce_partition(
+    editor: &FunctionEditor,
+    _fork: NodeID,
+    join: NodeID,
+) -> SparseNodeMap<ForkID> {
+    let mut map = SparseNodeMap::new();
+    editor
+        .get_users(join)
+        .filter(|id| editor.func().nodes[id.idx()].is_reduce())
+        .enumerate()
+        .for_each(|(fork, reduce)| {
+            map.insert(reduce, fork);
+        });
+    map
+// TODO: Refine these conditions.
+/**  */
+pub fn find_reduce_dependencies<'a>(
+    function: &'a Function,
+    reduce: NodeID,
+    fork: NodeID,
+) -> impl IntoIterator<Item = NodeID> + 'a {
+    let len = function.nodes.len();
+    let mut visited: DenseNodeMap<bool> = vec![false; len];
+    let mut depdendent: DenseNodeMap<bool> = vec![false; len];
+    // Does `fork` need to be a parameter here? It never changes. If this was a closure could it just capture it?
+    fn recurse(
+        function: &Function,
+        node: NodeID,
+        fork: NodeID,
+        dependent_map: &mut DenseNodeMap<bool>,
+        visited: &mut DenseNodeMap<bool>,
+    ) -> () {
+        // return through dependent_map {
+        if visited[node.idx()] {
+            return;
+        }
+        visited[node.idx()] = true;
+        if node == fork {
+            dependent_map[node.idx()] = true;
+            return;
+        }
+        let binding = get_uses(&function.nodes[node.idx()]);
+        let uses = binding.as_ref();
+        for used in uses {
+            recurse(function, *used, fork, dependent_map, visited);
+        }
+        dependent_map[node.idx()] = uses.iter().map(|id| dependent_map[id.idx()]).any(|a| a);
+        return;
+    }
+    // Note: HACKY, the condition wwe want is 'all nodes  on any path from the fork to the reduce (in the forward graph), or the reduce to the fork (in the directed graph)
+    // cycles break this, but we assume for now that the only cycles are ones that involve the reduce node
+    // NOTE: (control may break this (i.e loop inside fork) is a cycle that isn't the reduce)
+    // the current solution is just to mark the reduce as dependent at the start of traversing the graph.
+    depdendent[reduce.idx()] = true;
+    recurse(function, reduce, fork, &mut depdendent, &mut visited);
+    // Return node IDs that are dependent
+    let ret_val: Vec<_> = depdendent
+        .iter()
+        .enumerate()
+        .filter_map(|(idx, dependent)| {
+            if *dependent {
+                Some(NodeID::new(idx))
+            } else {
+                None
+            }
+        })
+        .collect();
+    ret_val
+pub fn copy_subgraph(
+    editor: &mut FunctionEditor,
+    subgraph: HashSet<NodeID>,
+) -> (
+    HashSet<NodeID>,
+    HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>,
+    Vec<(NodeID, NodeID)>,
+) // returns all new nodes, a map from old nodes to new nodes, and 
+  // a vec of pairs of nodes (old node, outside node) s.t old node -> outside node,
+  // outside means not part of the original subgraph.
+    let mut map: HashMap<NodeID, NodeID> = HashMap::new();
+    let mut new_nodes: HashSet<NodeID> = HashSet::new();
+    // Copy nodes
+    for old_id in subgraph.iter() {
+        editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+            let new_id = edit.copy_node(*old_id);
+            map.insert(*old_id, new_id);
+            new_nodes.insert(new_id);
+            Ok(edit)
+        });
+    }
+    // Update edges to new nodes
+    for old_id in subgraph.iter() {
+        // Replace all uses of old_id w/ new_id, where the use is in new_node
+        editor.edit(|edit| {
+            edit.replace_all_uses_where(*old_id, map[old_id], |node_id| new_nodes.contains(node_id))
+        });
+    }
+    // Get all users that aren't in new_nodes.
+    let mut outside_users = Vec::new();
+    for node in new_nodes.iter() {
+        for user in editor.get_users(*node) {
+            if !new_nodes.contains(&user) {
+                outside_users.push((*node, user));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    (new_nodes, map, outside_users)
+pub fn fork_fission<'a>(
+    editor: &'a mut FunctionEditor,
+    _control_subgraph: &Subgraph,
+    _types: &Vec<TypeID>,
+    _loop_tree: &LoopTree,
+    fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>,
+) -> () {
+    let forks: Vec<_> = editor
+        .func()
+        .nodes
+        .iter()
+        .enumerate()
+        .filter_map(|(idx, node)| {
+            if node.is_fork() {
+                Some(NodeID::new(idx))
+            } else {
+                None
+            }
+        })
+        .collect();
+    let control_pred = NodeID::new(0);
+    // This does the reduction fission:
+    for fork in forks.clone() {
+        // FIXME: If there is control in between fork and join, don't just give up.
+        let join = fork_join_map[&fork];
+        let join_pred = editor.func().nodes[join.idx()].try_join().unwrap();
+        if join_pred != fork {
+            todo!("Can't do fork fission on nodes with internal control")
+            // Inner control LOOPs are hard
+            // inner control in general *should* work right now without modifications.
+        }
+        let reduce_partition = default_reduce_partition(editor, fork, join);
+        fork_reduce_fission_helper(editor, fork_join_map, reduce_partition, control_pred, fork);
+    }
+/** Split a 1D fork into two forks, placing select intermediate data into buffers. */
+pub fn fork_bufferize_fission_helper<'a>(
+    editor: &'a mut FunctionEditor,
+    fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>,
+    bufferized_edges: HashSet<(NodeID, NodeID)>, // Describes what intermediate data should be bufferized.
+    _original_control_pred: NodeID,              // What the new fork connects to.
+    types: &Vec<TypeID>,
+    fork: NodeID,
+) -> (NodeID, NodeID) {
+    // Returns the two forks that it generates.
+    // TODO: Check that bufferized edges src doesn't depend on anything that comes after the fork.
+    // Copy fork + control intermediates + join to new fork + join,
+    // How does control get partitioned?
+    //      (depending on how it affects the data nodes on each side of the bufferized_edges)
+    //      may end up in each loop, fix me later.
+    // place new fork + join after join of first.
+    // Only handle fork+joins with no inner control for now.
+    // Create fork + join + Thread control
+    let join = fork_join_map[&fork];
+    let mut new_fork_id = NodeID::new(0);
+    let mut new_join_id = NodeID::new(0);
+    editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+        new_join_id = edit.add_node(Node::Join { control: fork });
+        let factors = edit.get_node(fork).try_fork().unwrap().1;
+        new_fork_id = edit.add_node(Node::Fork {
+            control: new_join_id,
+            factors: factors.into(),
+        });
+        edit.replace_all_uses_where(fork, new_fork_id, |usee| *usee == join)
+    });
+    for (src, dst) in bufferized_edges {
+        // FIXME: Disgusting cloning and allocationing and iterators.
+        let factors: Vec<_> = editor.func().nodes[fork.idx()]
+            .try_fork()
+            .unwrap()
+            .1
+            .iter()
+            .cloned()
+            .collect();
+        editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+            // Create write to buffer
+            let thread_stuff_it = factors.into_iter().enumerate();
+            // FIxme: try to use unzip here? Idk why it wasn't working.
+            let tids = thread_stuff_it.clone().map(|(dim, _)| {
+                edit.add_node(Node::ThreadID {
+                    control: fork,
+                    dimension: dim,
+                })
+            });
+            let array_dims = thread_stuff_it.clone().map(|(_, factor)| (factor));
+            // Assume 1-d fork only for now.
+            // let tid = edit.add_node(Node::ThreadID { control: fork, dimension: 0 });
+            let position_idx = Index::Position(tids.collect::<Vec<_>>().into_boxed_slice());
+            let write = edit.add_node(Node::Write {
+                collect: NodeID::new(0),
+                data: src,
+                indices: vec![position_idx].into(),
+            });
+            let ele_type = types[src.idx()];
+            let empty_buffer = edit.add_type(hercules_ir::Type::Array(
+                ele_type,
+                array_dims.collect::<Vec<_>>().into_boxed_slice(),
+            ));
+            let empty_buffer = edit.add_zero_constant(empty_buffer);
+            let empty_buffer = edit.add_node(Node::Constant { id: empty_buffer });
+            let reduce = Node::Reduce {
+                control: new_join_id,
+                init: empty_buffer,
+                reduct: write,
+            };
+            let reduce = edit.add_node(reduce);
+            // Fix write node
+            edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(NodeID::new(0), reduce, |usee| *usee == write)?;
+            // Create read from buffer
+            let tids = thread_stuff_it.clone().map(|(dim, _)| {
+                edit.add_node(Node::ThreadID {
+                    control: new_fork_id,
+                    dimension: dim,
+                })
+            });
+            let position_idx = Index::Position(tids.collect::<Vec<_>>().into_boxed_slice());
+            let read = edit.add_node(Node::Read {
+                collect: reduce,
+                indices: vec![position_idx].into(),
+            });
+            edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(src, read, |usee| *usee == dst)?;
+            Ok(edit)
+        });
+    }
+    (fork, new_fork_id)
+/** Split a 1D fork into a separate fork for each reduction. */
+pub fn fork_reduce_fission_helper<'a>(
+    editor: &'a mut FunctionEditor,
+    fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>,
+    reduce_partition: SparseNodeMap<ForkID>, // Describes how the reduces of the fork should be split,
+    original_control_pred: NodeID,           // What the new fork connects to.
+    fork: NodeID,
+) -> (NodeID, NodeID) {
+    let join = fork_join_map[&fork];
+    let mut new_control_pred: NodeID = original_control_pred;
+    // Important edges are: Reduces,
+    // NOTE:
+    // Say two reduce are in a fork, s.t  reduce A depends on reduce B
+    // If user wants A and B in separate forks:
+    // - we can simply refuse
+    // - or we can duplicate B
+    let mut new_fork = NodeID::new(0);
+    let mut new_join = NodeID::new(0);
+    // Gets everything between fork & join that this reduce needs. (ALL CONTROL)
+    for reduce in reduce_partition {
+        let reduce = reduce.0;
+        let function = editor.func();
+        let subgraph = find_reduce_dependencies(function, reduce, fork);
+        let mut subgraph: HashSet<NodeID> = subgraph.into_iter().collect();
+        subgraph.insert(join);
+        subgraph.insert(fork);
+        subgraph.insert(reduce);
+        let (_, mapping, _) = copy_subgraph(editor, subgraph);
+        new_fork = mapping[&fork];
+        new_join = mapping[&join];
+        editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+            // Atttach new_fork after control_pred
+            let (old_control_pred, _) = edit.get_node(new_fork).try_fork().unwrap().clone();
+            edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(old_control_pred, new_control_pred, |usee| {
+                *usee == new_fork
+            })?;
+            // Replace uses of reduce
+            edit = edit.replace_all_uses(reduce, mapping[&reduce])?;
+            Ok(edit)
+        });
+        new_control_pred = new_join;
+    }
+    editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+        // Replace original join w/ new final join
+        edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(join, new_join, |_| true)?;
+        // Delete original join (all reduce users have been moved)
+        edit = edit.delete_node(join)?;
+        // Replace all users of original fork, and then delete it, leftover users will be DCE'd.
+        edit = edit.replace_all_uses(fork, new_fork)?;
+        edit.delete_node(fork)
+    });
+    (new_fork, new_join)
+pub fn fork_coalesce(
+    editor: &mut FunctionEditor,
+    loops: &LoopTree,
+    fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>,
+) -> bool {
+    let fork_joins = loops.bottom_up_loops().into_iter().filter_map(|(k, _)| {
+        if editor.func().nodes[k.idx()].is_fork() {
+            Some(k)
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    });
+    let fork_joins: Vec<_> = fork_joins.collect();
+    // FIXME: Add a postorder traversal to optimize this.
+    // FIXME: This could give us two forks that aren't actually ancestors / related, but then the helper will just return false early.
+    // something like: `fork_joins.postorder_iter().windows(2)` is ideal here.
+    for (inner, outer) in fork_joins.iter().cartesian_product(fork_joins.iter()) {
+        if fork_coalesce_helper(editor, *outer, *inner, fork_join_map) {
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+/** Opposite of fork split, takes two fork-joins
+    with no control between them, and merges them into a single fork-join.
+pub fn fork_coalesce_helper(
+    editor: &mut FunctionEditor,
+    outer_fork: NodeID,
+    inner_fork: NodeID,
+    fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>,
+) -> bool {
+    // Check that all reduces in the outer fork are in *simple* cycles with a unique reduce of the inner fork.
+    let outer_join = fork_join_map[&outer_fork];
+    let inner_join = fork_join_map[&inner_fork];
+    let mut pairs: BiMap<NodeID, NodeID> = BiMap::new(); // Outer <-> Inner
+    // FIXME: Iterate all control uses of joins to really collect all reduces
+    // (reduces can be attached to inner control)
+    for outer_reduce in editor
+        .get_users(outer_join)
+        .filter(|node| editor.func().nodes[node.idx()].is_reduce())
+    {
+        // check that inner reduce is of the inner join
+        let (_, _, outer_reduct) = editor.func().nodes[outer_reduce.idx()]
+            .try_reduce()
+            .unwrap();
+        let inner_reduce = outer_reduct;
+        let inner_reduce_node = &editor.func().nodes[outer_reduct.idx()];
+        let Node::Reduce {
+            control: inner_control,
+            init: inner_init,
+            reduct: _,
+        } = inner_reduce_node
+        else {
+            return false;
+        };
+        // FIXME: check this condition better (i.e reduce might not be attached to join)
+        if *inner_control != inner_join {
+            return false;
+        };
+        if *inner_init != outer_reduce {
+            return false;
+        };
+        if pairs.contains_left(&outer_reduce) || pairs.contains_right(&inner_reduce) {
+            return false;
+        } else {
+            pairs.insert(outer_reduce, inner_reduce);
+        }
+    }
+    // Check for control between join-join and fork-fork
+    let Some(user) = editor
+        .get_users(outer_fork)
+        .filter(|node| editor.func().nodes[node.idx()].is_control())
+        .next()
+    else {
+        return false;
+    };
+    if user != inner_fork {
+        return false;
+    }
+    let Some(user) = editor
+        .get_users(inner_join)
+        .filter(|node| editor.func().nodes[node.idx()].is_control())
+        .next()
+    else {
+        return false;
+    };
+    if user != outer_join {
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Checklist:
+    // Increment inner TIDs
+    // Add outer fork's dimension to front of inner fork.
+    // Fuse reductions
+    //  - Initializer becomes outer initializer
+    // Replace uses of outer fork w/ inner fork.
+    // Replace uses of outer join w/ inner join.
+    // Delete outer fork-join
+    let inner_tids: Vec<NodeID> = editor
+        .get_users(inner_fork)
+        .filter(|node| editor.func().nodes[node.idx()].is_thread_id())
+        .collect();
+    let (outer_pred, outer_dims) = editor.func().nodes[outer_fork.idx()].try_fork().unwrap();
+    let (_, inner_dims) = editor.func().nodes[inner_fork.idx()].try_fork().unwrap();
+    let num_outer_dims = outer_dims.len();
+    let mut new_factors = outer_dims.to_vec();
+    // CHECKME / FIXME: Might need to be added the other way.
+    new_factors.append(&mut inner_dims.to_vec());
+    for tid in inner_tids {
+        let (fork, dim) = editor.func().nodes[tid.idx()].try_thread_id().unwrap();
+        let new_tid = Node::ThreadID {
+            control: fork,
+            dimension: dim + num_outer_dims,
+        };
+        editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+            let new_tid = edit.add_node(new_tid);
+            let edit = edit.replace_all_uses(tid, new_tid)?;
+            Ok(edit)
+        });
+    }
+    // Fuse Reductions
+    for (outer_reduce, inner_reduce) in pairs {
+        let (_, outer_init, _) = editor.func().nodes[outer_reduce.idx()]
+            .try_reduce()
+            .unwrap();
+        let (_, inner_init, _) = editor.func().nodes[inner_reduce.idx()]
+            .try_reduce()
+            .unwrap();
+        editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+            // Set inner init to outer init.
+            edit =
+                edit.replace_all_uses_where(inner_init, outer_init, |usee| *usee == inner_reduce)?;
+            edit = edit.replace_all_uses(outer_reduce, inner_reduce)?;
+            edit = edit.delete_node(outer_reduce)?;
+            Ok(edit)
+        });
+    }
+    editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+        let new_fork = Node::Fork {
+            control: outer_pred,
+            factors: new_factors.into(),
+        };
+        let new_fork = edit.add_node(new_fork);
+        edit = edit.replace_all_uses(inner_fork, new_fork)?;
+        edit = edit.replace_all_uses(outer_fork, new_fork)?;
+        edit = edit.replace_all_uses(outer_join, inner_join)?;
+        edit = edit.delete_node(outer_join)?;
+        edit = edit.delete_node(inner_fork)?;
+        edit = edit.delete_node(outer_fork)?;
+        Ok(edit)
+    });
+    true
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/ b/hercules_opt/src/
index fb53a5e4..ce9ac141 100644
--- a/hercules_opt/src/
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/
@@ -1,239 +1,547 @@
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::collections::HashSet;
 use std::iter::zip;
+use std::iter::FromIterator;
-use hercules_ir::def_use::*;
-use hercules_ir::ir::*;
-use hercules_ir::loops::*;
+use itertools::Itertools;
+use nestify::nest;
- * Top level function to convert natural loops with simple induction variables
- * into fork-joins.
+use hercules_ir::*;
+use crate::*;
+ * TODO: Forkify currently makes a bunch of small edits - this needs to be 
+ * changed so that every loop that gets forkified corresponds to a single edit
+ * + sub-edits. This would allow us to run forkify on a subset of a function.
 pub fn forkify(
-    function: &mut Function,
-    constants: &Vec<Constant>,
-    dynamic_constants: &mut Vec<DynamicConstant>,
-    def_use: &ImmutableDefUseMap,
+    editor: &mut FunctionEditor,
+    control_subgraph: &Subgraph,
+    fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>,
     loops: &LoopTree,
-) {
-    // Ignore loops that are already fork-joins. TODO: re-calculate def_use per
-    // loop, since it's technically invalidated after each individual loop
-    // modification.
+) -> bool {
     let natural_loops = loops
-        .rev()
-        .filter(|(k, _)| function.nodes[k.idx()].is_region());
+        .filter(|(k, _)| editor.func().nodes[k.idx()].is_region());
+    let natural_loops: Vec<_> = natural_loops.collect();
+    for l in natural_loops {
+        // FIXME: Run on all-bottom level loops, as they can be independently optimized without recomputing analyses.
+        if forkify_loop(
+            editor,
+            control_subgraph,
+            fork_join_map,
+            &Loop {
+                header: l.0,
+                control: l.1.clone(),
+            },
+        ) {
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+/** Given a node used as a loop bound, return a dynamic constant ID. */
+pub fn get_node_as_dc(
+    editor: &mut FunctionEditor,
+    node: NodeID,
+) -> Result<DynamicConstantID, String> {
+    // Check for a constant used as loop bound.
+    match editor.node(node) {
+        Node::DynamicConstant {
+            id: dynamic_constant_id,
+        } => Ok(*dynamic_constant_id),
+        Node::Constant { id: constant_id } => {
+            let dc = match *editor.get_constant(*constant_id) {
+                Constant::Integer8(x) => DynamicConstant::Constant(x as _),
+                Constant::Integer16(x) => DynamicConstant::Constant(x as _),
+                Constant::Integer32(x) => DynamicConstant::Constant(x as _),
+                Constant::Integer64(x) => DynamicConstant::Constant(x as _),
+                Constant::UnsignedInteger8(x) => DynamicConstant::Constant(x as _),
+                Constant::UnsignedInteger16(x) => DynamicConstant::Constant(x as _),
+                Constant::UnsignedInteger32(x) => DynamicConstant::Constant(x as _),
+                Constant::UnsignedInteger64(x) => DynamicConstant::Constant(x as _),
+                _ => return Err("Invalid constant as loop bound".to_string()),
+            };
+            let mut b = DynamicConstantID::new(0);
+            editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+                b = edit.add_dynamic_constant(dc);
+                Ok(edit)
+            });
+            // Return the ID of the dynamic constant that is generated from the constant
+            // or dynamic constant that is the existing loop bound
+            Ok(b)
+        }
+        _ => Err("Blah".to_owned()),
+    }
+ Top level function to convert natural loops with simple induction variables
+ into fork-joins.
+pub fn forkify_loop(
+    editor: &mut FunctionEditor,
+    control_subgraph: &Subgraph,
+    _fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>,
+    l: &Loop,
+) -> bool {
+    let function = editor.func();
+    let Some(loop_condition) = get_loop_exit_conditions(function, l, control_subgraph) else {
+        return false;
+    };
+    let LoopExit::Conditional {
+        if_node: loop_if,
+        condition_node,
+    } = loop_condition.clone()
+    else {
+        return false;
+    };
+    // Compute loop variance
+    let loop_variance = compute_loop_variance(editor, l);
+    let ivs = compute_induction_vars(editor.func(), l, &loop_variance);
+    let ivs = compute_iv_ranges(editor, l, ivs, &loop_condition);
+    let Some(canonical_iv) = has_canonical_iv(editor, l, &ivs) else {
+        return false;
+    };
-    // Detect loops that have a simple loop induction variable. TODO: proper
-    // affine analysis to recognize other cases of linear induction variables.
-    let affine_loops: Vec<_> = natural_loops
+    // FIXME: Make sure IV is not used outside the loop.
+    // Get bound
+    let bound = match canonical_iv {
+        InductionVariable::Basic {
+            node: _,
+            initializer: _,
+            update: _,
+            final_value,
+        } => final_value
+            .map(|final_value| get_node_as_dc(editor, final_value))
+            .and_then(|r| r.ok()),
+        InductionVariable::SCEV(_) => return false,
+    };
+    let Some(bound_dc_id) = bound else {
+        return false;
+    };
+    let function = editor.func();
+    // Check if it is do-while loop.
+    let loop_exit_projection = editor
+        .get_users(loop_if)
+        .filter(|id| !l.control[id.idx()])
+        .next()
+        .unwrap();
+    let loop_continue_projection = editor
+        .get_users(loop_if)
+        .filter(|id| l.control[id.idx()])
+        .next()
+        .unwrap();
+    let loop_preds: Vec<_> = editor
+        .get_uses(l.header)
+        .filter(|id| !l.control[id.idx()])
+        .collect();
+    if loop_preds.len() != 1 {
+        return false;
+    }
+    let loop_pred = loop_preds[0];
+    if !editor
+        .get_uses(l.header)
+        .contains(&loop_continue_projection)
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Get all phis used outside of the loop, they need to be reductionable.
+    // For now just assume all phis will be phis used outside of the loop, except for the canonical iv.
+    // FIXME: We need a different definiton of `loop_nodes` to check for phis used outside hte loop than the one
+    // we currently have.
+    let loop_nodes = calculate_loop_nodes(editor, l);
+    // Check phis to see if they are reductionable, only PHIs depending on the loop are considered,
+    let candidate_phis: Vec<_> = editor
+        .get_users(l.header)
+        .filter(|id| function.nodes[id.idx()].is_phi())
+        .filter(|id| *id != canonical_iv.phi())
+        .collect();
+    let reductionable_phis: Vec<_> = analyze_phis(&editor, &l, &candidate_phis, &loop_nodes)
-        .filter_map(|(header, contents)| {
-            // Get the single loop contained predecessor of the loop header.
-            let header_uses = get_uses(&function.nodes[header.idx()]);
-            let mut pred_loop = header_uses.as_ref().iter().filter(|id| contents[id.idx()]);
-            let single_pred_loop =;
-            if || header_uses.as_ref().len() != 2 {
-                return None;
-            }
+        .collect();
-            // Check for a very particular loop indexing structure.
-            let if_ctrl = function.nodes[single_pred_loop.idx()].try_projection(1)?;
-            let (_, if_cond) = function.nodes[if_ctrl.idx()].try_if()?;
-            let (idx, bound) = function.nodes[if_cond.idx()].try_binary(BinaryOperator::LT)?;
-            let (phi, one) = function.nodes[idx.idx()].try_binary(BinaryOperator::Add)?;
-            let (should_be_header, pred_datas) = function.nodes[phi.idx()].try_phi()?;
-            let one_c_id = function.nodes[one.idx()].try_constant()?;
+    // TODO: Handle multiple loop body lasts.
+    // If there are multiple candidates for loop body last, return false.
+    if editor
+        .get_uses(loop_if)
+        .filter(|id| l.control[id.idx()])
+        .count()
+        > 1
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
-            if should_be_header != header || !constants[one_c_id.idx()].is_one() {
-                return None;
-            }
+    let loop_body_last = editor.get_uses(loop_if).next().unwrap();
-            // Check that phi's if predecessor is the add node, and check that the
-            // phi's other predecessors are zeros.
-            zip(header_uses.as_ref().iter(), pred_datas.iter())
-                .position(|(c, d)| *c == *single_pred_loop && *d == idx)?;
-            if zip(header_uses.as_ref().iter(), pred_datas.iter())
-                .filter(|(c, d)| {
-                    (**c != *single_pred_loop)
-                        && !function.nodes[d.idx()].is_zero_constant(constants)
-                })
-                .count()
-                != 0
-            {
-                return None;
-            }
+    if reductionable_phis
+        .iter()
+        .any(|phi| !matches!(phi, LoopPHI::Reductionable { .. }))
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
-            // Check for constant used as loop bound. Do this last, since we may
-            // create a new dynamic constant here.
-            let bound_dc_id =
-                if let Some(bound_dc_id) = function.nodes[bound.idx()].try_dynamic_constant() {
-                    bound_dc_id
-                } else if let Some(bound_c_id) = function.nodes[bound.idx()].try_constant() {
-                    // Create new dynamic constant that reflects this constant.
-                    let dc = match constants[bound_c_id.idx()] {
-                        Constant::Integer8(x) => DynamicConstant::Constant(x as _),
-                        Constant::Integer16(x) => DynamicConstant::Constant(x as _),
-                        Constant::Integer32(x) => DynamicConstant::Constant(x as _),
-                        Constant::Integer64(x) => DynamicConstant::Constant(x as _),
-                        Constant::UnsignedInteger8(x) => DynamicConstant::Constant(x as _),
-                        Constant::UnsignedInteger16(x) => DynamicConstant::Constant(x as _),
-                        Constant::UnsignedInteger32(x) => DynamicConstant::Constant(x as _),
-                        Constant::UnsignedInteger64(x) => DynamicConstant::Constant(x as _),
-                        _ => return None,
-                    };
-                    // The new dynamic constant may already be interned.
-                    let maybe_already_in = dynamic_constants
-                        .iter()
-                        .enumerate()
-                        .find(|(_, x)| **x == dc)
-                        .map(|(idx, _)| idx);
-                    if let Some(bound_dc_idx) = maybe_already_in {
-                        DynamicConstantID::new(bound_dc_idx)
-                    } else {
-                        let id = DynamicConstantID::new(dynamic_constants.len());
-                        dynamic_constants.push(dc);
-                        id
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    return None;
-                };
+    let phi_latches: Vec<_> = reductionable_phis
+        .iter()
+        .map(|phi| {
+            let LoopPHI::Reductionable {
+                phi: _,
+                data_cycle: _,
+                continue_latch,
+                is_associative: _,
+            } = phi
+            else {
+                unreachable!()
+            };
+            continue_latch
+        })
+        .collect();
-            Some((header, phi, contents, bound_dc_id))
+    let stop_on: HashSet<_> = editor
+        .node_ids()
+        .filter(|node| {
+            if editor.node(node).is_phi() {
+                return true;
+            }
+            if editor.node(node).is_reduce() {
+                return true;
+            }
+            if editor.node(node).is_control() {
+                return true;
+            }
+            if phi_latches.contains(&node) {
+                return true;
+            }
+            false
-    // Convert affine loops into fork-joins.
-    for (header, idx_phi, contents, dc_id) in affine_loops {
-        let header_uses = get_uses(&function.nodes[header.idx()]);
-        let header_uses: Vec<_> = header_uses.as_ref().into_iter().map(|x| *x).collect();
+    // Outside loop users of IV, then exit;
+    // Unless the outside user is through the loop latch of a reducing phi,
+    // then we know how to replace this edge, so its fine!
+    let iv_users: Vec<_> =
+        walk_all_users_stop_on(canonical_iv.phi(), editor, stop_on.clone()).collect();
-        // Get the control portions of the loop that need to be grafted.
-        let loop_pred = header_uses
-            .iter()
-            .filter(|id| !contents[id.idx()])
-            .next()
-            .unwrap();
-        let loop_true_read = header_uses
-            .iter()
-            .filter(|id| contents[id.idx()])
-            .next()
-            .unwrap();
-        let loop_end = function.nodes[loop_true_read.idx()]
-            .try_projection(1)
-            .unwrap();
-        let loop_false_read = *def_use
-            .get_users(loop_end)
-            .iter()
-            .filter_map(|id| {
-                if function.nodes[id.idx()].try_projection(0).is_some() {
-                    Some(id)
-                } else {
-                    None
-                }
-            })
-            .next()
-            .unwrap();
+    if iv_users
+        .iter()
+        .any(|node| !loop_nodes.contains(&node) && *node != loop_if)
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Start Transformation:
+    // Graft everything between header and loop condition
+    // Attach join to right before header (after loop_body_last, unless loop body last *is* the header).
+    // Attach fork to right after loop_continue_projection.
+    // // Create fork and join nodes:
+    let mut join_id = NodeID::new(0);
+    let mut fork_id = NodeID::new(0);
-        // Create fork and join nodes.
+    // Turn dc bound into max (1, bound),
+    let bound_dc_id = {
+        let mut max_id = DynamicConstantID::new(0);
+        editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+            // FIXME: Maybe add_dynamic_constant should intern?
+            let one_id = edit.add_dynamic_constant(DynamicConstant::Constant(1));
+            max_id = edit.add_dynamic_constant(DynamicConstant::Max(one_id, bound_dc_id));
+            Ok(edit)
+        });
+        max_id
+    };
+    // FIXME: (@xrouth) double check handling of control in loop body.
+    editor.edit(|mut edit| {
         let fork = Node::Fork {
-            control: *loop_pred,
-            factors: Box::new([dc_id]),
+            control: loop_pred,
+            factors: Box::new([bound_dc_id]),
-        let fork_id = NodeID::new(function.nodes.len());
-        function.nodes.push(fork);
+        fork_id = edit.add_node(fork);
         let join = Node::Join {
-            control: if header == get_uses(&function.nodes[loop_end.idx()]).as_ref()[0] {
+            control: if l.header == loop_body_last {
             } else {
-                function.nodes[loop_end.idx()].try_if().unwrap().0
+                loop_body_last
-        let join_id = NodeID::new(function.nodes.len());
-        function.nodes.push(join);
-        // Convert reducing phi nodes to reduce nodes.
-        let reduction_phis: Vec<_> = def_use
-            .get_users(header)
-            .iter()
-            .filter(|id| **id != idx_phi && function.nodes[id.idx()].is_phi())
-            .collect();
-        for reduction_phi in reduction_phis {
-            // Loop predecessor input to phi is the reduction initializer.
-            let init = *zip(
-                header_uses.iter(),
-                function.nodes[reduction_phi.idx()]
-                    .try_phi()
-                    .unwrap()
-                    .1
-                    .iter(),
-            )
-            .filter(|(c, _)| **c == *loop_pred)
-            .next()
-            .unwrap()
-            .1;
-            // Loop back edge input to phi is the reduction induction variable.
-            let reduct = *zip(
-                header_uses.iter(),
-                function.nodes[reduction_phi.idx()]
-                    .try_phi()
-                    .unwrap()
-                    .1
-                    .iter(),
-            )
-            .filter(|(c, _)| **c == *loop_true_read)
-            .next()
-            .unwrap()
-            .1;
-            // Create reduction node.
+        join_id = edit.add_node(join);
+        Ok(edit)
+    });
+    let function = editor.func();
+    let (_, factors) = function.nodes[fork_id.idx()].try_fork().unwrap();
+    let dimension = factors.len() - 1;
+    // Create ThreadID
+    editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+        let thread_id = Node::ThreadID {
+            control: fork_id,
+            dimension: dimension,
+        };
+        let thread_id_id = edit.add_node(thread_id);
+        // Replace uses that are inside with the thread id
+        edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(canonical_iv.phi(), thread_id_id, |node| {
+            loop_nodes.contains(node)
+        })?;
+        // Replace uses that are outside with DC - 1. Or just give up.
+        let bound_dc_node = edit.add_node(Node::DynamicConstant { id: bound_dc_id });
+        edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(canonical_iv.phi(), bound_dc_node, |node| {
+            !loop_nodes.contains(node)
+        })?;
+        edit.delete_node(canonical_iv.phi())
+    });
+    for reduction_phi in reductionable_phis {
+        let LoopPHI::Reductionable {
+            phi,
+            data_cycle: _,
+            continue_latch,
+            is_associative: _,
+        } = reduction_phi
+        else {
+            panic!();
+        };
+        let function = editor.func();
+        let init = *zip(
+            editor.get_uses(l.header),
+            function.nodes[phi.idx()].try_phi().unwrap().1.iter(),
+        )
+        .filter(|(c, _)| *c == loop_pred)
+        .next()
+        .unwrap()
+        .1;
+        editor.edit(|mut edit| {
             let reduce = Node::Reduce {
                 control: join_id,
-                reduct,
+                reduct: continue_latch,
-            let reduce_id = NodeID::new(function.nodes.len());
-            function.nodes.push(reduce);
+            let reduce_id = edit.add_node(reduce);
-            // Edit users of phis.
-            for user in def_use.get_users(*reduction_phi) {
-                get_uses_mut(&mut function.nodes[user.idx()]).map(*reduction_phi, reduce_id);
-            }
+            edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(phi, reduce_id, |usee| *usee != reduce_id)?;
+            edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(continue_latch, reduce_id, |usee| {
+                !loop_nodes.contains(usee) && *usee != reduce_id
+            })?;
+            edit.delete_node(phi)
+        });
+    }
-            // Edit users of uses of phis.
-            for user in def_use.get_users(reduct) {
-                get_uses_mut(&mut function.nodes[user.idx()]).map(reduct, reduce_id);
-            }
+    // Replace all uses of the loop header with the fork
+    editor.edit(|edit| edit.replace_all_uses(l.header, fork_id));
-            // Delete reducing phi.
-            function.nodes[reduction_phi.idx()] = Node::Start;
-        }
+    editor.edit(|edit| edit.replace_all_uses(loop_continue_projection, fork_id));
-        // Convert index phi node to thread ID node.
-        let thread_id = Node::ThreadID {
-            control: fork_id,
-            dimension: 0,
-        };
-        let thread_id_id = NodeID::new(function.nodes.len());
-        function.nodes.push(thread_id);
+    editor.edit(|edit| edit.replace_all_uses(loop_exit_projection, join_id));
-        for user in def_use.get_users(idx_phi) {
-            get_uses_mut(&mut function.nodes[user.idx()]).map(idx_phi, thread_id_id);
-        }
-        for user in def_use.get_users(header) {
-            get_uses_mut(&mut function.nodes[user.idx()]).map(header, fork_id);
-        }
-        for user in def_use.get_users(loop_false_read) {
-            get_uses_mut(&mut function.nodes[user.idx()]).map(loop_false_read, join_id);
-        }
+    // Get rid of loop condition
+    // DCE should get these, but delete them ourselves because we are nice :)
+    editor.edit(|mut edit| {
+        edit = edit.delete_node(loop_continue_projection)?;
+        edit = edit.delete_node(condition_node)?; // Might have to get rid of other users of this.
+        edit = edit.delete_node(loop_exit_projection)?;
+        edit = edit.delete_node(loop_if)?;
+        edit = edit.delete_node(l.header)?;
+        Ok(edit)
+    });
+    return true;
-        function.nodes[idx_phi.idx()] = Node::Start;
-        function.nodes[header.idx()] = Node::Start;
-        function.nodes[loop_end.idx()] = Node::Start;
-        function.nodes[loop_true_read.idx()] = Node::Start;
-        function.nodes[loop_false_read.idx()] = Node::Start;
+nest! {
+    #[derive(Debug)]
+    pub enum LoopPHI {
+        Reductionable {
+            phi: NodeID,
+            data_cycle: HashSet<NodeID>, // All nodes in a data cycle with this phi
+            continue_latch: NodeID,
+            is_associative: bool,
+        },
+        LoopDependant(NodeID),
+        UsedByDependant(NodeID),
+impl LoopPHI {
+    pub fn get_phi(&self) -> NodeID {
+        match self {
+            LoopPHI::Reductionable { phi, .. } => *phi,
+            LoopPHI::LoopDependant(node_id) => *node_id,
+            LoopPHI::UsedByDependant(node_id) => *node_id,
+        }
+    }
+Checks some conditions on loop variables that will need to be converted into reductions to be forkified.
+ - The phi is in a cycle *in the loop* with itself.
+ - Every cycle *in the loop* containing the phi does not contain any other phi of the loop header.
+ - The phi does not immediatley (not blocked by another phi or another reduce) use any other phis of the loop header.
+ */
+pub fn analyze_phis<'a>(
+    editor: &'a FunctionEditor,
+    natural_loop: &'a Loop,
+    phis: &'a [NodeID],
+    loop_nodes: &'a HashSet<NodeID>,
+) -> impl Iterator<Item = LoopPHI> + 'a {
+    // Find data cycles within the loop of this phi, 
+    // Start from the phis loop_continue_latch, and walk its uses until we find the original phi. 
+    phis.into_iter().map(move |phi| {
+        let stop_on: HashSet<NodeID> = editor
+            .node_ids()
+            .filter(|node| {
+                let data = &editor.func().nodes[node.idx()];
+                // External Phi
+                if let Node::Phi { control, data: _ } = data {
+                    if *control != natural_loop.header {
+                        return true;
+                    }
+                }
+                // This phi
+                if node == phi {
+                    return true;
+                }
+                // External Reduce
+                if let Node::Reduce {
+                    control,
+                    init: _,
+                    reduct: _,
+                } = data
+                {
+                    if !natural_loop.control[control.idx()] {
+                        return true;
+                    } else {
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                }
+                // Data Cycles Only
+                if data.is_control() {
+                    return true;
+                }
+                return false;
+            })
+            .collect();
+        let continue_idx = editor
+            .get_uses(natural_loop.header)
+            .position(|node| natural_loop.control[node.idx()])
+            .unwrap();
+        let loop_continue_latch = editor.node(phi).try_phi().unwrap().1[continue_idx];
+        let uses = walk_all_uses_stop_on(loop_continue_latch, editor, stop_on.clone());
+        let users = walk_all_users_stop_on(*phi, editor, stop_on.clone());
+        let other_stop_on: HashSet<NodeID> = editor
+            .node_ids()
+            .filter(|node| {
+                let data = &editor.func().nodes[node.idx()];
+                // Phi, Reduce
+                if data.is_phi() {
+                    return true;
+                }
+                if data.is_reduce() {
+                    return true;
+                }
+                // External Control
+                if data.is_control() {
+                    return true;
+                }
+                return false;
+            })
+            .collect();
+        let mut uses_for_dependance =
+            walk_all_users_stop_on(loop_continue_latch, editor, other_stop_on);
+        let set1: HashSet<_> = HashSet::from_iter(uses);
+        let set2: HashSet<_> = HashSet::from_iter(users);
+        let intersection: HashSet<_> = set1.intersection(&set2).cloned().collect();
+        // If this phi uses any other phis the node is loop dependant,
+        // we use `phis` because this phi can actually contain the loop iv and its fine.
+        if uses_for_dependance.any(|node| phis.contains(&node) && node != *phi) {
+            LoopPHI::LoopDependant(*phi)
+        } else if intersection.clone().iter().next().is_some() {
+            // PHIs on the frontier of the uses by the candidate phi, i.e in uses_for_dependance need
+            // to have headers that postdominate the loop continue latch. The value of the PHI used needs to be defined
+            // by the time the reduce is triggered (at the end of the loop's internal control).
+            // No nodes in data cycles with this phi (in the loop) are used outside the loop, besides the loop_continue_latch.
+            // If some other node in the cycle is used, there is not a valid node to assign it after making the cycle a reduce.
+            if intersection
+                .iter()
+                .filter(|node| **node != loop_continue_latch )
+                .any(|data_node| {
+                    editor
+                        .get_users(*data_node)
+                        .any(|user| !loop_nodes.contains(&user))
+                })
+            {
+                // This phi can be made into a reduce in different ways, if the cycle is associative (contains all the same kind of associative op)
+                // 3) Split the cycle into two phis, add them or multiply them together at the end.
+                // 4) Split the cycle into two reduces, add them or multiply them together at the end.
+                // Somewhere else should handle this.
+                return LoopPHI::LoopDependant(*phi);
+            }
+            // FIXME: Do we want to calculate associativity here, there might be a case where this information is used in forkify
+            // i.e as described above.
+            let is_associative = false;
+            // No nodes in the data cycle are used outside of the loop, besides the latched value of the phi
+            LoopPHI::Reductionable {
+                phi: *phi,
+                data_cycle: intersection,
+                continue_latch: loop_continue_latch,
+                is_associative,
+            }
+        } else {
+            // No cycles exist, this isn't a reduction.
+            LoopPHI::LoopDependant(*phi)
+        }
+    })
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/ b/hercules_opt/src/
index b5822a51..462d1087 100644
--- a/hercules_opt/src/
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/
@@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ fn liveness_dataflow(
  * device clones when a single node may potentially be on different devices.
 fn color_nodes(
-    editor: &mut FunctionEditor,
+    _editor: &mut FunctionEditor,
     reverse_postorder: &Vec<NodeID>,
     objects: &FunctionCollectionObjects,
     object_device_demands: &FunctionObjectDeviceDemands,
@@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ fn object_allocation(
     typing: &Vec<TypeID>,
     node_colors: &FunctionNodeColors,
     alignments: &Vec<usize>,
-    liveness: &Liveness,
+    _liveness: &Liveness,
     backing_allocations: &BackingAllocations,
 ) -> FunctionBackingAllocation {
     let mut fba = BTreeMap::new();
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/ b/hercules_opt/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7252d29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+use std::collections::HashSet;
+use bitvec::prelude::*;
+use nestify::nest;
+use hercules_ir::*;
+use crate::*;
+pub struct LoopVarianceInfo {
+    pub loop_header: NodeID,
+    pub map: DenseNodeMap<LoopVariance>,
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum LoopVariance {
+    Unknown,
+    Invariant,
+    Variant,
+type NodeVec = BitVec<u8, Lsb0>;
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct Loop {
+    pub header: NodeID,
+    pub control: NodeVec, //
+impl Loop {
+    pub fn get_all_nodes(&self) -> NodeVec {
+        let mut all_loop_nodes = self.control.clone();
+        all_loop_nodes.set(self.header.idx(), true);
+        all_loop_nodes
+    }
+nest! {
+    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]*
+    pub enum InductionVariable {
+        pub Basic {
+            node: NodeID,
+            initializer: NodeID,
+            update: NodeID,
+            final_value: Option<NodeID>,
+        },
+        SCEV(NodeID), // TODO @(xrouth)
+    }
+impl InductionVariable {
+    pub fn phi(&self) -> NodeID {
+        match self {
+            InductionVariable::Basic {
+                node,
+                initializer: _,
+                update: _,
+                final_value: _,
+            } => *node,
+            InductionVariable::SCEV(_) => todo!(),
+        }
+    }
+// TODO: Optimize.
+pub fn calculate_loop_nodes(editor: &FunctionEditor, natural_loop: &Loop) -> HashSet<NodeID> {
+    // Stop on PHIs / reduces outside of loop.
+    let stop_on: HashSet<NodeID> = editor
+        .node_ids()
+        .filter(|node| {
+            let data = &editor.func().nodes[node.idx()];
+            // External Phi
+            if let Node::Phi { control, data: _ } = data {
+                if !natural_loop.control[control.idx()] {
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+            // External Reduce
+            if let Node::Reduce {
+                control,
+                init: _,
+                reduct: _,
+            } = data
+            {
+                if !natural_loop.control[control.idx()] {
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+            // External Control
+            if data.is_control() && !natural_loop.control[node.idx()] {
+                return true;
+            }
+            return false;
+        })
+        .collect();
+    let phis: Vec<_> = editor
+        .node_ids()
+        .filter(|node| {
+            let Node::Phi { control, data: _ } = editor.func().nodes[node.idx()] else {
+                return false;
+            };
+            natural_loop.control[control.idx()]
+        })
+        .collect();
+    let all_users: HashSet<NodeID> = phis
+        .clone()
+        .iter()
+        .flat_map(|phi| walk_all_users_stop_on(*phi, editor, stop_on.clone()))
+        .chain(phis.clone())
+        .collect();
+    let all_uses: HashSet<_> = phis
+        .clone()
+        .iter()
+        .flat_map(|phi| walk_all_uses_stop_on(*phi, editor, stop_on.clone()))
+        .chain(phis.clone())
+        .filter(|node| {
+            // Get rid of nodes in stop_on
+            !stop_on.contains(node)
+        })
+        .collect();
+    all_users
+        .intersection(&all_uses)
+        .chain(phis.iter())
+        .cloned()
+        .collect()
+/** returns PHIs that are on any regions inside the loop. */
+pub fn get_all_loop_phis<'a>(
+    function: &'a Function,
+    l: &'a Loop,
+) -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeID> + 'a {
+    function
+        .nodes
+        .iter()
+        .enumerate()
+        .filter_map(move |(node_id, node)| {
+            if let Some((control, _)) = node.try_phi() {
+                if l.control[control.idx()] {
+                    Some(NodeID::new(node_id))
+                } else {
+                    None
+                }
+            } else {
+                None
+            }
+        })
+// FIXME: Need a trait that Editor and Function both implement, that gives us UseDefInfo
+/** Given a loop determine for each data node if the value might change upon each iteration of the loop */
+pub fn compute_loop_variance(editor: &FunctionEditor, l: &Loop) -> LoopVarianceInfo {
+    // Gather all Phi nodes that are controlled by this loop.
+    let mut loop_vars: Vec<NodeID> = vec![];
+    for node_id in editor.get_users(l.header) {
+        let node = &editor.func().nodes[node_id.idx()];
+        if let Some((control, _)) = node.try_phi() {
+            if l.control[control.idx()] {
+                loop_vars.push(node_id);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    let len = editor.func().nodes.len();
+    let mut all_loop_nodes = l.control.clone();
+    all_loop_nodes.set(l.header.idx(), true);
+    let mut variance_map: DenseNodeMap<LoopVariance> = vec![LoopVariance::Unknown; len];
+    fn recurse(
+        function: &Function,
+        node: NodeID,
+        all_loop_nodes: &BitVec<u8, Lsb0>,
+        variance_map: &mut DenseNodeMap<LoopVariance>,
+        visited: &mut DenseNodeMap<bool>,
+    ) -> LoopVariance {
+        if visited[node.idx()] {
+            return variance_map[node.idx()];
+        }
+        visited[node.idx()] = true;
+        let node_variance = match variance_map[node.idx()] {
+            LoopVariance::Invariant => LoopVariance::Invariant,
+            LoopVariance::Variant => LoopVariance::Variant,
+            LoopVariance::Unknown => {
+                let mut node_variance = LoopVariance::Invariant;
+                // Two conditions cause something to be loop variant:
+                for node_use in get_uses(&function.nodes[node.idx()]).as_ref() {
+                    // 1) The use is a PHI *controlled* by the loop
+                    if let Some((control, _)) = function.nodes[node_use.idx()].try_phi() {
+                        if *all_loop_nodes.get(control.idx()).unwrap() {
+                            node_variance = LoopVariance::Variant;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // 2) Any of the nodes uses are loop variant
+                    if recurse(function, *node_use, all_loop_nodes, variance_map, visited)
+                        == LoopVariance::Variant
+                    {
+                        node_variance = LoopVariance::Variant;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                variance_map[node.idx()] = node_variance;
+                node_variance
+            }
+        };
+        return node_variance;
+    }
+    let mut visited: DenseNodeMap<bool> = vec![false; len];
+    for node in (0..len).map(NodeID::new) {
+        recurse(
+            editor.func(),
+            node,
+            &all_loop_nodes,
+            &mut variance_map,
+            &mut visited,
+        );
+    }
+    return LoopVarianceInfo {
+        loop_header: l.header,
+        map: variance_map,
+    };
+nest! {
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum LoopExit {
+    Conditional {
+        if_node: NodeID,
+        condition_node: NodeID,
+    },
+    Unconditional(NodeID)
+pub fn get_loop_exit_conditions(
+    function: &Function,
+    l: &Loop,
+    control_subgraph: &Subgraph,
+) -> Option<LoopExit> {
+    // impl IntoIterator<Item = LoopExit>
+    // DFS Traversal on loop control subgraph until we find a node that is outside the loop, find the last IF on this path.
+    let mut last_if_on_path: DenseNodeMap<Option<NodeID>> = vec![None; function.nodes.len()];
+    // this might be bugged... i.e might need to udpate `last if` even if already defined.
+    // needs to be `saturating` kinda, more iterative. May need to visit nodes more than once?
+    // FIXME: (@xrouth) Right now we assume only one exit from the loop, later: check for multiple exits on the loop,
+    // either as an assertion here or some other part of forkify or analysis.
+    let mut bag_of_control_nodes = vec![l.header];
+    let mut visited: DenseNodeMap<bool> = vec![false; function.nodes.len()];
+    let mut final_if: Option<NodeID> = None;
+    // do WFS
+    while !bag_of_control_nodes.is_empty() {
+        let node = bag_of_control_nodes.pop().unwrap();
+        if visited[node.idx()] {
+            continue;
+        }
+        visited[node.idx()] = true;
+        final_if = if function.nodes[node.idx()].is_if() {
+            Some(node)
+        } else {
+            last_if_on_path[node.idx()]
+        };
+        if !l.control[node.idx()] {
+            break;
+        }
+        for succ in control_subgraph.succs(node) {
+            last_if_on_path[succ.idx()] = final_if;
+            bag_of_control_nodes.push(succ.clone());
+        }
+    }
+|v| LoopExit::Conditional {
+        if_node: v,
+        condition_node: if let Node::If { control: _, cond } = function.nodes[v.idx()] {
+            cond
+        } else {
+            unreachable!()
+        },
+    })
+pub fn has_const_fields(editor: &FunctionEditor, ivar: InductionVariable) -> bool {
+    match ivar {
+        InductionVariable::Basic {
+            node: _,
+            initializer,
+            update,
+            final_value,
+        } => {
+            if final_value.is_none() {
+                return false;
+            }
+            [initializer, update]
+                .iter()
+                .any(|node| !editor.node(node).is_constant())
+        }
+        InductionVariable::SCEV(_) => false,
+    }
+/* Loop has any IV from range 0....N, N can be dynconst iterates +1 per iteration */
+// IVs need to be bounded...
+pub fn has_canonical_iv<'a>(
+    editor: &FunctionEditor,
+    _l: &Loop,
+    ivs: &'a [InductionVariable],
+) -> Option<&'a InductionVariable> {
+    ivs.iter().find(|iv| match iv {
+        InductionVariable::Basic {
+            node: _,
+            initializer,
+            update,
+            final_value,
+        } => {
+            (editor
+                .node(initializer)
+                .is_zero_constant(&editor.get_constants())
+                || editor
+                    .node(initializer)
+                    .is_zero_dc(&editor.get_dynamic_constants()))
+                && (editor.node(update).is_one_constant(&editor.get_constants())
+                    || editor
+                        .node(update)
+                        .is_one_dc(&editor.get_dynamic_constants()))
+                && (final_value
+                    .map(|val| {
+                        editor.node(val).is_constant() || editor.node(val).is_dynamic_constant()
+                    })
+                    .is_some())
+        }
+        InductionVariable::SCEV(_) => false,
+    })
+// Need a transformation that forces all IVs to be SCEVs of an IV from range 0...N, +1, else places them in a separate loop?
+pub fn compute_induction_vars(
+    function: &Function,
+    l: &Loop,
+    _loop_variance: &LoopVarianceInfo,
+) -> Vec<InductionVariable> {
+    // 1) Gather PHIs contained in the loop.
+    // FIXME: (@xrouth) Should this just be PHIs controlled by the header?
+    let mut loop_vars: Vec<NodeID> = vec![];
+    for (node_id, node) in function.nodes.iter().enumerate() {
+        if let Some((control, _)) = node.try_phi() {
+            if l.control[control.idx()] {
+                loop_vars.push(NodeID::new(node_id));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // FIXME: (@xrouth) For now, only compute variables that have one assignment,
+    // (look into this:) possibly treat multiple assignment as separate induction variables.
+    let mut induction_variables: Vec<InductionVariable> = vec![];
+    /* For each PHI controlled by the loop, check how it is modified */
+    // It's initializer needs to be loop invariant, it's update needs to be loop variant.
+    for phi_id in loop_vars {
+        let phi_node = &function.nodes[phi_id.idx()];
+        let (region, data) = phi_node.try_phi().unwrap();
+        let region_node = &function.nodes[region.idx()];
+        let Node::Region {
+            preds: region_inputs,
+        } = region_node
+        else {
+            continue;
+        };
+        // The initializer index is the first index of the inputs to the region node of that isn't in the loop. (what is loop_header, wtf...)
+        // FIXME (@xrouth): If there is control flow in the loop, we won't find ... WHAT
+        let Some(initializer_idx) = region_inputs
+            .iter()
+            .position(|&node_id| !l.control[node_id.idx()])
+        else {
+            continue;
+        };
+        let initializer_id = data[initializer_idx];
+        // Check dynamic constancy:
+        let initializer = &function.nodes[initializer_id.idx()];
+        // In the case of a non 0 starting value:
+        // - a new dynamic constant or constant may need to be created that is the difference between the initiailizer and the loop bounds.
+        // Initializer does not necessarily have to be constant, but this is fine for now.
+        if !(initializer.is_dynamic_constant() || initializer.is_constant()) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Check all data inputs to this phi, that aren't the initializer (i.e the value the comes from control outside of the loop)
+        // For now we expect only one initializer.
+        let data_inputs = data
+            .iter()
+            .filter(|data_id| NodeID::new(initializer_idx) != **data_id);
+        for data_id in data_inputs {
+            let node = &function.nodes[data_id.idx()];
+            for bop in [BinaryOperator::Add] {
+                //, BinaryOperator::Mul, BinaryOperator::Sub] {
+                if let Some((a, b)) = node.try_binary(bop) {
+                    let iv = [(a, b), (b, a)]
+                        .iter()
+                        .find_map(|(pattern_phi, pattern_const)| {
+                            if *pattern_phi == phi_id
+                                && function.nodes[pattern_const.idx()].is_constant()
+                                || function.nodes[pattern_const.idx()].is_dynamic_constant()
+                            {
+                                return Some(InductionVariable::Basic {
+                                    node: phi_id,
+                                    initializer: initializer_id,
+                                    update: b,
+                                    final_value: None,
+                                });
+                            } else {
+                                None
+                            }
+                        });
+                    if let Some(iv) = iv {
+                        induction_variables.push(iv);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    induction_variables
+// Find loop iterations
+pub fn compute_iv_ranges(
+    editor: &FunctionEditor,
+    l: &Loop,
+    induction_vars: Vec<InductionVariable>,
+    loop_condition: &LoopExit,
+) -> Vec<InductionVariable> {
+    let condition_node = match loop_condition {
+        LoopExit::Conditional {
+            if_node: _,
+            condition_node,
+        } => condition_node,
+        LoopExit::Unconditional(_) => todo!(),
+    };
+    // Find IVs used by the loop condition, not across loop iterations.
+    // without leaving the loop.
+    let stop_on: HashSet<_> = editor
+        .node_ids()
+        .filter(|node_id| {
+            if let Node::Phi { control, data: _ } = editor.node(node_id) {
+                *control == l.header
+            } else {
+                false
+            }
+        })
+        .collect();
+    // Bound IVs used in loop bound.
+    let loop_bound_uses: HashSet<_> =
+        walk_all_uses_stop_on(*condition_node, editor, stop_on).collect();
+    let (loop_bound_ivs, other_ivs): (Vec<InductionVariable>, Vec<InductionVariable>) =
+        induction_vars
+            .into_iter()
+            .partition(|f| loop_bound_uses.contains(&f.phi()));
+    let Some(iv) = loop_bound_ivs.first() else {
+        return other_ivs;
+    };
+    if loop_bound_ivs.len() > 1 {
+        return loop_bound_ivs.into_iter().chain(other_ivs).collect();
+    }
+    // FIXME: DO linear algerbra to solve for loop bounds with multiple variables involved.
+    let final_value = match &editor.func().nodes[condition_node.idx()] {
+        Node::Phi {
+            control: _,
+            data: _,
+        } => None,
+        Node::Reduce {
+            control: _,
+            init: _,
+            reduct: _,
+        } => None,
+        Node::Parameter { index: _ } => None,
+        Node::Constant { id: _ } => None,
+        Node::Unary { input: _, op: _ } => None,
+        Node::Ternary {
+            first: _,
+            second: _,
+            third: _,
+            op: _,
+        } => None,
+        Node::Binary { left, right, op } => {
+            match op {
+                BinaryOperator::LT => {
+                    // Check for a loop guard condition.
+                    // left < right
+                    if *left == iv.phi()
+                        && (editor.func().nodes[right.idx()].is_constant()
+                            || editor.func().nodes[right.idx()].is_dynamic_constant())
+                    {
+                        Some(*right)
+                    }
+                    // left + const < right,
+                    else if let Node::Binary {
+                        left: inner_left,
+                        right: inner_right,
+                        op: _,
+                    } = editor.node(left)
+                    {
+                        let pattern = [(inner_left, inner_right), (inner_right, inner_left)]
+                            .iter()
+                            .find_map(|(pattern_iv, pattern_constant)| {
+                                if iv.phi() == **pattern_iv
+                                    && (editor.node(*pattern_constant).is_constant()
+                                        || editor.node(*pattern_constant).is_dynamic_constant())
+                                {
+                                    // FIXME: pattern_constant can be anything >= loop_update expression,
+                                    let update = match iv {
+                                        InductionVariable::Basic {
+                                            node: _,
+                                            initializer: _,
+                                            update,
+                                            final_value: _,
+                                        } => update,
+                                        InductionVariable::SCEV(_) => todo!(),
+                                    };
+                                    if *pattern_constant == update {
+                                        Some(*right)
+                                    } else {
+                                        None
+                                    }
+                                } else {
+                                    None
+                                }
+                            });
+                        pattern.iter().cloned().next()
+                    } else {
+                        None
+                    }
+                }
+                BinaryOperator::LTE => None,
+                BinaryOperator::GT => None,
+                BinaryOperator::GTE => None,
+                BinaryOperator::EQ => None,
+                BinaryOperator::NE => None,
+                _ => None,
+            }
+        }
+        _ => None,
+    };
+    let basic = match iv {
+        InductionVariable::Basic {
+            node,
+            initializer,
+            update,
+            final_value: _,
+        } => InductionVariable::Basic {
+            node: *node,
+            initializer: *initializer,
+            update: *update,
+            final_value,
+        },
+        InductionVariable::SCEV(_) => todo!(),
+    };
+    // Propagate bounds to other IVs.
+    vec![basic].into_iter().chain(other_ivs).collect()
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/ b/hercules_opt/src/
index 4a90f698..e3cca161 100644
--- a/hercules_opt/src/
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/
@@ -4,16 +4,17 @@ pub mod ccp;
 pub mod crc;
 pub mod dce;
 pub mod delete_uncalled;
-pub mod device_placement;
 pub mod editor;
 pub mod float_collections;
 pub mod fork_concat_split;
 pub mod fork_guard_elim;
+pub mod fork_transforms;
 pub mod forkify;
 pub mod gcm;
 pub mod gvn;
 pub mod inline;
 pub mod interprocedural_sroa;
+pub mod ivar;
 pub mod lift_dc_math;
 pub mod outline;
 pub mod phi_elim;
@@ -28,16 +29,17 @@ pub use crate::ccp::*;
 pub use crate::crc::*;
 pub use crate::dce::*;
 pub use crate::delete_uncalled::*;
-pub use crate::device_placement::*;
 pub use crate::editor::*;
 pub use crate::float_collections::*;
 pub use crate::fork_concat_split::*;
 pub use crate::fork_guard_elim::*;
+pub use crate::fork_transforms::*;
 pub use crate::forkify::*;
 pub use crate::gcm::*;
 pub use crate::gvn::*;
 pub use crate::inline::*;
 pub use crate::interprocedural_sroa::*;
+pub use crate::ivar::*;
 pub use crate::lift_dc_math::*;
 pub use crate::outline::*;
 pub use crate::phi_elim::*;
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/ b/hercules_opt/src/
index e59c815d..8fe978c5 100644
--- a/hercules_opt/src/
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
 use hercules_ir::def_use::*;
 use hercules_ir::dom::*;
-use hercules_ir::fork_join_analysis::*;
 use hercules_ir::ir::*;
 use hercules_ir::subgraph::*;
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/ b/hercules_opt/src/
index 2c8209aa..f9f720be 100644
--- a/hercules_opt/src/
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ pub fn infer_parallel_fork(editor: &mut FunctionEditor, fork_join_map: &HashMap<
  * Infer parallel reductions consisting of a simple cycle between a Reduce node
  * and a Write node, where indices of the Write are position indices using the
- * ThreadID nodes attached to the corresponding Fork, and data of the Write is 
+ * ThreadID nodes attached to the corresponding Fork, and data of the Write is
  * not in the Reduce node's cycle. This procedure also adds the ParallelReduce
  * schedule to Reduce nodes reducing over a parallelized Reduce, as long as the
  * base Write node also has position indices of the ThreadID of the outer fork.
@@ -37,7 +37,11 @@ pub fn infer_parallel_fork(editor: &mut FunctionEditor, fork_join_map: &HashMap<
  * as long as each ThreadID dimension appears in the positional indexing of the
  * original Write.
-pub fn infer_parallel_reduce(editor: &mut FunctionEditor, fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>, reduce_cycles: &HashMap<NodeID, HashSet<NodeID>>) {
+pub fn infer_parallel_reduce(
+    editor: &mut FunctionEditor,
+    fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>,
+    reduce_cycles: &HashMap<NodeID, HashSet<NodeID>>,
+) {
     for id in editor.node_ids() {
         let func = editor.func();
         if !func.nodes[id.idx()].is_reduce() {
@@ -146,11 +150,17 @@ pub fn infer_vectorizable(editor: &mut FunctionEditor, fork_join_map: &HashMap<N
  * operation's operands must be the Reduce node, and all other operands must
  * not be in the Reduce node's cycle.
-pub fn infer_tight_associative(editor: &mut FunctionEditor, reduce_cycles: &HashMap<NodeID, HashSet<NodeID>>) {
-    let is_binop_associative = |op| matches!(op,
-        BinaryOperator::Add | BinaryOperator::Or | BinaryOperator::And | BinaryOperator::Xor);
-    let is_intrinsic_associative = |intrinsic| matches!(intrinsic, 
-        Intrinsic::Max | Intrinsic::Min);
+pub fn infer_tight_associative(
+    editor: &mut FunctionEditor,
+    reduce_cycles: &HashMap<NodeID, HashSet<NodeID>>,
+) {
+    let is_binop_associative = |op| {
+        matches!(
+            op,
+            BinaryOperator::Add | BinaryOperator::Or | BinaryOperator::And | BinaryOperator::Xor
+        )
+    };
+    let is_intrinsic_associative = |intrinsic| matches!(intrinsic, Intrinsic::Max | Intrinsic::Min);
     for id in editor.node_ids() {
         let func = editor.func();
@@ -162,8 +172,8 @@ pub fn infer_tight_associative(editor: &mut FunctionEditor, reduce_cycles: &Hash
             && (matches!(func.nodes[reduct.idx()], Node::Binary { left, right, op } 
                 if ((left == id && !reduce_cycles[&id].contains(&right)) || 
                     (right == id && !reduce_cycles[&id].contains(&left))) && 
-                    is_binop_associative(op)) || 
-            matches!(&func.nodes[reduct.idx()], Node::IntrinsicCall { intrinsic, args }
+                    is_binop_associative(op))
+                || matches!(&func.nodes[reduct.idx()], Node::IntrinsicCall { intrinsic, args }
                 if (args.contains(&id) && is_intrinsic_associative(*intrinsic) && 
                     args.iter().filter(|arg| **arg != id).all(|arg| !reduce_cycles[&id].contains(arg)))))
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/ b/hercules_opt/src/
index a5df7a7c..85ffd233 100644
--- a/hercules_opt/src/
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/
@@ -1,17 +1,110 @@
-use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
 use std::iter::zip;
-use hercules_ir::ir::*;
+use bitvec::{order::Lsb0, vec::BitVec};
+use hercules_ir::{ir::*, LoopTree};
 use crate::*;
+type NodeVec = BitVec<u8, Lsb0>;
+pub fn calculate_fork_nodes(
+    editor: &FunctionEditor,
+    inner_control: &NodeVec,
+    fork: NodeID,
+) -> HashSet<NodeID> {
+    // Stop on PHIs / reduces outside of loop.
+    let stop_on: HashSet<NodeID> = editor
+        .node_ids()
+        .filter(|node| {
+            let data = &editor.func().nodes[node.idx()];
+            // External Phi
+            if let Node::Phi { control, data: _ } = data {
+                if match inner_control.get(control.idx()) {
+                    Some(v) => !*v, //
+                    None => true,   // Doesn't exist, must be external
+                } {
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+            // External Reduce
+            if let Node::Reduce {
+                control,
+                init: _,
+                reduct: _,
+            } = data
+            {
+                if match inner_control.get(control.idx()) {
+                    Some(v) => !*v, //
+                    None => true,   // Doesn't exist, must be external
+                } {
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+            // External Control
+            if data.is_control() {
+                return match inner_control.get(node.idx()) {
+                    Some(v) => !*v, //
+                    None => true,   // Doesn't exist, must be external
+                };
+            }
+            // else
+            return false;
+        })
+        .collect();
+    let reduces: Vec<_> = editor
+        .node_ids()
+        .filter(|node| {
+            let Node::Reduce { control, .. } = editor.func().nodes[node.idx()] else {
+                return false;
+            };
+            match inner_control.get(control.idx()) {
+                Some(v) => *v,
+                None => false,
+            }
+        })
+        .chain(
+            editor
+                .get_users(fork)
+                .filter(|node| editor.node(node).is_thread_id()),
+        )
+        .collect();
+    let all_users: HashSet<NodeID> = reduces
+        .clone()
+        .iter()
+        .flat_map(|phi| walk_all_users_stop_on(*phi, editor, stop_on.clone()))
+        .chain(reduces.clone())
+        .collect();
+    let all_uses: HashSet<_> = reduces
+        .clone()
+        .iter()
+        .flat_map(|phi| walk_all_uses_stop_on(*phi, editor, stop_on.clone()))
+        .chain(reduces)
+        .filter(|node| {
+            // Get rid of nodes in stop_on
+            !stop_on.contains(node)
+        })
+        .collect();
+    all_users.intersection(&all_uses).cloned().collect()
  * Convert forks back into loops right before codegen when a backend is not
  * lowering a fork-join to vector / parallel code. Lowering fork-joins into
  * sequential loops in LLVM is actually not entirely trivial, so it's easier to
  * just do this transformation within Hercules IR.
-pub fn unforkify(editor: &mut FunctionEditor, fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>) {
+// FIXME: Only works on fully split fork nests.
+pub fn unforkify(
+    editor: &mut FunctionEditor,
+    fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>,
+    loop_tree: &LoopTree,
+) {
     let mut zero_cons_id = ConstantID::new(0);
     let mut one_cons_id = ConstantID::new(0);
     assert!(editor.edit(|mut edit| {
@@ -25,7 +118,16 @@ pub fn unforkify(editor: &mut FunctionEditor, fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, No
     // control insides of the fork-join should become the successor of the true
     // projection node, and what was the use of the join should become a use of
     // the new region.
-    for (fork, join) in fork_join_map {
+    for l in loop_tree.bottom_up_loops().into_iter().rev() {
+        if !editor.node(l.0).is_fork() {
+            continue;
+        }
+        let fork = &l.0;
+        let join = &fork_join_map[&fork];
+        let fork_nodes = calculate_fork_nodes(editor, l.1, *fork);
         let nodes = &editor.func().nodes;
         let (fork_control, factors) = nodes[fork.idx()].try_fork().unwrap();
         if factors.len() > 1 {
@@ -54,20 +156,43 @@ pub fn unforkify(editor: &mut FunctionEditor, fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, No
         let add_id = NodeID::new(num_nodes + 7);
         let dc_id = NodeID::new(num_nodes + 8);
         let neq_id = NodeID::new(num_nodes + 9);
-        let phi_ids = (num_nodes + 10..num_nodes + 10 + reduces.len()).map(NodeID::new);
+        let guard_if_id = NodeID::new(num_nodes + 10);
+        let guard_join_id = NodeID::new(num_nodes + 11);
+        let guard_taken_proj_id = NodeID::new(num_nodes + 12);
+        let guard_skipped_proj_id = NodeID::new(num_nodes + 13);
+        let guard_cond_id = NodeID::new(num_nodes + 14);
+        let phi_ids = (num_nodes + 15..num_nodes + 15 + reduces.len()).map(NodeID::new);
+        let s = num_nodes + 15 + reduces.len();
+        let join_phi_ids = (s..s + reduces.len()).map(NodeID::new);
+        let guard_cond = Node::Binary {
+            left: zero_id,
+            right: dc_id,
+            op: BinaryOperator::LT,
+        };
+        let guard_if = Node::If {
+            control: fork_control,
+            cond: guard_cond_id,
+        };
+        let guard_taken_proj = Node::Projection {
+            control: guard_if_id,
+            selection: 1,
+        };
+        let guard_skipped_proj = Node::Projection {
+            control: guard_if_id,
+            selection: 0,
+        };
+        let guard_join = Node::Region {
+            preds: Box::new([guard_skipped_proj_id, proj_exit_id]),
+        };
         let region = Node::Region {
-            preds: Box::new([
-                fork_control,
-                if join_control == *fork {
-                    proj_back_id
-                } else {
-                    join_control
-                },
-            ]),
+            preds: Box::new([guard_taken_proj_id, proj_back_id]),
         let if_node = Node::If {
-            control: region_id,
+            control: join_control,
             cond: neq_id,
         let proj_back = Node::Projection {
@@ -92,19 +217,25 @@ pub fn unforkify(editor: &mut FunctionEditor, fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, No
         let dc = Node::DynamicConstant { id: factors[0] };
         let neq = Node::Binary {
             op: BinaryOperator::NE,
-            left: indvar_id,
+            left: add_id,
             right: dc_id,
-        let phis: Vec<_> = reduces
+        let (phis, join_phis): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = reduces
             .map(|reduce_id| {
                 let (_, init, reduct) = nodes[reduce_id.idx()].try_reduce().unwrap();
-                Node::Phi {
-                    control: region_id,
-                    data: Box::new([init, reduct]),
-                }
+                (
+                    Node::Phi {
+                        control: region_id,
+                        data: Box::new([init, reduct]),
+                    },
+                    Node::Phi {
+                        control: guard_join_id,
+                        data: Box::new([init, reduct]),
+                    },
+                )
-            .collect();
+            .unzip();
         editor.edit(|mut edit| {
             assert_eq!(edit.add_node(region), region_id);
@@ -117,21 +248,41 @@ pub fn unforkify(editor: &mut FunctionEditor, fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, No
             assert_eq!(edit.add_node(add), add_id);
             assert_eq!(edit.add_node(dc), dc_id);
             assert_eq!(edit.add_node(neq), neq_id);
-            for (phi_id, phi) in zip(phi_ids.clone(), phis) {
-                assert_eq!(edit.add_node(phi), phi_id);
+            assert_eq!(edit.add_node(guard_if), guard_if_id);
+            assert_eq!(edit.add_node(guard_join), guard_join_id);
+            assert_eq!(edit.add_node(guard_taken_proj), guard_taken_proj_id);
+            assert_eq!(edit.add_node(guard_skipped_proj), guard_skipped_proj_id);
+            assert_eq!(edit.add_node(guard_cond), guard_cond_id);
+            for (phi_id, phi) in zip(phi_ids.clone(), &phis) {
+                assert_eq!(edit.add_node(phi.clone()), phi_id);
+            }
+            for (phi_id, phi) in zip(join_phi_ids.clone(), &join_phis) {
+                assert_eq!(edit.add_node(phi.clone()), phi_id);
-            edit = edit.replace_all_uses(*fork, proj_back_id)?;
-            edit = edit.replace_all_uses(*join, proj_exit_id)?;
+            edit = edit.replace_all_uses(*fork, region_id)?;
+            edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(*join, guard_join_id, |usee| *usee != if_id)?;
             edit.sub_edit(*fork, region_id);
             edit.sub_edit(*join, if_id);
             for tid in tids.iter() {
                 edit.sub_edit(*tid, indvar_id);
                 edit = edit.replace_all_uses(*tid, indvar_id)?;
-            for (reduce, phi_id) in zip(reduces.iter(), phi_ids) {
+            for (((reduce, phi_id), phi), join_phi_id) in
+                zip(reduces.iter(), phi_ids).zip(phis).zip(join_phi_ids)
+            {
                 edit.sub_edit(*reduce, phi_id);
-                edit = edit.replace_all_uses(*reduce, phi_id)?;
+                let Node::Phi { control: _, data } = phi else {
+                    panic!()
+                };
+                edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(*reduce, join_phi_id, |usee| {
+                    !fork_nodes.contains(usee)
+                })?; //, |usee| *usee != *reduct)?;
+                edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(*reduce, phi_id, |usee| {
+                    fork_nodes.contains(usee) || *usee == data[1]
+                })?;
+                edit = edit.delete_node(*reduce)?;
             edit = edit.delete_node(*fork)?;
@@ -139,9 +290,6 @@ pub fn unforkify(editor: &mut FunctionEditor, fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, No
             for tid in tids {
                 edit = edit.delete_node(tid)?;
-            for reduce in reduces {
-                edit = edit.delete_node(reduce)?;
-            }
diff --git a/hercules_opt/src/ b/hercules_opt/src/
index aa0d53fe..7ad48c1c 100644
--- a/hercules_opt/src/
+++ b/hercules_opt/src/
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::collections::HashSet;
 use std::iter::zip;
 use hercules_ir::def_use::*;
 use hercules_ir::ir::*;
+use nestify::nest;
 use crate::*;
@@ -376,3 +379,105 @@ pub(crate) fn indices_may_overlap(indices1: &[Index], indices2: &[Index]) -> boo
     // may overlap when one indexes a larger sub-value than the other.
+pub type DenseNodeMap<T> = Vec<T>;
+pub type SparseNodeMap<T> = HashMap<NodeID, T>;
+nest! {
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct NodeIterator<'a> {
+    pub direction:
+        #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+        pub enum Direction {
+            Uses,
+            Users,
+        },
+    visited: DenseNodeMap<bool>,
+    stack: Vec<NodeID>,
+    func: &'a FunctionEditor<'a>, // Maybe this is an enum, def use can be gotten from the function or from the editor.
+    // `stop condition`, then return all nodes that caused stoppage i.e the frontier of the search.
+    stop_on: HashSet<NodeID>, // Don't add neighbors of these.
+pub fn walk_all_uses<'a>(node: NodeID, editor: &'a FunctionEditor<'a>) -> NodeIterator<'a> {
+    let len = editor.func().nodes.len();
+    NodeIterator {
+        direction: Direction::Uses,
+        visited: vec![false; len],
+        stack: vec![node],
+        func: editor,
+        stop_on: HashSet::new(),
+    }
+pub fn walk_all_users<'a>(node: NodeID, editor: &'a FunctionEditor<'a>) -> NodeIterator<'a> {
+    let len = editor.func().nodes.len();
+    NodeIterator {
+        direction: Direction::Users,
+        visited: vec![false; len],
+        stack: vec![node],
+        func: editor,
+        stop_on: HashSet::new(),
+    }
+pub fn walk_all_uses_stop_on<'a>(
+    node: NodeID,
+    editor: &'a FunctionEditor<'a>,
+    stop_on: HashSet<NodeID>,
+) -> NodeIterator<'a> {
+    let len = editor.func().nodes.len();
+    let uses = editor.get_uses(node).collect();
+    NodeIterator {
+        direction: Direction::Uses,
+        visited: vec![false; len],
+        stack: uses,
+        func: editor,
+        stop_on,
+    }
+pub fn walk_all_users_stop_on<'a>(
+    node: NodeID,
+    editor: &'a FunctionEditor<'a>,
+    stop_on: HashSet<NodeID>,
+) -> NodeIterator<'a> {
+    let len = editor.func().nodes.len();
+    let users = editor.get_users(node).collect();
+    NodeIterator {
+        direction: Direction::Users,
+        visited: vec![false; len],
+        stack: users,
+        func: editor,
+        stop_on,
+    }
+impl<'a> Iterator for NodeIterator<'a> {
+    type Item = NodeID;
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+        while let Some(current) = self.stack.pop() {
+            if !self.visited[current.idx()] {
+                self.visited[current.idx()] = true;
+                if !self.stop_on.contains(&current) {
+                    if self.direction == Direction::Uses {
+                        for neighbor in self.func.get_uses(current) {
+                            self.stack.push(neighbor)
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        for neighbor in self.func.get_users(current) {
+                            self.stack.push(neighbor)
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                return Some(current);
+            }
+        }
+        None
+    }
diff --git a/hercules_samples/matmul/ b/hercules_samples/matmul/
index f895af86..c15ca97f 100644
--- a/hercules_samples/matmul/
+++ b/hercules_samples/matmul/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ fn main() {
-        //.schedule_in_src(if cfg!(feature = "cuda") { "gpu.sch" } else { "cpu.sch" })
+        // .schedule_in_src(if cfg!(feature = "cuda") { "gpu.sch" } else { "cpu.sch" })
diff --git a/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/Cargo.toml b/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/Cargo.toml
index d41caff8..6e02b9b8 100644
--- a/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/Cargo.toml
+++ b/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/Cargo.toml
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ clap = { version = "*", features = ["derive"] }
 rand = "*"
 hercules_ir = { path = "../../hercules_ir" }
 hercules_opt = { path = "../../hercules_opt" }
+juno_scheduler = { path = "../../juno_scheduler" }
 itertools = "*"
 ordered-float = "*"
-derive_more = {version = "*", features = ["from"]}
\ No newline at end of file
+derive_more = {version = "*", features = ["from"]}
+postcard = { version = "*", features = ["alloc"] }
+serde = { version = "*", features = ["derive"] }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/src/ b/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/src/
index 621260e5..a78330e4 100644
--- a/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/src/
+++ b/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/src/
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
+use std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Occupied;
 use std::collections::HashMap;
 use std::panic;
-use std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Occupied;
 use itertools::Itertools;
+use std::cmp::{max, min};
 use hercules_ir::*;
 use crate::value;
 use value::*;
+const VERBOSE: bool = false;
 /* High level design details / discussion for this:
  * This crate includes tools for interpreting a hercules IR module. Execution model / flow is based on
@@ -41,8 +43,8 @@ pub struct FunctionContext<'a> {
     fork_join_nest: &'a HashMap<NodeID, Vec<NodeID>>,
-impl <'a> FunctionContext<'a> {
-    pub fn new  (
+impl<'a> FunctionContext<'a> {
+    pub fn new(
         control_subgraph: &'a Subgraph,
         def_use: &'a ImmutableDefUseMap,
         fork_join_map: &'a HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>, // Map forks -> joins
@@ -57,12 +59,47 @@ impl <'a> FunctionContext<'a> {
-pub fn dyn_const_value(dc: &DynamicConstant, dyn_const_params: &[usize]) -> usize {
+// TODO: (@xrouth) I feel like this funcitonality should be provided by the manager that holds and allocates dynamic constants & IDs.
+pub fn dyn_const_value(
+    dc: &DynamicConstantID,
+    dyn_const_values: &[DynamicConstant],
+    dyn_const_params: &[usize],
+) -> usize {
+    let dc = &dyn_const_values[dc.idx()];
     match dc {
         DynamicConstant::Constant(v) => *v,
         DynamicConstant::Parameter(v) => dyn_const_params[*v],
+        DynamicConstant::Add(a, b) => {
+            dyn_const_value(a, dyn_const_values, dyn_const_params)
+                + dyn_const_value(b, dyn_const_values, dyn_const_params)
+        }
+        DynamicConstant::Sub(a, b) => {
+            dyn_const_value(a, dyn_const_values, dyn_const_params)
+                - dyn_const_value(b, dyn_const_values, dyn_const_params)
+        }
+        DynamicConstant::Mul(a, b) => {
+            dyn_const_value(a, dyn_const_values, dyn_const_params)
+                * dyn_const_value(b, dyn_const_values, dyn_const_params)
+        }
+        DynamicConstant::Div(a, b) => {
+            dyn_const_value(a, dyn_const_values, dyn_const_params)
+                / dyn_const_value(b, dyn_const_values, dyn_const_params)
+        }
+        DynamicConstant::Rem(a, b) => {
+            dyn_const_value(a, dyn_const_values, dyn_const_params)
+                % dyn_const_value(b, dyn_const_values, dyn_const_params)
+        }
+        DynamicConstant::Max(a, b) => max(
+            dyn_const_value(a, dyn_const_values, dyn_const_params),
+            dyn_const_value(b, dyn_const_values, dyn_const_params),
+        ),
+        DynamicConstant::Min(a, b) => min(
+            dyn_const_value(a, dyn_const_values, dyn_const_params),
+            dyn_const_value(b, dyn_const_values, dyn_const_params),
+        ),
 // Each control token stores a current position, and also a mapping of fork nodes -> thread idx.
 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
 pub struct ControlToken {
@@ -78,7 +115,12 @@ pub struct ControlToken {
 impl ControlToken {
     pub fn moved_to(&self, next: NodeID) -> ControlToken {
-        ControlToken { curr: next, prev: self.curr, thread_indicies: self.thread_indicies.clone(), phi_values: self.phi_values.clone() }
+        ControlToken {
+            curr: next,
+            prev: self.curr,
+            thread_indicies: self.thread_indicies.clone(),
+            phi_values: self.phi_values.clone(),
+        }
 impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
@@ -89,7 +131,15 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
         function_contexts: &'a Vec<FunctionContext>,
         dynamic_constant_params: Vec<usize>,
     ) -> Self {
-        assert_eq!(args.len(), module.functions[function_id.idx()].param_types.len());
+        println!(
+            "param  types: {:?}",
+            module.functions[function_id.idx()].param_types
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            args.len(),
+            module.functions[function_id.idx()].param_types.len()
+        );
         FunctionExecutionState {
@@ -123,15 +173,10 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
     /* Drives PHI values of this region for a control token, returns the next control node. */
-    pub fn handle_region(
-        &mut self,
-        token: &mut ControlToken,
-        preds: &Box<[NodeID]>,
-    ) -> NodeID {
+    pub fn handle_region(&mut self, token: &mut ControlToken, preds: &Box<[NodeID]>) -> NodeID {
         let prev = token.prev;
         let node = token.curr;
         // Gather PHI nodes for this region node.
         let phis: Vec<NodeID> = self
@@ -178,8 +223,12 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
             .expect("PANIC: handle_phi on non-phi node.");
         let value_node = data[edge];
-        // println!("Latching PHI value of node {:?}", value_node.idx());
         let value = self.handle_data(token, value_node);
+        if VERBOSE {
+            println!("Latching PHI {:?} to {:?}", phi.idx(), value);
+        }
         (phi, value)
@@ -199,26 +248,32 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
-        for reduction in reduces {
-            self.handle_reduction(&token, reduction);
+        for reduction in &reduces {
+            self.handle_reduction(&token, *reduction);
         let thread_values = self.get_thread_factors(&token, join);
-        // dbg!(thread_values.clone());
         // This and_modify doesn't do aynthing??
             .entry((thread_values.clone(), join))
             .and_modify(|v| *v -= 1);
+        if VERBOSE {
+            println!(
+                "join, thread_values : {:?}, {:?}",
+                join,
+                thread_values.clone()
+            );
+        }
         if *self
-            .get(&(thread_values, join))
+            .get(&(thread_values.clone(), join))
             .expect("PANIC: join counter not initialized")
             == 0
             let curr = token.curr;
             token.prev = curr;
-            token.thread_indicies.pop(); // Get rid of this thread index.
+            token.thread_indicies.truncate(thread_values.len()); // Get rid of this thread index.
             token.curr = self.get_control_subgraph().succs(join).next().unwrap();
         } else {
@@ -236,16 +291,36 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
         // Take the top N entries such that it matches the length of the TRF in the control token.
         // Get the depth of the control token that is requesting this reduction node.
-        let fork_levels = nested_forks.len();
-        let len = fork_levels - 1;
+        // Sum over all thread dimensions in nested forks
+        let fork_levels: usize = nested_forks
+            .iter()
+            .map(|ele| {
+                self.get_function().nodes[ele.idx()]
+                    .try_fork()
+                    .unwrap()
+                    .1
+                    .len()
+            })
+            .sum();
+        let len = if nested_forks.is_empty() {
+            fork_levels - 1
+        } else {
+            fork_levels
+                - (self.get_function().nodes[nested_forks.first().unwrap().idx()]
+                    .try_fork()
+                    .unwrap()
+                    .1
+                    .len())
+        };
         let mut thread_values = token.thread_indicies.clone();
-    pub fn intialize_reduction(&mut self, token_at_fork: &ControlToken, reduce: NodeID) {
+    pub fn initialize_reduction(&mut self, token_at_fork: &ControlToken, reduce: NodeID) {
         let token = token_at_fork;
         let (control, init, _) = &self.get_function().nodes[reduce.idx()]
@@ -255,12 +330,16 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
         let thread_values = self.get_thread_factors(token, *control);
         let init = self.handle_data(&token, *init);
-        // Q (@xrouth): It is UB to have the initializer depend on things within the fork-join section? do we check for that?
-        // A: Should be done in verify (TODO).
+        if VERBOSE {
+            println!(
+                "reduction {:?} initialized to: {:?} on thread {:?}",
+                reduce, init, thread_values
+            );
+        }
-            .entry((thread_values.clone(), reduce))
-            .or_insert(init);
+            .insert((thread_values.clone(), reduce), init);
     // Drive the reduction, this will be invoked for each control token.
@@ -271,58 +350,86 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
         let thread_values = self.get_thread_factors(token, *control);
-        // If empty set to default (figure out how to not repeat this check)
-        // TODO: (Can we do it upon entry to the fork node?) (YES!)
         let data = self.handle_data(&token, *reduct);
-        /* 
-        println!(
-            "reduction write: {:?}, {:?}, {:?}",
-            thread_values, reduce, data
-        ); */
+        if VERBOSE {
+            println!(
+                "reduction {:?} write of {:?} on thread {:?}",
+                reduce, data, thread_values
+            );
+        }
         self.reduce_values.insert((thread_values, reduce), data);
     pub fn handle_data(&mut self, token: &ControlToken, node: NodeID) -> InterpreterVal {
-        // println!("Data Node: {} {:?}", node.idx(), &self.get_function().nodes[node.idx()]);
         // Partial borrow complaint. :/
-        match &self.module.functions[self.function_id.idx()].nodes[node.idx()]{
-            Node::Phi { control: _, data: _ } => (*token
+        match &self.module.functions[self.function_id.idx()].nodes[node.idx()] {
+            Node::Phi {
+                control: _,
+                data: _,
+            } => (*token
-                .expect("PANIC: Phi value not latched."))
+                .expect(&format!("PANIC: Phi {:?} value not latched.", node)))
-            Node::ThreadID { control } => {
+            Node::ThreadID { control, dimension } => {
                 // `control` is the fork that drives this node.
-                let nesting_level = self
+                let nested_forks = self
                     .expect("PANIC: No nesting information for thread index!")
-                    .len();
-                let v = token.thread_indicies[nesting_level - 1]; // Might have to -1?
+                    .clone();
+                // Skip forks until we get to this level.
+                // How many forks are outer? idfk.
+                let outer_forks: Vec<NodeID> = nested_forks
+                    .iter()
+                    .cloned()
+                    .take_while(|fork| *fork != node)
+                    .collect();
+                let fork_levels: usize = outer_forks
+                    .iter()
+                    .skip(1)
+                    .map(|ele| {
+                        self.get_function().nodes[ele.idx()]
+                            .try_fork()
+                            .unwrap()
+                            .1
+                            .len()
+                    })
+                    .sum();
+                // Dimension might need to instead be dimensions - dimension
+                let v = token.thread_indicies[fork_levels + dimension]; // Might have to -1?
+                if VERBOSE {
+                    println!(
+                        "node: {:?} gives tid: {:?} for thread: {:?}, dim: {:?}",
+                        node, v, token.thread_indicies, dimension
+                    );
+                }
             // If we read from a reduction that is the same depth as this thread, we need to write back to it before anyone else reads from it.
             // This probably isn't the exact condition, but somethign similar. Anyways, we achieve correctness by iterating control nodes recursively.
             Node::Reduce {
-                init,
+                init: _,
                 reduct: _,
             } => {
                 let thread_values = self.get_thread_factors(token, *control);
-                // println!("reduction read: {:?}, {:?}", thread_values, node);
-                let entry = self
-                    .reduce_values
-                    .entry((thread_values, node));
+                let entry = self.reduce_values.entry((thread_values.clone(), node));
                 let val = match entry {
                     Occupied(v) => v.get().clone(),
-                    std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => panic!("Reduce has not been initialized!"),
+                    std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => panic!(
+                        "Ctrl token: {:?}, Reduce {:?} has not been initialized!, TV: {:?}",
+                        token, node, thread_values
+                    ),
-                // println!("value: {:?}", val.clone());
             Node::Parameter { index } => self.args[*index].clone(),
@@ -333,21 +440,22 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
-                    &self.dynamic_constant_params
+                    &self.dynamic_constant_params,
             Node::DynamicConstant { id } => {
-                let dyn_con = &self.module.dynamic_constants[id.idx()];
-                let v = match dyn_con {
-                    DynamicConstant::Constant(v) => v,
-                    DynamicConstant::Parameter(v) => &self.dynamic_constant_params[*v],
-                };
+                let v = dyn_const_value(
+                    id,
+                    &self.module.dynamic_constants,
+                    &self.dynamic_constant_params,
+                );
                 // TODO: Figure out what type / semantics are of thread ID and dynamic const.
-                InterpreterVal::DynamicConstant((*v).into())
+                InterpreterVal::UnsignedInteger64(v.try_into().expect("too big dyn const!"))
             Node::Unary { input, op } => {
                 let val = self.handle_data(token, *input);
-                InterpreterVal::unary_op(*op, val)
+                InterpreterVal::unary_op(&self.module.types, *op, val)
             Node::Binary { left, right, op } => {
                 let left = self.handle_data(token, *left);
@@ -376,25 +484,26 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
             Node::Call {
+                control: _,
             } => {
+                let args = args
+                    .into_iter()
+                    .map(|arg_node| self.handle_data(token, *arg_node))
+                    .collect();
-                let args = args.into_iter()
-                            .map(|arg_node| self.handle_data(token, *arg_node))
-                            .collect();
-                let dynamic_constant_params = dynamic_constants.into_iter()
-                            .map(|id| {
-                                let dyn_con = &self.module.dynamic_constants[id.idx()];
-                                let v = match dyn_con {
-                                    DynamicConstant::Constant(v) => *v,
-                                    DynamicConstant::Parameter(v) => self.dynamic_constant_params[*v],
-                                };
-                                v
-                            }).collect_vec();
+                let dynamic_constant_params = dynamic_constants
+                    .into_iter()
+                    .map(|id| {
+                        dyn_const_value(
+                            id,
+                            &self.module.dynamic_constants,
+                            &self.dynamic_constant_params,
+                        )
+                    })
+                    .collect_vec();
                 let mut state = FunctionExecutionState::new(
@@ -408,8 +517,19 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
             Node::Read { collect, indices } => {
                 let collection = self.handle_data(token, *collect);
+                if let InterpreterVal::Undef(_) = collection {
+                    collection
+                } else {
+                    let result = self.handle_read(token, collection.clone(), indices);
-                self.handle_read(token, collection, indices)
+                    if VERBOSE {
+                        println!(
+                            "{:?} read value : {:?} from {:?}, {:?} at index {:?}",
+                            node, result, collect, collection, indices
+                        );
+                    }
+                    result
+                }
             Node::Write {
@@ -417,9 +537,14 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
             } => {
                 let collection = self.handle_data(token, *collect);
-                let data = self.handle_data(token, *data);
-                self.handle_write(token, collection, data, indices)
+                if let InterpreterVal::Undef(_) = collection {
+                    collection
+                } else {
+                    let data = self.handle_data(token, *data);
+                    self.handle_write(token, collection, data, indices)
+                }
+            Node::Undef { ty } => InterpreterVal::Undef(*ty),
             _ => todo!(),
@@ -431,13 +556,19 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
         data: InterpreterVal,
         indices: &[Index],
     ) -> InterpreterVal {
-        let index = &indices[0];
         // TODO (@xrouth): Recurse on writes correctly
-        let val = match index {
-            Index::Field(_) => todo!(),
-            Index::Variant(_) => todo!(),
-            Index::Position(array_indices) => {
+        let val = match indices.first() {
+            Some(Index::Field(idx)) => {
+                if let InterpreterVal::Product(type_id, mut vals) = collection {
+                    vals[*idx] = data;
+                    InterpreterVal::Product(type_id, vals)
+                } else {
+                    panic!("PANIC: Field index on not a product type")
+                }
+            }
+            None => collection,
+            Some(Index::Variant(_)) => todo!(),
+            Some(Index::Position(array_indices)) => {
                 // Arrays also have inner indices...
                 // Recover dimensional data from types.
                 let array_indices: Vec<_> = array_indices
@@ -451,12 +582,21 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
                         .expect("PANIC: wrong type for array")
-                        .map(|extent| dyn_const_value(&self.module.dynamic_constants[extent.idx()], &self.dynamic_constant_params))
+                        .map(|extent| {
+                            dyn_const_value(
+                                extent,
+                                &self.module.dynamic_constants,
+                                &self.dynamic_constant_params,
+                            )
+                        })
                     let idx = InterpreterVal::array_idx(&extents, &array_indices);
-                    //println!("idx: {:?}", idx);
-                    vals[idx] = data;
-                    InterpreterVal::Array(type_id, vals)
+                    if idx >= vals.len() {
+                        InterpreterVal::Undef(type_id)
+                    } else {
+                        vals[idx] = data;
+                        InterpreterVal::Array(type_id, vals)
+                    }
                 } else {
                     panic!("PANIC: Position index on not an array")
@@ -484,6 +624,10 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
                     .map(|idx| self.handle_data(token, *idx).as_usize())
+                if VERBOSE {
+                    println!("read at rt indicies: {:?}", array_indices);
+                }
                 // TODO: Implemenet . try_array() and other try_conversions on the InterpreterVal type
                 if let InterpreterVal::Array(type_id, vals) = collection {
                     // TODO: Make this its own funciton to reuse w/ array_size
@@ -491,9 +635,20 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
                         .expect("PANIC: wrong type for array")
-                        .map(|extent| dyn_const_value(&self.module.dynamic_constants[extent.idx()], &self.dynamic_constant_params))
+                        .map(|extent| {
+                            dyn_const_value(
+                                extent,
+                                &self.module.dynamic_constants,
+                                &self.dynamic_constant_params,
+                            )
+                        })
-                    vals[InterpreterVal::array_idx(&extents, &array_indices)].clone()
+                    // FIXME: This type may be wrong.
+                    let ret = vals
+                        .get(InterpreterVal::array_idx(&extents, &array_indices))
+                        .unwrap_or(&InterpreterVal::Undef(type_id))
+                        .clone();
+                    ret
                 } else {
                     panic!("PANIC: Position index on not an array")
@@ -521,32 +676,40 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
         let mut live_tokens: Vec<ControlToken> = Vec::new();
         // To do reduction nodes correctly we have to traverse control tokens in a depth-first fashion (i.e immediately handle spawned threads).
         'outer: loop {
-            let mut ctrl_token = live_tokens.pop().expect("PANIC: Interpreter ran out of control tokens without returning.");
-            /* println!(
-                "\n\nNew Token at: Control State: {} threads: {:?}, {:?}",
-                ctrl_token.curr.idx(),
-                ctrl_token.thread_indicies.clone(),
-                &self.get_function().nodes[ctrl_token.curr.idx()]
-            ); */
+            let mut ctrl_token = live_tokens
+                .pop()
+                .expect("PANIC: Interpreter ran out of control tokens without returning.");
+            // TODO: (@xrouth): Enable this + PHI latch logging  wi/  a simple debug flag.
+            // Tracking PHI vals and control state is very useful for debugging.
+            if VERBOSE {
+                println!(
+                    "control token {} {}",
+                    ctrl_token.curr.idx(),
+                    &self.get_function().nodes[ctrl_token.curr.idx()].lower_case_name()
+                );
+            }
             // TODO: Rust is annoying and can't recognize that this is a partial borrow.
-            // Can't partial borrow, so need a clone. 
+            // Can't partial borrow, so need a clone.
             let node = &self.get_function().nodes[ctrl_token.curr.idx()].clone();
             let new_tokens = match node {
                 Node::Start => {
-                    let next: NodeID = self.get_control_subgraph().succs(ctrl_token.curr).next().unwrap();
+                    let next: NodeID = self
+                        .get_control_subgraph()
+                        .succs(ctrl_token.curr)
+                        .next()
+                        .unwrap();
                     let ctrl_token = ctrl_token.moved_to(next);
                 Node::Region { preds } => {
-                    // Updates 
+                    // Updates
                     let next = self.handle_region(&mut ctrl_token, &preds);
                     let ctrl_token = ctrl_token.moved_to(next);
@@ -558,6 +721,7 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
                     // Convert condition to usize
                     let cond: usize = match cond {
                         InterpreterVal::Boolean(v) => v.into(),
+                        InterpreterVal::Undef(_) => panic!("PANIC: Undef reached IF"),
                         _ => panic!("PANIC: Invalid condition for IF, please typecheck."),
@@ -576,7 +740,11 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
                 Node::Projection { .. } => {
-                    let next: NodeID = self.get_control_subgraph().succs(ctrl_token.curr).next().unwrap();
+                    let next: NodeID = self
+                        .get_control_subgraph()
+                        .succs(ctrl_token.curr)
+                        .next()
+                        .unwrap();
                     let ctrl_token = ctrl_token.moved_to(next);
@@ -584,28 +752,52 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
                 Node::Match { control: _, sum: _ } => todo!(),
-                Node::Fork { control: _, factor } => {
+                Node::Fork {
+                    control: _,
+                    factors,
+                } => {
                     let fork = ctrl_token.curr;
-                    let dyn_con = &self.module.dynamic_constants[factor.idx()];
+                    // if factors.len() > 1 {
+                    //     panic!("multi-dimensional forks unimplemented")
+                    // }
+                    let factors = factors
+                        .iter()
+                        .map(|f| {
+                            dyn_const_value(
+                                &f,
+                                &self.module.dynamic_constants,
+                                &self.dynamic_constant_params,
+                            )
+                        })
+                        .rev();
-                    let thread_factor = match dyn_con {
-                        DynamicConstant::Constant(v) => v,
-                        DynamicConstant::Parameter(v) => &self.dynamic_constant_params[*v],
-                    }.clone();
+                    let n_tokens: usize = factors.clone().product();
-                    // Update control token 
-                    let next = self.get_control_subgraph().succs(ctrl_token.curr).nth(0).unwrap();
+                    // Update control token
+                    let next = self
+                        .get_control_subgraph()
+                        .succs(ctrl_token.curr)
+                        .nth(0)
+                        .unwrap();
                     let ctrl_token = ctrl_token.moved_to(next);
-                    let mut tokens_to_add = Vec::with_capacity(thread_factor);
+                    let mut tokens_to_add = Vec::with_capacity(n_tokens);
-                    assert_ne!(thread_factor, 0);
+                    assert_ne!(n_tokens, 0);
                     // Token is at its correct sontrol succesor already.
                     // Add the new thread index.
-                    for i in 0..(thread_factor) {
+                    let num_outer_dims = ctrl_token.thread_indicies.len();
+                    for i in 0..n_tokens {
+                        let mut temp = i;
                         let mut new_token = ctrl_token.clone(); // Copy map, curr, prev, etc.
-                        new_token.thread_indicies.push(i); // Stack of thread indicies
+                        for (_, dim) in factors.clone().enumerate().rev() {
+                            new_token.thread_indicies.insert(num_outer_dims, temp % dim); // Stack of thread indicies
+                            temp /= dim;
+                        }
@@ -630,15 +822,21 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
                     for reduction in reduces {
                         // TODO: Is this the correct reduction?
-                        self.intialize_reduction(&ctrl_token, reduction);
+                        self.initialize_reduction(&ctrl_token, reduction);
+                    if VERBOSE {
+                        println!(
+                            "tf, fork, join, n_tokens: {:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}",
+                            thread_factors, fork, join, n_tokens
+                        );
+                    }
+                    self.join_counters.insert((thread_factors, join), n_tokens);
-                    self.join_counters.insert((thread_factors, join), thread_factor);
+                    tokens_to_add.reverse();
                 Node::Join { control: _ } => {
@@ -653,7 +851,6 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
                 Node::Return { control: _, data } => {
                     let result = self.handle_data(&ctrl_token, *data);
-                    // println!("result = {:?}", result);
                     break 'outer result;
                 _ => {
@@ -664,9 +861,6 @@ impl<'a> FunctionExecutionState<'a> {
             for i in new_tokens {
diff --git a/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/src/ b/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/src/
index 89fae51a..66f8c4ea 100644
--- a/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/src/
+++ b/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/src/
@@ -2,16 +2,23 @@ pub mod interpreter;
 pub mod value;
 use std::fs::File;
+use std::io::Read;
 use hercules_ir::Module;
 use hercules_ir::TypeID;
+use hercules_ir::ID;
+pub use juno_scheduler::PassManager;
 pub use crate::interpreter::*;
 pub use crate::value::*;
-// Get a vec of 
-pub fn into_interp_val(module: &Module, wrapper: InterpreterWrapper, target_ty_id: TypeID) -> InterpreterVal 
+// Get a vec of
+pub fn into_interp_val(
+    module: &Module,
+    wrapper: InterpreterWrapper,
+    target_ty_id: TypeID,
+) -> InterpreterVal {
     match wrapper {
         InterpreterWrapper::Boolean(v) => InterpreterVal::Boolean(v),
         InterpreterWrapper::Integer8(v) => InterpreterVal::Integer8(v),
@@ -29,31 +36,25 @@ pub fn into_interp_val(module: &Module, wrapper: InterpreterWrapper, target_ty_i
         InterpreterWrapper::Array(array) => {
             let ty = &module.types[target_ty_id.idx()];
-            let ele_type = ty.try_element_type().expect("PANIC: Type ID");
-            // unwrap -> map to rust type, check 
+            ty.try_element_type()
+                .expect("PANIC: Invalid parameter type");
             let mut values = vec![];
             for i in 0..array.len() {
                 values.push(into_interp_val(module, array[i].clone(), TypeID::new(0)));
             InterpreterVal::Array(target_ty_id, values.into_boxed_slice())
-pub fn array_from_interp_val<T: Clone>(module: &Module, interp_val: InterpreterVal) -> Vec<T> 
-    where value::InterpreterVal: Into<T>
-     vec![]
 // Recursively turns rt args into interpreter wrappers.
 macro_rules! parse_rt_args {
     ($arg:expr) => {
-        {   
+        {
             let mut values: Vec<InterpreterWrapper> = vec![];
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ macro_rules! parse_rt_args {
     ( $arg:expr, $($tail_args:expr), +) => {
-        {   
+        {
             let mut values: Vec<InterpreterWrapper> = vec![];
@@ -85,9 +86,16 @@ pub fn parse_file(path: &str) -> Module {
+pub fn parse_module_from_hbin(path: &str) -> hercules_ir::ir::Module {
+    let mut file = File::open(path).expect("PANIC: Unable to open input file.");
+    let mut buffer = vec![];
+    file.read_to_end(&mut buffer).unwrap();
+    postcard::from_bytes(&buffer).unwrap()
 macro_rules! interp_module {
-    ($module:ident, $dynamic_constants:expr, $($args:expr), *) => {
+    ($module:ident, $entry_func:expr, $dynamic_constants:expr, $($args:expr), *) => {
             //let hir_file = String::from($path);
@@ -96,27 +104,22 @@ macro_rules! interp_module {
             let dynamic_constants: Vec<usize> = $dynamic_constants.into();
             let module = $module.clone(); //parse_file(hir_file);
-            let mut pm = hercules_opt::pass::PassManager::new(module);
-            pm.add_pass(hercules_opt::pass::Pass::Verify);
-            pm.run_passes();
+            let mut pm = PassManager::new(module);
+            pm.make_typing();
-            pm.make_plans();
             let reverse_postorders = pm.reverse_postorders.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
             let doms = pm.doms.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
             let fork_join_maps = pm.fork_join_maps.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
             let fork_join_nests = pm.fork_join_nests.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
-            let plans = pm.plans.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
             let control_subgraphs = pm.control_subgraphs.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
             let def_uses = pm.def_uses.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
             let module = pm.get_module();
             let mut function_contexts = vec![];
             for idx in 0..module.functions.len() {
@@ -129,7 +132,7 @@ macro_rules! interp_module {
-            let function_number = 0;
+            let function_number = $entry_func;
             let parameter_types = &module.functions[function_number].param_types;
@@ -148,27 +151,19 @@ macro_rules! interp_module {
 macro_rules! interp_file_with_passes {
     ($path:literal, $dynamic_constants:expr, $passes:expr, $($args:expr), *) => {
             let module = parse_file($path);
-            let result_before = interp_module!(module, $dynamic_constants, $($args), *);
-            let mut pm = hercules_opt::pass::PassManager::new(module.clone());
-            for pass in $passes {
-                pm.add_pass(pass);
-            }
+            let result_before = interp_module!(module, $dynamic_constants, $($args), *);
-            pm.run_passes();
+            let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, None).unwrap();
-            let module = pm.get_module();
-            let result_after = interp_module!(module, $dynamic_constants, $($args), *); 
+            let result_after = interp_module!(module, $dynamic_constants, $($args), *);
             assert_eq!(result_after, result_before);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/src/ b/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5db31cd7..00000000
--- a/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-use std::fs::File;
-use std::io::prelude::*;
-use clap::Parser;
-use hercules_ir::*;
-use hercules_interpreter::interpreter::*;
-use hercules_interpreter::*;
-use hercules_interpreter::value;
-#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
-#[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
-struct Args {
-    hir_file: String,
-    #[arg(short, long, default_value_t = String::new())]
-    output: String,
-fn main() {
-    let args = Args::parse();
-    let module = parse_file(&args.hir_file);
-    let ret_val = interp_module!(module, [2, 3, 4], 1, 3);
-    println!("ret val: {:?}", ret_val);
diff --git a/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/src/ b/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/src/
index e032bd5b..53911e05 100644
--- a/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/src/
+++ b/hercules_test/hercules_interpreter/src/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ pub enum InterpreterVal {
+    Undef(TypeID),
     Product(TypeID, Box<[InterpreterVal]>),
     Summation(TypeID, u32, Box<[InterpreterVal]>),
     Array(TypeID, Box<[InterpreterVal]>), // TypeID of the array Type (not the element type)
@@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ where
     fn from(value: Vec<T>) -> Self {
         let mut values = vec![];
+        values.reserve(value.len());
         for i in 0..value.len() {
@@ -89,8 +91,23 @@ where
     fn from(value: &[T]) -> Self {
         let mut values = vec![];
+        values.reserve(value.len());
         for i in 0..value.len() {
-            values[i] = value[i].clone().into()
+            values.push(value[i].clone().into());
+        }
+        InterpreterWrapper::Array(values.into_boxed_slice())
+    }
+impl<T> From<Box<[T]>> for InterpreterWrapper
+    T: Into<InterpreterWrapper> + Clone,
+    fn from(value: Box<[T]>) -> Self {
+        let mut values = vec![];
+        values.reserve(value.len());
+        for i in 0..value.len() {
+            values.push(value[i].clone().into());
@@ -138,7 +155,10 @@ impl<'a> InterpreterVal {
             Constant::Float32(v) => Self::Float32(v),
             Constant::Float64(v) => Self::Float64(v),
-            Constant::Product(_, _) => todo!(),
+            Constant::Product(ref type_id, ref constant_ids) => {
+                // Self::Product((), ())
+                todo!()
+            }
             Constant::Summation(_, _, _) => todo!(),
             Constant::Array(type_id) => {
                 // TODO: This is currently only implemented for arrays of primitive types, implement zero initializers for other types.
@@ -149,7 +169,7 @@ impl<'a> InterpreterVal {
                     .expect("PANIC: wrong type for array")
                     .map(|extent| {
-                        dyn_const_value(&dynamic_constants[extent.idx()], &dynamic_constant_params)
+                        dyn_const_value(extent, &dynamic_constants, &dynamic_constant_params)
@@ -193,6 +213,14 @@ impl<'a> InterpreterVal {
         left: InterpreterVal,
         right: InterpreterVal,
     ) -> InterpreterVal {
+        // If either are undef, propogate undef
+        if let InterpreterVal::Undef(v) = left {
+            return InterpreterVal::Undef(v);
+        }
+        if let InterpreterVal::Undef(v) = right {
+            return InterpreterVal::Undef(v);
+        }
         // Do some type conversion first.
         let left = match left {
             InterpreterVal::DynamicConstant(v) => match right {
@@ -213,7 +241,8 @@ impl<'a> InterpreterVal {
                 InterpreterVal::DynamicConstant(_) => {
-                    panic!("PANIC: Some math on dynamic constants is unimplemented")
+                    InterpreterVal::UnsignedInteger64(v.try_into().unwrap())
+                    //panic!("PANIC: Some math on dynamic constants is unimplemented")
                 // InterpreterVal::ThreadID(_) => InterpreterVal::Boolean(v),
                 _ => panic!("PANIC: Some math on dynamic constants is unimplemented"),
@@ -241,7 +270,8 @@ impl<'a> InterpreterVal {
                 InterpreterVal::DynamicConstant(_) => {
-                    panic!("PANIC: Some math on dynamic constants is unimplemented")
+                    InterpreterVal::UnsignedInteger64(v.try_into().unwrap())
+                    //panic!("PANIC: Some math on dynamic constants is unimplemented")
                 _ => panic!("PANIC: Some math on dynamic constants is unimplemented"),
@@ -772,7 +802,7 @@ impl<'a> InterpreterVal {
-    pub fn unary_op(op: UnaryOperator, val: InterpreterVal) -> Self {
+    pub fn unary_op(types: &Vec<Type>, op: UnaryOperator, val: InterpreterVal) -> Self {
         match (op, val) {
             (UnaryOperator::Not, Self::Boolean(val)) => Self::Boolean(!val),
             (UnaryOperator::Not, Self::Integer8(val)) => Self::Integer8(!val),
@@ -789,7 +819,28 @@ impl<'a> InterpreterVal {
             (UnaryOperator::Neg, Self::Integer64(val)) => Self::Integer64(-val),
             (UnaryOperator::Neg, Self::Float32(val)) => Self::Float32(-val),
             (UnaryOperator::Neg, Self::Float64(val)) => Self::Float64(-val),
-            (UnaryOperator::Cast(_), _) => todo!("Write cast impl"),
+            (UnaryOperator::Cast(type_id), val) => {
+                // FIXME: This probably doesn't work. 
+                let val = val.as_i128();
+                match types[type_id.idx()] {
+                    Type::Control => todo!(),
+                    Type::Boolean => todo!(),
+                    Type::Integer8 => todo!(),
+                    Type::Integer16 => todo!(),
+                    Type::Integer32 => Self::Integer32(val.try_into().unwrap()),
+                    Type::Integer64 => todo!(),
+                    Type::UnsignedInteger8 => todo!(),
+                    Type::UnsignedInteger16 => todo!(),
+                    Type::UnsignedInteger32 => todo!(),
+                    Type::UnsignedInteger64 => Self::UnsignedInteger64(val.try_into().unwrap()),
+                    Type::Float32 => todo!(),
+                    Type::Float64 => todo!(),
+                    Type::Product(_) => todo!(),
+                    Type::Summation(_) => todo!(),
+                    Type::Array(type_id, _) => todo!(),
+                }
+            }
+            (_, Self::Undef(v)) => InterpreterVal::Undef(v),
             _ => panic!("Unsupported combination of unary operation and constant value. Did typechecking succeed?")
@@ -811,6 +862,23 @@ impl<'a> InterpreterVal {
+    pub fn as_i128(&self) -> i128 {
+        match *self {
+            InterpreterVal::Boolean(v) => v.try_into().unwrap(),
+            InterpreterVal::Integer8(v) => v.try_into().unwrap(),
+            InterpreterVal::Integer16(v) => v.try_into().unwrap(),
+            InterpreterVal::Integer32(v) => v.try_into().unwrap(),
+            InterpreterVal::Integer64(v) => v.try_into().unwrap(),
+            InterpreterVal::UnsignedInteger8(v) => v.try_into().unwrap(),
+            InterpreterVal::UnsignedInteger16(v) => v.try_into().unwrap(),
+            InterpreterVal::UnsignedInteger32(v) => v.try_into().unwrap(),
+            InterpreterVal::UnsignedInteger64(v) => v.try_into().unwrap(),
+            InterpreterVal::DynamicConstant(v) => v.try_into().unwrap(),
+            InterpreterVal::ThreadID(v) => v.try_into().unwrap(),
+            _ => panic!("PANIC: Value not castable to usize"),
+        }
+    }
     // Defines row major / how we layout our arrays
     pub fn array_idx(extents: &[usize], indices: &[usize]) -> usize {
         let a = extents
diff --git a/hercules_test/hercules_tests/Cargo.toml b/hercules_test/hercules_tests/Cargo.toml
index 9bd6fe7b..8c140e75 100644
--- a/hercules_test/hercules_tests/Cargo.toml
+++ b/hercules_test/hercules_tests/Cargo.toml
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ clap = { version = "*", features = ["derive"] }
 rand = "*"
 hercules_ir = { path = "../../hercules_ir" }
 hercules_opt = { path = "../../hercules_opt" }
+juno_scheduler = { path = "../../juno_scheduler" }
 hercules_interpreter = { path = "../hercules_interpreter" }
 itertools = "*"
 ordered-float = "*"
diff --git a/hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/ b/hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3799ca0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+use std::{env, fs::File, io::Read, path::Path};
+use hercules_interpreter::*;
+use hercules_ir::ID;
+use juno_scheduler::ir::*;
+use juno_scheduler::pass;
+use juno_scheduler::{default_schedule, run_schedule_on_hercules};
+use rand::Rng;
+fn fission_simple1() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/simple1.hir");
+    let dyn_consts = [10];
+    let params = 2; // TODO: (@xrouth) fix macro to take no params as an option.
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let sched = Some(default_schedule![
+        Verify,    //Xdot,
+        Unforkify, //Xdot,
+        DCE, Verify,
+    ]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, sched).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
+// #[test]
+// fn fission_simple2() {
+//     let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/simple2.hir");
+//     let dyn_consts = [10];
+//     let params = 2; // TODO: (@xrouth) fix macro to take no params as an option.
+//     let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0,  dyn_consts, 2);
+//     println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+//     let sched: Option<ScheduleStmt> = Some(default_schedule![
+//         Verify,
+//         ForkFission,
+//         DCE,
+//         Verify,
+//     ]);
+//     let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, sched).unwrap();
+//     let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0,  dyn_consts, 2);
+//     println!("result: {:?}", result_2);
+//     assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
+// }
+// #[ignore] // Wait
+// #[test]
+// fn fission_tricky() {
+//     // This either crashes or gives wrong result depending on the order which reduces are observed in.
+//     let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/tricky.hir");
+//     let dyn_consts = [10];
+//     let params = 2; // TODO: (@xrouth) fix macro to take no params as an option.
+//     let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0,  dyn_consts, 2);
+//     println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+//     let sched: Option<ScheduleStmt> = Some(default_schedule![
+//         Verify,
+//         ForkFission,
+//         DCE,
+//         Verify,
+//     ]);
+//     let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, sched).unwrap();
+//     let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0,  dyn_consts, 2);
+//     println!("result: {:?}", result_2);
+//     assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
+// }
+// #[ignore]
+// #[test]
+// fn inner_loop() {
+//     let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/inner_loop.hir");
+//     let dyn_consts = [10, 20];
+//     let params = 2; // TODO: (@xrouth) fix macro to take no params as an option.
+//     let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0,  dyn_consts, 2);
+//     println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+//     let sched: Option<ScheduleStmt> = Some(default_schedule![
+//         Verify,
+//         ForkFission,
+//         DCE,
+//         Verify,
+//     ]);
+//     let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, sched).unwrap();
+//     let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0,  dyn_consts, 2);
+//     println!("result: {:?}", result_2);
+//     assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
+// }
diff --git a/hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/ b/hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ba8e135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+use std::{env, fs::File, io::Read, path::Path};
+use hercules_interpreter::*;
+use hercules_ir::ID;
+use hercules_interpreter::*;
+use juno_scheduler::ir::*;
+use juno_scheduler::pass;
+use juno_scheduler::{default_schedule, run_schedule_on_hercules};
+use rand::Rng;
+fn inner_fork_chain() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/forkify/inner_fork_chain.hir");
+    let dyn_consts = [10];
+    let params = 2; // TODO: (@xrouth) fix macro to take no params as an option.
+                    // let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    let sched: Option<ScheduleStmt> = Some(default_schedule![Verify, Forkify, PhiElim, Verify,]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, sched).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_2);
+    //assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
+fn loop_simple_iv() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/forkify/loop_simple_iv.hir");
+    let dyn_consts = [10];
+    let params = 2; // TODO: (@xrouth) fix macro to take no params as an option.
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let sched: Option<ScheduleStmt> = Some(default_schedule![Verify, Forkify, Verify,]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, sched).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
+fn merged_phi_cycle() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/forkify/merged_phi_cycle.hir");
+    let dyn_consts = [10];
+    let params = 2; // TODO: (@xrouth) fix macro to take no params as an option.
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let sched: Option<ScheduleStmt> = Some(default_schedule![Verify, Verify,]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, sched).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
+fn split_phi_cycle() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/forkify/split_phi_cycle.hir");
+    let dyn_consts = [10];
+    let params = 2; // TODO: (@xrouth) fix macro to take no params as an option.
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let sched: Option<ScheduleStmt> = Some(default_schedule![Verify, Verify,]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, sched).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
+fn loop_sum() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/forkify/loop_sum.hir");
+    let dyn_consts = [20];
+    let params = 2; // TODO: (@xrouth) fix macro to take no params as an option.
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, None).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+    println!("{:?}, {:?}", result_1, result_2);
+fn loop_tid_sum() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/forkify/loop_tid_sum.hir");
+    let dyn_consts = [20];
+    let params = 2; // TODO: (@xrouth) fix macro to take no params as an option.
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, None).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+    println!("{:?}, {:?}", result_1, result_2);
+fn loop_array_sum() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/forkify/loop_array_sum.hir");
+    let len = 5;
+    let dyn_consts = [len];
+    let params = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; // TODO: (@xrouth) fix macro to take no params as an option.
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, params.clone());
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, None).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, params);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+    println!("{:?}, {:?}", result_1, result_2);
+/** Nested loop 2 is 2 nested loops with different dyn var parameter dimensions.
+ * It is a add of 1 for each iteration, so the result should be dim1 x dim2
+ * The loop PHIs are structured such that on every outer iteration, inner loop increment is set to the running sum,
+ * Notice how there is no outer_var_inc.
+ *
+ * The alternative, seen in nested_loop1, is to intiailize the inner loop to 0 every time, and track
+ * the outer sum more separaetly.
+ *
+ * Idk what im yapping about.
+fn nested_loop2() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/forkify/nested_loop2.hir");
+    let len = 5;
+    let dyn_consts = [5, 6];
+    let params = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; // TODO: (@xrouth) fix macro to take no params as an option.
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, None).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+fn super_nested_loop() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/forkify/super_nested_loop.hir");
+    let len = 5;
+    let dyn_consts = [5, 10, 15];
+    let params = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; // TODO: (@xrouth) fix macro to take no params as an option.
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, None).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+ * Tests forkify on a loop where there is control in between the continue projection
+ * and the header. aka control *after* the `loop condition / guard`. This should forkify.
+ */
+fn control_after_condition() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/forkify/control_after_condition.hir");
+    let size = 10;
+    let dyn_consts = [size];
+    let mut vec = vec![0; size];
+    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
+    for x in vec.iter_mut() {
+        *x = rng.gen::<i32>() / 100;
+    }
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, vec.clone());
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, None).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, vec);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+ * Tests forkify on a loop where there is control before the loop condition, so in between the header
+ * and the loop condition. This should not forkify.
+ *
+ * This example is bugged, it reads out of bounds even before forkify.
+ */
+fn control_before_condition() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/forkify/control_before_condition.hir");
+    let size = 11;
+    let dyn_consts = [size - 1];
+    let mut vec = vec![0; size];
+    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
+    for x in vec.iter_mut() {
+        *x = rng.gen::<i32>() / 100;
+    }
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, vec.clone());
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let sched: Option<ScheduleStmt> = Some(default_schedule![Verify, Forkify, DCE, Verify,]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, sched).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, vec);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+fn nested_tid_sum() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/forkify/nested_tid_sum.hir");
+    let len = 5;
+    let dyn_consts = [5, 6];
+    let params = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; // TODO: (@xrouth) fix macro to take no params as an option.
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let sched: Option<ScheduleStmt> = Some(default_schedule![Verify, Forkify, DCE, Verify,]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, sched).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+    let sched: Option<ScheduleStmt> = Some(default_schedule![Verify, Forkify, DCE, Verify,]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, sched).unwrap();
+    let result_3 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("{:?}, {:?}, {:?}", result_1, result_2, result_3);
+fn nested_tid_sum_2() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/forkify/nested_tid_sum_2.hir");
+    let len = 5;
+    let dyn_consts = [5, 6];
+    let params = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; // TODO: (@xrouth) fix macro to take no params as an option.
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let sched: Option<ScheduleStmt> = Some(default_schedule![Verify, Forkify, DCE, Verify,]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, sched).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+    let sched: Option<ScheduleStmt> = Some(default_schedule![Verify, Forkify, DCE, Verify,]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, sched).unwrap();
+    let result_3 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("{:?}, {:?}, {:?}", result_1, result_2, result_3);
+/** Tests weird control in outer loop for possible 2d fork-join pair. */
+fn inner_fork_complex() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/forkify/inner_fork_complex.hir");
+    let dyn_consts = [5, 6];
+    let params = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; // TODO: (@xrouth) fix macro to take no params as an option.
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 10);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let sched: Option<ScheduleStmt> = Some(default_schedule![Verify, Forkify, DCE, Verify,]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, sched).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 10);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+    println!("{:?}, {:?}", result_1, result_2);
diff --git a/hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/ b/hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a779c70b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+use std::env;
+use hercules_interpreter::*;
+use hercules_interpreter::*;
+use hercules_ir::ID;
+use juno_scheduler::ir::*;
+use juno_scheduler::pass;
+use juno_scheduler::{default_schedule, run_schedule_on_hercules};
+use rand::Rng;
+fn twodeefork() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/2d_fork.hir");
+    let d1 = 2;
+    let d2 = 3;
+    let dyn_consts = [d1, d2];
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    let sched = Some(default_schedule![
+        Verify, ForkSplit, //Xdot,
+        Unforkify, //Xdot,
+        DCE, Verify,
+    ]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, sched).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    let res = (d1 as i32 * d2 as i32);
+    let result_2: InterpreterWrapper = res.into();
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1); // Should be d1 * d2.
+fn threedee() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/3d_fork.hir");
+    let d1 = 2;
+    let d2 = 3;
+    let d3 = 5;
+    let dyn_consts = [d1, d2, 5];
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    let sched = Some(default_schedule![
+        Verify, ForkSplit, //Xdot,
+        Unforkify, //Xdot,
+        DCE, Verify,
+    ]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, sched).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    let res = (d1 as i32 * d2 as i32 * d3 as i32);
+    let result_2: InterpreterWrapper = res.into();
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1); // Should be d1 * d2.
+fn fivedeefork() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/5d_fork.hir");
+    let dyn_consts = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1); // Should be 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5;
diff --git a/hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/ b/hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5832a161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+use std::{env, fs::File, io::Read, path::Path};
+use hercules_interpreter::*;
+use hercules_ir::ID;
+use juno_scheduler::ir::*;
+use juno_scheduler::pass;
+use juno_scheduler::{default_schedule, run_schedule_on_hercules};
+use rand::random;
+use rand::Rng;
+// Tests canonicalization
+fn loop_trip_count() {
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_trip_count.hir");
+    let dyn_consts = [10];
+    let params = 2; // TODO: (@xrouth) fix macro to take no params as an option.
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+// Test canonicalization
+fn alternate_bounds_use_after_loop_no_tid() {
+    let len = 1;
+    let dyn_consts = [len];
+    let module =
+        parse_file("../test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop_no_tid.hir");
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 3);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let schedule = default_schedule![
+        Forkify,
+    ];
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, Some(schedule)).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 3);
+    println!("{:?}", result_1);
+    println!("{:?}", result_2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+// Test canonicalization
+fn alternate_bounds_use_after_loop() {
+    let len = 4;
+    let dyn_consts = [len];
+    let a = vec![3, 4, 5, 6];
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop.hir");
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, a.clone());
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let schedule = Some(default_schedule![
+        Forkify,
+    ]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, schedule).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, a.clone());
+    println!("{:?}", result_2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+// Test canonicalization
+fn alternate_bounds_use_after_loop2() {
+    let len = 4;
+    let dyn_consts = [len];
+    let a = vec![3, 4, 5, 6];
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop2.hir");
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, a.clone());
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let schedule = Some(default_schedule![]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, schedule).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, a.clone());
+    println!("{:?}", result_2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+// Test canonicalization
+fn do_while_separate_body() {
+    let len = 2;
+    let dyn_consts = [len];
+    let a = vec![3, 4, 5, 6];
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_while_separate_body2.hir");
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2i32);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let schedule = Some(default_schedule![
+        PhiElim,
+        Forkify,
+    ]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, schedule).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2i32);
+    println!("{:?}", result_2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+fn alternate_bounds_internal_control() {
+    let len = 4;
+    let dyn_consts = [len];
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_internal_control.hir");
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 3);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let schedule = Some(default_schedule![
+        PhiElim,
+        Forkify,
+    ]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, schedule).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 3);
+    println!("{:?}", result_1);
+    println!("{:?}", result_2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+fn alternate_bounds_internal_control2() {
+    let len = 2;
+    let dyn_consts = [len];
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_internal_control2.hir");
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 3);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let schedule = Some(default_schedule![
+        PhiElim,
+        Forkify,
+    ]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, schedule).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 3);
+    println!("{:?}", result_1);
+    println!("{:?}", result_2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+fn alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop() {
+    let len = 1;
+    let dyn_consts = [10, 5];
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop.hir");
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 3);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, None).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 3);
+    println!("{:?}", result_1);
+    println!("{:?}", result_2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+fn alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop_array() {
+    let len = 1;
+    let dyn_consts = [10, 5];
+    let a = vec![4u64, 4, 4, 4, 4];
+    let module =
+        parse_file("../test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop_array.hir");
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, a.clone());
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, None).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, a);
+    println!("{:?}", result_1);
+    println!("{:?}", result_2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+fn alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop_guarded() {
+    let len = 1;
+    let dyn_consts = [3, 2];
+    let module =
+        parse_file("../test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop_guarded.hir");
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 3);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, None).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 3);
+    println!("{:?}", result_1);
+    println!("{:?}", result_2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+    let mut pm = PassManager::new(module.clone());
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, None).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 3);
+    println!("{:?}", result_1);
+    println!("{:?}", result_2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+// Tests a do while loop that only iterates once,
+// canonicalization *should not* transform this to a while loop, as there is no
+// guard that replicates the loop condition.
+fn do_loop_not_continued() {
+    // let len = 1;
+    // let dyn_consts = [len];
+    // let params = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
+    // let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop.hir");
+    // let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0,dyn_consts, params);
+    // println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+// Tests a do while loop that is guarded, so should be canonicalized
+// It also has
+fn do_loop_complex_immediate_guarded() {
+    let len = 1;
+    let dyn_consts = [len];
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_loop_immediate_guard.hir");
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 3);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, None).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 3);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+fn loop_canonical_sum() {
+    let len = 1;
+    let dyn_consts = [len];
+    let params = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
+    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_array_sum.hir");
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, params);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+fn antideps_pipeline() {
+    let len = 1;
+    let dyn_consts = [2, 2, 2];
+    // FIXME: This path should not leave the crate
+    let module = parse_module_from_hbin("../../juno_samples/antideps/antideps.hbin");
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 9i32);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, None).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 9i32);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+fn implicit_clone_pipeline() {
+    let len = 1;
+    let dyn_consts = [2, 2, 2];
+    // FIXME: This path should not leave the crate
+    let module = parse_module_from_hbin("../../juno_samples/implicit_clone/out.hbin");
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2u64, 2u64);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let schedule = default_schedule![
+        Forkify,
+        ForkGuardElim,
+        Forkify,
+        ForkGuardElim,
+        Forkify,
+        ForkGuardElim,
+        DCE,
+        ForkSplit,
+        Unforkify,
+        GVN,
+        DCE,
+        DCE,
+        AutoOutline,
+        InterproceduralSROA,
+        SROA,
+        InferSchedules,
+        DCE,
+        GCM,
+        DCE,
+        FloatCollections,
+        GCM,
+    ];
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, Some(schedule)).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, 2u64, 2u64);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
+fn look_at_local() {
+    const I: usize = 4;
+    const J: usize = 4;
+    const K: usize = 4;
+    let a: Vec<i32> = (0..I * J).map(|_| random::<i32>() % 100).collect();
+    let b: Vec<i32> = (0..J * K).map(|_| random::<i32>() % 100).collect();
+    let dyn_consts = [I, J, K];
+    let mut correct_c: Box<[i32]> = (0..I * K).map(|_| 0).collect();
+    for i in 0..I {
+        for k in 0..K {
+            for j in 0..J {
+                correct_c[i * K + k] += a[i * J + j] * b[j * K + k];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    let module = parse_module_from_hbin(
+        "/home/xavierrouth/dev/hercules/hercules_test/hercules_tests/save_me.hbin",
+    );
+    let schedule = Some(default_schedule![
+    ]);
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, a.clone(), b.clone());
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module.clone(), schedule).unwrap();
+    let schedule = Some(default_schedule![
+        Unforkify, Verify,
+    ]);
+    let module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module.clone(), schedule).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0, dyn_consts, a.clone(), b.clone());
+    println!("golden: {:?}", correct_c);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_2);
+fn matmul_pipeline() {
+    let len = 1;
+    const I: usize = 4;
+    const J: usize = 4;
+    const K: usize = 4;
+    let a: Vec<i32> = (0i32..(I * J) as i32).map(|v| v + 1).collect();
+    let b: Vec<i32> = ((I * J) as i32..(J * K) as i32 + (I * J) as i32)
+        .map(|v| v + 1)
+        .collect();
+    let a: Vec<i32> = (0..I * J).map(|_| random::<i32>() % 100).collect();
+    let b: Vec<i32> = (0..J * K).map(|_| random::<i32>() % 100).collect();
+    let dyn_consts = [I, J, K];
+    // FIXME: This path should not leave the crate
+    let mut module = parse_module_from_hbin("../../juno_samples/matmul/out.hbin");
+    //
+    let mut correct_c: Box<[i32]> = (0..I * K).map(|_| 0).collect();
+    for i in 0..I {
+        for k in 0..K {
+            for j in 0..J {
+                correct_c[i * K + k] += a[i * J + j] * b[j * K + k];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 1, dyn_consts, a.clone(), b.clone());
+    println!("golden: {:?}", correct_c);
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+    let InterpreterVal::Array(_, d) = result_1.clone() else {
+        panic!()
+    };
+    let InterpreterVal::Integer32(value) = d[0] else {
+        panic!()
+    };
+    assert_eq!(correct_c[0], value);
+    let schedule = Some(default_schedule![Xdot, ForkSplit, Unforkify, Xdot,]);
+    module = run_schedule_on_hercules(module, schedule).unwrap();
+    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 1, dyn_consts, a.clone(), b.clone());
+    println!("result: {:?}", result_2);
+    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2);
diff --git a/hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/ b/hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/
index 388dfedd..2f85b78b 100644
--- a/hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/
+++ b/hercules_test/hercules_tests/tests/
@@ -3,198 +3,205 @@ use std::env;
 use rand::Rng;
 use hercules_interpreter::*;
-use hercules_opt::pass::Pass;
-fn matmul_int() {
-    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/matmul_int.hir");
-    let dyn_consts = [2, 2, 2];
-    let m1 = vec![3, 4, 5, 6];
-    let m2 = vec![7, 8, 9, 10];
-    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, dyn_consts, m1.clone(), m2.clone());
-    let mut pm = hercules_opt::pass::PassManager::new(module.clone());
-    let passes = vec![
-        Pass::Verify,
-        Pass::CCP,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::GVN,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::Forkify,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::Predication,
-        Pass::DCE,
-    ];
-    for pass in passes {
-        pm.add_pass(pass);
-    }
-    pm.run_passes();
-    let module = pm.get_module();
-    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, dyn_consts, m1, m2);
-    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
-fn ccp_example() {
-    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/ccp_example.hir");
-    let dyn_consts = [];
-    let x = 34;
-    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, dyn_consts, x);
-    let mut pm = hercules_opt::pass::PassManager::new(module.clone());
-    let passes = vec![
-        Pass::Verify,
-        Pass::CCP,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::GVN,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::Forkify,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::Predication,
-        Pass::DCE,
-    ];
-    for pass in passes {
-        pm.add_pass(pass);
-    }
-    pm.run_passes();
-    let module = pm.get_module();
-    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, dyn_consts, x);
-    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
-fn gvn_example() {
-    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/gvn_example.hir");
-    let dyn_consts = [];
-    let x: i32 = rand::random();
-    let x = x / 32;
-    let y: i32 = rand::random();
-    let y = y / 32; // prevent overflow, 
-    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, dyn_consts, x, y);
-    let mut pm = hercules_opt::pass::PassManager::new(module.clone());
-    let passes = vec![
-        Pass::Verify,
-        Pass::CCP,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::GVN,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::Forkify,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::Predication,
-        Pass::DCE,
-    ];
-    for pass in passes {
-        pm.add_pass(pass);
-    }
-    pm.run_passes();
-    let module = pm.get_module();
-    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, dyn_consts, x, y);
-    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
-fn sum_int() {
-    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/sum_int1.hir");
-    let size = 100;
-    let dyn_consts = [size];
-    let mut vec = vec![0; size];
-    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
-    for x in vec.iter_mut() {
-        *x = rng.gen::<i32>() / 100;
-    }
-    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, dyn_consts, vec.clone());
-    let mut pm = hercules_opt::pass::PassManager::new(module.clone());
-    let passes = vec![
-        Pass::Verify,
-        Pass::CCP,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::GVN,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::Forkify,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::Predication,
-        Pass::DCE,
-    ];
-    for pass in passes {
-        pm.add_pass(pass);
-    }
-    pm.run_passes();
-    let module = pm.get_module();
-    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, dyn_consts, vec);
-    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
-fn sum_int2() {
-    let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/sum_int2.hir");
-    let size = 100;
-    let dyn_consts = [size];
-    let mut vec = vec![0; size];
-    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
-    for x in vec.iter_mut() {
-        *x = rng.gen::<i32>() / 100;
-    }
-    let result_1 = interp_module!(module, dyn_consts, vec.clone());
-    let mut pm = hercules_opt::pass::PassManager::new(module.clone());
-    let passes = vec![
-        Pass::Verify,
-        Pass::CCP,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::GVN,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::Forkify,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::Predication,
-        Pass::DCE,
-    ];
-    for pass in passes {
-        pm.add_pass(pass);
-    }
-    pm.run_passes();
-    let module = pm.get_module();
-    let result_2 = interp_module!(module, dyn_consts, vec);
-    assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
-fn sum_int2_smaller() {
-    interp_file_with_passes!("../test_inputs/sum_int2.hir", 
-    [100], 
-    vec![
-        Pass::Verify,
-        Pass::CCP,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::GVN,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::Forkify,
-        Pass::DCE,
-        Pass::Predication,
-        Pass::DCE,
-    ],
-    vec![1; 100]);
+use hercules_ir::ID;
+use juno_scheduler::*;
+// #[test]
+// fn matmul_int() {
+//     let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/matmul_int.hir");
+//     let dyn_consts = [2, 2, 2];
+//     let m1 = vec![3, 4, 5, 6];
+//     let m2 = vec![7, 8, 9, 10];
+//     let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0,  dyn_consts, m1.clone(), m2.clone());
+//     let mut pm = hercules_opt::pass::PassManager::new(module.clone());
+//     let passes = vec![
+//         // Pass::Verify,
+//         // Pass::CCP,
+//         // Pass::DCE,
+//         // Pass::GVN,
+//         // Pass::DCE,
+//         // Pass::Forkify,
+//         // Pass::DCE,
+//         // Pass::Predication,
+//         // Pass::DCE,
+//     ];
+//     for pass in passes {
+//         pm.add_pass(pass);
+//     }
+//     pm.run_passes();
+//     let module = pm.get_module();
+//     let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0,  dyn_consts, m1, m2);
+//     // println!("result: {:?}", result_1);
+//     assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
+// }
+// #[test]
+// fn ccp_example() {
+//     let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/ccp_example.hir");
+//     let dyn_consts = [];
+//     let x = 34;
+//     let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0,  dyn_consts, x);
+//     let mut pm = hercules_opt::pass::PassManager::new(module.clone());
+//     let passes = vec![
+//         Pass::Verify,
+//         Pass::CCP,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//         Pass::GVN,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//         Pass::Forkify,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//         Pass::Predication,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//     ];
+//     for pass in passes {
+//         pm.add_pass(pass);
+//     }
+//     pm.run_passes();
+//     let module = pm.get_module();
+//     let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0,  dyn_consts, x);
+//     assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
+// }
+// #[test]
+// fn gvn_example() {
+//     let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/gvn_example.hir");
+//     let dyn_consts = [];
+//     let x: i32 = rand::random();
+//     let x = x / 32;
+//     let y: i32 = rand::random();
+//     let y = y / 32; // prevent overflow,
+//     let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0,  dyn_consts, x, y);
+//     let mut pm = hercules_opt::pass::PassManager::new(module.clone());
+//     let passes = vec![
+//         Pass::Verify,
+//         Pass::CCP,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//         Pass::GVN,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//         Pass::Forkify,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//         Pass::Predication,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//     ];
+//     for pass in passes {
+//         pm.add_pass(pass);
+//     }
+//     pm.run_passes();
+//     let module = pm.get_module();
+//     let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0,  dyn_consts, x, y);
+//     assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
+// }
+// #[test]
+// fn sum_int() {
+//     let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/sum_int1.hir");
+//     let size = 2;
+//     let dyn_consts = [size];
+//     let mut vec = vec![0; size];
+//     let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
+//     for x in vec.iter_mut() {
+//         *x = rng.gen::<i32>() / 100;
+//     }
+//     println!("{:?}", vec);
+//     let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0,  dyn_consts, vec.clone());
+//     println!("{:?}", result_1);
+//     let mut pm = hercules_opt::pass::PassManager::new(module.clone());
+//     let passes = vec![
+//         Pass::Verify,
+//         Pass::CCP,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//         Pass::GVN,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//         Pass::Forkify,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//         Pass::Predication,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//     ];
+//     for pass in passes {
+//         pm.add_pass(pass);
+//     }
+//     pm.run_passes();
+//     let module = pm.get_module();
+//     let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0,  dyn_consts, vec);
+//     assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
+// }
+// #[test]
+// fn sum_int2() {
+//     let module = parse_file("../test_inputs/sum_int2.hir");
+//     let size = 10;
+//     let dyn_consts = [size];
+//     let mut vec = vec![0; size];
+//     let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
+//     for x in vec.iter_mut() {
+//         *x = rng.gen::<i32>() / 100;
+//     }
+//     let result_1 = interp_module!(module, 0,  dyn_consts, vec.clone());
+//     let mut pm = hercules_opt::pass::PassManager::new(module.clone());
+//     let passes = vec![
+//         Pass::Verify,
+//         Pass::CCP,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//         Pass::GVN,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//         Pass::Forkify,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//         Pass::Predication,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//     ];
+//     for pass in passes {
+//         pm.add_pass(pass);
+//     }
+//     pm.run_passes();
+//     let module = pm.get_module();
+//     let result_2 = interp_module!(module, 0,  dyn_consts, vec);
+//     assert_eq!(result_1, result_2)
+// }
+// #[test]
+// fn sum_int2_smaller() {
+//     interp_file_with_passes!("../test_inputs/sum_int2.hir",
+//     [100],
+//     vec![
+//         Pass::Verify,
+//         Pass::CCP,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//         Pass::GVN,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//         Pass::Forkify,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//         Pass::Predication,
+//         Pass::DCE,
+//     ],
+//     vec![1; 100]);
+// }
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/2d_fork.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/2d_fork.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e784c1db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/2d_fork.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fn twodeefork<2>(x: i32) -> i32
+  zero = constant(i32, 0)
+  one = constant(i32, 1)
+  f = fork(start, #1, #0)
+  j = join(f)
+  add = add(r, one)
+  r = reduce(j, zero, add)
+  z = return(j, r)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/3d_fork.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/3d_fork.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..746fd902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/3d_fork.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fn twodeefork<3>(x: i32) -> i32
+  zero = constant(i32, 0)
+  one = constant(i32, 1)
+  f = fork(start, #2, #1, #0)
+  j = join(f)
+  add = add(r, one)
+  r = reduce(j, zero, add)
+  z = return(j, r)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/5d_fork.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/5d_fork.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94299601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/5d_fork.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+fn fivedeefork<5>(x: i32) -> i32
+  zero = constant(i32, 0)
+  one = constant(i32, 1)
+  f = fork(start, #4, #3, #2, #1, #0)
+  j = join(f)
+  add = add(r, one)
+  r = reduce(j, zero, add)
+  z = return(j, r)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/inner_control.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/inner_control.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..052bbdb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/inner_control.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+fn fun<2>(x: u64) -> u64
+  zero = constant(u64, 0)
+  one = constant(u64, 1)
+  two = constant(u64, 2)
+  f = fork(start, #0)
+  f2 = fork(f, #1)
+  j2 = join(f2)
+  j = join(j2)
+  tid = thread_id(f, 0)
+  add1 = add(reduce1, one)
+  reduce1 = reduce(j, zero, add1)
+  add2 = add(reduce2, two)
+  reduce2 =  reduce(j, zero, add2)
+  out1 = add(reduce1, reduce2)
+  z = return(j, out1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/inner_loop.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/inner_loop.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0cc13b2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/inner_loop.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+fn fun<2>(x: u64) -> u64
+  zero = constant(u64, 0)
+  one = constant(u64, 1)
+  two = constant(u64, 2)
+  f = fork(start, #0)
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#1)
+  loop = region(f, if_true)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  j = join(if_false)
+  tid = thread_id(f, 0)
+  add1 = add(reduce1, idx)
+  reduce1 = reduce(j, zero, add1)
+  add2 = add(reduce2, idx_inc)
+  reduce2 =  reduce(j, zero, add2)
+  out1 = add(reduce1, reduce2)
+  z = return(j, out1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/intermediate_buffer_simple.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/intermediate_buffer_simple.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75e0f157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/intermediate_buffer_simple.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+fn fun<1>(x: u64) -> u64
+  zero = constant(u64, 0)
+  one = constant(u64, 1)
+  two = constant(u64, 2)
+  f = fork(start, #0)
+  j = join(f)
+  tid = thread_id(f, 0)
+  add1 = add(reduce1, two)
+  reduce1 = reduce(j, zero, add1)
+  z = return(j, reduce1)
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/simple1.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/simple1.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aaed60d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/simple1.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+fn fun<1>(x: u64) -> u64
+  zero = constant(u64, 0)
+  one = constant(u64, 1)
+  two = constant(u64, 2)
+  f = fork(start, #0)
+  j = join(f)
+  tid = thread_id(f, 0)
+  add1 = add(reduce1, one)
+  reduce1 = reduce(j, zero, add1)
+  add2 = add(reduce2, two)
+  reduce2 =  reduce(j, zero, add2)
+  out1 = add(reduce1, reduce2)
+  z = return(j, out1)
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/simple2.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/simple2.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6be6d2c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/simple2.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+fn fun<1>(x: u64) -> u64
+  zero = constant(u64, 0)
+  one = constant(u64, 1)
+  two = constant(u64, 2)
+  f = fork(start, #0)
+  j = join(f)
+  tid = thread_id(f, 0)
+  add1 = add(reduce1, one)
+  reduce1 = reduce(j, zero, add1)
+  add2 = add(reduce2, two)
+  reduce2 =  reduce(j, zero, add2)
+  add3 = add(reduce3, tid)
+  reduce3 =  reduce(j, zero, add3)
+  add4 = mul(reduce4, tid)
+  reduce4 =  reduce(j, zero, add4)
+  out1 = add(reduce1, reduce2)
+  out2 = add(reduce3, reduce4)
+  out3 = add(out1, out2)
+  z = return(j, out3)
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/tricky.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/tricky.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fb895c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fission/tricky.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+fn fun<1>(x: u64) -> u64
+  zero = constant(u64, 0)
+  one = constant(u64, 1)
+  two = constant(u64, 2)
+  f = fork(start, #0)
+  j = join(f)
+  tid = thread_id(f, 0)
+  add1 = add(reduce1, one)
+  reduce1 = reduce(j, zero, add1)
+  add2 = add(reduce2, reduce1)
+  reduce2 =  reduce(j, zero, add2)
+  out1 = add(reduce1, reduce2)
+  z = return(j, out1)
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fusion.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_fusion.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_interchange.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/fork_interchange.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/matmul_int.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/matmul_int.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab0f384a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/matmul_int.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+fn matmul<3>(a: array(i32, #0, #1), b: array(i32, #1, #2)) -> array(i32, #0, #2)
+  c = constant(array(i32, #0, #2), [])
+  i_j_ctrl = fork(start, #0, #2)
+  i_idx = thread_id(i_j_ctrl, 0)
+  j_idx = thread_id(i_j_ctrl, 1)
+  k_ctrl = fork(i_j_ctrl, #1)
+  k_idx = thread_id(k_ctrl, 0)
+  k_join_ctrl = join(k_ctrl)
+  i_j_join_ctrl = join(k_join_ctrl)
+  r = return(i_j_join_ctrl, update_i_j_c)
+  zero = constant(i32, 0)
+  a_val = read(a, position(i_idx, k_idx))
+  b_val = read(b, position(k_idx, j_idx))
+  mul = mul(a_val, b_val)
+  add = add(mul, dot)
+  dot = reduce(k_join_ctrl, zero, add)
+  update_c = write(update_i_j_c, dot, position(i_idx, j_idx))
+  update_i_j_c = reduce(i_j_join_ctrl, c, update_c)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/tiled_matmul_int.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/tiled_matmul_int.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab0f384a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/fork_transforms/tiled_matmul_int.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+fn matmul<3>(a: array(i32, #0, #1), b: array(i32, #1, #2)) -> array(i32, #0, #2)
+  c = constant(array(i32, #0, #2), [])
+  i_j_ctrl = fork(start, #0, #2)
+  i_idx = thread_id(i_j_ctrl, 0)
+  j_idx = thread_id(i_j_ctrl, 1)
+  k_ctrl = fork(i_j_ctrl, #1)
+  k_idx = thread_id(k_ctrl, 0)
+  k_join_ctrl = join(k_ctrl)
+  i_j_join_ctrl = join(k_join_ctrl)
+  r = return(i_j_join_ctrl, update_i_j_c)
+  zero = constant(i32, 0)
+  a_val = read(a, position(i_idx, k_idx))
+  b_val = read(b, position(k_idx, j_idx))
+  mul = mul(a_val, b_val)
+  add = add(mul, dot)
+  dot = reduce(k_join_ctrl, zero, add)
+  update_c = write(update_i_j_c, dot, position(i_idx, j_idx))
+  update_i_j_c = reduce(i_j_join_ctrl, c, update_c)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/alternate_bounds.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/alternate_bounds.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a9ba015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/alternate_bounds.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: array(i32, #0)) -> i32
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_inc = constant(i32, 0)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  red = phi(loop, zero_inc, red_add)
+  read = read(a, position(idx))
+  red_add = add(red, read)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx_inc, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, red_add)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/broken_sum.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/broken_sum.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d15ef561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/broken_sum.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: array(i32, #0)) -> i32
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_inc = constant(i32, 0)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  red = phi(loop, zero_inc, red_add)
+  read = read(a, position(idx))
+  red_add = add(red, read)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, red_add)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/control_after_condition.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/control_after_condition.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db40225b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/control_after_condition.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+fn alt_sum<1>(a: array(i32, #0)) -> i32
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  two_idx = constant(u64, 2)
+  zero_inc = constant(i32, 0)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, negate_bottom)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  red = phi(loop, zero_inc, red_add)
+  rem = rem(idx, two_idx)
+  odd = eq(rem, one_idx)
+  negate_if = if(loop_continue, odd)
+  negate_if_false = projection(negate_if, 0)
+  negate_if_true = projection(negate_if, 1)
+  negate_bottom = region(negate_if_false, negate_if_true)
+  read = read(a, position(idx))
+  read_neg = neg(read)
+  read_phi = phi(negate_bottom, read, read_neg)
+  red_add = add(red, read_phi)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  loop_exit = projection(if, 0)
+  loop_continue = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(loop_exit, red)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/control_before_condition.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/control_before_condition.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f24b565a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/control_before_condition.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+fn alt_sum<1>(a: array(i32, #0)) -> i32
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  two_idx = constant(u64, 2)
+  zero_inc = constant(i32, 0)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  red = phi(loop, zero_inc, red_add)
+  rem = rem(idx, two_idx)
+  odd = eq(rem, one_idx)
+  negate_if = if(loop, odd)
+  negate_if_false = projection(negate_if, 0)
+  negate_if_true = projection(negate_if, 1)
+  negate_bottom = region(negate_if_false, negate_if_true)
+  read = read(a, position(idx))
+  read_neg = neg(read)
+  read_phi = phi(negate_bottom, read, read_neg)
+  red_add = add(red, read_phi)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx, bound)
+  if = if(negate_bottom, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, red)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/expected_fails.hir/bad_3nest_return.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/expected_fails.hir/bad_3nest_return.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5ec4370
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/expected_fails.hir/bad_3nest_return.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+fn loop<3>(a: u32) -> i32
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(i32, 0)
+  one_var = constant(i32, 1)
+  inner_bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  outer_loop = region(outer_outer_if_true, inner_if_false)
+  inner_loop = region(outer_if_true, inner_if_true)
+  outer_var = phi(outer_loop, outer_outer_var, inner_var)
+  inner_var = phi(inner_loop, outer_var, inner_var_inc)
+  inner_var_inc = add(inner_var, one_var)
+  inner_idx = phi(inner_loop, zero_idx, inner_idx_inc)
+  inner_idx_inc = add(inner_idx, one_idx)
+  inner_in_bounds = lt(inner_idx, inner_bound)
+  outer_idx = phi(outer_loop, zero_idx, outer_idx_inc, outer_idx)
+  outer_idx_inc = add(outer_idx, one_idx)
+  outer_in_bounds = lt(outer_idx, outer_bound)
+  inner_if = if(inner_loop, inner_in_bounds)
+  inner_if_false = projection(inner_if, 0)
+  inner_if_true = projection(inner_if, 1)
+  outer_if = if(outer_loop, outer_in_bounds)
+  outer_if_false = projection(outer_if, 0)
+  outer_if_true = projection(outer_if, 1)
+  outer_bound = dynamic_constant(#1)
+  outer_outer_bound = dynamic_constant(#2)
+  outer_outer_loop = region(start, outer_if_false)
+  outer_outer_var = phi(outer_outer_loop, zero_var, outer_var)
+  outer_outer_if  = if(outer_outer_loop, outer_outer_in_bounds)
+  outer_outer_if_false = projection(outer_outer_if, 0)
+  outer_outer_if_true = projection(outer_outer_if, 1)
+  outer_outer_idx = phi(outer_outer_loop, zero_idx, outer_outer_idx_inc, outer_outer_idx)
+  outer_outer_idx_inc = add(outer_outer_idx, one_idx)
+  outer_outer_in_bounds = lt(outer_outer_idx, outer_outer_bound)
+  r = return(outer_outer_if_false, inner_var)
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/expected_fails.hir/bad_loop_tid_sum.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/expected_fails.hir/bad_loop_tid_sum.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8dda179b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/expected_fails.hir/bad_loop_tid_sum.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+fn loop<1>(a: u64) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_var = constant(u64, 1)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  var = phi(loop, zero_var, var_inc)
+  var_inc = add(var, idx)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, var_inc)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/inner_fork.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/inner_fork.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2c96a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/inner_fork.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+fn loop<2>(a: u32) -> i32
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(i32, 0)
+  one_var = constant(i32, 1)
+  inner_bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  outer_bound = dynamic_constant(#1)
+  outer_loop = region(start, inner_join)
+  outer_if_true = projection(outer_if, 1)
+  inner_fork = fork(outer_if_true, #0)
+  inner_join = join(inner_fork)
+  outer_var = phi(outer_loop, zero_var, inner_var)
+  inner_var = reduce(inner_fork, outer_var, inner_var_inc)
+  inner_var_inc = add(inner_var, inner_idx)
+  inner_idx = thread_id(inner_fork, 0)
+  outer_idx = phi(outer_loop, zero_idx, outer_idx_inc)
+  outer_idx_inc = add(outer_idx, one_idx)
+  outer_in_bounds = lt(outer_idx, outer_bound)
+  outer_if = if(outer_loop, outer_in_bounds)
+  outer_if_false = projection(outer_if, 0)
+  r = return(outer_if_false, outer_var)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/inner_fork_complex.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/inner_fork_complex.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91eb00fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/inner_fork_complex.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+fn loop<2>(a: u32) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_var = constant(u64, 1)
+  ten = constant(u64, 10)
+  two = constant(u64, 2)
+  inner_bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  outer_bound = dynamic_constant(#1)
+  outer_loop = region(start, inner_condition_true_projection, inner_condition_false_projection )
+  outer_if_true = projection(outer_if, 1)
+  other_phi_weird = phi(outer_loop, zero_var, inner_var, other_phi_weird)
+  inner_fork = fork(outer_if_true, #0)
+  inner_join = join(inner_fork)
+  inner_condition_eq = eq(outer_idx, two)
+  inner_condition_if = if(inner_join, inner_condition_eq)
+  inner_condition_true_projection = projection(inner_condition_if, 1)
+  inner_condition_false_projection = projection(inner_condition_if, 0)
+  outer_var = phi(outer_loop, zero_var, inner_var, inner_var)
+  inner_var = reduce(inner_join, outer_var, inner_var_inc)
+  inner_var_inc = add(inner_var, inner_var_inc_3)
+  inner_var_inc_2 = mul(ten, outer_idx)
+  inner_var_inc_3 = add(inner_var_inc_2, inner_idx)
+  inner_idx = thread_id(inner_fork, 0)
+  outer_idx = phi(outer_loop, zero_idx, outer_idx_inc, outer_idx_inc)
+  outer_idx_inc = add(outer_idx, one_idx)
+  outer_in_bounds = lt(outer_idx, outer_bound)
+  outer_if = if(outer_loop, outer_in_bounds)
+  outer_if_false = projection(outer_if, 0)
+  ret_val = add(outer_var, other_phi_weird)
+  r = return(outer_if_false, ret_val)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/loop_array_sum.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/loop_array_sum.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9972b59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/loop_array_sum.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: array(i32, #0)) -> i32
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_inc = constant(i32, 0)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  red = phi(loop, zero_inc, red_add)
+  read = read(a, position(idx))
+  red_add = add(red, read)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, red)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/loop_simple_iv.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/loop_simple_iv.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c25b9a2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/loop_simple_iv.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+fn loop<1>(a: u32) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, idx)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/loop_sum.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/loop_sum.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd9c4deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/loop_sum.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+fn loop<1>(a: u32) -> i32
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(i32, 0)
+  one_var = constant(i32, 1)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  var = phi(loop, zero_var, var_inc)
+  var_inc = add(var, one_var)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, var)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/loop_tid_sum.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/loop_tid_sum.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d3ca34d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/loop_tid_sum.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+fn loop<1>(a: u64) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_var = constant(u64, 1)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  var = phi(loop, zero_var, var_inc)
+  var_inc = add(var, idx)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, var)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/merged_phi_cycle.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/merged_phi_cycle.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cee473a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/merged_phi_cycle.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: i32) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  two = constant(u64, 2)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true) 
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  first_red = phi(loop, zero_idx, first_red_add)
+  second_red = phi(loop, zero_idx, first_red_add_2)
+  first_red_add = add(first_red, idx)
+  second_red_add_1 = add(first_red, idx)
+  second_red_add_2 = add(first_red_add, two)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx_inc, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, first_red_add_2)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/nested_loop2.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/nested_loop2.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f29ec74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/nested_loop2.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+fn loop<2>(a: u32) -> i32
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(i32, 0)
+  one_var = constant(i32, 1)
+  inner_bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  outer_bound = dynamic_constant(#1)
+  outer_loop = region(start, inner_if_false)
+  inner_loop = region(outer_if_true, inner_if_true)
+  outer_var = phi(outer_loop, zero_var, inner_var)
+  inner_var = phi(inner_loop, outer_var, inner_var_inc)
+  inner_var_inc = add(inner_var, one_var)
+  inner_idx = phi(inner_loop, zero_idx, inner_idx_inc)
+  inner_idx_inc = add(inner_idx, one_idx)
+  inner_in_bounds = lt(inner_idx, inner_bound)
+  outer_idx = phi(outer_loop, zero_idx, outer_idx_inc, outer_idx)
+  outer_idx_inc = add(outer_idx, one_idx)
+  outer_in_bounds = lt(outer_idx, outer_bound)
+  inner_if = if(inner_loop, inner_in_bounds)
+  inner_if_false = projection(inner_if, 0)
+  inner_if_true = projection(inner_if, 1)
+  outer_if = if(outer_loop, outer_in_bounds)
+  outer_if_false = projection(outer_if, 0)
+  outer_if_true = projection(outer_if, 1)
+  r = return(outer_if_false, outer_var)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/nested_tid_sum.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/nested_tid_sum.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5539202d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/nested_tid_sum.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+fn loop<2>(a: u32) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_var = constant(u64, 1)
+  inner_bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  outer_bound = dynamic_constant(#1)
+  outer_loop = region(start, inner_if_false)
+  inner_loop = region(outer_if_true, inner_if_true)
+  outer_var = phi(outer_loop, zero_var, inner_var)
+  inner_var = phi(inner_loop, outer_var, inner_var_inc)
+  inner_var_inc = add(inner_var, inner_idx)
+  inner_idx = phi(inner_loop, zero_idx, inner_idx_inc)
+  inner_idx_inc = add(inner_idx, one_idx)
+  inner_in_bounds = lt(inner_idx, inner_bound)
+  outer_idx = phi(outer_loop, zero_idx, outer_idx_inc, outer_idx)
+  outer_idx_inc = add(outer_idx, one_idx)
+  outer_in_bounds = lt(outer_idx, outer_bound)
+  inner_if = if(inner_loop, inner_in_bounds)
+  inner_if_false = projection(inner_if, 0)
+  inner_if_true = projection(inner_if, 1)
+  outer_if = if(outer_loop, outer_in_bounds)
+  outer_if_false = projection(outer_if, 0)
+  outer_if_true = projection(outer_if, 1)
+  r = return(outer_if_false, outer_var)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/nested_tid_sum_2.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/nested_tid_sum_2.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9221fd47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/nested_tid_sum_2.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+fn loop<2>(a: u32) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_var = constant(u64, 1)
+  inner_bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  outer_bound = dynamic_constant(#1)
+  outer_loop = region(start, inner_if_false)
+  inner_loop = region(outer_if_true, inner_if_true)
+  outer_var = phi(outer_loop, zero_var, inner_var)
+  inner_var = phi(inner_loop, outer_var, inner_var_inc)
+  iv_mul = mul(inner_idx, outer_idx)
+  inner_var_inc = add(inner_var, iv_mul)
+  inner_idx = phi(inner_loop, zero_idx, inner_idx_inc)
+  inner_idx_inc = add(inner_idx, one_idx)
+  inner_in_bounds = lt(inner_idx, inner_bound)
+  outer_idx = phi(outer_loop, zero_idx, outer_idx_inc, outer_idx)
+  outer_idx_inc = add(outer_idx, one_idx)
+  outer_in_bounds = lt(outer_idx, outer_bound)
+  inner_if = if(inner_loop, inner_in_bounds)
+  inner_if_false = projection(inner_if, 0)
+  inner_if_true = projection(inner_if, 1)
+  outer_if = if(outer_loop, outer_in_bounds)
+  outer_if_false = projection(outer_if, 0)
+  outer_if_true = projection(outer_if, 1)
+  r = return(outer_if_false, outer_var)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/phi_loop4.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/phi_loop4.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69ecc3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/phi_loop4.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+fn loop<1>(a: u32) -> i32
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(i32, 0)
+  one_var = constant(i32, 1)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  var = phi(loop, zero_var, var_inc)
+  var_inc = add(var, one_var)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, var_inc)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/split_phi_cycle.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/split_phi_cycle.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96de73c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/split_phi_cycle.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: i32) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  two = constant(u64, 2)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true) 
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  first_red = phi(loop, zero_idx, first_red_add_2)
+  first_red_add = add(first_red, idx)
+  first_red_add_2 = add(first_red_add, two)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx_inc, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, first_red_add_2)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/super_nested_loop.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/super_nested_loop.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6853efbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/forkify/super_nested_loop.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+fn loop<3>(a: u32) -> i32
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(i32, 0)
+  one_var = constant(i32, 1)
+  inner_bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  outer_loop = region(outer_outer_if_true, inner_if_false)
+  inner_loop = region(outer_if_true, inner_if_true)
+  outer_var = phi(outer_loop, outer_outer_var, inner_var)
+  inner_var = phi(inner_loop, outer_var, inner_var_inc)
+  inner_var_inc = add(inner_var, one_var)
+  inner_idx = phi(inner_loop, zero_idx, inner_idx_inc)
+  inner_idx_inc = add(inner_idx, one_idx)
+  inner_in_bounds = lt(inner_idx, inner_bound)
+  outer_idx = phi(outer_loop, zero_idx, outer_idx_inc, outer_idx)
+  outer_idx_inc = add(outer_idx, one_idx)
+  outer_in_bounds = lt(outer_idx, outer_bound)
+  inner_if = if(inner_loop, inner_in_bounds)
+  inner_if_false = projection(inner_if, 0)
+  inner_if_true = projection(inner_if, 1)
+  outer_if = if(outer_loop, outer_in_bounds)
+  outer_if_false = projection(outer_if, 0)
+  outer_if_true = projection(outer_if, 1)
+  outer_bound = dynamic_constant(#1)
+  outer_outer_bound = dynamic_constant(#2)
+  outer_outer_loop = region(start, outer_if_false)
+  outer_outer_var = phi(outer_outer_loop, zero_var, outer_var)
+  outer_outer_if  = if(outer_outer_loop, outer_outer_in_bounds)
+  outer_outer_if_false = projection(outer_outer_if, 0)
+  outer_outer_if_true = projection(outer_outer_if, 1)
+  outer_outer_idx = phi(outer_outer_loop, zero_idx, outer_outer_idx_inc, outer_outer_idx)
+  outer_outer_idx_inc = add(outer_outer_idx, one_idx)
+  outer_outer_in_bounds = lt(outer_outer_idx, outer_outer_bound)
+  r = return(outer_outer_if_false, outer_outer_var)
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4df92a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: u32) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  red = phi(loop, zero_idx, red_add)
+  red_add = add(red, one_idx)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx_inc, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, red)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_internal_control.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_internal_control.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b4431bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_internal_control.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: u64) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  two = constant(u64, 2)
+  ten = constant(u64, 10)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  inner_ctrl = region(loop)
+  inner_phi = phi(inner_ctrl, idx)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  red = phi(loop, zero_idx, red_add)
+  red_add = add(red, two)
+  red2 = phi(loop, zero_idx, red_add2)
+  red_add2 = add(red, inner_phi)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx_inc, bound)
+  if = if(inner_ctrl, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  plus_ten = add(red_add, ten)
+  red_add_2_plus_blah = add(red2, plus_ten)
+  final_add = add(inner_phi, red_add_2_plus_blah)
+  r = return(if_false, final_add)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_internal_control2.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_internal_control2.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4adf643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_internal_control2.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: u64) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  two = constant(u64, 2)
+  ten = constant(u64, 10)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  inner_ctrl = region(loop)
+  inner_phi = phi(inner_ctrl, idx)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  red = phi(loop, zero_idx, red_add)
+  red_add = add(red, two)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx_inc, bound)
+  if = if(inner_ctrl, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  plus_ten = add(red_add, ten)
+  red_add_2_plus_blah = add(inner_phi, plus_ten)
+  final_add = add(inner_phi, red_add_2_plus_blah)
+  r = return(if_false, final_add)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52f70172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+fn loop<2>(a: u64) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_var = constant(u64, 1)
+  ten = constant(u64, 10)
+  inner_bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  outer_bound = dynamic_constant(#1)
+  outer_loop = region(start, outer_if_true)
+  inner_loop = region(outer_loop, inner_if_true)
+  outer_var = phi(outer_loop, zero_var, inner_var_inc)
+  inner_var = phi(inner_loop, outer_var, inner_var_inc)
+  inner_var_inc = add(inner_var, blah2)
+  inner_idx = phi(inner_loop, zero_idx, inner_idx_inc)
+  blah = mul(outer_idx, ten)
+  blah2 = add(blah, inner_idx)
+  inner_idx_inc = add(inner_idx, one_idx)
+  inner_in_bounds = lt(inner_idx_inc, inner_bound)
+  outer_idx = phi(outer_loop, zero_idx, outer_idx_inc, outer_idx)
+  outer_idx_inc = add(outer_idx, one_idx)
+  outer_in_bounds = lt(outer_idx_inc, outer_bound)
+  inner_if = if(inner_loop, inner_in_bounds)
+  inner_if_false = projection(inner_if, 0)
+  inner_if_true = projection(inner_if, 1)
+  outer_if = if(inner_if_false, outer_in_bounds)
+  outer_if_false = projection(outer_if, 0)
+  outer_if_true = projection(outer_if, 1)
+  r = return(outer_if_false, inner_var_inc)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop2.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop2.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f295b391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop2.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+fn loop<2>(a: u32) -> i32
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(i32, 0)
+  one_var = constant(i32, 1)
+  inner_bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  outer_bound = dynamic_constant(#1)
+  outer_loop = region(start, outer_if_true)
+  inner_loop = region(outer_loop, inner_if_true)
+  outer_var = phi(outer_loop, zero_var, inner_var_inc)
+  inner_var = phi(inner_loop, outer_var, inner_var_inc)
+  inner_var_inc = add(inner_var, one_var)
+  inner_idx = phi(inner_loop, zero_idx, inner_idx_inc)
+  inner_idx_inc = add(inner_idx, one_idx)
+  inner_in_bounds = lt(inner_idx_inc, inner_bound)
+  outer_idx = phi(outer_loop, zero_idx, outer_idx_inc, outer_idx)
+  outer_idx_inc = add(outer_idx, one_idx)
+  outer_in_bounds = lt(outer_idx_inc, outer_bound)
+  inner_if = if(inner_loop, inner_in_bounds)
+  inner_if_false = projection(inner_if, 0)
+  inner_if_true = projection(inner_if, 1)
+  outer_if = if(inner_if_false, outer_in_bounds)
+  outer_if_false = projection(outer_if, 0)
+  outer_if_true = projection(outer_if, 1)
+  r = return(outer_if_false, inner_var_inc)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop_array.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop_array.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5401779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop_array.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+fn loop<2>(a: array(u64, #1)) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_var = constant(u64, 1)
+  ten = constant(u64, 10)
+  inner_bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  outer_bound = dynamic_constant(#1)
+  outer_loop = region(start, outer_if_true)
+  inner_loop = region(outer_loop, inner_if_true)
+  outer_var = phi(outer_loop, zero_var, inner_var_inc)
+  inner_var = phi(inner_loop, outer_var, inner_var_inc)
+  inner_var_inc = add(inner_var, blah2)
+  inner_idx = phi(inner_loop, zero_idx, inner_idx_inc)
+  blah = read(a, position(outer_idx))
+  blah2 = add(blah, inner_idx)
+  inner_idx_inc = add(inner_idx, one_idx)
+  inner_in_bounds = lt(inner_idx_inc, inner_bound)
+  outer_idx = phi(outer_loop, zero_idx, outer_idx_inc, outer_idx)
+  outer_idx_inc = add(outer_idx, one_idx)
+  outer_in_bounds = lt(outer_idx_inc, outer_bound)
+  inner_if = if(inner_loop, inner_in_bounds)
+  inner_if_false = projection(inner_if, 0)
+  inner_if_true = projection(inner_if, 1)
+  outer_if = if(inner_if_false, outer_in_bounds)
+  outer_if_false = projection(outer_if, 0)
+  outer_if_true = projection(outer_if, 1)
+  r = return(outer_if_false, inner_var_inc)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop_guarded.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop_guarded.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b979ad42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_nested_do_loop_guarded.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+fn loop<2>(a: u64) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_var = constant(u64, 1)
+  ten = constant(u64, 10)
+  outer_guard_if = if(start, outer_guard_lt)
+  outer_guard_if_false = projection(outer_guard_if, 0)
+  outer_guard_if_true = projection(outer_guard_if, 1)
+  outer_guard_lt = lt(zero_idx, outer_bound)
+  outer_join = region(outer_guard_if_false, outer_if_false)
+  outer_join_var = phi(outer_join, zero_idx, join_var)
+  inner_bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  outer_bound = dynamic_constant(#1)
+  outer_loop = region(outer_guard_if_true, outer_if_true)
+  inner_loop = region(guard_if_true, inner_if_true)
+  guard_lt = lt(zero_idx, inner_bound)
+  guard_if = if(outer_loop, guard_lt)
+  guard_if_true = projection(guard_if, 1)
+  guard_if_false = projection(guard_if, 0)
+  guard_join = region(guard_if_false, inner_if_false)
+  inner_idx = phi(inner_loop, zero_idx, inner_idx_inc)
+  inner_idx_inc = add(inner_idx, one_idx)
+  inner_in_bounds = lt(inner_idx_inc, inner_bound)
+  outer_idx = phi(outer_loop, zero_idx, outer_idx_inc, outer_idx)
+  outer_idx_inc = add(outer_idx, one_idx)
+  outer_in_bounds = lt(outer_idx_inc, outer_bound)
+  inner_if = if(inner_loop, inner_in_bounds)
+  inner_if_false = projection(inner_if, 0)
+  inner_if_true = projection(inner_if, 1)
+  outer_if = if(guard_join, outer_in_bounds)
+  outer_if_false = projection(outer_if, 0)
+  outer_if_true = projection(outer_if, 1)
+  outer_var = phi(outer_loop, zero_var, join_var)
+  inner_var = phi(inner_loop, outer_var, inner_var_inc)
+  blah = mul(outer_idx, ten)
+  blah2 = add(blah, inner_idx)
+  inner_var_inc = add(inner_var, blah2)
+  join_var = phi(guard_join, outer_var, inner_var_inc)
+  r = return(outer_join, outer_join_var)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fe4ca57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: array(i32, #0)) -> i32
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_inc = constant(i32, 0)
+  ten = constant(i32, 10)
+  three = constant(i32, 3)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true) 
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  red = phi(loop, zero_inc, red_add)
+  read = read(a, position(idx))
+  red_add = add(red, read)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx_inc, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  plus_ten = add(red_add, ten)
+  mult = mul(read, three)
+  final = add(plus_ten, mult)
+  r = return(if_false, final)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop2.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop2.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..760ae5ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop2.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: array(i32, #0)) -> i32
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_inc = constant(i32, 0)
+  ten = constant(i32, 10)
+  three = constant(i32, 3)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true) 
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  red = phi(loop, zero_inc, red_add)
+  read = read(a, position(idx_inc))
+  red_add = add(red, read)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx_inc, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  plus_ten = add(red, ten)
+  mult = mul(read, three)
+  final = add(plus_ten, mult)
+  r = return(if_false, final)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop_no_tid.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop_no_tid.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b937509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop_no_tid.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: u64) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  two = constant(u64, 2)
+  ten = constant(u64, 10)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  red = phi(loop, zero_idx, red_add)
+  red_add = add(red, two)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx_inc, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  plus_ten = add(red_add, ten)
+  r = return(if_false, plus_ten)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop_no_tid2.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop_no_tid2.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd06eb7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/alternate_bounds_use_after_loop_no_tid2.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: u64) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  two = constant(u64, 2)
+  ten = constant(u64, 10)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  red = phi(loop, zero_idx, red_add)
+  red_add = add(red, two)
+  blah = phi(loop, zero_idx, red_add)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx_inc, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  plus_ten = add(red_add, ten)
+  plus_blah = add(blah, red_add)
+  r = return(if_false, plus_blah)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/broken_sum.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/broken_sum.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d15ef561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/broken_sum.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: array(i32, #0)) -> i32
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_inc = constant(i32, 0)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  red = phi(loop, zero_inc, red_add)
+  read = read(a, position(idx))
+  red_add = add(red, read)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, red_add)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_loop_far_guard.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_loop_far_guard.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4df92a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_loop_far_guard.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: u32) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  red = phi(loop, zero_idx, red_add)
+  red_add = add(red, one_idx)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx_inc, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, red)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_loop_immediate_guard.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_loop_immediate_guard.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4732cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_loop_immediate_guard.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: u64) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  guard_lt = lt(zero_idx, bound)
+  guard = if(start, guard_lt)
+  guard_true = projection(guard, 1)
+  guard_false = projection(guard, 0)
+  loop = region(guard_true, if_true)
+  inner_side_effect = region(loop)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  red = phi(loop, zero_idx, red_add)
+  red_add = add(red, one_idx)
+  join_phi = phi(final, zero_idx, red_add)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx_inc, bound)
+  if = if(inner_side_effect, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  final = region(guard_false, if_false)
+  r = return(final, join_phi)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_loop_no_guard.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_loop_no_guard.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e22e14b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_loop_no_guard.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: u64) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  inner_side_effect = region(loop)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  red = phi(loop, zero_idx, red_add)
+  red_add = add(red, one_idx)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx_inc, bound)
+  if = if(inner_side_effect, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, red_add)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_while_separate_body.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_while_separate_body.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42269040
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_while_separate_body.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: i32) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true) 
+  inner_region = region(loop)
+  inner_red = phi(inner_region, red_add)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  outer_red = phi(loop, zero_idx, inner_red)
+  red_add = add(outer_red, idx)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx_inc, bound)
+  if = if(inner_region, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, inner_red)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_while_separate_body2.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_while_separate_body2.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a751952d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/do_while_separate_body2.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: i32) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  two = constant(u64, 1)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true) 
+  inner_region = region(loop)
+  inner_red = phi(inner_region, red_mul)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  outer_red = phi(loop, zero_idx, inner_red)
+  red_add = add(outer_red, idx)
+  red_mul = mul(red_add, idx)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx_inc, bound)
+  if = if(inner_region, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, inner_red)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_array_sum.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_array_sum.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9972b59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_array_sum.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+fn sum<1>(a: array(i32, #0)) -> i32
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_inc = constant(i32, 0)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  red = phi(loop, zero_inc, red_add)
+  read = read(a, position(idx))
+  red_add = add(red, read)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, red)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_body_count.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_body_count.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6f3cbf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_body_count.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+fn loop<1>(a: u64) -> u64
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_var = constant(u64, 1)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  var = phi(loop, zero_var, var_inc)
+  var_inc = add(var, one_var)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, var)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_sum.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_sum.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd9c4deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_sum.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+fn loop<1>(a: u32) -> i32
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(i32, 0)
+  one_var = constant(i32, 1)
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  var = phi(loop, zero_var, var_inc)
+  var_inc = add(var, one_var)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  r = return(if_false, var)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_trip_count.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_trip_count.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b756f090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_trip_count.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+fn loop<1>(b: prod(u64, u64)) -> prod(u64, u64)
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_var = constant(u64, 1)
+  c = constant(prod(u64, u64), (0, 0))
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  var = phi(loop, zero_var, var_inc)
+  var_inc = add(var, one_var)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  tuple1 = write(c, var, field(0))
+  tuple2 = write(tuple1, idx, field(1))
+  r = return(if_false, tuple2)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_trip_count_tuple.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_trip_count_tuple.hir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b756f090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/loop_analysis/loop_trip_count_tuple.hir
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+fn loop<1>(b: prod(u64, u64)) -> prod(u64, u64)
+  zero_idx = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_idx = constant(u64, 1)
+  zero_var = constant(u64, 0)
+  one_var = constant(u64, 1)
+  c = constant(prod(u64, u64), (0, 0))
+  bound = dynamic_constant(#0)
+  loop = region(start, if_true)
+  var = phi(loop, zero_var, var_inc)
+  var_inc = add(var, one_var)
+  idx = phi(loop, zero_idx, idx_inc)
+  idx_inc = add(idx, one_idx)
+  in_bounds = lt(idx, bound)
+  if = if(loop, in_bounds)
+  if_false = projection(if, 0)
+  if_true = projection(if, 1)
+  tuple1 = write(c, var, field(0))
+  tuple2 = write(tuple1, idx, field(1))
+  r = return(if_false, tuple2)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hercules_test/test_inputs/matmul_int.hir b/hercules_test/test_inputs/matmul_int.hir
index 1e496bab..ab0f384a 100644
--- a/hercules_test/test_inputs/matmul_int.hir
+++ b/hercules_test/test_inputs/matmul_int.hir
@@ -1,21 +1,18 @@
 fn matmul<3>(a: array(i32, #0, #1), b: array(i32, #1, #2)) -> array(i32, #0, #2)
   c = constant(array(i32, #0, #2), [])
-  i_ctrl = fork(start, #0)
-  i_idx = thread_id(i_ctrl)
-  j_ctrl = fork(i_ctrl, #2)
-  j_idx = thread_id(j_ctrl)
-  k_ctrl = fork(j_ctrl, #1)
-  k_idx = thread_id(k_ctrl)
+  i_j_ctrl = fork(start, #0, #2)
+  i_idx = thread_id(i_j_ctrl, 0)
+  j_idx = thread_id(i_j_ctrl, 1)
+  k_ctrl = fork(i_j_ctrl, #1)
+  k_idx = thread_id(k_ctrl, 0)
   k_join_ctrl = join(k_ctrl)
-  j_join_ctrl = join(k_join_ctrl)
-  i_join_ctrl = join(j_join_ctrl)
-  r = return(i_join_ctrl, update_i_c)
+  i_j_join_ctrl = join(k_join_ctrl)
+  r = return(i_j_join_ctrl, update_i_j_c)
   zero = constant(i32, 0)
   a_val = read(a, position(i_idx, k_idx))
   b_val = read(b, position(k_idx, j_idx))
   mul = mul(a_val, b_val)
   add = add(mul, dot)
   dot = reduce(k_join_ctrl, zero, add)
-  updated_c = write(update_j_c, dot, position(i_idx, j_idx))
-  update_j_c = reduce(j_join_ctrl, update_i_c, updated_c)
-  update_i_c = reduce(i_join_ctrl, c, update_j_c)
+  update_c = write(update_i_j_c, dot, position(i_idx, j_idx))
+  update_i_j_c = reduce(i_j_join_ctrl, c, update_c)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/juno_samples/cava/ b/juno_samples/cava/
index 929d3eba..7f60f801 100644
--- a/juno_samples/cava/
+++ b/juno_samples/cava/
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-extern crate juno_build;
 use juno_build::JunoCompiler;
 fn main() {
diff --git a/juno_samples/cava/src/ b/juno_samples/cava/src/
index 73a75a94..8ad6824f 100644
--- a/juno_samples/cava/src/
+++ b/juno_samples/cava/src/
@@ -59,7 +59,10 @@ fn run_cava(
-    }).as_slice::<u8>().to_vec().into_boxed_slice()
+    })
+    .as_slice::<u8>()
+    .to_vec()
+    .into_boxed_slice()
 enum Error {
diff --git a/juno_samples/matmul/ b/juno_samples/matmul/
index 926fbc33..511bf483 100644
--- a/juno_samples/matmul/
+++ b/juno_samples/matmul/
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ fn main() {
+        //.schedule_in_src("sched.sch")
+        //.unwrap()
diff --git a/juno_samples/matmul/src/ b/juno_samples/matmul/src/
index fa5d1f04..624ee565 100644
--- a/juno_samples/matmul/src/
+++ b/juno_samples/matmul/src/
@@ -24,10 +24,14 @@ fn main() {
         let a = HerculesCPURef::from_slice(&a);
         let b = HerculesCPURef::from_slice(&b);
         let mut r = runner!(matmul);
-        let c = as u64, J as u64, K as u64, a.clone(), b.clone()).await;
+        let c = r
+            .run(I as u64, J as u64, K as u64, a.clone(), b.clone())
+            .await;
         assert_eq!(c.as_slice::<i32>(), &*correct_c);
         let mut r = runner!(tiled_64_matmul);
-        let tiled_c = as u64, J as u64, K as u64, a.clone(), b.clone()).await;
+        let tiled_c = r
+            .run(I as u64, J as u64, K as u64, a.clone(), b.clone())
+            .await;
         assert_eq!(tiled_c.as_slice::<i32>(), &*correct_c);
@@ -36,4 +40,3 @@ fn main() {
 fn matmul_test() {
diff --git a/juno_samples/matmul/src/sched.sch b/juno_samples/matmul/src/sched.sch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3999f923
--- /dev/null
+++ b/juno_samples/matmul/src/sched.sch
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+macro juno-setup!(X) {
+  gvn(X);
+  dce(X);
+  phi-elim(X);
+macro default!(X) {
+  dce(X);
+  crc(X);
+  dce(X);
+  slf(X);
+  dce(X);
+  inline(X);
+  ip-sroa(X);
+  sroa(X);
+  phi-elim(X);
+  dce(X);
+  ccp(X);
+  dce(X);
+  gvn(X);
+  dce(X);
+  write-predication(X);
+  phi-elim(X);
+  dce(X);
+  crc(X);
+  dce(X);
+  slf(X);
+  dce(X);
+  predication(X);
+  dce(X);
+  ccp(X);
+  dce(X);
+  gvn(X);
+  dce(X);
+  lift-dc-math(X);
+  dce(X);
+  gvn(X);
+  dce(X);
+macro codegen-prep!(X) {
+  verify(*);
+  ip-sroa(*);
+  sroa(*);
+  infer-schedules(X);
+  dce(X);
+  gcm(X);
+  dce(X);
+  phi-elim(X);
+  float-collections(X);
+  gcm(X);
+// your stuff here.
+fixpoint stop after 13 {
+  forkify(*);
+  fork-guard-elim(*);
+  fork-coalesce(*);
+  phi-elim(*);
+  dce(*);
+// serialize(*);
diff --git a/juno_scheduler/Cargo.toml b/juno_scheduler/Cargo.toml
index 1c837d4a..04ab156c 100644
--- a/juno_scheduler/Cargo.toml
+++ b/juno_scheduler/Cargo.toml
@@ -18,3 +18,5 @@ hercules_cg = { path = "../hercules_cg" }
 hercules_ir = { path = "../hercules_ir" }
 hercules_opt = { path = "../hercules_opt" }
 juno_utils = { path = "../juno_utils" }
+postcard = { version = "*", features = ["alloc"] }
+serde = { version = "*", features = ["derive"] }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/juno_scheduler/src/ b/juno_scheduler/src/
index fc3c1279..11a8ec53 100644
--- a/juno_scheduler/src/
+++ b/juno_scheduler/src/
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ use crate::parser;
 use juno_utils::env::Env;
 use juno_utils::stringtab::StringTable;
-extern crate hercules_ir;
-use self::hercules_ir::ir::{Device, Schedule};
+use hercules_ir::ir::{Device, Schedule};
 use lrlex::DefaultLexerTypes;
 use lrpar::NonStreamingLexer;
@@ -117,8 +116,11 @@ impl FromStr for Appliable {
             "slf" | "store-load-forward" => Ok(Appliable::Pass(ir::Pass::SLF)),
             "sroa" => Ok(Appliable::Pass(ir::Pass::SROA)),
             "unforkify" => Ok(Appliable::Pass(ir::Pass::Unforkify)),
+            "fork-coalesce" => Ok(Appliable::Pass(ir::Pass::ForkCoalesce)),
             "verify" => Ok(Appliable::Pass(ir::Pass::Verify)),
             "xdot" => Ok(Appliable::Pass(ir::Pass::Xdot)),
+            "serialize" => Ok(Appliable::Pass(ir::Pass::Serialize)),
+            "write-predication" => Ok(Appliable::Pass(ir::Pass::WritePredication)),
             "cpu" | "llvm" => Ok(Appliable::Device(Device::LLVM)),
             "gpu" | "cuda" | "nvidia" => Ok(Appliable::Device(Device::CUDA)),
diff --git a/juno_scheduler/src/ b/juno_scheduler/src/
index 46b51b43..fd45a371 100644
--- a/juno_scheduler/src/
+++ b/juno_scheduler/src/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 use crate::ir::*;
 macro_rules! pass {
     ($p:ident) => {
         ScheduleStmt::Let {
@@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ macro_rules! pass {
 macro_rules! default_schedule {
     () => {
         ScheduleStmt::Block {
@@ -64,8 +66,9 @@ pub fn default_schedule() -> ScheduleStmt {
-        /*Forkify,*/
-        /*ForkGuardElim,*/
+        // Forkify,
+        // ForkGuardElim,
+        // ForkCoalesce,
diff --git a/juno_scheduler/src/ b/juno_scheduler/src/
index 381c3475..d6a41baf 100644
--- a/juno_scheduler/src/
+++ b/juno_scheduler/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-extern crate hercules_ir;
-use self::hercules_ir::ir::{Device, Schedule};
+use hercules_ir::ir::{Device, Schedule};
 #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
 pub enum Pass {
@@ -12,6 +10,7 @@ pub enum Pass {
+    ForkCoalesce,
@@ -28,6 +27,7 @@ pub enum Pass {
+    Serialize,
 impl Pass {
diff --git a/juno_scheduler/src/ b/juno_scheduler/src/
index 1caafe4f..571d1fbf 100644
--- a/juno_scheduler/src/
+++ b/juno_scheduler/src/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use crate::parser::lexer;
 mod compile;
 mod default;
-mod ir;
+pub mod ir;
 pub mod labels;
 mod pm;
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ use crate::compile::*;
 use crate::default::*;
 use crate::ir::*;
 use crate::labels::*;
-use crate::pm::*;
+pub use crate::pm::*;
 // Given a schedule's filename parse and process the schedule
 fn build_schedule(sched_filename: String) -> Result<ScheduleStmt, String> {
@@ -107,6 +107,45 @@ pub fn schedule_juno(
     .map_err(|e| format!("Scheduling Error: {}", e))
+pub fn run_schedule_on_hercules(
+    module: Module,
+    sched: Option<ScheduleStmt>,
+) -> Result<Module, String> {
+    let sched = if let Some(sched) = sched {
+        sched
+    } else {
+        default_schedule()
+    };
+    // Prepare the scheduler's string table and environment
+    // For this, we put all of the Hercules function names into the environment
+    // and string table
+    let mut strings = StringTable::new();
+    let mut env = Env::new();
+    env.open_scope();
+    for (idx, func) in module.functions.iter().enumerate() {
+        let func_name = strings.lookup_string(;
+        env.insert(
+            func_name,
+            Value::HerculesFunction {
+                func: FunctionID::new(idx),
+            },
+        );
+    }
+    env.open_scope();
+    schedule_module(
+        module,
+        sched,
+        strings,
+        env,
+        JunoFunctions { func_ids: vec![] },
+    )
+    .map_err(|e| format!("Scheduling Error: {}", e))
 pub fn schedule_hercules(
     module: Module,
     sched_filename: Option<String>,
diff --git a/juno_scheduler/src/ b/juno_scheduler/src/
index c388833c..9888f3d2 100644
--- a/juno_scheduler/src/
+++ b/juno_scheduler/src/
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ use hercules_cg::*;
 use hercules_ir::*;
 use hercules_opt::*;
+use serde::Deserialize;
+use serde::Serialize;
 use tempfile::TempDir;
 use juno_utils::env::Env;
@@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ impl Value {
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
 pub enum SchedulerError {
@@ -159,8 +161,8 @@ impl fmt::Display for SchedulerError {
-struct PassManager {
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct PassManager {
     functions: Vec<Function>,
     types: RefCell<Vec<Type>>,
     constants: RefCell<Vec<Constant>>,
@@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ struct PassManager {
 impl PassManager {
-    fn new(module: Module) -> Self {
+    pub fn new(module: Module) -> Self {
         let Module {
@@ -500,6 +502,31 @@ impl PassManager {
+    pub fn get_module(&self) -> Module {
+        let PassManager {
+            functions,
+            types,
+            constants,
+            dynamic_constants,
+            labels,
+            typing: _,
+            control_subgraphs: _,
+            bbs: _,
+            collection_objects: _,
+            callgraph: _,
+            ..
+        } = self;
+        let module = Module {
+            functions: functions.to_vec(),
+            types: types.clone().into_inner(),
+            constants: constants.clone().into_inner(),
+            dynamic_constants: dynamic_constants.clone().into_inner(),
+            labels: labels.clone().into_inner(),
+        };
+        module
+    }
     fn codegen(mut self, output_dir: String, module_name: String) -> Result<(), SchedulerError> {
@@ -629,6 +656,18 @@ pub fn schedule_codegen(
     pm.codegen(output_dir, module_name)
+pub fn schedule_module(
+    module: Module,
+    schedule: ScheduleStmt,
+    mut stringtab: StringTable,
+    mut env: Env<usize, Value>,
+    functions: JunoFunctions,
+) -> Result<Module, SchedulerError> {
+    let mut pm = PassManager::new(module);
+    let _ = schedule_interpret(&mut pm, &schedule, &mut stringtab, &mut env, &functions)?;
+    Ok(pm.get_module())
 // Interpreter for statements and expressions returns a bool indicating whether
 // any optimization ran and changed the IR. This is used for implementing
 // the fixpoint
@@ -1239,30 +1278,85 @@ fn run_pass(
         Pass::ForkGuardElim => {
-            todo!("Fork Guard Elim doesn't use editor")
-        }
-        Pass::ForkSplit => {
-            pm.make_reduce_cycles();
             let fork_join_maps = pm.fork_join_maps.take().unwrap();
-            let reduce_cycles = pm.reduce_cycles.take().unwrap();
-            for ((func, fork_join_map), reduce_cycles) in build_selection(pm, selection)
+            for (func, fork_join_map) in build_selection(pm, selection)
-                .zip(reduce_cycles.iter())
                 let Some(mut func) = func else {
-                fork_split(&mut func, fork_join_map, reduce_cycles);
+                fork_guard_elim(&mut func, fork_join_map);
                 changed |= func.modified();
+        Pass::Serialize => {
+            // FIXME: How to get module name here?
+            let output_file = "out.hbin";
+            let module = pm.clone().get_module().clone();
+            let module_contents: Vec<u8> = postcard::to_allocvec(&module).unwrap();
+            let mut file =
+                File::create(&output_file).expect("PANIC: Unable to open output module file.");
+            file.write_all(&module_contents)
+                .expect("PANIC: Unable to write output module file contents.");
+        }
+        Pass::ForkSplit => {
+            assert!(args.is_empty());
+            loop {
+                let mut inner_changed = false;
+                pm.make_fork_join_maps();
+                pm.make_reduce_cycles();
+                let fork_join_maps = pm.fork_join_maps.take().unwrap();
+                let reduce_cycles = pm.reduce_cycles.take().unwrap();
+                for ((func, fork_join_map), reduce_cycles) in build_selection(pm, selection.clone())
+                    .into_iter()
+                    .zip(fork_join_maps.iter())
+                    .zip(reduce_cycles.iter())
+                {
+                    let Some(mut func) = func else {
+                        continue;
+                    };
+                    fork_split(&mut func, fork_join_map, reduce_cycles);
+                    changed |= func.modified();
+                    inner_changed |= func.modified();
+                }
+                pm.delete_gravestones();
+                pm.clear_analyses();
+                if !inner_changed {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
         Pass::Forkify => {
-            todo!("Forkify doesn't use editor")
+            assert!(args.is_empty());
+            pm.make_fork_join_maps();
+            pm.make_control_subgraphs();
+            pm.make_loops();
+            let fork_join_maps = pm.fork_join_maps.take().unwrap();
+            let loops = pm.loops.take().unwrap();
+            let control_subgraphs = pm.control_subgraphs.take().unwrap();
+            for (((func, fork_join_map), loop_nest), control_subgraph) in
+                build_selection(pm, selection)
+                    .into_iter()
+                    .zip(fork_join_maps.iter())
+                    .zip(loops.iter())
+                    .zip(control_subgraphs.iter())
+            {
+                let Some(mut func) = func else {
+                    continue;
+                };
+                // TODO: uses direct return from forkify for now instead of 
+                // func.modified, see comment on top of `forkify` for why. Fix
+                // this eventually.
+                changed |= forkify(&mut func, control_subgraph, fork_join_map, loop_nest);
+            }
+            pm.delete_gravestones();
+            pm.clear_analyses();
         Pass::GCM => {
@@ -1576,21 +1670,50 @@ fn run_pass(
         Pass::Unforkify => {
+            pm.make_loops();
             let fork_join_maps = pm.fork_join_maps.take().unwrap();
+            let loops = pm.loops.take().unwrap();
-            for (func, fork_join_map) in build_selection(pm, selection)
+            for ((func, fork_join_map), loop_tree) in build_selection(pm, selection)
+                .zip(loops.iter())
                 let Some(mut func) = func else {
-                unforkify(&mut func, fork_join_map);
+                unforkify(&mut func, fork_join_map, loop_tree);
                 changed |= func.modified();
+        Pass::ForkCoalesce => {
+            assert!(args.is_empty());
+            pm.make_fork_join_maps();
+            pm.make_control_subgraphs();
+            pm.make_loops();
+            pm.make_reduce_cycles();
+            let fork_join_maps = pm.fork_join_maps.take().unwrap();
+            let loops = pm.loops.take().unwrap();
+            let control_subgraphs = pm.control_subgraphs.take().unwrap();
+            for (((func, fork_join_map), loop_nest), control_subgraph) in
+                build_selection(pm, selection)
+                    .into_iter()
+                    .zip(fork_join_maps.iter())
+                    .zip(loops.iter())
+                    .zip(control_subgraphs.iter())
+            {
+                let Some(mut func) = func else {
+                    continue;
+                };
+                changed |= fork_coalesce(&mut func, loop_nest, fork_join_map);
+                // func.modified();
+            }
+            pm.delete_gravestones();
+            pm.clear_analyses();
+        }
         Pass::WritePredication => {
             for func in build_selection(pm, selection) {
diff --git a/juno_utils/src/ b/juno_utils/src/
index e151b830..45ee0864 100644
--- a/juno_utils/src/
+++ b/juno_utils/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-extern crate serde;
-use self::serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
 use std::collections::HashMap;