import argparse import chess import chess.pgn from board_detector import find_board from board_detector import find_pieces from board_detector import init_global from board_detector import display_img from chess_ai import * import move_translator import cv2 import os import time # was having issues installing picamera2 on my PC # if the raspi runs this code (with picamera2 installed), skip_camera will be false # otherwise skip_camera is true and any camera code will be skipped skip_camera = False try: from picamera2 import Picamera2, Preview except ImportError: skip_camera = True class ChessGame: def __init__(self, difficulty, show_cv, show_cam, loop, img_idx = 1, test_img = None, save_img_as = None): self.board = chess.Board() self.difficulty = difficulty self.show_cv = show_cv self.show_cam = show_cam self.test_img = test_img self.loop = loop self.save_img_as = save_img_as if img_idx: self.img_idx = int(img_idx) else: self.img_idx = 1 # hard-coded borders to crop image self.left_cut = 0 self.right_cut = 290 self.top_cut = 0 self.bottom_cut = 290 self.img_size = 512 if not skip_camera: self.picam2 = Picamera2() else: self.picam2 = None def start_game(self): print(f"Starting chess game (difficulty: {self.difficulty})") # TODO - call initialize board in board_detector, initialize colors for color analysis, # then loop until checkmate. also handle illegal moves (writing to screen if we end up doing that or just LEDs) init_global(self.show_cv, skip_camera, self.img_size) if self.save_img_as: self.loop = True if not skip_camera: preview_config = self.picam2.create_preview_configuration(main={"size": (2464, 2464)}) self.picam2.configure(preview_config) if (self.show_cam): self.picam2.start_preview(Preview.QTGL) self.picam2.start() elif not self.test_img: self.test_img = 'ocr_smallp2.jpg' while(1): # essentially do_while(self.loop) if (self.test_img): img_path = os.path.join('ocr_test_images', self.test_img) orig_img = cv2.imread(img_path) else: orig_img = self.take_pic() h,w,c = orig_img.shape cropped_img = orig_img[self.top_cut:h-self.bottom_cut, self.left_cut:w-self.right_cut] # cropped_img = orig_img img = cv2.resize(cropped_img, (self.img_size, self.img_size)) # img = orig_img if (self.show_cv and not self.loop): display_img([orig_img, img]) # display_img([img]) if (self.loop): answer = 0 while(answer != "y" and answer != "n"): answer = input("Done looping? (y/n): ") if answer == "y": self.loop = False elif answer == "n": self.loop = True if (not self.loop): break warped_img, sorted_warped_points = find_board(img) if (warped_img is None): return color_grid = find_pieces(warped_img, sorted_warped_points) self.color_grid_to_fen(color_grid, 'yellow', 'pink') if not FEN_check(self.board.fen()): print("Bad FEN.") return if self.show_cv: print(self.board) print(self.board.fen()) while(1): # game loop self.player_turn() # handle cheating if self.board.is_checkmate(): break quit() # TODO - REMOVE self.ai_turn() if self.board.is_checkmate(): break # game is over def player_turn(self): # TODO - wait for user button, then check for valid move. loop until a valid move has been made pass def ai_turn(self): # TODO # 1. use detect_pieces in color_analyzer # 2. update internal representation of board # 3. give to python-chess and get best move # 4. call move_translator with argument of best move pass def take_pic(self): time.sleep(2) # camera needs this apparently # name the image if (self.save_img_as): img_txt = self.save_img_as + str(self.img_idx) + '.jpg' else: img_txt = 'board' + str(self.img_idx) + '.jpg' # save image img_path = os.path.join('game_images', img_txt) metadata = self.picam2.capture_file(img_path) self.img_idx += 1 return cv2.imread(img_path) def color_grid_to_fen(self, color_grid, color1, color2): for i, row in enumerate(color_grid): for j, (color, _, _, letter) in enumerate(row): if letter is not None: if letter == "P": piece_type = chess.PAWN elif letter == "N": piece_type = chess.KNIGHT elif letter == "B": piece_type = chess.BISHOP elif letter == "R": piece_type = chess.ROOK elif letter == "Q": piece_type = chess.QUEEN elif letter == "K": piece_type = chess.KING piece_color = None if color == color1: piece_color = chess.BLACK elif color == color2: piece_color = chess.WHITE if piece_color is not None: self.board.set_piece_at(chess.square(j, 7 - i), chess.Piece(piece_type, piece_color)) continue self.board.remove_piece_at(chess.square(j, 7 - i)) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="AI Chess Robot with Computer Vision") parser.add_argument("--difficulty", choices=["easy", "medium", "hard"], default="medium", help="Chess AI difficulty (how far it looks ahead)") parser.add_argument("--show_cv", action="store_true", help="Show opencv images as processing occurs during game") parser.add_argument("--show_cam", action="store_true", help="Show persistent camera view") parser.add_argument("--loop", action="store_true", help="Loop before cv (for taking test images)") parser.add_argument("--img_idx", help="Where to start indexing images (for naming them; default is 1 if not specified)") parser.add_argument("--test_img", help="If specified, will use said image in test_images folder rather than camera input") parser.add_argument("--save_img_as", help="If specified, will save image as given name in game_images") args = parser.parse_args() game = ChessGame(args.difficulty, args.show_cv, args.show_cam, args.loop, args.img_idx, args.test_img, args.save_img_as) game.start_game()