# Instructions for Training DINOv2 Model and Saving Predictions ## Conda Environment Creation We use a separate Conda environment for training and generation predictions with DINOv2. Create the DINOv2 Conda environment from our [yaml file](dino.yml) by running: ``` conda env create -f dino.yml conda activate dinov2 ``` **NOTE:** We trained DINOv2 models on a compute cluster with a ppc64le architecture, rather than the usual x86_64 architecture. As such, the Conda environment may need to be updated for your specific compute setup. ## Train Model - Update file names and valid timesteps to load for train, validation, and test splits in the dataset script [here](dataset.py) - Run [`python trainer.py`](trainer.py) with desired arguments to train a DINOv2 model ## Collect Predictions - Update path to trained checkpoint to load and names of videos to evaluate in [`save_dino_depth.py`](save_dino_depth.py) - Run [`python save_dino_depth.py`](save_dino_depth.py) to generate depth predictions for a set of videos