package; import java.util.Date; /** * A bean for storing data about diagnosis counts in an area for a date range. * * A bean's purpose is to store data. Period. Little or no functionality is to be added to a bean * (with the exception of minor formatting such as concatenating phone numbers together). * A bean must only have Getters and Setters (Eclipse Hint: Use Source > Generate Getters and * Setters to create these easily) * * */ public class DiagnosisStatisticsBean { String zipCode; long zipStats; long regionStats; long stateStats; long allStats; Date startDate; Date endDate; /** * Constructor for an empty bean */ public DiagnosisStatisticsBean() { } /** * Constructor for the bean. Accepts region and zip stats and zip code * @param zipCode The zip code analyzed * @param zipStats The count of diagnoses for the zip code * @param regionStats The count of diagnoses for the region */ public DiagnosisStatisticsBean(String zipCode, long zipStats, long regionStats) { this(zipCode, zipStats, regionStats, 0, 0, null, null); } /** * Constructor for the bean. Accepts region and zip stats, zip code and start date * @param zipCode The zip code analyzed * @param zipStats The count of diagnoses for the zip code * @param regionStats The count of diagnoses for the region * @param startDate The beginning of the data's time period */ public DiagnosisStatisticsBean(String zipCode, long zipStats, long regionStats, Date startDate) { this(zipCode, zipStats, regionStats, 0, 0, startDate, null); } /** * Constructor for the bean. Accepts region and zip stats, zip code and date range * @param zipCode The zip code analyzed * @param zipStats The count of diagnoses for the zip code * @param regionStats The count of diagnoses for the region * @param startDate The beginning of the data's time period * @param endDate The end of the data's time period */ public DiagnosisStatisticsBean(String zipCode, long zipStats, long regionStats, Date startDate, Date endDate) { this(zipCode, zipStats, regionStats, 0, 0, startDate, endDate); } /** * Constructor for the bean. Accepts all stats and zip code * @param zipCode The zip code analyzed * @param zipStats The count of diagnoses for the zip code * @param regionStats The count of diagnoses for the region * @param stateStats The count of diagnoses for the state */ public DiagnosisStatisticsBean(String zipCode, long zipStats, long regionStats, long stateStats, long allStats) { this(zipCode, zipStats, regionStats, stateStats, allStats, null, null); } /** * Constructor for the bean. Accepts region and zip stats, zip code and date range * @param zipCode The zip code analyzed * @param zipStats The count of diagnoses for the zip code * @param regionStats The count of diagnoses for the region * @param stateStats The count of diagnoses for the state * @param startDate The beginning of the data's time period * @param endDate The end of the data's time period */ public DiagnosisStatisticsBean(String zipCode, long zipStats, long regionStats, long stateStats, long allStats, Date startDate, Date endDate) { this.zipCode = zipCode; this.zipStats = zipStats; this.regionStats = regionStats; this.stateStats = stateStats; this.allStats = allStats; if (startDate != null) { this.startDate = (Date) startDate.clone(); } if (endDate != null) { this.endDate = (Date) endDate.clone(); } } /** * Getter for Zip code * @return The stored Zip code */ public String getZipCode() { return zipCode; } /** * Setter for Zip code * @param zipCode The zip code to be stored */ public void setZipCode(String zipCode) { this.zipCode = zipCode; } /** * Getter for Zip code count * @return The count of diagnoses for the zip code */ public long getZipStats() { return zipStats; } /** * Setter for Zip code count * @param zipStats The count of diagnoses to be stored */ public void setZipStats(long zipStats) { this.zipStats = zipStats; } /** * Getter for Region count * @return The count of diagnoses for the region */ public long getRegionStats() { return regionStats; } /** * Setter for Region count * @param regionStats The count of regional diagnoses to be stored */ public void setRegionStats(long regionStats) { this.regionStats = regionStats; } /** * Getter for State count * @return The count of diagnoses for the region */ public long getStateStats() { return stateStats; } /** * Setter for State count * @param stateStats The count of regional diagnoses to be stored */ public void setStateStats(long stateStats) { this.stateStats = stateStats; } /** * Getter for State count * @return The count of diagnoses for the region */ public long getAllStats() { return allStats; } /** * Setter for State count * @param stateStats The count of regional diagnoses to be stored */ public void setAllStats(long allStats) { this.allStats = allStats; } /** * Getter for Start Date * @return The start date for the data */ public Date getStartDate() { return (Date) startDate.clone(); } /** * Setter for Start Date * @param startDate The data's start date */ public void setStartDate(Date startDate) { this.startDate = (Date) startDate.clone(); } /** * Getter for End Date * @return The end date for the data */ public Date getEndDate() { return (Date) endDate.clone(); } /** * Setter for the End Date * @param endDate */ public void setEndDate(Date endDate) { this.endDate = (Date) endDate.clone(); } }