package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Handles Prescription Reports for the given pid Used by hcp-uap/getPrescriptionReport.jsp, * hcp-uap/viewPrescriptionRecord.jsp, patient/getMyPrescriptionReport.jsp, & * patient/viewMyPrescriptionRecord.jsp * * */ public class PrescriptionReportAction extends PatientBaseAction { private boolean isRepresenting = false; private OfficeVisitDAO ovDAO; private PrescriptionReportDAO prDAO; private PatientDAO patientDAO; private long loggedInMID; /** * Super class validates pidString * * @param factory The DAOFactory used to create the DAOs used in this action. * @param loggedInMID The MID of the user who is making a prescription report. * @param pidString The MID of the patient in question. * @throws ITrustException * @throws DBException * @throws NoHealthRecordsException */ public PrescriptionReportAction(DAOFactory factory, long loggedInMID, String pidString) throws ITrustException, DBException, NoHealthRecordsException { super(factory, pidString); this.ovDAO = factory.getOfficeVisitDAO(); this.patientDAO = factory.getPatientDAO(); this.prDAO = factory.getPrescriptionReportDAO(); this.loggedInMID = loggedInMID; } /** * Takes the patient's representee as a param and returns it as a long if the patient represents the input * param * * @param input * the patient's representee mid * @return representee's mid as a long * @throws ITrustException */ public long representPatient(String input) throws ITrustException { try { long reppeeMID = Long.valueOf(input); if (patientDAO.represents(loggedInMID, reppeeMID)) { loggedInMID = reppeeMID; pid = reppeeMID; isRepresenting = true; return reppeeMID; } else throw new ITrustException("You do not represent patient " + reppeeMID); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ITrustException("MID is not a number"); } } /** * Returns a list of all office visits for the pid * * @return list of OfficeVisitBeans for the pid * @throws DBException */ public List<OfficeVisitBean> getAllOfficeVisits() throws DBException { return ovDAO.getAllOfficeVisits(pid); } /** * Used by the JSP, passes a Map from the html form and a list of OfficeVisitBeans Returns a list of * PrescriptionReportBeans * * @param params A java.util.HashMap containing the parameter map. * @param officeVisits A java.util.List of OfficeVisitBeans for the visits. * @return list of PrescriptionReportBeans * @throws DBException */ public List<PrescriptionReportBean> getPrescriptionReports(Map<String, String> params, List<OfficeVisitBean> officeVisits) throws DBException { HashMap<String, String> myParams = ParameterUtil.convertMap(params); List<Long> ovIDs = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (int i = 0; i < officeVisits.size(); i++) { try { if (params.get("ovOff" + i) != null) { int offset = Integer.valueOf(myParams.get("ovOff" + i)); ovIDs.add(officeVisits.get(offset).getVisitID()); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // just skip it } } if (ovIDs.size() == 0) return new ArrayList<PrescriptionReportBean>(); return prDAO.byOfficeVisitAndPatient(ovIDs, pid); } /** * Returns a PatientBean for the pid * * @return PatientBean * @throws DBException */ public PatientBean getPatient() throws DBException { return patientDAO.getPatient(pid); } /** * Used by the JSP, which passes the param map from the html form and a list of OfficeVisitBeans Returns a * string that will be used to create a new url. The JSP will pull params from this url to create the * prescription report. * * @param paramMap A java.util.HashMap of the parameters. * @param officeVisits A java.util.List of OfficeVisitBeans. * @return the string that will be used in the new url * @throws FormValidationException * @throws DBException */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public String getQueryString(Map paramMap, List<OfficeVisitBean> officeVisits) throws FormValidationException, DBException { HashMap<String, String> myParams = ParameterUtil.convertMap(paramMap); List<Integer> ovOffsets = checkOfficeVisits(myParams, officeVisits); String queryString = buildQueryString(ovOffsets); if (isRepresenting) queryString += "&rep=" + pid; return queryString; } /** * Checks office visits * * @param myParams list of parameters * @param officeVisits list of office visits * @return Returns a java.util.ArrayList of Integers for the given office visits. */ private ArrayList<Integer> checkOfficeVisits(HashMap<String, String> myParams, List<OfficeVisitBean> officeVisits) { ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < officeVisits.size(); i++) { if ("on".equals(myParams.get("ov" + i))) list.add(i); } return list; } /** * Builds a query string for office visits * * @param ovOffsets offsets for the office visits * @return A SQL query in a Java String. */ private String buildQueryString(List<Integer> ovOffsets) { int n = ovOffsets.size(); if (n == 0) return ""; String str = "&n=" + n; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < ovOffsets.size(); i++) { buf.append("&ovOff" + i + "=" + ovOffsets.get(i)); } str += buf.toString(); return str; } }