package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Edits the patient health record for a given patient Used by editPHR.jsp */ public class EditPHRAction extends PatientBaseAction { private DAOFactory factory; private PatientDAO patientDAO; private AllergyDAO allergyDAO; private FamilyDAO familyDAO; private HealthRecordsDAO hrDAO; private OfficeVisitDAO ovDAO; private ICDCodesDAO icdDAO; private ProceduresDAO procDAO; private ChronicDiseaseMediator diseaseMediator; private PersonnelDAO personnelDAO; private PersonnelBean HCPUAP; private PatientBean patient; private EmailUtil emailutil; private NDCodesDAO ndcodesDAO; //NEW private EventLoggingAction loggingAction; /** * Super class validates the patient id * * @param factory The DAOFactory to be used in creating DAOs for this action. * @param loggedInMID The MID of the currently logged in user who is authorizing this action. * @param pidString The MID of the patient whose personal health records are being added. * @throws ITrustException * @throws NoHealthRecordsException */ public EditPHRAction(DAOFactory factory, long loggedInMID, String pidString) throws ITrustException { super(factory, pidString); this.patientDAO = factory.getPatientDAO(); this.allergyDAO = factory.getAllergyDAO(); this.familyDAO = factory.getFamilyDAO(); this.hrDAO = factory.getHealthRecordsDAO(); this.ovDAO = factory.getOfficeVisitDAO(); this.icdDAO = factory.getICDCodesDAO(); this.personnelDAO = factory.getPersonnelDAO(); this.HCPUAP = personnelDAO.getPersonnel(loggedInMID); this.patient = patientDAO.getPatient(pid); this.procDAO = factory.getProceduresDAO(); this.ndcodesDAO = factory.getNDCodesDAO(); //NEW this.loggingAction = new EventLoggingAction(factory); emailutil = new EmailUtil(factory); this.factory = factory; } /** * Adds an allergy to the patient's records * @param pid pid * @param ndcode ndcode * @return "Allergy Added", exception message, a list of invalid fields, or "" (only if description is null) * @throws FormValidationException * @throws ITrustException */ public String updateAllergies(long pid, String description) throws FormValidationException, ITrustException { AllergyBean bean = new AllergyBean(); bean.setPatientID(pid); bean.setDescription(description); AllergyBeanValidator abv = new AllergyBeanValidator(); abv.validate(bean); //now, set the ndcode if it happens to exist for the description for (MedicationBean med : ndcodesDAO.getAllNDCodes()) { if (med.getDescription().equalsIgnoreCase(bean.getDescription())) { bean.setNDCode(med.getNDCode()); break; } } String patientName = patientDAO.getName(pid); List<AllergyBean> allergies = allergyDAO.getAllergies(pid); for (AllergyBean current : allergies){ if (current.getDescription().equalsIgnoreCase(bean.getDescription())) { return "Allergy " + bean.getNDCode() + " - " + bean.getDescription() + " has already been added for " + patientName + "."; } } allergyDAO.addAllergy(bean); emailutil.sendEmail(makeEmail()); /* * adding loop that checks for allergy conflicts. The loop runs through every prescription bean * and checks for conflict. */ List<PrescriptionBean> beansRx = patientDAO.getCurrentPrescriptions(pid); for(int i = 0; i < beansRx.size(); i++) { if(beansRx.get(i).getMedication().getNDCode().equals(bean.getNDCode())) { return "Medication " + beansRx.get(i).getMedication().getNDCode() + " - " + beansRx.get(i).getMedication().getDescription() + " is currently prescribed to " + patientName + "."; } } //log that this was added loggingAction.logEvent(TransactionType.parse(6700), HCPUAP.getMID(), patient.getMID(), "An allergy record has been added: " + bean.getId()); return "Allergy Added"; //If loop is successful, it will never reach here. } /** * Returns a PatientBean for the patient * * @return PatientBean * @throws ITrustException */ public PatientBean getPatient() throws ITrustException { return patientDAO.getPatient(pid); } /** * Returns a list of AllergyBeans for the patient * * @return list of AllergyBeans * @throws ITrustException */ public List<AllergyBean> getAllergies() throws ITrustException { return allergyDAO.getAllergies(pid); } /** * Returns a list of FamilyMemberBeans for the patient * * @return list of FamilyMemberBeans * @throws ITrustException */ public List<FamilyMemberBean> getFamily() throws ITrustException { List<FamilyMemberBean> fam = new ArrayList<FamilyMemberBean>(); List<FamilyMemberBean> parents = null; parents = familyDAO.getParents(pid); fam.addAll(parents); fam.addAll(familyDAO.getSiblings(pid)); fam.addAll(familyDAO.getChildren(pid)); if(parents != null) { List<FamilyMemberBean> grandparents = new ArrayList<FamilyMemberBean>(); for(FamilyMemberBean parent : parents) { grandparents.addAll(familyDAO.getParents(parent.getMid())); } fam.addAll(grandparents); for(FamilyMemberBean gp : grandparents) { gp.setRelation("Grandparent"); } } return fam; } /** * Returns a list of HealthRecords for the patient * * @return allHealthRecords * @throws ITrustException */ public List<HealthRecord> getAllHealthRecords() throws ITrustException { List<HealthRecord> allHealthRecords = hrDAO.getAllHealthRecords(pid); return allHealthRecords; } /** * Returns a list of OfficeVisitBeans * * @return office visits * @throws ITrustException */ public List<OfficeVisitBean> getAllOfficeVisits() throws ITrustException { return ovDAO.getAllOfficeVisits(pid); } /** * getProcedures * @param visitID * @return list * @throws DBException */ public List<ProcedureBean> getProcedures(long visitID) throws DBException { return procDAO.getList(visitID); } /** * Returns a list of diseases for which the patient is at risk * * @return list of RiskCheckers * @throws ITrustException * @throws NoHealthRecordsException */ public List<RiskChecker> getDiseasesAtRisk() throws NoHealthRecordsException, ITrustException { this.diseaseMediator = new ChronicDiseaseMediator(factory, pid); return diseaseMediator.getDiseaseAtRisk(); } /** * Checks to see if a particular family member has high blood pressure * * @param member the family member to check * @return true if the family member has high blood pressure. False if there are no records or the family member does not have high blood pressure * @throws ITrustException */ public boolean doesFamilyMemberHaveHighBP(FamilyMemberBean member) throws ITrustException { List<HealthRecord> records = hrDAO.getAllHealthRecords(member.getMid()); if(records.size() == 0) return false; for(HealthRecord record : records) { if(record.getBloodPressureSystolic() > 240 || record.getBloodPressureDiastolic() > 120 ) return true; } return false; } /** * Checks to see if a particular family member has high cholesterol * * @param member the family member to check * @return true if the family member has high cholesterol. False if there are no records or the family member does not * @throws ITrustException */ public boolean doesFamilyMemberHaveHighCholesterol(FamilyMemberBean member) throws ITrustException { List<HealthRecord> records = hrDAO.getAllHealthRecords(member.getMid()); if(records.size() == 0) return false; for(HealthRecord record : records) { if(record.getCholesterolHDL() < 35 || record.getCholesterolLDL() > 250 ) return true; } return false; } /** * Checks to see if a particular family member has diabetes * * @param member the family member to check * @return true if the family member has diabetes. False if there are no records or the family member does not * @throws ITrustException */ public boolean doesFamilyMemberHaveDiabetes(FamilyMemberBean member) throws ITrustException { List<DiagnosisBean> diagnoses = patientDAO.getDiagnoses(member.getMid()); if(diagnoses.size() == 0) return false; for(DiagnosisBean diag : diagnoses) { if(diag.getICDCode().startsWith("250")) return true; } return false; } /** * Checks to see if a particular family member has cancer * * @param member the family member to check * @return true if the family member has cancer. False if there are no records or the family member does not * @throws ITrustException */ public boolean doesFamilyMemberHaveCancer(FamilyMemberBean member) throws ITrustException { List<DiagnosisBean> diagnoses = patientDAO.getDiagnoses(member.getMid()); if(diagnoses.size() == 0) return false; for(DiagnosisBean diag : diagnoses) { if(diag.getICDCode().startsWith("199")) return true; } return false; } /** * Checks to see if a particular family member has heart disease * * @param member the family member to check * @return true if the family member has heart disease. False if there are no records or the family member does not * @throws ITrustException */ public boolean doesFamilyMemberHaveHeartDisease(FamilyMemberBean member) throws ITrustException { List<DiagnosisBean> diagnoses = patientDAO.getDiagnoses(member.getMid()); if(diagnoses.size() == 0) return false; for(DiagnosisBean diag : diagnoses) { if(diag.getICDCode().startsWith("402")) return true; } return false; } /** * Checks to see if a particular family member smokes * * @param member the family member to check * @return true if the family member smokes. False if there are no records or the family member does not * @throws ITrustException */ public boolean isFamilyMemberSmoker(FamilyMemberBean member) throws ITrustException { List<HealthRecord> records = hrDAO.getAllHealthRecords(member.getMid()); if(records.size() == 0) return false; for(HealthRecord record : records) { if(record.isSmoker()) return true; } return false; } /** * Checks to see if the family member is dead and returns their cause of death if so * * @param member the family member to check * @return the cause of death if there is one; otherwise null * @throws ITrustException */ public String getFamilyMemberCOD(FamilyMemberBean member) throws ITrustException { PatientBean patient = patientDAO.getPatient(member.getMid()); if(patient.getCauseOfDeath() == null) return ""; DiagnosisBean diag = icdDAO.getICDCode(patient.getCauseOfDeath()); if(diag == null) return ""; return diag.getDescription(); } /** * Creates a fake e-mail to notify the user that their records have been altered. * * @return the e-mail to be sent * @throws DBException */ private Email makeEmail() throws DBException{ Email email = new Email(); List<PatientBean> reps = patientDAO.getRepresenting(patient.getMID()); List<String> toAddrs = new ArrayList<String>(); toAddrs.add(patient.getEmail()); for (PatientBean r: reps) { toAddrs.add(r.getEmail()); } email.setFrom(""); email.setToList(toAddrs); // patient and personal representative email.setSubject(String.format("Your medical records have been altered")); email.setBody("Health care professional "+ HCPUAP.getFullName() +" has altered your medical records. " + "She is not on your list of designated health care professionals."); return email; } }