diff --git a/iTrust/WebRoot/auth/admin/viewTransactionLogs.jsp b/iTrust/WebRoot/auth/admin/viewTransactionLogs.jsp
index ae162899ad98776a78c4724c369e2ad3ff115193..1f82e2308ceb9c83568ce57bc4ad0d93b5844eeb 100644
--- a/iTrust/WebRoot/auth/admin/viewTransactionLogs.jsp
+++ b/iTrust/WebRoot/auth/admin/viewTransactionLogs.jsp
@@ -103,100 +103,104 @@ String view = request.getParameter("viewSelect");
 		<td colspan="1" style="text-align: center;"><input type="submit" id="viewReport" value="View Report" onclick="viewSelect='showList'"></td>
 		<td colspan="1" style="text-align: center;"><input type="submit" id="viewGraph" value="Summarize"></td>
 		<td> </td>
-		<td colspan="1" style="text-align: center;"><input type="submit" id="viewReset" onclick="window.location.reload();" value="Reset"></td>
+		<td colspan="1" style="text-align: center;"><button><a href="viewTransactionLogs.jsp?reset=true" style="text-decoration:none; padding: 0.4em;color:black;">Reset</a></button></td>
 <br />
-<% if (view != null) { %>
+String resetCheck = null;
+if(request.getParameter("reset")!= null){
+	resetCheck = request.getParameter("reset");
-<table border=1 align="center">
-	<%
+if (view != null && resetCheck != "true") { %>
+	<table border=1 align="center">	
+		<%
+		List<TransactionWithRoleBean> list = DAOFactory.getProductionInstance().getTransactionDAO().getAllTransactionsWithRoles();
+		SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
+		Date convertedSimpleDate = null;
+		Date startSimpleDate = null;
+		Date endSimpleDate = null;
-	List<TransactionWithRoleBean> list = DAOFactory.getProductionInstance().getTransactionDAO().getAllTransactionsWithRoles();
-	SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
-	Date convertedSimpleDate = null;
-	Date startSimpleDate = null;
-	Date endSimpleDate = null;
-	if(startDate != ""){
-		startSimpleDate = sdf.parse(startDate);
-	}
-	else{
-		startSimpleDate = sdf.parse("01/01/2000");
-	}
-	if(endDate != ""){
-		endSimpleDate = sdf.parse(endDate);
-	}
-	else{
-		endSimpleDate = sdf.parse(formatted);
-	}
+		if(startDate != ""){
+			startSimpleDate = sdf.parse(startDate);
+		}
+		else{
+			startSimpleDate = sdf.parse("01/01/2000");
+		}
+		if(endDate != ""){
+			endSimpleDate = sdf.parse(endDate);
+		}
+		else{
+			endSimpleDate = sdf.parse(formatted);
+		}
-	boolean dateFormatError = false;
-	String regex = "^(1[0-2]|0[1-9])/(3[01]|[12][0-9]|0[1-9])/[0-9]{4}$";
-    boolean result = (startDate.matches(regex)||startDate.equals("")) && (endDate.matches(regex)||endDate.equals(""));
-	if(!result) {
-		dateFormatError = true;
-		%>
-		<span class="iTrustError">ERROR: Date must by in the format: MM/dd/yyyy</span>
-		<%
-	} 
-	else if(endSimpleDate.before(startSimpleDate)){
-		dateFormatError = true;
-		%>
-		<span class="iTrustError">ERROR: End Date cannot be before Start Date</span>
-		<%
-	}
+		boolean dateFormatError = false;
+		String regex = "^(1[0-2]|0[1-9])/(3[01]|[12][0-9]|0[1-9])/[0-9]{4}$";
+		boolean result = (startDate.matches(regex)||startDate.equals("")) && (endDate.matches(regex)||endDate.equals(""));
+		if(!result) {
+			dateFormatError = true;
+			%>
+			<span class="iTrustError">ERROR: Date must by in the format: MM/dd/yyyy</span>
+			<%
+		} 
+		else if(endSimpleDate.before(startSimpleDate)){
+			dateFormatError = true;
+			%>
+			<span class="iTrustError">ERROR: End Date cannot be before Start Date</span>
+			<%
+		}
-	int countEntries = 0;
-	if(!dateFormatError){
-		%>
-			<tr>
-				<th>Main Role</th>
-				<th>Secondary Role</th>
-				<th>Type</th>
-				<th>Extra Info</th>
-				<th>Time Logged</th>
-			</tr>
-		<%
-		for (TransactionWithRoleBean t : list) {
-			convertedSimpleDate = sdf.parse(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getConvertedDate())));
+		int countEntries = 0;
+		if(!dateFormatError){
+			%>
+				<tr>
+					<th>Main Role</th>
+					<th>Secondary Role</th>
+					<th>Type</th>
+					<th>Extra Info</th>
+					<th>Time Logged</th>
+				</tr>
+			<%
+			for (TransactionWithRoleBean t : list) {
+				convertedSimpleDate = sdf.parse(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getConvertedDate())));
-			if(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getMainRole())).equals(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(mainRole))
-											|| StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(mainRole).equals("All")){
-				if(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getSecondaryRole())).equals(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(secondRole))
-												|| StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(secondRole).equals("All")){
-					if(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getTransactionType().name())).equals(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml	(transactionType)) || StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(transactionType).equals("All")){
-						if((convertedSimpleDate.before(endSimpleDate) || convertedSimpleDate.equals(endSimpleDate)) && (convertedSimpleDate.after(startSimpleDate) || convertedSimpleDate.equals(startSimpleDate))){
-							countEntries++;
-							%>
-							<tr id="resultRow">
-								<td id="mainTD"><%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getMainRole())) %></td>
-								<td id="secondTD"><%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getSecondaryRole())) %></td>
-								<td id="typeTD"><%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getTransactionType().name())) %></td>
-								<td id="infoTD"><%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getAddedInfo())) %></td>
-								<td id="timeTD"><%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getTimeLogged())) %></td>
-							</tr>
-							<%
+				if(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getMainRole())).equals(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(mainRole))
+												|| StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(mainRole).equals("All")){
+					if(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getSecondaryRole())).equals(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(secondRole))
+													|| StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(secondRole).equals("All")){
+						if(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getTransactionType().name())).equals(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml	(transactionType)) || StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(transactionType).equals("All")){
+							if((convertedSimpleDate.before(endSimpleDate) || convertedSimpleDate.equals(endSimpleDate)) && (convertedSimpleDate.after(startSimpleDate) || convertedSimpleDate.equals(startSimpleDate))){
+								countEntries++;
+								%>
+								<tr id="resultRow">
+									<td id="mainTD"><%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getMainRole())) %></td>
+									<td id="secondTD"><%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getSecondaryRole())) %></td>
+									<td id="typeTD"><%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getTransactionType().name())) %></td>
+									<td id="infoTD"><%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getAddedInfo())) %></td>
+									<td id="timeTD"><%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml("" + (t.getTimeLogged())) %></td>
+								</tr>
+								<%
+							}
-		}
-		if(countEntries == 0){
-		%>
-			<tr id="resultRow">
-				<td style="color:red;" id="noResults" colspan="5">There are no results for the criteria specified</td>
-			</tr>
-		<%
+			if(countEntries == 0){
+			%>
+				<tr id="resultRow">
+					<td style="color:red;" id="noResults" colspan="5">There are no results for the criteria specified</td>
+				</tr>
+			<%
+			}
-	}
-	%>
+		%>
+	</table>
 <% } %>
 <br />