diff --git a/iTrust/src/edu/ncsu/csc/itrust/action/ViewPreRegisteredPatientListAction.java b/iTrust/src/edu/ncsu/csc/itrust/action/ViewPreRegisteredPatientListAction.java
index aa8ee608bb663ad7ec21b1cd105470ef34144c6f..13bdd58b95468b2c7fda72827f78e8125f15f271 100644
--- a/iTrust/src/edu/ncsu/csc/itrust/action/ViewPreRegisteredPatientListAction.java
+++ b/iTrust/src/edu/ncsu/csc/itrust/action/ViewPreRegisteredPatientListAction.java
@@ -23,10 +23,6 @@ import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.exception.ITrustException;
 public class ViewPreRegisteredPatientListAction {
 	private long loggedInMID;
 	private PatientDAO patientDAO;
-	private PersonnelDAO personnelDAO;
-//  private OfficeVisitDAO officevisitDAO;
-//	private ArrayList<PatientVisitBean> visits;
 	private ArrayList<PatientBean> PreRegisteredPatients;
@@ -34,16 +30,10 @@ public class ViewPreRegisteredPatientListAction {
 	 * @param factory The DAOFactory used to create the DAOs used in this action.
 	 * @param loggedInMID The MID of the person viewing the office visits.
-	public ViewPreRegisteredPatientListAction(DAOFactory factory, long loggedInMID) {   /////////  ???????   long loggedInMID   NEEDED
-		this.loggedInMID = loggedInMID;
-		this.personnelDAO = factory.getPersonnelDAO();    /////////  ???????   .getPersonnelDAO();    NEEDED   ???
-		//officevisitDAO = factory.getOfficeVisitDAO();
-		this.patientDAO = factory.getPatientDAO();               //////////////////////////////
-//		visits = new ArrayList<PatientVisitBean>();
+	public ViewPreRegisteredPatientListAction(DAOFactory factory, long loggedInMID) {
+		this.patientDAO = factory.getPatientDAO();
 		PreRegisteredPatients = new ArrayList<PatientBean>();
@@ -53,37 +43,13 @@ public class ViewPreRegisteredPatientListAction {
 	 * @throws ITrustException
-//	private void processOfficeVisits() throws ITrustException {
 	private void getPreRegisteredFromPatientsTable() throws ITrustException {
 		try {
-//			List<PatientBean> plist = patientDAO.getAllPatients();         //////////////////   change  from getAllPatients()  to  getPREREgistered (),  DAO handles SQL
-			List<PatientBean> plist = patientDAO.getAllPreRegisteredPatients();         //////////////////   change  from getAllPatients()  to  getPREREgistered (),  DAO handles SQL
+			List<PatientBean> plist = patientDAO.getAllPreRegisteredPatients();
 			for(PatientBean pb : plist) {
-				// Create a new visit bean
-//				PatientVisitBean visitBean = new PatientVisitBean();
-		//		PatientBean PreRegisteredBean = new PatientBean();
-				// Add patient's information to the PreRegisteredPatientBean
-//				PreRegisteredBean.setPatient(pb);   //////////////   ????????????????????
-//				PreRegisteredBean.setPatientName(pb.getFullName());   ///////////   .setPatientName ()   only  in  PatientVisitBean.java
-		//		PreRegisteredBean.setFirstName(pb.getFullName());
-//				PreRegisteredBean.setAddress1(pb.getStreetAddress1() +" " + pb.getStreetAddress2());   ///////   WILL   CHANGE  LATER
-//				PreRegisteredBean.setAddress2(pb.getCity() + " " +pb.getState() +" " +pb.getZip());
-		//		PreRegisteredBean.setStreetAddress1(pb.getStreetAddress1() +" " + pb.getStreetAddress2());   ///////   WILL   CHANGE  LATER
-				// Get this patients office visit history
-//				List<OfficeVisitBean> ovlist = officevisitDAO.getAllOfficeVisits(pb.getMID());
-				// If they've had an office visit previously, get the date of the latest visit
@@ -102,7 +68,6 @@ public class ViewPreRegisteredPatientListAction {
 	public List<PatientBean> getPreRegisteredPatients() throws DBException {
 		try {
-//			processOfficeVisits();
@@ -110,15 +75,6 @@ public class ViewPreRegisteredPatientListAction {
-//		return visits;
 		return PreRegisteredPatients;
-	/**
-	 * Returns a PersonnelBean for the logged in HCP
-	 * @return PersonnelBean for the logged in HCP
-	 * @throws ITrustException
-	 */
-//	public PersonnelBean getPersonnel() throws ITrustException {
-//		return personnelDAO.getPersonnel(loggedInMID);
-//	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/iTrust/src/edu/ncsu/csc/itrust/dao/mysql/PatientDAO.java b/iTrust/src/edu/ncsu/csc/itrust/dao/mysql/PatientDAO.java
index 8fa49352d50400f863e5523b6d98791b7417837c..7314e60f777846db30353b727eaa33869e577039 100644
--- a/iTrust/src/edu/ncsu/csc/itrust/dao/mysql/PatientDAO.java
+++ b/iTrust/src/edu/ncsu/csc/itrust/dao/mysql/PatientDAO.java
@@ -99,19 +99,17 @@ public class PatientDAO {
 	 * Returns the role of a particular patient - why is this in PatientDAO? It should be in AuthDAO
 	 * @param mid The MID of the patient in question.
-	 * @param role A String representing the role of the patient.
 	 * @return A String representing the patient's role.
 	 * @throws ITrustException
 	 * @throws DBException
-	public String getRole(long mid, String role) throws ITrustException, DBException {
+	public String getRole(long mid) throws ITrustException, DBException {
 		Connection conn = null;
 		PreparedStatement ps = null;
 		try {
 			conn = factory.getConnection();
-			ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT role FROM users WHERE MID=? AND Role=?");
+			ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT role FROM users WHERE MID=?");
 			ps.setLong(1, mid);
-			ps.setString(2, "patient");     // role);               /////////////////////////     ??????????????  
 			ResultSet rs;
 			rs = ps.executeQuery();
 			if (rs.next()) {
@@ -227,7 +225,6 @@ public class PatientDAO {
-	/*added for UC91 */
     public boolean isEmailInUse(String email) throws DBException {
         Connection conn = null;
 		PreparedStatement ps = null;