# R on Spark SparkR is an R package that provides a light-weight frontend to use Spark from R. ### Installing sparkR Libraries of sparkR need to be created in `$SPARK_HOME/R/lib`. This can be done by running the script `$SPARK_HOME/R/install-dev.sh`. By default the above script uses the system wide installation of R. However, this can be changed to any user installed location of R by setting the environment variable `R_HOME` the full path of the base directory where R is installed, before running install-dev.sh script. Example: ```bash # where /home/username/R is where R is installed and /home/username/R/bin contains the files R and RScript export R_HOME=/home/username/R ./install-dev.sh ``` ### SparkR development #### Build Spark Build Spark with [Maven](http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/building-spark.html#building-with-buildmvn) and include the `-Psparkr` profile to build the R package. For example to use the default Hadoop versions you can run ```bash build/mvn -DskipTests -Psparkr package ``` #### Running sparkR You can start using SparkR by launching the SparkR shell with ./bin/sparkR The `sparkR` script automatically creates a SparkContext with Spark by default in local mode. To specify the Spark master of a cluster for the automatically created SparkContext, you can run ./bin/sparkR --master "local[2]" To set other options like driver memory, executor memory etc. you can pass in the [spark-submit](http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/submitting-applications.html) arguments to `./bin/sparkR` #### Using SparkR from RStudio If you wish to use SparkR from RStudio or other R frontends you will need to set some environment variables which point SparkR to your Spark installation. For example ```R # Set this to where Spark is installed Sys.setenv(SPARK_HOME="/Users/username/spark") # This line loads SparkR from the installed directory .libPaths(c(file.path(Sys.getenv("SPARK_HOME"), "R", "lib"), .libPaths())) library(SparkR) sparkR.session() ``` #### Making changes to SparkR The [instructions](http://spark.apache.org/contributing.html) for making contributions to Spark also apply to SparkR. If you only make R file changes (i.e. no Scala changes) then you can just re-install the R package using `R/install-dev.sh` and test your changes. Once you have made your changes, please include unit tests for them and run existing unit tests using the `R/run-tests.sh` script as described below. #### Generating documentation The SparkR documentation (Rd files and HTML files) are not a part of the source repository. To generate them you can run the script `R/create-docs.sh`. This script uses `devtools` and `knitr` to generate the docs and these packages need to be installed on the machine before using the script. Also, you may need to install these [prerequisites](https://github.com/apache/spark/tree/master/docs#prerequisites). See also, `R/DOCUMENTATION.md` ### Examples, Unit tests SparkR comes with several sample programs in the `examples/src/main/r` directory. To run one of them, use `./bin/spark-submit <filename> <args>`. For example: ```bash ./bin/spark-submit examples/src/main/r/dataframe.R ``` You can run R unit tests by following the instructions under [Running R Tests](http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/building-spark.html#running-r-tests). ### Running on YARN The `./bin/spark-submit` can also be used to submit jobs to YARN clusters. You will need to set YARN conf dir before doing so. For example on CDH you can run ```bash export YARN_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf ./bin/spark-submit --master yarn examples/src/main/r/dataframe.R ```