From c59029402d0348a5721cc128c20b79683a75f4ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raymond Liu <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 14:04:56 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] move duplicate pom config into parent pom

 yarn/alpha/pom.xml  | 82 +------------------------------------
 yarn/pom.xml        | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 yarn/stable/pom.xml | 82 +------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 179 deletions(-)

diff --git a/yarn/alpha/pom.xml b/yarn/alpha/pom.xml
index 94812f8c45..8291e9e7a3 100644
--- a/yarn/alpha/pom.xml
+++ b/yarn/alpha/pom.xml
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-    <artifactId>spark-yarn-aggregator_2.10</artifactId>
+    <artifactId>yarn-parent_2.10</artifactId>
@@ -28,85 +28,5 @@
   <name>Spark Project YARN Alpha API</name>
-  <url></url>
-  <build>
-    <plugins>
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
-        <artifactId>build-helper-maven-plugin</artifactId>
-        <executions>
-          <execution>
-           <id>add-scala-sources</id>
-            <phase>generate-sources</phase>
-            <goals>
-              <goal>add-source</goal>
-            </goals>
-            <configuration>
-              <sources>
-                <source>src/main/scala</source>
-                <source>../common/src/main/scala</source>
-              </sources>
-            </configuration>
-          </execution>
-          <execution>
-            <id>add-scala-test-sources</id>
-            <phase>generate-test-sources</phase>
-            <goals>
-              <goal>add-test-source</goal>
-            </goals>
-            <configuration>
-              <sources>
-                <source>src/test/scala</source>
-                <source>../common/src/test/scala</source>
-              </sources>
-            </configuration>
-          </execution>
-        </executions>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-        <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
-        <executions>
-          <execution>
-            <phase>test</phase>
-            <goals>
-              <goal>run</goal>
-            </goals>
-            <configuration>
-              <exportAntProperties>true</exportAntProperties>
-              <tasks>
-                <property name="spark.classpath" refid="maven.test.classpath" />
-                <property environment="env" />
-                <fail message="Please set the SCALA_HOME (or SCALA_LIBRARY_PATH if scala is on the path) environment variables and retry.">  
-                  <condition>
-                    <not>
-                      <or>
-                        <isset property="env.SCALA_HOME" />
-                        <isset property="env.SCALA_LIBRARY_PATH" />
-                      </or>
-                    </not>
-                  </condition>
-                </fail>
-              </tasks>
-            </configuration>
-          </execution>
-        </executions>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.scalatest</groupId>
-        <artifactId>scalatest-maven-plugin</artifactId>
-        <configuration>
-          <environmentVariables>
-            <SPARK_HOME>${basedir}/../..</SPARK_HOME>
-            <SPARK_CLASSPATH>${spark.classpath}</SPARK_CLASSPATH>
-          </environmentVariables>
-        </configuration>
-      </plugin>
-    </plugins>
-    <outputDirectory>target/scala-${scala.binary.version}/classes</outputDirectory>
-    <testOutputDirectory>target/scala-${scala.binary.version}/test-classes</testOutputDirectory>
-  </build>
diff --git a/yarn/pom.xml b/yarn/pom.xml
index 7c145ef362..aea8b0cdde 100644
--- a/yarn/pom.xml
+++ b/yarn/pom.xml
@@ -25,25 +25,10 @@
-  <artifactId>spark-yarn-aggregator_2.10</artifactId>
+  <artifactId>yarn-parent_2.10</artifactId>
-  <name>Spark Project YARN Aggregator</name>
-  <url></url>
+  <name>Spark Project YARN Parent POM</name>
-  <repositories>
-    <repository>
-      <id>maven-root</id>
-      <name>Maven root repository</name>
-      <url></url>
-      <releases>
-        <enabled>true</enabled>
-      </releases>
-      <snapshots>
-        <enabled>false</enabled>
-      </snapshots>
-    </repository>
-  </repositories>
@@ -103,4 +88,84 @@
+  <build>
+    <plugins>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
+        <artifactId>build-helper-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+        <executions>
+          <execution>
+           <id>add-scala-sources</id>
+            <phase>generate-sources</phase>
+            <goals>
+              <goal>add-source</goal>
+            </goals>
+            <configuration>
+              <sources>
+                <source>src/main/scala</source>
+                <source>../common/src/main/scala</source>
+              </sources>
+            </configuration>
+          </execution>
+          <execution>
+            <id>add-scala-test-sources</id>
+            <phase>generate-test-sources</phase>
+            <goals>
+              <goal>add-test-source</goal>
+            </goals>
+            <configuration>
+              <sources>
+                <source>src/test/scala</source>
+                <source>../common/src/test/scala</source>
+              </sources>
+            </configuration>
+          </execution>
+        </executions>
+      </plugin>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+        <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
+        <executions>
+          <execution>
+            <phase>test</phase>
+            <goals>
+              <goal>run</goal>
+            </goals>
+            <configuration>
+              <exportAntProperties>true</exportAntProperties>
+              <tasks>
+                <property name="spark.classpath" refid="maven.test.classpath" />
+                <property environment="env" />
+                <fail message="Please set the SCALA_HOME (or SCALA_LIBRARY_PATH if scala is on the path) environment variables and retry.">  
+                  <condition>
+                    <not>
+                      <or>
+                        <isset property="env.SCALA_HOME" />
+                        <isset property="env.SCALA_LIBRARY_PATH" />
+                      </or>
+                    </not>
+                  </condition>
+                </fail>
+              </tasks>
+            </configuration>
+          </execution>
+        </executions>
+      </plugin>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.scalatest</groupId>
+        <artifactId>scalatest-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+        <configuration>
+          <environmentVariables>
+            <SPARK_HOME>${basedir}/../..</SPARK_HOME>
+            <SPARK_CLASSPATH>${spark.classpath}</SPARK_CLASSPATH>
+          </environmentVariables>
+        </configuration>
+      </plugin>
+    </plugins>
+    <outputDirectory>target/scala-${scala.binary.version}/classes</outputDirectory>
+    <testOutputDirectory>target/scala-${scala.binary.version}/test-classes</testOutputDirectory>
+  </build>
diff --git a/yarn/stable/pom.xml b/yarn/stable/pom.xml
index 45a14313f6..62fe3e2742 100644
--- a/yarn/stable/pom.xml
+++ b/yarn/stable/pom.xml
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-    <artifactId>spark-yarn-aggregator_2.10</artifactId>
+    <artifactId>yarn-parent_2.10</artifactId>
@@ -28,85 +28,5 @@
   <name>Spark Project YARN Stable API</name>
-  <url></url>
-  <build>
-    <plugins>
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
-        <artifactId>build-helper-maven-plugin</artifactId>
-        <executions>
-          <execution>
-           <id>add-scala-sources</id>
-            <phase>generate-sources</phase>
-            <goals>
-              <goal>add-source</goal>
-            </goals>
-            <configuration>
-              <sources>
-                <source>src/main/scala</source>
-                <source>../common/src/main/scala</source>
-              </sources>
-            </configuration>
-          </execution>
-          <execution>
-            <id>add-scala-test-sources</id>
-            <phase>generate-test-sources</phase>
-            <goals>
-              <goal>add-test-source</goal>
-            </goals>
-            <configuration>
-              <sources>
-                <source>src/test/scala</source>
-                <source>../common/src/test/scala</source>
-              </sources>
-            </configuration>
-          </execution>
-        </executions>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-        <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
-        <executions>
-          <execution>
-            <phase>test</phase>
-            <goals>
-              <goal>run</goal>
-            </goals>
-            <configuration>
-              <exportAntProperties>true</exportAntProperties>
-              <tasks>
-                <property name="spark.classpath" refid="maven.test.classpath" />
-                <property environment="env" />
-                <fail message="Please set the SCALA_HOME (or SCALA_LIBRARY_PATH if scala is on the path) environment variables and retry.">  
-                  <condition>
-                    <not>
-                      <or>
-                        <isset property="env.SCALA_HOME" />
-                        <isset property="env.SCALA_LIBRARY_PATH" />
-                      </or>
-                    </not>
-                  </condition>
-                </fail>
-              </tasks>
-            </configuration>
-          </execution>
-        </executions>
-      </plugin>
-      <plugin>
-        <groupId>org.scalatest</groupId>
-        <artifactId>scalatest-maven-plugin</artifactId>
-        <configuration>
-          <environmentVariables>
-            <SPARK_HOME>${basedir}/../..</SPARK_HOME>
-            <SPARK_CLASSPATH>${spark.classpath}</SPARK_CLASSPATH>
-          </environmentVariables>
-        </configuration>
-      </plugin>
-    </plugins>
-    <outputDirectory>target/scala-${scala.binary.version}/classes</outputDirectory>
-    <testOutputDirectory>target/scala-${scala.binary.version}/test-classes</testOutputDirectory>
-  </build>