// proxy.h // NOTE: This is a generic file. Actual unit tests are located in // unit_tests.cpp. // By Jack Toole for CS 225 spring 2011 #ifndef MONAD_PROXY_H #define MONAD_PROXY_H #include <math.h> #include <iostream> #include <functional> #include <limits> #include <map> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <utility> #include "pipestream.h" #include "monad_shared.h" #define NO_MP_PART -1 #include "_mp_part_number.h" #define MP_PART(x) (MP_PART_NUMBER == (x) || MP_PART_NUMBER == NO_MP_PART) namespace proxy { using namespace std; using namespace monad_shared; class RunTests; typedef bool (*output_check)(const std::string &, const std::string &); extern std::vector<unit_test> * global_tests; typedef std::map<std::string, output_check, util::ci_less> output_check_map; extern output_check_map * global_output_checks; class add_unit_test { public: add_unit_test(const char * name, unit_test::function func, int32_t points_in_part, int32_t points_in_total, long timeout, bool is_valgrind); private: void lazy_init_global_tests(); int32_t get_points(int32_t points_in_total, int32_t points_in_part); }; class add_output_check { public: add_output_check(const char * name, output_check func); }; enum mode_t { SINGLE_TEST, MP_PART_TESTS, ALL_TESTS }; struct RunTimeEnvironment { public: //!!const int itimer_number0; //!!const int itimer_number1; const int timeout_signum0; const int timeout_signum1; const size_t max_output_length; const char * single_test_passed_string; std::vector<unit_test> * heap_tests; output_check_map * output_checks; int32_t cleanup_globals(); RunTimeEnvironment(std::vector<unit_test> *& init_tests, output_check_map *& init_output_checks); bool is_timeout_signal(int8_t signal_number) { return signal_number == timeout_signum0 || signal_number == timeout_signum1; } private: RunTimeEnvironment(const RunTimeEnvironment & other); RunTimeEnvironment & operator=(RunTimeEnvironment & other); }; class RunTests { private: RunTimeEnvironment & environment; mode_t mode; const char * test_arg; int8_t mp_part; public: RunTests(int argc, char ** argv, RunTimeEnvironment & env); int execute(); private: void redirect_glibc_to_stderr(); void process_args(int argc, char ** argv); protected: int32_t execute_by_mode(); int32_t run_single_test(const char * testname); int32_t run_single_test(unit_test & curr_test); void handle_single_test_output(const std::string & output); void output_single_test_passfail(const unit_test & curr_test); int32_t run_all_tests(); int32_t get_sum_points(); int32_t get_max_testname_length(); int32_t get_max_points_length(); void output_detailed_info_if_any_failed(int32_t score); void output_detailed_tests_info(int32_t score); bool execute_test(unit_test & test, bool enable_valgrind_call); private: RunTests(const RunTests & other); RunTests & operator=(const RunTests & other); }; template <typename F> bool fork_execute(F & executor); class test_execution { private: util::pipestream fmsg_pipe; // For error messages util::pipestream cout_pipe; // For stdout/stderr util::pipestream nums_pipe; // for numbers: time, valgrind unit_test & test; RunTimeEnvironment & environment; bool do_valgrind; public: test_execution(unit_test & _test, RunTimeEnvironment & env, bool enable_valgrind_call); void before(); void parent(); void child(); void after_success(int8_t return_code); void after_failure(int8_t signal_number); private: void child_test(); void child_valgrind(); void after_test_success(); void after_valgrind_success(int8_t return_code); void start_timeout(); long end_timeout(); static bool prof_timeout_enabled(); private: test_execution(const test_execution & other); test_execution & operator=(const test_execution & other); }; const char * get_valgrind_string(int32_t flags); int32_t get_valgrind_flags(bool test_failed); int32_t bitflags(unsigned long a, unsigned long b = 0, unsigned long c = 0, unsigned long d = 0, unsigned long e = 0); bool bitflag(int32_t flags, int32_t num); } // namespace proxy using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; #define UNIT_TEST(func,pointsInPart,pointsInTotal,timeout) \ monad_shared::unit_test::return_type \ func(monad_shared::unit_test & this_test); \ proxy::add_unit_test \ func##_adder(#func, func, pointsInPart, \ pointsInTotal, timeout, false); \ monad_shared::unit_test::return_type \ func(monad_shared::unit_test & this_test) #define VALGRIND_TEST(func,pointsInPart,pointsInTotal,timeout) \ monad_shared::unit_test::return_type \ func(monad_shared::unit_test & this_test); \ proxy::add_unit_test \ func##_adder(#func, func, pointsInPart, \ pointsInTotal, timeout, true); \ monad_shared::unit_test::return_type \ func(monad_shared::unit_test & this_test) #define HELPER_TEST(func, ...) \ monad_shared::unit_test::return_type \ func(monad_shared::unit_test & this_test, __VA_ARGS__) #define CALL_HELPER(func, ...) \ do { \ monad_shared::unit_test::return_type helperval = \ func(this_test, __VA_ARGS__); \ if (helperval != monad_shared::unit_test::pass_string) \ FAIL(helperval); \ } while (0) #define OUTPUT_CHECK(func) \ bool output_check_##func(const std::string & output, const std::string & expected); \ proxy::add_output_check \ output_check_##func##_adder(#func, output_check_##func); \ bool output_check_##func(const std::string & output, const std::string & expected) #define STRINGIFY1(p) #p #define STR(p) STRINGIFY1(p) #define FAIL(error) return std::string(__FILE__ ":" STR(__LINE__) ": ") + (error) #define PASS return monad_shared::unit_test::pass_string; #define ASSERT(expr) if (!(expr)) \ FAIL("Assertion (" #expr ") failed") namespace proxy { template <typename T> inline std::string assert_equals_help(const T & expected, const T & actual, const char * expstr, const char * actstr) { std::stringstream ss; if (actual != expected) { ss << "[" << actstr << " => " << actual << "] != [" << expstr << " => " << expected << "]"; return ss.str(); } return monad_shared::unit_test::pass_string; } } #define ASSERT_EQUALS(expected, actual) \ do { \ string errormsg = proxy::assert_equals_help(expected, actual, #expected, #actual); \ if (errormsg != monad_shared::unit_test::pass_string) \ FAIL(errormsg); \ } while (0) #define ASSERT_OUTPUT(checkFunc, str) \ *this_test.checkstream << #checkFunc << str; enum proxy_runtime_t { CONSTANT_TIME = 0, LOGN_TIME, N_TIME, NLOGN_TIME, // NROOTN_TIME, N2_TIME, N3_TIME, INFINITE_TIME, TIME_COUNT }; namespace proxy { typedef double (*runtime_ratio_func)(size_t, size_t); extern runtime_ratio_func runtime_ratio[TIME_COUNT]; extern const char * runtime_str[TIME_COUNT]; struct TimeIterationsData { double timePerCall; size_t iterations; uint64_t totalTime; }; template <typename Generator, typename Timer, typename Cleaner> TimeIterationsData timeIterationsImpl(Generator gen, Timer timeFunctor, Cleaner cleanupFunc, size_t input_size); template <typename Generator, typename Timer, typename Cleaner> TimeIterationsData timeIterations (Generator gen, Timer timeFunctor, Cleaner cleanupFunc, size_t input_size); template <typename GenResult, typename GenArg, typename Timer, typename Cleaner> TimeIterationsData timeIterations (GenResult (*gen)(GenArg), Timer timeFunctor, Cleaner cleanupFunc, size_t input_size); template <typename Generator, typename Timer, typename Cleaner> bool assert_time_impl(Generator gen, Timer functor, Cleaner cleanupFunc, proxy_runtime_t expectedTime, size_t size1 = 100, size_t size2 = 400); struct nop { template <typename T> void operator()(const T & t) { } }; } #define ASSERT_TIME3(gen, functor, expectedTime) \ do { \ if (proxy::assert_time_impl(gen, functor, proxy::nop(), expectedTime)) \ FAIL(string("Runtime was larger than ") + proxy::runtime_str[expectedTime]); \ } while(0) #define ASSERT_TIME4(gen, functor, cleanupFunc, expectedTime) \ do { \ if (proxy::assert_time_impl(gen, functor, cleanupFunc, expectedTime)) \ FAIL(string("Runtime was larger than ") + proxy::runtime_str[expectedTime]); \ } while(0) #define ASSERT_TIME5(gen, functor, expectedTime, size1, size2) \ do { \ if (proxy::assert_time_impl(gen, functor, proxy::nop(), expectedTime, size1, size2)) \ FAIL(string("Runtime was larger than ") + proxy::runtime_str[expectedTime]); \ } while(0) #define ASSERT_TIME6(gen, functor, cleanupFunc, expectedTime, size1, size2) \ do { \ if (proxy::assert_time_impl(gen, functor, cleanupFunc, expectedTime, size1, size2)) \ FAIL(string("Runtime was larger than ") + proxy::runtime_str[expectedTime]); \ } while(0) // Crazy hack for overloading! // Arg counting from: // http://cplusplus.co.il/2010/07/17/variadic-macro-to-count-number-of-arguments/ // Overloading tips: // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3046889/optional-parameters-with-c-macros #define ASSERT_TIME_SEVENTH_ARG(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, ...) g #define ASSERT_TIME(...) \ ASSERT_TIME_SEVENTH_ARG(__VA_ARGS__, ASSERT_TIME6, ASSERT_TIME5, ASSERT_TIME4, ASSERT_TIME3, 0, 0) (__VA_ARGS__) namespace proxy { template <typename Generator, typename Timer, typename Cleaner> TimeIterationsData timeIterations(Generator gen, Timer timeFunctor, Cleaner cleanupFunc, size_t input_size) { return timeIterationsImpl( bind1st(mem_fun(&Generator::operator()), &gen), timeFunctor, cleanupFunc, input_size); } template <typename GenResult, typename GenArg, typename Timer, typename Cleaner> TimeIterationsData timeIterations(GenResult (*gen)(GenArg), Timer timeFunctor, Cleaner cleanupFunc, size_t input_size) { return timeIterationsImpl(ptr_fun(gen), timeFunctor, cleanupFunc, input_size); } template <typename Generator, typename Timer, typename Cleaner> TimeIterationsData timeIterationsImpl(Generator gen, Timer timeFunctor, Cleaner cleanupFunc, size_t input_size) { const uint64_t min_time = 1000000; // in microseconds const size_t max_gen_iterations = 1000000; std::vector<typename Generator::result_type *> inputs; inputs.reserve(2000); // arbitrary, guess at how big it will be // Using pointers here allows us to avoid copying if the compiler supports copy elision // Since we're intentionally using large inputs, this could potentially have a significant effect on speed // We're also going to do something else weird here. Instead of generating a fixed number of inputs, we're // going to generate inputs for a fixed time. size_t max_iterations = 0; for (uint64_t genstart = util::process_clock(); max_iterations < max_gen_iterations && util::process_clock() - genstart < min_time; max_iterations++) inputs.push_back(new typename Generator::result_type(gen(input_size))); typename Generator::result_type warmup_temp = gen(1); timeFunctor(warmup_temp); // Warm up time functor (i.e. initialize statics) size_t succeeded_iterations; uint64_t starttime = util::process_clock(); for (succeeded_iterations = 0; succeeded_iterations < max_iterations && util::process_clock() - starttime < min_time;) for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 10 && succeeded_iterations < max_iterations; i++, succeeded_iterations++) timeFunctor(*inputs[succeeded_iterations]); uint64_t endtime = util::process_clock(); for (size_t i = 0; i < max_iterations; i++) { cleanupFunc(*inputs[i]); delete inputs[i]; } cleanupFunc(warmup_temp); TimeIterationsData result; result.timePerCall = static_cast<double>(endtime - starttime) / succeeded_iterations; result.iterations = succeeded_iterations; result.totalTime = endtime - starttime; return result; } inline void timeIterationsOutput(size_t size, const TimeIterationsData & data) { std::cout << "Input size " << size << ": " << data.iterations << " iterations in " << data.totalTime/1000 << " ms " << "for an average of " << data.timePerCall << " us per call" << endl; } template <typename Generator, typename Timer, typename Cleaner> bool assert_time_impl(Generator gen, Timer functor, Cleaner cleanupMem, proxy_runtime_t expectedTime, size_t size1, size_t size2) { TimeIterationsData diff0 = timeIterations(gen, functor, cleanupMem, 1); TimeIterationsData diff1 = timeIterations(gen, functor, cleanupMem, size1); TimeIterationsData diff2 = timeIterations(gen, functor, cleanupMem, size2); timeIterationsOutput( 1, diff0); timeIterationsOutput(size1, diff1); timeIterationsOutput(size2, diff2); double ratio = (diff2.timePerCall - diff0.timePerCall) / (diff1.timePerCall - diff0.timePerCall); double expected_ratio = proxy::runtime_ratio[expectedTime](size1, size2); double toohigh_ratio = proxy::runtime_ratio[expectedTime + 1](size1, size2); double diffFromExpected = fabs(ratio - expected_ratio); double diffFromWrong = fabs(ratio - toohigh_ratio); std::cout << "Actual ratio: " << ratio << std::endl; std::cout << "Expected ratio: " << expected_ratio << std::endl; std::cout << "Wrong/high ratio: " << toohigh_ratio << std::endl; std::cout << "Diff from expected: " << diffFromExpected << std::endl; std::cout << "Diff from wrong: " << diffFromWrong << std::endl; #if 0 // This does not seem to be important. A sample of two iterations seems to work. const size_t min_iters = 100; if (diff0.iterations < min_iters || diff1.iterations < min_iters || diff2.iterations < min_iters) { std::cout << "Too few iterations: Code was too slow to be able to judge runtime accurately" << std::endl; return true; } #endif return (diffFromWrong < diffFromExpected); } inline int32_t bitflags(unsigned long a, unsigned long b, unsigned long c, unsigned long d, unsigned long e) { return ((int)(a != 0)) | (((int)(b != 0)) << 1) | (((int)(c != 0)) << 2) | (((int)(d != 0)) << 3) | (((int)(e != 0)) << 4) ; } inline bool bitflag(int32_t flags, int32_t num) { return (flags & (1 << num)) != 0; } } #endif