// proxy.cpp // NOTE: This is a generic file. Actual unit tests are located in // unit_tests.cpp. // By Jack Toole for CS 225 spring 2011 // For strsignal: #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include <signal.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <iomanip> #include "memcheck.h" #include "monad_shared.h" #include "pipestream.h" #include "proxy.h" #include "util.h" #include "valgrind.h" using std::string; using std::vector; using std::pair; using namespace util; using namespace monad_shared; namespace opts { bool verbose = false; bool redirect_test_output = true; } OUTPUT_CHECK(equals) { return output == expected; } OUTPUT_CHECK(contains) { return output.find(expected) != string::npos; } OUTPUT_CHECK(not_contains) { return output.find(expected) == string::npos; } namespace proxy { vector<unit_test> * global_tests = NULL; output_check_map * global_output_checks = NULL; double time_constant(size_t smaller, size_t larger) { return 1.0; } double time_logn (size_t smaller, size_t larger) { return log(larger) / log(smaller); } double time_linear (size_t smaller, size_t larger) { return (double)larger / smaller; } double time_nlogn (size_t smaller, size_t larger) { return (larger*log(larger)) / (smaller*log(smaller)); } double time_nsquared(size_t smaller, size_t larger) { return ((double)larger*larger) / ((double)smaller*smaller); } double time_cubed (size_t smaller, size_t larger) { return ((double)larger*larger*larger) / ((double)smaller*smaller*smaller); } double time_infinity(size_t smaller, size_t larger) { return std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); } runtime_ratio_func runtime_ratio[TIME_COUNT] = { time_constant, time_logn, time_linear, time_nlogn, time_nsquared, time_cubed, time_infinity }; const char * runtime_str[TIME_COUNT] = { "O(1)", "O(logn)", "O(n)", "O(nlogn)", // "O(nrootn)", "O(n^2)", "O(n^3)", "O(infinity)" }; } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { using namespace proxy; // set up EXIT_IF_ERROR messages output::set_error_message(); // Set up run-time environment RunTimeEnvironment env(global_tests, global_output_checks); // Set up the tests RunTests runner(argc, argv, env); // Execute return runner.execute(); } namespace proxy { // class add_unit_test add_unit_test::add_unit_test(const char * name, unit_test::function func, int32_t points_in_part, int32_t points_in_total, long timeout, bool is_valgrind) { lazy_init_global_tests(); int32_t points = get_points(points_in_total, points_in_part); // Add to global tests vector global_tests->push_back(unit_test(name, func, points, timeout, is_valgrind)); } // Check to make global tests vector void add_unit_test::lazy_init_global_tests() { if (global_tests == NULL) global_tests = new std::vector<unit_test>; } // Discriminate which points value to add int32_t add_unit_test::get_points(int32_t points_in_total, int32_t points_in_part) { #if MP_PART(NO_MP_PART) return points_in_total; #else return points_in_part; #endif } // class add_output_check add_output_check::add_output_check(const char * name, output_check func) { if (global_output_checks == NULL) global_output_checks = new output_check_map; (*global_output_checks)[name] = func; } // class Run_Time_Environment RunTimeEnvironment::RunTimeEnvironment(vector<unit_test> *& init_tests, output_check_map *& init_output_checks) : timeout_signum0(SIGPROF), timeout_signum1(SIGALRM), max_output_length(8*1024), //arbitrary single_test_passed_string("Result: passed"), heap_tests(init_tests), output_checks(init_output_checks) { // Copy globals to the RunTimeEnvironment space // And remove them from the global scope static int8_t singleton = 0; EXIT_IF_ERROR(singleton++ != 0, "There may only be one runtime environment"); EXIT_IF_ERROR(heap_tests == NULL, "No test cases found"); if (output_checks == NULL) output_checks = new output_check_map; init_tests = NULL; init_output_checks = NULL; } int RunTimeEnvironment::cleanup_globals() { if (heap_tests != NULL) delete heap_tests; if (output_checks != NULL) delete output_checks; heap_tests = NULL; output_checks = NULL; return 0; } // class RunTests RunTests::RunTests(int argc, char ** argv, RunTimeEnvironment & env) : environment(env) { process_args(argc, argv); // sets up mode and test_arg // redirect_glibc_to_stderr(); } void RunTests::redirect_glibc_to_stderr() { // Turn off glibc errors default write-to-terminal behaviour, because // it does not get caught by stderr. This instead results in an abort. // Unfortunately, this has still-reachable memory leaks under valgrind if (RUNNING_ON_VALGRIND == 0) setenv("LIBC_FATAL_STDERR_","1",1); //setenv("MALLOC_CHECK_","2",1); } int32_t RunTests::execute() { int32_t return_code = execute_by_mode(); environment.cleanup_globals(); return return_code; } int32_t RunTests::execute_by_mode() { if (mode == SINGLE_TEST) return run_single_test(test_arg); else // if (mode == ALL_TESTS) return run_all_tests(); } void RunTests::process_args(int argc, char ** argv) { if (argc > 2) { cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "[testname]" << endl; exit(0); } if (argc == 2 && strcasecmp(argv[1], "--info") == 0) { printInfo(); exit(0); } if (argc == 1 || strcmp(argv[1], "all") == 0) mode = ALL_TESTS; else { mode = SINGLE_TEST; test_arg = argv[1]; } } int32_t RunTests::run_single_test(const char * testname) { vector<unit_test> & tests = *environment.heap_tests; for (size_t test_i = 0; test_i < tests.size(); test_i++) if (strcmp(tests[test_i].name, testname) == 0) return run_single_test(tests[test_i]); cout << "Test not found" << endl; exit(-1); } int32_t RunTests::run_single_test(unit_test & curr_test) { cout << "Running " << curr_test.name << " [worth " << curr_test.points << " points, output below]" << endl; bool is_parent_process = execute_test(curr_test, false); if (!is_parent_process) return environment.cleanup_globals(); string & error = curr_test.errormsg; handle_single_test_output(curr_test.output); if (error == "") error = "Unexpectedly Aborted"; if (curr_test.passed()) cout << environment.single_test_passed_string << endl; else cout << "Result: FAILED:" << endl << error << endl; return curr_test.valgrind_flags; } void RunTests::handle_single_test_output(const string & output) { if (output != "") { cout << output; if (output[output.size()-1] != '\n') cout << endl; } } int RunTests::run_all_tests() { vector<unit_test> & tests = *environment.heap_tests; output::header("Running tests"); int32_t points_sum = get_sum_points(); int32_t max_testname_len = get_max_testname_length(); int32_t max_points_len = get_max_points_length(); if (points_sum != 0 && points_sum < 100) output::warning("Unit test scores sum to " + to_string(points_sum) + ", should be at least 100"); if (points_sum > 125) output::warning("Unit test scores sum to " + to_string(points_sum) + ", this will overflow the return value. Should be <= 125"); int32_t score = 0; for (size_t test_i = 0; test_i < tests.size(); test_i++) { unit_test & curr_test = tests[test_i]; output::testname(curr_test, max_testname_len, max_points_len); bool is_parent_process = execute_test(curr_test, true); // Check for the child process // This is unfortunately necessary (instead of an exit) to clean up // all the memory in use in main and the global space for valgrind if (!is_parent_process) return environment.cleanup_globals(); // Check for success if (curr_test.passed()) score += curr_test.points; output_single_test_passfail(curr_test); } cout << endl << endl; output_detailed_info_if_any_failed(score); output::total_score(score, get_sum_points()); return score; } int32_t RunTests::get_sum_points() { static int32_t cached_sum = INT_MIN; if (cached_sum == INT_MIN) { vector<unit_test> & tests = *environment.heap_tests; int32_t points_sum = 0; for (size_t test_i = 0; test_i < tests.size(); test_i++) points_sum += tests[test_i].points; cached_sum = points_sum; } return cached_sum; } int32_t RunTests::get_max_testname_length() { vector<unit_test> & tests = *environment.heap_tests; int32_t max_testname_len = 0; for (size_t test_i = 0; test_i < tests.size(); test_i++) { int32_t currlen = strlen(tests[test_i].name) + (int)tests[test_i].is_valgrind * 11; // strlen(" (valgrind)"); if (currlen > max_testname_len) max_testname_len = currlen; } return max_testname_len; } int32_t RunTests::get_max_points_length() { vector<unit_test> & tests = *environment.heap_tests; int32_t max_points_len = 0; for (size_t test_i = 0; test_i < tests.size(); test_i++) { if (tests[test_i].points >= 100) max_points_len = 3; else if (tests[test_i].points >= 10) max_points_len = 2; } return max_points_len; } void RunTests::output_detailed_info_if_any_failed(int32_t score) { vector<unit_test> & tests = *environment.heap_tests; bool any_failed = false; for (size_t test_i = 0; test_i < tests.size(); test_i++) if (!tests[test_i].passed()) any_failed = true; if (any_failed || opts::verbose) output_detailed_tests_info(score); } void RunTests::output_detailed_tests_info(int32_t score) { output::total_score(score, get_sum_points()); cout << endl << endl; output::header("Detailed test output"); vector<unit_test> & tests = *environment.heap_tests; for (size_t test_i = 0; test_i < tests.size(); test_i++) if (!tests[test_i].passed() || opts::verbose) output::detailed_info(tests[test_i]); cout << endl << string(64, '-') << endl; // TODO (toole1): poor style, should be refactored to monad_shared::output } void RunTests::output_single_test_passfail(const unit_test & curr_test) { if (curr_test.passed()) std::cout << output::passed_string() << endl; else std::cout << output::failed_string() << ": " << curr_test.errormsg << endl; } test_execution::test_execution(unit_test & _test, RunTimeEnvironment & env, bool enable_valgrind_call) : test(_test), environment(env) { do_valgrind = enable_valgrind_call && test.is_valgrind; if (!do_valgrind) test.checkstream = new pipestream; } void test_execution::child() { fmsg_pipe.close_read(); cout_pipe.close_read(); nums_pipe.close_read(); // Redirect stdout/stderr to pipe if (opts::redirect_test_output) { cout_pipe.steal_output(STDOUT_FILENO); cout_pipe.steal_output(STDERR_FILENO); } if (do_valgrind) { child_valgrind(); } else // if (!test.is_valgrind) { child_test(); } } void test_execution::parent() { fmsg_pipe.close_write(); cout_pipe.close_write(); nums_pipe.close_write(); if (test.checkstream != NULL) test.checkstream->close_write(); // Read stdout/stderr pipe while process is running if (opts::redirect_test_output) cout_pipe >> setmax(environment.max_output_length) >> test.output; else test.output = "Test output was displayed above instead of being buffered\n"; cout_pipe.close_read(); } void test_execution::after_success(int8_t return_code) { if (do_valgrind) after_valgrind_success(return_code); else after_test_success(); } void test_execution::after_failure(int8_t signal_number) { fmsg_pipe.close_read(); nums_pipe.close_read(); if (environment.is_timeout_signal(signal_number)) { test.errormsg = string("Timed out") + " (" + to_string(test.timeout) + "ms)"; test.time = test.timeout; } else test.errormsg = strsignal(signal_number); } bool RunTests::execute_test(unit_test & test, bool enable_valgrind_call) { cout << std::flush; test_execution executor(test, environment, enable_valgrind_call); return fork_execute(executor); } template <typename F> bool fork_execute(F & executor) { // Fork pid_t process_id; process_id = fork(); EXIT_IF_ERROR(process_id < 0, "Could not fork application"); if (process_id == 0) { executor.child(); // Unfortunately necessary to use a return stack instead of // exit() to get rid of valgrind errors // (which is important if we use valgrind ./proxy recursively) return false; // previously exit(0); } else // if (process_id > 0) { executor.parent(); int child_status; pid_t ws = waitpid(process_id, &child_status, 0); //should return immediately EXIT_IF_ERROR(ws == -1); if (WIFEXITED(child_status)) /* exit code in child_status */ executor.after_success(WEXITSTATUS(child_status)); else if (WIFSIGNALED(child_status)) /* killed */ executor.after_failure(WTERMSIG(child_status)); else executor.after_failure(SIGSTOP); return true; } } void test_execution::child_valgrind() { // We're giving up control to valgrind, so we can't // Use anything but the cout pipe now fmsg_pipe.close_write(); nums_pipe.close_write(); start_timeout(); exec("valgrind", "--dsymutil=yes", "--trace-children=yes", /*"--log-fd=-1",*/ "-q", "./proxy", test.name, NULL); } void test_execution::child_test() { test.checkstream->close_read(); // Execute test start_timeout(); string * error_msg = new unit_test::return_type(test.func(test)); // execute function long test_time = end_timeout(); // Write failure message to pipe fmsg_pipe << *error_msg; fmsg_pipe.close(); // write time and valgrind flags to pipe bool test_failed = (*error_msg != unit_test::pass_string); delete error_msg; delete test.checkstream; environment.cleanup_globals(); int32_t valgrind_flags = get_valgrind_flags(test_failed); nums_pipe << test_time; nums_pipe << valgrind_flags; nums_pipe.close(); } void test_execution::after_valgrind_success(int8_t return_code) { fmsg_pipe.close_read(); nums_pipe.close_read(); size_t last_endl = findNthLast(test.output, '\n', 2); if (last_endl == string::npos) { if (opts::redirect_test_output) test.errormsg = "Valgrind test did not complete"; else test.errormsg = "Valgrind test output was not redirected to pipe because opts::redirect_test_output was set."; } else { test.errormsg = test.output.substr(last_endl + 1, test.output.length() - last_endl - 2); if (test.errormsg == "") test.errormsg = "Exception Thrown / Aborted"; test.valgrind_flags = return_code; if (test.errormsg == environment.single_test_passed_string) test.errormsg = get_valgrind_string(test.valgrind_flags); // This will always be unit_test::pass_string unless someone tried to hack monad, in which case // basing our passing on the return code (valgrind flags) rather than string parsing is the // right thing to do } } void test_execution::after_test_success() { fmsg_pipe >> test.errormsg; fmsg_pipe.close(); nums_pipe >> test.time; nums_pipe >> test.valgrind_flags; nums_pipe.close(); // Check for output's correctness, if that was a condition of passing if (test.passed()) { while (!test.checkstream->eof()) { string checkname; string checkstr; *test.checkstream >> checkname; if (test.checkstream->eof()) break; *test.checkstream >> checkstr; if (test.checkstream->eof()) break; output_check check_function = (*environment.output_checks)[checkname]; if (check_function == NULL) { cerr << "Internal Error: in test " << test.name << ": " << checkname << " is not a registered OUTPUT_CHECK function" << endl; exit(-2); } if (!check_function(test.output, checkstr)) test.errormsg = "Incorrect Terminal Output"; } } if (test.passed()) test.errormsg = get_valgrind_string(test.valgrind_flags); delete test.checkstream; } int32_t get_valgrind_flags(bool test_failed) { // Check for valgrind errors or leaks (if running under valgrind) unsigned long errors = 0; unsigned long leaked = 0; unsigned long dubious = 0; unsigned long reachable = 0; unsigned long suppressed = 0; errors = VALGRIND_COUNT_ERRORS; VALGRIND_DO_LEAK_CHECK; //QUICK VALGRIND_COUNT_LEAK_BLOCKS(leaked, dubious, reachable, suppressed); return bitflags(test_failed, errors, leaked, dubious, reachable); } const char * get_valgrind_string(int32_t flags) { if (flags == 0) return unit_test::pass_string; bool test_failed = bitflag(flags, 0); bool errors = bitflag(flags, 1); bool leaked = bitflag(flags, 2); bool dubious = bitflag(flags, 3); bool reachable = bitflag(flags, 4); if (test_failed) return "Test failed (see output)"; if (errors) return "Invalid read/write errors"; if (leaked) return "Directly lost memory leaks"; if (dubious) return "Possibly lost memory leaks"; // For now we will ignore reachable errors, as they are always present on Mac if (reachable) return unit_test::pass_string; //"Still-reachable memory leaks"; return "Unknown memory errors"; } bool test_execution::prof_timeout_enabled() { struct itimerval temp; if (getitimer(ITIMER_PROF, &temp) == 0) return true; if (errno == EINVAL) return false; cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": ERROR: getitimer failed" << endl; exit(-1); } void test_execution::start_timeout() { static const bool prof_enabled = prof_timeout_enabled(); struct itimerval timeout; timeout.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; timeout.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; timeout.it_value.tv_sec = test.timeout/1000; timeout.it_value.tv_usec = (test.timeout%1000) * 1000; if (prof_enabled) { EXIT_IF_ERROR(setitimer(ITIMER_PROF, &timeout, NULL)); // second real time signal in case the student calls a blocking call timeout.it_value.tv_sec *= 10; EXIT_IF_ERROR(setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timeout, NULL)); } else { EXIT_IF_ERROR(setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timeout, NULL)); } } long test_execution::end_timeout() { static const bool prof_enabled = prof_timeout_enabled(); struct itimerval timeout; timeout.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; timeout.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; timeout.it_value.tv_sec = 0; timeout.it_value.tv_usec = 0; struct itimerval remaining; if (prof_enabled) { EXIT_IF_ERROR(setitimer(ITIMER_PROF, &timeout, &remaining)); EXIT_IF_ERROR(setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timeout, NULL)); } else { EXIT_IF_ERROR(setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &timeout, &remaining)); } // There seems to be a strange -1 error here. I may just be tired, // but I can't figure out why right now long time = test.timeout - remaining.it_value.tv_sec*1000 - remaining.it_value.tv_usec/1000; return (time < 0) ? 0 : time; } } // namespace proxy