#include "util.h" using namespace std; using namespace util; int main(int argc, const char * const * argv) { bool isCompileOnly = false; for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++) if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0) isCompileOnly = true; if (!isCompileOnly) // not really using cc-monad, just linking { if (argc < 3) { cerr << "cc-monad: usage error" << endl; exit(1); } vector<string> linkargs(argv + 2, argv + argc); exec(argv[1], linkargs); exit(0); } if (argc < 4) { cerr << "cc-monad: usage error" << endl; exit(1); } string compiler = argv[1]; vector<string> inputFiles; vector<string> options; string outputFile; bool isNextOutput = false; for (int32_t i = 2; i < argc; i++) { if (strlen(argv[i]) > 0) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { if (strlen(argv[i]) > 1 && argv[i][1] == 'o') isNextOutput = true; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") != 0) options.push_back(argv[i]); } else { if (isNextOutput) outputFile = argv[i]; else { inputFiles.push_back( argv[i] ); /* if (inputFile == "") inputFile = argv[i]; else { cerr << "cc-monad: error: cc-monad can only take one input file" << endl; exit(1); } */ } } } } if (outputFile != "" && inputFiles.size() != 1) { cerr << "cc-monad: error: cc-monad can only take one input file when given an explicit output file" << endl; exit(1); } for (size_t i = 0; i < inputFiles.size(); ++i ) { string inputFile = inputFiles[i]; if (outputFile == "") { size_t dot = inputFile.find_last_of("."); string extension = inputFile.substr(dot, inputFile.length()); string name = inputFile.substr(0, dot); if (extension == ".h" || extension == ".hpp") outputFile = name + extension + ".gch"; else outputFile = name + ".o"; } if (inputFile == "") { cerr << "cc-monad: usage error" << endl; continue; } #if 0 cout << "Compiler: " << compiler << endl; cout << "Input: " << inputFile << endl; cout << "Output: " << outputFile << endl; #endif if (!exists(inputFile)) { cerr << "cc-monad: error: file not found: " << inputFile << endl; continue; } vector<string> args1 = options; args1.push_back("-c"); args1.push_back(inputFile); args1.push_back("-o"); args1.push_back(outputFile); int8_t result1 = exec(compiler, args1); if (result1 != 0) { vector<size_t> splits; splits.push_back(0); // for compiling something always (should be empty) ifstream input(inputFile.c_str()); for (size_t line_i = 1; input.good(); line_i++) { string line; getline(input, line); vector<string> tokens = tokenize(line, " \t"); if (tokens.size() >= 2 && tokens[0] == "#if" && tokens[1] == "MONAD_SPLIT") splits.push_back(line_i); } vector<string> intermediate_outputs; // = options; //intermediate_outputs.push_back("-shared"); intermediate_outputs.push_back("-r"); for (size_t split_i = 0; split_i < splits.size(); split_i++) { vector<string> args = options; args.push_back("-c"); args.push_back(inputFile); args.push_back("-DMONAD_SPLIT_LINE_NUMBER=" + lexical_cast<string>(splits[split_i])); args.push_back("-o"); args.push_back(outputFile + "." + split_i); #if 0 cout << "\tmonacc: " << compiler; for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) cout << ' ' << args[i]; cout << endl; #endif int8_t result2 = exec(compiler, args); if (result2 == 0) intermediate_outputs.push_back(outputFile + "." + split_i); } intermediate_outputs.push_back("-o"); intermediate_outputs.push_back(outputFile); exec("ld", intermediate_outputs); //return exec("ld", intermediate_outputs); //return exec("mv", intermediate_outputs[2], outputFile); } // reset the output file if we are running multiple times: this // case only happens when there are multiple implied output files, // so resetting the output file name is both safe and correct outputFile = ""; } return 0; }