* Nominalizations

** Nombank dictionary statistics
   - The following data comes from NOMLEX-plus-clean-1.0.

| Nominalization Class | Count |
| NOM                  |  3934 |
| NOMLIKE              |  1244 |
| NOMING               |   359 |
| ABLE-NOM             |    18 |
| NOMADJ               |   503 |
| NOMADJLIKE           |   142 |
| PARTITIVE            |   509 |
| ATTRIBUTE            |   417 |
| RELATIONAL           |   331 |
| WORK-OF-ART          |   188 |
| ABILITY              |   112 |
| ENVIRONMENT          |    91 |
| GROUP                |    84 |
| HALLMARK             |    38 |
| JOB                  |    28 |
| VERSION              |    21 |
| TYPE                 |    17 |
| EVENT                |    12 |
| SHARE                |    12 |
| ISSUE                |    11 |
| CRISSCROSS           |     7 |
| FIELD                |     6 |
| Total                |  8084 |

   - Grouping these per type, we get

| Nominalization type | Count | Percent |
| Verbal              |  5555 |    68.7 |
| Adjectival          |   645 |     8.0 |
| Other               |  1884 |    23.3 |
| Total               |  8084 |         |

** Nombank training data statistics

   - Statistics for distribution of NOMLEX classes over the training data
| Type          | Number of occurrences |
| NOM           |                 50612 |
| NOMLIKE       |                 22583 |
| PARTITIVE     |                 11841 |
| ATTRIBUTE     |                 10456 |
| RELATIONAL    |                  7527 |
| ABILITY       |                  5904 |
| WORK_OF_ART   |                  3852 |
| GROUP         |                  3633 |
| NOMADJ        |                  3280 |
| NOMING        |                  3252 |
| SHARE         |                  3192 |
| ENVIRONMENT   |                  3108 |
| NOMADJLIKE    |                  2700 |
| JOB           |                  1502 |
| ISSUE         |                  1031 |
| VERSION       |                   725 |
| CRISSCROSS    |                   346 |
| FIELD         |                   330 |
| HALLMARK      |                   299 |
| EVENT         |                   172 |
| ABLE_NOM      |                    60 |
| UNKNOWN_CLASS |                     1 |

   - Statistics for distribution of NOMLEX classes for predicates that
     have at least one of the four Deverbal classes
| Type        | Number of occurrences |
| NOM         |                 50612 |
| NOMLIKE     |                 22583 |
| ATTRIBUTE   |                  4805 |
| PARTITIVE   |                  3998 |
| NOMING      |                  3252 |
| SHARE       |                  2646 |
| ABILITY     |                  2583 |
| WORK_OF_ART |                  2134 |
| RELATIONAL  |                  2090 |
| NOMADJLIKE  |                  1489 |
| ENVIRONMENT |                  1094 |
| GROUP       |                  1078 |
| JOB         |                   933 |
| NOMADJ      |                   650 |
| ISSUE       |                   592 |
| VERSION     |                   543 |
| TYPE        |                   328 |
| FIELD       |                   251 |
| CRISSCROSS  |                   212 |
| HALLMARK    |                   164 |
| ABLE_NOM    |                    60 |

* Version 3.0.2
  For timing the systems, the experiments were conducted on a machine
  that has 2x 6-Core Intel Xeon E5645 Processor with 12MB cache and
  clock speed of 2.40 GHz. ILP inference was done using Gurobi v4. The
  beam search does use the multi-core nature of the processor.
** Verb
*** Memory and time considerations
    - Memory: At least 5.5 GB main memory
    - Time for inference:
      - ILP inference on 2400 sentences took 197467 ms 
      - Beam search on 2400 sentences took 163934 ms

*** Performance: ILP inference
    - Number of Sentences    :        2416
    - Number of Propositions :        5267
    - Percentage of perfect props :  50.56

              corr.  excess  missed    prec.    rec.      F1
   Overall    10610    3312    3467    76.21   75.37   75.79
        A0     3086     530     477    85.34   86.61   85.97
        A1     3792     960    1135    79.80   76.96   78.36
        A2      686     316     424    68.46   61.80   64.96
        A3       94      53      79    63.95   54.34   58.75
        A4       74      30      28    71.15   72.55   71.84
        A5        3       4       2    42.86   60.00   50.00
        AM        0       4       0     0.00    0.00    0.00
    AM-ADV      264     260     242    50.38   52.17   51.26
    AM-CAU       33      42      40    44.00   45.21   44.59
    AM-DIR       36      39      49    48.00   42.35   45.00
    AM-DIS      246     106      74    69.89   76.88   73.21
    AM-EXT       14      12      18    53.85   43.75   48.28
    AM-LOC      192     178     171    51.89   52.89   52.39
    AM-MNR      192     181     152    51.47   55.81   53.56
    AM-MOD      524      49      27    91.45   95.10   93.24
    AM-NEG      207      29      23    87.71   90.00   88.84
    AM-PNC       44      70      71    38.60   38.26   38.43
    AM-PRD        1       6       4    14.29   20.00   16.67
    AM-REC        0       1       2     0.00    0.00    0.00
    AM-TMP      789     327     298    70.70   72.59   71.63
      R-A0      182      47      42    79.48   81.25   80.35
      R-A1      108      53      48    67.08   69.23   68.14
      R-A2        6       4      10    60.00   37.50   46.15
      R-A3        0       1       1     0.00    0.00    0.00
      R-A4        0       0       1     0.00    0.00    0.00
  R-AM-ADV        0       0       2     0.00    0.00    0.00
  R-AM-CAU        1       0       3   100.00   25.00   40.00
  R-AM-EXT        0       0       1     0.00    0.00    0.00
  R-AM-LOC        8       1      13    88.89   38.10   53.33
  R-AM-MNR        2       2       4    50.00   33.33   40.00
  R-AM-TMP       26       7      26    78.79   50.00   61.18
         V     5259       8       8    99.85   99.85   99.85

*** Performance: Beam search

    - Number of Sentences    :        2416
    - Number of Propositions :        5267
    - Percentage of perfect props :  50.39

              corr.  excess  missed    prec.    rec.      F1
   Overall    10420    3009    3657    77.59   74.02   75.77
        A0     3045     490     518    86.14   85.46   85.80
        A1     3702     903    1225    80.39   75.14   77.68
        A2      664     289     446    69.67   59.82   64.37
        A3       91      45      82    66.91   52.60   58.90
        A4       75      27      27    73.53   73.53   73.53
        A5        3       2       2    60.00   60.00   60.00
        AM        0       1       0     0.00    0.00    0.00
    AM-ADV      263     244     243    51.87   51.98   51.92
    AM-CAU       33      36      40    47.83   45.21   46.48
    AM-DIR       35      31      50    53.03   41.18   46.36
    AM-DIS      244      93      76    72.40   76.25   74.28
    AM-EXT       14      13      18    51.85   43.75   47.46
    AM-LOC      187     160     176    53.89   51.52   52.68
    AM-MNR      189     153     155    55.26   54.94   55.10
    AM-MOD      518      47      33    91.68   94.01   92.83
    AM-NEG      207      31      23    86.97   90.00   88.46
    AM-PNC       47      62      68    43.12   40.87   41.96
    AM-PRD        1       5       4    16.67   20.00   18.18
    AM-REC        0       1       2     0.00    0.00    0.00
    AM-TMP      777     286     310    73.10   71.48   72.28
      R-A0      178      27      46    86.83   79.46   82.98
      R-A1      105      42      51    71.43   67.31   69.31
      R-A2        5       6      11    45.45   31.25   37.04
      R-A3        0       1       1     0.00    0.00    0.00
      R-A4        0       0       1     0.00    0.00    0.00
  R-AM-ADV        0       0       2     0.00    0.00    0.00
  R-AM-CAU        2       0       2   100.00   50.00   66.67
  R-AM-EXT        0       0       1     0.00    0.00    0.00
  R-AM-LOC        8       2      13    80.00   38.10   51.61
  R-AM-MNR        1       3       5    25.00   16.67   20.00
  R-AM-TMP       26       9      26    74.29   50.00   59.77
         V     5258      10       9    99.81   99.83   99.82
** Nominalizations

*** Memory and time considerations
    - Memory: At least 4 GB main memory
    - Time for inference:
      - ILP inference on 2400 sentences took 78835 ms
      - Beam search on 2400 sentences took 81746 ms 
*** Performance: ILP inference
   - Number of Sentences    :        2416
   - Number of Propositions :        3793
   - Percentage of perfect props :  40.55

              corr.  excess  missed    prec.    rec.      F1
   Overall     4646    1632    2981    74.00   60.92   66.82
        A0     1188     304     589    79.62   66.85   72.68
        A1     1629     513     997    76.05   62.03   68.33
        A2      598     191     408    75.79   59.44   66.63
        A3      138      39      86    77.97   61.61   68.83
        A4        5       9      12    35.71   29.41   32.26
        A5        1       0       0   100.00  100.00  100.00
        A8        2       2       3    50.00   40.00   44.44
        A9        0       0       2     0.00    0.00    0.00
    AM-ADV        4       7      17    36.36   19.05   25.00
    AM-CAU        0       1       0     0.00    0.00    0.00
    AM-DIR        1       2       1    33.33   50.00   40.00
    AM-DIS        0       0       2     0.00    0.00    0.00
    AM-EXT       20      14      14    58.82   58.82   58.82
    AM-LOC      102      68      97    60.00   51.26   55.28
    AM-MNR      216      98     125    68.79   63.34   65.95
    AM-NEG       18       4      11    81.82   62.07   70.59
    AM-PNC        3       0       8   100.00   27.27   42.86
    AM-TMP      279      78     123    78.15   69.40   73.52
      R-A0        4       3      27    57.14   12.90   21.05
      R-A1        4       3      12    57.14   25.00   34.78
      R-A2        0       1       7     0.00    0.00    0.00
      R-A3        0       0       2     0.00    0.00    0.00
      R-A4        0       0       1     0.00    0.00    0.00
       SUP      434     295     437    59.53   49.83   54.25
         V     2513     195     148    92.80   94.44   93.61

*** Performance: Beam Search
    - Number of Sentences    :        2416
    - Number of Propositions :        3793
    - Percentage of perfect props :  39.52

              corr.  excess  missed    prec.    rec.      F1
   Overall     4566    1633    3061    73.66   59.87   66.05
        A0     1181     360     596    76.64   66.46   71.19
        A1     1585     499    1041    76.06   60.36   67.30
        A2      590     190     416    75.64   58.65   66.07
        A3      136      35      88    79.53   60.71   68.86
        A4        4      10      13    28.57   23.53   25.81
        A5        0       0       1     0.00    0.00    0.00
        A8        2       2       3    50.00   40.00   44.44
        A9        0       1       2     0.00    0.00    0.00
    AM-ADV        4       7      17    36.36   19.05   25.00
    AM-CAU        0       1       0     0.00    0.00    0.00
    AM-DIR        1       1       1    50.00   50.00   50.00
    AM-DIS        0       0       2     0.00    0.00    0.00
    AM-EXT       20      10      14    66.67   58.82   62.50
    AM-LOC      100      66      99    60.24   50.25   54.79
    AM-MNR      213      97     128    68.71   62.46   65.44
    AM-NEG       17       2      12    89.47   58.62   70.83
    AM-PNC        3       0       8   100.00   27.27   42.86
    AM-TMP      274      71     128    79.42   68.16   73.36
      R-A0        4       3      27    57.14   12.90   21.05
      R-A1        4       1      12    80.00   25.00   38.10
      R-A2        0       0       7     0.00    0.00    0.00
      R-A3        0       0       2     0.00    0.00    0.00
      R-A4        0       0       1     0.00    0.00    0.00
       SUP      428     277     443    60.71   49.14   54.31
         V     2523     205     138    92.49   94.81   93.64