From 95f971c6a4b6af8944392db66141a9d025d0f8b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yangge Li <>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2022 14:55:12 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] getting two car straight lane switch example working

--- | 36 +++++++++--------
 ourtool/agents/    | 10 +++--
 ourtool/automaton/     | 16 +++++---
 ourtool/map/    |  4 +-
 ourtool/scenario/   | 74 ++++++++++++----------------------
 ourtool/simulator/ |  4 +-
 user/             | 29 +++++++++++++
 7 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 user/

diff --git a/ b/
index e31321f1..c4ca8ca4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ from enum import Enum,auto
 from import LaneMap
-a = 1+2
 class VehicleMode(Enum):
     Normal = auto()
     SwitchLeft = auto()
@@ -13,6 +11,7 @@ class VehicleMode(Enum):
 class LaneMode(Enum):
     Lane0 = auto()
     Lane1 = auto()
+    Lane2 = auto()
 class State:
     x = 0.0
@@ -31,28 +30,24 @@ def controller(ego:State, other:State, lane_map):
         if other.x - ego.x > 3 and other.x - ego.x < 5 and ego.lane_mode == other.lane_mode:
             if lane_map.has_left(ego.lane_mode):
                 output.vehicle_mode = VehicleMode.SwitchLeft
-                # output.lane_mode = lane_map.left_lane(ego.lane_mode)
         if other.x - ego.x > 3 and other.x - ego.x < 5 and ego.lane_mode == other.lane_mode:
             if lane_map.has_right(ego.lane_mode):
                 output.vehicle_mode = VehicleMode.SwitchRight
-                # output.lane_mode = lane_map.right_lane(ego.lane_mode)
     if ego.vehicle_mode == VehicleMode.SwitchLeft:
-        if ego.y >= 2.5:
+        if ego.y >= lane_map.lane_geometry(ego.lane_mode)-0.5:
             output.vehicle_mode = VehicleMode.Normal
             output.lane_mode = lane_map.left_lane(ego.lane_mode)
-            output.y = ego.y-3
     if ego.vehicle_mode == VehicleMode.SwitchRight:
-        if ego.y <= -2.5:
+        if ego.y <= lane_map.lane_geometry(ego.lane_mode)+0.5:
             output.vehicle_mode = VehicleMode.Normal
             output.lane_mode = lane_map.right_lane(ego.lane_mode)
-            output.y = ego.y+3
     return output
 from ourtool.agents.car_agent import CarAgent
 from ourtool.scenario.scenario import Scenario
-from user.simple_sensor import SimpleSensor
-from user.simple_map import SimpleMap
+# from user.simple_sensor import SimpleSensor
+from user.simple_map import SimpleMap, SimpleMap2
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
 import numpy as np
@@ -64,26 +59,35 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     car = CarAgent('car2', file_name=input_code_name)
-    scenario.add_map(SimpleMap())
+    scenario.add_map(SimpleMap2())
     # scenario.set_sensor(SimpleSensor())
-        [[0,0,0,1.0], [10,0,0,0.5]],
+        [[10,0,0,0.5], [0,-3,0,1.0]],
-            (VehicleMode.Normal, LaneMode.Lane0),
-            (VehicleMode.Normal, LaneMode.Lane0)
+            (VehicleMode.Normal, LaneMode.Lane1),
+            (VehicleMode.Normal, LaneMode.Lane2)
     # simulator = Simulator()
     traces = scenario.simulate(40)
+    plt.plot([0,40],[3,3],'g')
+    plt.plot([0,40],[0,0],'g')
+    plt.plot([0,40],[-3,-3],'g')
     queue = [traces]
     while queue!=[]:
         node = queue.pop(0)
         traces = node.trace
-        agent_id = 'ego'
         # for agent_id in traces:
+        agent_id = 'car2'
         trace = np.array(traces[agent_id])
-        plt.plot(trace[:,0], trace[:,2], 'b')
+        plt.plot(trace[:,1], trace[:,2], 'r')
+        agent_id = 'car1'
+        trace = np.array(traces[agent_id])
+        plt.plot(trace[:,1], trace[:,2], 'b')
         # if node.child != []:
         queue += node.child
diff --git a/ourtool/agents/ b/ourtool/agents/
index e698ac6d..c967ca3e 100644
--- a/ourtool/agents/
+++ b/ourtool/agents/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 from ourtool.agents.base_agent import BaseAgent
 import numpy as np 
 from scipy.integrate import ode
+from import LaneMap
 class CarAgent(BaseAgent):
     def __init__(self, id, code = None, file_name = None):
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ class CarAgent(BaseAgent):
         v_dot = a 
         return [x_dot, y_dot, theta_dot, v_dot]
-    def TC_simulate(self, mode, initialCondition, time_bound, map=None):
+    def TC_simulate(self, mode, initialCondition, time_bound, lane_map:LaneMap=None):
         mode = mode.split(',')
         vehicle_mode = mode[0]
         vehicle_lane = mode[1]
@@ -27,10 +28,11 @@ class CarAgent(BaseAgent):
         init = initialCondition
         trace = [[0]+init]
+        lane_parameter = lane_map.lane_geometry(vehicle_lane)
         if vehicle_mode == "Normal":
             for i in range(len(t)):
                 x,y,theta,v = init
-                d = -y
+                d = -y+lane_parameter
                 psi = -theta
                 steering = psi + np.arctan2(0.45*d, v)
                 steering = np.clip(steering, -0.61, 0.61)
@@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ class CarAgent(BaseAgent):
         elif vehicle_mode == "SwitchLeft":
             for i in range(len(t)):
                 x,y,theta,v = init
-                d = -y+1
+                d = -y+3+lane_parameter
                 psi = -theta
                 steering = psi + np.arctan2(0.45*d, v)
                 steering = np.clip(steering, -0.61, 0.61)
@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ class CarAgent(BaseAgent):
         elif vehicle_mode == "SwitchRight":
             for i in range(len(t)):
                 x,y,theta,v = init
-                d = -y-1
+                d = -y-3+lane_parameter
                 psi = -theta
                 steering = psi + np.arctan2(0.45*d, v)
                 steering = np.clip(steering, -0.61, 0.61)
diff --git a/ourtool/automaton/ b/ourtool/automaton/
index 002b6b4a..a0957c9e 100644
--- a/ourtool/automaton/
+++ b/ourtool/automaton/
@@ -226,11 +226,17 @@ class GuardExpression:
             expr =
             # Check if the root is a function
             if 'map' in expr:
-                tmp = re.split('\(|\)',expr)
-                while "" in tmp:
-                    tmp.remove("")
-                for arg in tmp[1:]:
-                    expr = expr.replace(arg,f'"{disc_var_dict[arg]}"')
+                # tmp = re.split('\(|\)',expr)
+                # while "" in tmp:
+                #     tmp.remove("")
+                # for arg in tmp[1:]:
+                #     if arg in disc_var_dict:
+                #         expr = expr.replace(arg,f'"{disc_var_dict[arg]}"')
+                # res = eval(expr)
+                for arg in disc_var_dict:
+                    expr = expr.replace(arg, f'"{disc_var_dict[arg]}"')
+                for arg in cnts_var_dict:
+                    expr = expr.replace(arg, str(cnts_var_dict[arg]))    
                 res = eval(expr)
                 return res
             # Elif check if the root contain any discrete data
diff --git a/ourtool/map/ b/ourtool/map/
index 94126f59..33143c69 100644
--- a/ourtool/map/
+++ b/ourtool/map/
@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ class LaneSegment:
         if lane_parameter is not None:
             self.lane_parameter = lane_parameter
-    def get_geometry():
-        pass
\ No newline at end of file
+    def get_geometry(self):
+        return self.lane_parameter
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ourtool/scenario/ b/ourtool/scenario/
index e5f4ceeb..c2e232f0 100644
--- a/ourtool/scenario/
+++ b/ourtool/scenario/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 from typing import Dict, List
 import copy
+import itertools
 from ourtool.agents.base_agent import BaseAgent
 from ourtool.automaton.guard import GuardExpression
@@ -80,10 +81,10 @@ class Scenario:
-        return self.simulator.simulate(init_list, init_mode_list, agent_list, self, time_horizon)
+        return self.simulator.simulate(init_list, init_mode_list, agent_list, self, time_horizon,
     def get_all_transition(self, state_dict):
-        guard_hit = False
+        lane_map =
         satisfied_guard = []
         for agent_id in state_dict:
             agent:BaseAgent = self.agent_dict[agent_id]
@@ -113,6 +114,7 @@ class Scenario:
                     # If the guard can be satisfied, handle resets
                     next_init = agent_state
                     dest = agent_mode.split(',')
+                    possible_dest = [[elem] for elem in dest]
                     for reset in reset_list:
                         # Specify the destination mode
                         if "mode" in reset:
@@ -120,54 +122,30 @@ class Scenario:
                                 if discrete_variable_ego in reset:
                             tmp = reset.split('=')
-                            tmp = tmp[1].split('.')
-                            if tmp[0].strip(' ') in agent.controller.modes:
-                                dest[i] = tmp[1]
+                            if 'map' in tmp[1]:
+                                tmp = tmp[1]
+                                for var in discrete_variable_dict:
+                                    tmp = tmp.replace(var, f"'{discrete_variable_dict[var]}'")
+                                possible_dest[i] = eval(tmp)
+                            else:
+                                tmp = tmp[1].split('.')
+                                if tmp[0].strip(' ') in agent.controller.modes:
+                                    possible_dest[i] = [tmp[1]]                            
-                            for i, cts_variable in enumerate(agent.controller.variables):
-                                if cts_variable in reset:
+                            for i, cts_variable in enumerate(agent.controller.vars_dict['ego']['cont']):
+                                if "output."+cts_variable in reset:
                             tmp = reset.split('=')
-                            next_init[i] = float(tmp[1])
-                    dest = ','.join(dest)
-                    next_transition = (
-                        agent_id, agent_mode, dest, next_init, 
-                    )
-                    satisfied_guard.append(next_transition)
+                            tmp = tmp[1]
+                            for cts_variable in continuous_variable_dict:
+                                tmp = tmp.replace(cts_variable, str(continuous_variable_dict[cts_variable]))
+                            next_init[i] = eval(tmp)
+                    all_dest = itertools.product(*possible_dest)
+                    for dest in all_dest:
+                        dest = ','.join(dest)
+                        next_transition = (
+                            agent_id, agent_mode, dest, next_init, 
+                        )
+                        satisfied_guard.append(next_transition)
-                # guard_can_satisfy = guard_expression.execute_guard(discrete_variable_dict)
-                # if guard_can_satisfy:
-                #     python_guard_string = guard_expression.generate_guard_string_python()
-                #     # Substitute value into dryvr guard string
-                #     for i, variable in enumerate(agent.controller.variables):
-                #         python_guard_string = python_guard_string.replace(variable, str(agent_state[i]))
-                #     # Evaluate the guard strings 
-                #     res = eval(python_guard_string)
-                #     # if result is true, check reset and construct next mode             
-                #     if res:
-                #         next_init = agent_state
-                #         dest = agent_mode.split(',')
-                #         for reset in reset_list:
-                #             # Specify the destination mode
-                #             if "mode" in reset:
-                #                 for i, discrete_variable in enumerate(agent.controller.discrete_variables):
-                #                     if discrete_variable in reset:
-                #                         break
-                #                 tmp = reset.split('=')
-                #                 tmp = tmp[1].split('.')
-                #                 if tmp[0].strip(' ') in agent.controller.modes:
-                #                     dest[i] = tmp[1]
-                #             else: 
-                #                 for i, cts_variable in enumerate(agent.controller.variables):
-                #                     if cts_variable in reset:
-                #                         break 
-                #                 tmp = reset.split('=')
-                #                 next_init[i] = float(tmp[1])
-                #         dest = ','.join(dest)
-                #         next_transition = (
-                #             agent_id, agent_mode, dest, next_init, 
-                #         )
-                #         satisfied_guard.append(next_transition)
         return satisfied_guard
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ourtool/simulator/ b/ourtool/simulator/
index 0282a49e..ea80c9af 100644
--- a/ourtool/simulator/
+++ b/ourtool/simulator/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class Simulator:
     def __init__(self):
         self.simulation_tree_root = None
-    def simulate(self, init_list, init_mode_list, agent_list:List[BaseAgent], transition_graph, time_horizon):
+    def simulate(self, init_list, init_mode_list, agent_list:List[BaseAgent], transition_graph, time_horizon, lane_map):
         # Setup the root of the simulation tree
         root = SimulationTreeNode()
         for i, agent in enumerate(agent_list):
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class Simulator:
                     # Simulate the trace starting from initial condition
                     mode = node.mode[agent_id]
                     init = node.init[agent_id]
-                    trace = node.agent[agent_id].TC_simulate(mode, init, remain_time)
+                    trace = node.agent[agent_id].TC_simulate(mode, init, remain_time,lane_map)
                     trace[:,0] += node.start_time
                     node.trace[agent_id] = trace.tolist()
diff --git a/user/ b/user/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c777ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/user/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+from import LaneMap
+from import LaneSegment
+class SimpleMap(LaneMap):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super().__init__()
+        segment1 = LaneSegment('Lane0', 0)
+        segment2 = LaneSegment('Lane1', 3)
+        self.add_lanes([segment1,segment2])
+        self.left_lane_dict[].append(
+        self.right_lane_dict[].append(
+class SimpleMap2(LaneMap):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super().__init__()
+        segment1 = LaneSegment('Lane0', 3)
+        segment2 = LaneSegment('Lane1', 0)
+        segment3 = LaneSegment('Lane2', -3)
+        self.add_lanes([segment1,segment2,segment3])
+        self.left_lane_dict[].append(
+        self.left_lane_dict[].append(
+        self.right_lane_dict[].append(
+        self.right_lane_dict[].append(
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_map = SimpleMap()
+    print(test_map.left_lane_dict)
+    print(test_map.right_lane_dict)
+    print(test_map.lane_segment_dict)