The package requires python 3.8+. All the required packages can be installed through
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
The package comes with two controller examples
- The first example consists a scenario with a single vehicle, which can perform lane switch based on its location. The first example can be run by using command
python3 example_car_lane_switch.py
- The second example consists a scenario with two vehicles, which can perform lane switch based on their relative position. The second example can be run using command
python3 example_two_car_lane_switch.py
Package Structure
The source code of the package is contained in the src folder, which contains the following sub-directories.
scene_verifier, which contains building blocks for creating and analyzing scenarios.
- scene_verifier/scenario contains code for the scenario base class. A scenario is constructed by several agents with continuous dynamics and controller, a map and a sensor defining how different agents interact with each other.
- scene_verifier/agents contains code for the agent base class in the scenario.
- scene_verifier/map contains code for the lane map base class and corresponding utilities in the scenario.
- scene_verifier/code_parser contains code for converting the controller code to ASTs.
- scene_verifier/automaton contains code implementing components in hybrid-automaton
- scene_verifier/analysis contains the Simulator and Verifier and related utilities for doing analysis of the scenario
- scene_verifier/dryvr dryvr for computing reachable sets
example contains example map, sensor and agents that we provided
plotter contains code for visualizing the computed results